The Clinton Independent. VOL. XXXVII.-NO. 43 ST. JOHNS, MICH. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1903. WHOLE NO—1905 CORUNNA COMMANDERY STILU HOPEFUL PROGRESSING FINELY COUNTY PIONEERS. JERRY DOOLING IT WAS A SUCCESS. Matte » Pilgrimage to St. John. LMt Frl- That the I.aiming. St. John* and St. Lout* The Work Preparatory to the Paving A Good Program Ha* Been Prepared aud A Well Known Pioneer of St. John* Has The Klocntlonery and Musical Entertain ­ nay anti Were the (iueata of Local Prat­ Cara will l>e Equipped With the Clinton Avenue and East Walker a Good Time D In Store for all. Panned Away. ment by Mia* May tne Andrews. ers Who Gave Them a Good Time. Direct Current Syetem. Street With Hrlck. The following program has been pre­ Jeremiah Dooling, one of the best Tiie public recital and musical en This is what a Corunna correspond ­ The Lansing Journal of August 8th The work of excavating and grad­ pared tor the annual pioneer picnic to and most favorably known citizens, tertainment given by Miss Mavme ent, writing under date of August 8th, says: “Another conference has taken ing Clinton Ave. and Walker street be held at Merle Beach Saturday, died at his home in St. Johns, at six Andrews, at North Olive church, last says about their visit: place between representatives of the east to Spring street is, owing to cool August 22, 1903: o’clock this morning. August 13, 1903, Friday evening, was liberally attend ­ “One of ttie most enjoyable pilgrim­ Arnold Electric Power Company of and favoradle weather, progressing PROGRAM. of apoplexy, having been in poor health ed by ah appreciative audeoce. Their ages Corunna Commandery No. 21 Chicago and the officials of the Lan ­ rapidly. At the present rate it will Meeting will be called to order at 10:30 a.m. for the last two years. „ appreciation was evidenced by tbe Music by Loveland'* string baud, or Bath Knights Templar, has ever taken was sing, St. Johns and St. Louis Railroad not be long before the work of putting Hong—"America," by everybody. He was boro in the county of Tipper­ hearty applause each number received. that of yesterday when forty-three Company in regard to the equipment in tie concrete foundation will be Prayer by Rev. B. 8. Fofd. of DeWltt. ary, Ireland, August 29. 1828, and The people seem willing, yes anxious, paid a fraternal visit to St. Johns of the railroad with the direct current commenced and completed. Introductory remark* by President Jay came to America with his parents to patronize entertaiments possessing Sessions, of Lebanon. system of electricity. Mr. McKay, the contractor superin ­ when he was but four months old, and real merit. Commandery No. 24. The party went Response by ex-President J. O. Brunson, of up on the afternoon train, remaining The meeting was held last evening tending the work, feels very much lived in the state of New York until Victor; Dorr K. Stowell, of St. John; L. K. Improving His Store. there untill midnight, enjoying im­ at tile Hotel Downey, but it was said pleased with the bottom, which is so Oonrad, ot Wacousta; ex-Secretary J. T. Dan ­ he bad arrived at the age of five years mensely their visit to the fraters and this morning that no detiDite conclu ­ favorable for a good solid Job of paving. nie!*. of Union Home. when his parents moved to Michigan J. H. Corbit, the pioneer hardware the stay in St. Johns. sion was reached. Next Tuesday, it With the iron hitching rails put in Song by W. A. Abel, of Bath. and settled In Detroit and soon there­ merchant on Walker street, west, is Music by tbe band. raising the roof on the east side of his At the station in St. Johns the vis­ was said, is the time set for a final line and at uniform height, the ap­ HKCK8K UNTIL 1:9C P. M. after moved to a farm in Oakland itors were met by Eminent Comman ­ confab, and it is expected that then pearance of the street will be very Music by the band. county, where he continued to live un­ east building, making it stronger and der Swain and party of Sis Knights the contract for equipping the line much improved, but the old unpainted, Song—"Old Folks at Home.” til 21 years of age. giving more room to the interior. He will be awarded. They will meet here weatherbeaten, crooed as a ramshorn Prayer by Rev. B. S. Ford. On July 5, 1852, he was married and carries a large and varied seock of lat­ escorted by a band of music The Recitation by Maud Reed, of Victor. band and commanderies marched again. telephone and electric light poles will came to St. Johns in January, 1857, on est articles in shelf and heavy liard- Short talks from old ploneers--George W. ware, and the most deslreable styles through the principal streets of the The conference developed the falsity detract very much from it when the Thomas, of Graud Ledge; M. L. Corbin, of the first mail train entering the vil­ Watertown. in cook and heating stoves. town to the court house square. Here of the statement that a contract had work is fully completed. lage. He was employed by the D. & Song by W. A. Abel. for an hour and a half the drill corps already been awarded, as the company The lower end of Spring street and M. Ry. Company until April, 1872, Licensed to Wed. Railroad street between Clinton ave­ Heury J. Patterson, of St. Johns, will tell of Corunna Commandery in charge of is still figuring witti the Arnolds. a thrilling bear story In his usually Interest ­ when he became watchman In this Date Name. Age Past Eminent Commander George B. At the meeting iast night were B. nue and Oakland street are being very ing style. village, which occupation he followed Aug. 6- Edward Floagle. Greenbush ............. 34 McCaughan as captian-general, gave J. and W. L. Arnold of Chicago and much improved by tilling them in with Kecitatlon by Mrs. William H. H. Knapp, of until the early part of 1900, when his HadieS. Lyon. Essex....... .................... 24 M. W. Mills and J. R. Elliot of Pqrt the eartli removd rrom the two busi ­ Klly. failing health made it necessary for Aug. 7— Willis Wilson Koous, Barbton, O. 29 an exhibition drill, enjoyed by the Song by Maud Williams, of DeWltt. Surah 8. Roburt. Greenbush .............. 24 St Johns Sir Knights and a large Huron, each side having an attorney ness thoroughfares. him to abandon the work. Aug. 7 —Frank E. Miller, Pittston, Pa........... 23 Ten minutes talk from County School Com­ Lizzie M. Casteel, St. Johns ............. 18 crowd of people. The frequent bursts present also. missioner Theo. H. Townsend, on the import­ He enlisted in the war of the rebel­ of applause indicated that the drill B. J. Arnold this morning expressed A MINIATURE COMET ance of Pioneer Day being observed in our lion and was made a member of Co. Music for the Excursion. himself as gratified with the manner public schools. “B,” 8th Mich. Vols., Feb. 19, 1864, ■corps did commendable work. Recitation by Jay Sessions. The members of the St. Johns cor­ Melted Over St. John* end Exploded In At 5 o'clock the Mr Knight repair­ in which his electro-pneumatic motors Song by Mrs. T. M. Sanford, of DeWltt. and was honorably discharged July 30, net band have voted to accompany the that are being built in New York are Lake Erie. 1865. He is survived by a widow and Union Sunday School Excursion to ed to the Hotel Steel where supper Addrest by W. A. Norton of St. Johns. Detroit, August 26. This will add was served. At 7:30 o’clock, after the progressing. On Saturday eveuiug last while Dr. Recitation by Mrs. F. A. Travisof St.Johns. the following children : Rev. A. R. another enjoyable feature to the day Music by the band. Dooling of Detroit, John C. Dooling, visitors had strolled around town, ob­ OPENING OF THE SEASON Wiu. Havens and daughter were driv ­ and occasiou. serving the many beauties of St. Johns, ing in the south part of this township, Hong—“God be with us 'till we meet again.” Edward L. Dooling, Dr. Joseph V. Everybody invited. Old and young Dooling, Mrs. Lucy M. Flanagan and Michigan State Fair, Pontiac, September both feminine and natural, they At the 4lll*on Opera Houae, August 17. they discovered a strangeobject in the come and have a good time. We want 7 th to 11th. 1003. gathered in the asylum of the St. heavens, passing parallel with the Anna C. Dooling of St. Johns. The Grand Trunk Railway system A rousing good play, full of the snap you to join the society and assist in The arrangements for the funeral Johns Commandery. Corunna Com­ and dash of border life, is always sure earth, low in the heavens, from west to keeping in loving remembrance the will sell Excursion Tickets at single mandery conferred the Order of the had not been fully completed at the Fare for the round trip, plus 50c, for of a warm welcome from the patrons east, it looked to them like an oblong honored pioneers of Clinton county. Temple on Red Cross Companions E. fiery substance, and appeared to have a libur of gol ng to press. Interment will admission to the Fair Grounds on of the Aljlson opera house. Monday, Jay Sessions , President, Sept. 7th to 11,exclusive.
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