• S- fc'^ * ViV*'* *•»<■•■ '■ ****»• - ^ • ,%\.: V., . - j r r , ■ ■ .NB > ■ > *. • t 1 . ' - r"-' t i : : y WEDNESDAY, MAY A, 1M4 Aytoaft Dally Nat Pn m : » • Tt-r k : . ' z . - - i ' '. ,'h Bar tho Wssk BadM #anir^»ster JEvi^ttftts Herald May 8, liii 1 3 ,9 6 1 S t John’a PoUah National Tho Nayaug Tacht Club will Tfie Guild of Our Lady of St. amendipeot to the Ujtawi will Lana Naw York Stock OathoUe Church win have Mdy hold ita monthly mooting Sat­ Bartholamew will conduct "V PTA at Buckley he taken. M ra ttoymosMl Brown, r «( the Anmt tyateteff a a i' About Town devotJona tonlj^V a t 7. There urday at tho Marine CMpa. brief open buslnesa mtoting at publioatlcns chairman, will ar­ coast oparatlOTi, now of ObeolatiMi a ehteBss-sfB'toirl 7:80 Tuesday la ths adtool M- range an sxhiUt of eonrsntion wUl be a m eet^ of the Sodal­ peague Hall, Ola»tonbuiy. A. To End Season davelo^iW officte to variw8 M gfyftgfiim -i iiii City o f Viliago Charm -Ar. «M Un. Mtm LuniMe ity of the Bleahed Sacrament ' potlnok at 6 pjn. and dlacueaion brary. A Holy Hour, conducted matsriala. Bsfrsshmsnta wtil bs opportunity for « ]• n tW n S t lu m returned after the aervlee. o t the aummer cruise schedule by the Rev. Philto. J. Huseey, ssrvad. will highlight the evening’s ac­ will follow at 8. Guild afftcers BuoUegr PTA wlU hold Its tivea to devalop toward managHial capaat^ Ih SM tram Mm k , Arte., where final .mMting of ths year Mon­ Ajdvsrtlasmsnt—■ VOL.U I, N a IM (TWBNTY-Bicni PA6BB-TW0 IBCTIONS) gMjr apent the winter. tivities. for the coming vear will be in­ Extremely liberal commission ich ed D la d la aecc«»- • The Independent Oarage stalled. Refreshmeiits will be day at the dtiiool at 7:80 pm. Ownera of Manchester met last George Bradlau, principal of If you go away for ths sum­ panied by very attractive incentive plim. Aaoenaloii Dny mrvUm wlU Pvt. E2 Brian Wagner, eon of served by the Program Owunlt- nh^t at Miller’s Restaurant Mr. and Mra Ronald H. Wag­ tee. Bennet Junior High, and Hyatt mer rent a Saf6 Depoatt Box at Excellent research facilities for retail and to a tltB - ha held tomorrow Evening: at Jtiui Lamenso of the. Town Sutliffe, principal of Illtng Jun­ the Connecticut Bank and Trust Zlen BwuifeMcid iMtheran ner of 11 Chester Dr., has com­ tional accounts. ^ Planning Commission was guest pleted 12 weeks Of basic train­ ior High, will speak on orienta­ Oo. fo r your vahiaible piMiers and Obmvh at 7:w pA. speaker. A1 Blrrell of the Tmv- The Army-Navy Auxiliary tion for Jhv junior high. Sixth hrsplaceahls treasures. What Participation in stock and bond underwritmgi. UKUUd ing at Ft. Jackson, S.C. Hs is will meet at 8 tonight at the elers Insurance 0>. also spoke home <m a two-week leave. grade students and their par­ peace of mind you enjoy for Inquiries will be kept confidential. Jodoin and Miss Rackowski / and idiapved sUdes o f the clubhouse. Plana for an outing ents are particularly invited. pennies a day. H iree Manches^ World’s Fair. A buffet supper Misa Suzanne L Taylor, will be dlscusaed. Refreshments Bleotion and Installation of ter offices to serve you at 898 BOX NO. 270— HARTFORD, CONN/ In Crash was served. will be served after the meet­ officers for the coming year will Main. 15 North Main and the President Seeks daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. A l­ p l a n t lan S. Taylor of 56 Henry St, ing. take ^ace and a vote 'on an Parkade. Of Plane AdvertlasDient— was recently chosen a memtyr Win High Honors at MHS of Question Club, a senior hon­ Hie Hartford inectric Light orary society at Pembroke Col­ CONCORD, CaUf. (AP) Company invites clubs to enter lege, Providence, R.I. She ia in —^Forty-four persons were the state-wide Do-Ahead-Des- her Junior year and is a psy­ Ronald E. Jodoin, son of , ,r . HARTS chology major. killed ^ a y In the crash of War serts-wlth-Milk Recipe Contest. ^4 ^ Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Jo­ on Poverty Chiba with 20 or more members a Pacific Airlines plane in > ^ E E D s James A. Bell, 219 Autumn doin of 40 Green Rd., this V 7i may submit an original recipe morning was named vale­ foothill country ■' 40 miles dish using at least one and one- St, is clauM chairman in the an­ east of San Francisco. ATHENS, Ohio (AP) «bring about a day 'when nationeiii with tim otimr goals " Wiai half cups of fresh milk. The nual giving program organized dictorian of the Manchee- President Johnson said to­ shall not lift up eword against Johnson set for Americans. • OPEN THURSDAY A Pacific Airlines spokesman- nation, neither shall they learn dish must be one vdiloh can be to ralee 175,000 this s p i^ for '^ r High School > Glass of said tl)s plane carried 40 pas­ day “our challenge— not to­ Not In a day, not In a year nfrlgerated or froaan. Official Boitley College of Accounting war any more.’ ’’ Will these goals be readiad, NIGHTS till 9 »P.M. 1964, which is by. a decisive sengers, a crew of three, and a morrow but today— is to ac­ The visit to Athens was an in­ contest rules and entry forms and Finance, Boston. He is a Federal Aviation Agency obser­ Johnson said, "but if we begla are available from participating 1956 graduate. margin the largest gradu­ ver. complish objectives which terlude In a trip through Ap­ the effort—If we approach the palachia, Johnson’s seednd such dealers or fttm our local office ating class in the schoirf’l was FUght 788. It originated in have eluded mankind since task with great enthusiasins and A NEW ENGLAND of The Hartford Electric Light ’The FVench Club o f East , •PARKING AT history. tour in 18 days, aimed princip­ not with cynlclams — teeee was Flight 783. I torlginated in the beginning of time.” ally at drumming up backing Company. Deadline: May 25, Hartford will hold its monthly Reno. achievements wiU be the l^ory FAVORITE SINCE 1892 ineetitag tomorrow at the VFW .REAR OF STOkE 'Miss Patricia A^ Rackow- In a speech prepared for deli­ for his war on poverty program. ef your generation." 1094. Hall, t BldweU St., East Hart­ ski, daughter of Mr. 'and SherifTs Sgt. Louis Skuse re­ very at Ohio University, John­ Off from the White House He said there 1s in fnto ef ford. Mrs. Leonard R. Rackowski ported from the crash scene on son said the nation must: lawn by helicopter at 8:14 a.m., young people today tee promlee a ranch 10 miles east of Con­ "Bring equal justice to all our the President flew first to Cum­ of a greater tomorrow. ' teJUST SAY of 764 Center St., was cord that there were no sur­ citizens, berland, Md., for a speech he vivors. "It’s a tomorrow that to named as this year’s saluta- "Abolish human poverty, depicted the antipoverty pro­ brighter than yesterday and “CHARGE IT PLEASE” torian. ' Gtorge M. Galvin, assistant "Eradicate killing and crip­ gram as a campaign of the con­ more challenging than today,*' Honors among ttie T57 m d - to the airlines president, said pling diseases, and lengthen the tinuing American Revolution. he said. tors wsrs > onnounced by Vies Capt. Ernest Clark was Uie pi* life span of man to 100 or 120 From here Johnson flies on to "This te not a time for tenld PrinclpsJ Gsmgs BmmsrUng, lot. 'The first officer was R. years. visit stx states, meeting the un­ spirits and trembling spirits. ^SAVE MONEYS Andress and the. stewardess senior class advisor, at an an­ "Hntminate Illiteracy, employed, visiting farmers and "It is a time for reaching out Hhvt yo«r favorite spring shoos rsboilt or Marge. Schafer. "End open bias and active promoting the antipoverty drive. —to extend the boundaries ef nual aasamUy this morning in He said the passenger Mst was bigotry. repaired n ow Iqr a professional shoe repair Bailey Auditorium. The Ohio University address the brain and widen the dbnea- not available. ‘And, above all else, help to carried on that effort, tying it slons of knowledge. iwnn la Manchester since 19111 Jodoin, who next fall wttl at­ ’The report of 40 dead came tend Wocoeeter Polsrtechnlc In- “ We have It within our power fa r w a y from Sgt. Louis Skuse, at the' to find the beet of erttHlans to a We V— make yonr shoes hmger or wider a I sUteite, In W orcester, Maas., scene on a ranch In the foot­ the wont of probleme. We Doin’t forget, we use only PRIME LEATHER and Mias RsckcwsM, who had hills 10 miles east of Concord, j tend to do just that. in this shop! We’re anthorized dealer for Neo- been aooeptod at Albertus Mag­ Names of the crew and pas­ "Let your young heaite armed sengers aboard the twin-engine' lite Prodnets, made by Goodyear; also Cats FIRST nus Collage In New Haven, with new weepons join an oM have earned top laurels In a turboprop Fairchild F27 were battle against ancient enemlee— Paw Prodnets which have NO WOOD in their s ^MSWeiMO* dasa which is by nearly 100 the not available. I the enemies of poverty —* heels and leavM NO FLOOR MARKINGS— FOR largaat «ver to be graduated The plane normally carried a disease.
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