Inside this week General Store est. in 1909 and Percé wireless network McInnis Cement: Caisse still sells just about everything overloaded during tourist boom de dépôt takes control Contract 400119680 VOLUME 42 / NO 32 / AUGUST 17, 2016 $1.50 (Tax included) SHIGAWAKE AGRICULTURAL FAIR AND MUSIC FESTIVAL: Marked once again by a great turnout Gilles Gagné lot of local bands on Thurs- day. Actually, it is their day SHIGAWAKE: – Statistics and we saw keen interest in still have to be aligned, mak- them this year. It is also nice ing it a bit early for a thor- to see people from here, or ough wrap up but the with roots here, make their organizers of the Shigawake holiday plans around the Agricultural Fair and Music event,” says Meghan Clinton. Festival know for sure that For Friday, she was glad the 2016 edition of their about the decision she and the event was another great suc- programming crew made cess. about starting the music night The four days of the agri- with Romeo “Tunny” Hottot cultural fair and music festi- and Glenn Patterson, two fid- val were characterized by dlers. strong points, and SPEC “It went very well. It was Photo: P. MacWhirter The lawn tractor race has become a very popular event. it was close to the record of Festival. This year’s Saturday bers now that we sell week- last year,” she says. crowd might have been even end passes,” she says. The 2015 combination of larger, considering the num- The lawnmower race has the Barr Brothers and Gaspe- ber of people on the entire also become a huge attrac- sian singer Marie-Pierre fairgrounds site. tion. Should music festival Arthur drew the largest crowd “It is a bit hard to keep in the history of the Music track of exact turnout num- Cont'd on page 7 Photo: P. MacWhirter Nikki Hottot parading the Shigawake flag. asked Meghan Clinton, the a great introduction to the event’s spokesperson, to find weekend. We had great a few words for each of those weather that day, of course, days. and that always helps,” points “For Thursday, we had a out Ms. Clinton. surprisingly great turnout, the She is still amazed by Sat- best so far since we have urday’s turnout. “I didn’t get been organizing the music the numbers. It was massive festival. It set the mood for for us. It was super. Was it Photo: G. Gagné the rest of the event. We had a our best turnout ever? If not, George Hayes from Shigawake performing at the Trough. News Community gardens for all briefs Thierry Haroun GASPÉ: - Do you feel like gar- dening? Growing fruit and veg- etables by yourself or with The Cultural Symposium is back friends and family? If you live Thierry Haroun in the Côte-de-Gaspé MRC, GASPÉ: - The 5th edition of the Côte-de-Gaspé Cultural Sym- you can join a community gar- posium will take place on October 27 at the Élias Dufresne den. Community Center in Fox River. “It’s an invitation to those who The program is called Cul- care about culture at large, such as cultural workers, artists, vol- tiver pour bien manger. It’s or- unteers and so forth,” mentions the spokesperson of the Sym- ganized by La Maison aux posium, Olivier Deruelle. “On average, these events have Lilas de l'Anse, based in attracted approximately 45 people and that's what we expect to l’Anse-aux-Griffons. The fi- get. If we’re organizing a fifth event, it’s because there’s need for nancial partners of this initia- it. We realize that people want to share, exchange and create tive are The Côte-de-Gaspé Photo: La Maison aux Lilas de l'Anse new links.” The details and other themes of the Cultural Sym- MRC, Santé Jeunesse Côte-de- Community garden in the Côte-de-Gaspé. posium will be announced in the near future. The event is made Gaspé; Comité de Lutte à la possible thanks to the Cultural Development Agreement re- pauvreté et à l'exclusion so- that’s the case for all five of our not always easy to grow them cently signed between the Côte-de-Gaspé MRC, the Town of ciale; Québec en forme and gardens. It’s for the passion- because of the temperature in Gaspé and the Québec Culture and Communications Ministry. Service Canada. nates or those who want to our region,” says Marie-Josée The program has imple- learn how to garden and grow Nadeau. mented five community gar- food. Everyone is invited. Peo- Up until now, on average dens: at the Douglastown ple grow whatever they want in there are approximately ten Chandler mayor experienced Community Center, the Cap- their part of the garden. One people that participate in each cellular problems first-hand Aux-Os Community Center, could decide to do it alone or to of the gardens. “The idea in Maison de quartier of Sandy work as a team. They choose general is to promote good Gilles Gagné Beach, Seniors Home of what they want to grow in rela- health habits, to eat well and to CHANDLER: – The mayor of Chandler, Louisette Langlois, ex- Grande-Vallée and Mur- tionship to the space, the time promote local gardening. Com- perienced first-hand the problems stemming from Telus’ incapac- dochville (Centre Aventure). and the means they have, etc. munity gardens aren’t just gar- ity to cope with the rise in cellular phone services, especially The spokesperson for this People grow traditional food, dens. They’re places where between the July 22 and July 31 Centennial celebrations in her project is Marie-Josée Nadeau. such as carrots, radish or let- people meet, gather and ex- town. “By definition, community gar- tuce. Some try eggplants and change ideas,” says Marie- “I saw text messages coming in the day after being sent. I also dens are open to everyone and chillies. As for tomatoes, it’s Josée. was unable to make phone calls with my mobile phone, for hours sometimes. I couldn’t even hear the ring at the other end. There was strictly no sound at all. I was spending 13 hours a day on the field during the centennial events. It was not practical. We had to Percé wireless network get out of Chandler to get better service, and not everywhere,” pointed out Ms. Langlois, nine days following the end of the cele- overloaded during tourist boom brations. Like the mayor of Percé, André Boudreau, she hopes that the Geneviève Gélinas “We’ve been told (by Telus) signal is like a highway. When management of Telus will take note of the problems and refrain that it is because there’s a lot of there are more users, there are from thinking that it was an isolated event. PERCÉ: – Text messages tak- people! What we want is to re- more traffic jams.” “It is true that the attendance during the centennial was excep- ing too long to be transmitted, ceive a lot of people for a At the end of July, Telus tional. The population of the town probably tripled during the cellphone calls difficult or even longer duration (…). Today, in configured its antennas to make ten-day celebration. There will be no centennial next year but we impossible to make… The a two adult and two children a priority for the 911 emer- want to increase our tourist spinoffs in the future, not diminish Telus wireless network has not family, there are four mobile gency calls and the calls made them,” she emphasizes. been able to give tourists and phones processing at the same from a mobile phone in gen- “Tourism is and has been an important part of our economic locals an adequate service dur- time.” eral, says Ms. Beaulieu. diversification since the closure of the Gaspesia mill. We think in ing the summer boom, as the “Percé isn’t the only area to The company will increase terms of tourism growth. We have outstanding success with number of users has multiplied experience wireless connection the capacity of its wireless net- Nova Lumina, our new attraction, and we need satisfactory serv- six-fold. The Town of Percé is problems. During the Cap-d’E- work “in the coming weeks or ice from Telus. I was under the impression that Telus could adapt asking Telus to adapt its equip- spoir Festi-Plage, the festival- months.” Telus will also update to an overuse of cellular capacity with its existing equipment. Ap- ment to meet the demand. goers had problems using their its technology which should in- parently, it is not the case,” she adds. In the summer, the number cells. It was also almost impos- crease the network speed and SPEC asked Jacinthe Beaulieu, spokesperson with Telus, if the of inhabitants in Percé goes sible to make a cellphone call capacity. This change will company could guarantee, considering that there is a ten-month from 300 to 5,000. This year, during Chandler’s 100th an- occur “in the coming months, span between now and the beginning of the 2017 summer, that the influx of tourists is even niversary, at the end of July,” on the whole Gaspé Peninsula,” people will not run into similar problems next year. more than usual and the wire- says Town of Percé director says the spokesperson. “The guarantee is that there will be a clear improvement. For less network is overloaded. general, Félix Caron. Within the next year, Telus now, I cannot say more. We are open to adding temporary towers.
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