CHARLIE SLAGLE 75 SKILLS, TACTICS & REVIEW COPYMENTAL EXERCISES TO IMPROVE YOUR GAME SOCCER SMARTS REVIEW COPY REVIEW COPY SOCCER SMARTS CHARLIE SLAGLE 75 SKILLS, TACTICS & MENTAL EXERCISES TO IMPROVE YOUR REVIEWGAME COPY Copyright © 2018 by Rockridge Press, Emeryville, California No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trans- mitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, Rockridge Press, 6005 Shellmound Street, Suite 175, Emeryville, CA 94608. Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: Te Publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the con- tents of this work and specifcally disclaim all warranties, including without limitation warranties of ftness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales or promotional materials. Te advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. Tis work is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering medical, legal, or other professional advice or services. If professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. Neither the Publisher nor the author shall be liable for dam- ages arising herefrom. 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TRADEMARKS: Rockridge Press and the Rockridge Press logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Callisto Media Inc. and/or its afliates, in the United States and other countries, and may not be used without written permission. All other trade- marks are the propertyREVIEW of their respective owners. Rockridge COPY Press is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. Design: William D. Mack Editor: Brian Hurley Production Editor: Erum Khan Illustrations © Conor Buckley ISBN: Print 978-1-64152-215-1 | eBook 978-1-64152-216-8 CONTENTS Introduction ........................................... x SKILLS 1 1 v 1 Defending: Don’t Get Beat Behind . 3 2 Dribbling Moves: Finish Your Defender . 5 3 Keep the Ball: Use Your Body .................... 7 4 Dynamic Step Overs ........................... 9 5 Receive the Ball to Play It ...................... 11 6 Juggling: Be Creative and Test Yourself . 13 7 Group Juggling .............................. 15 8 Power Shooting: Hammer It .................... 17 9 Volleys: Don’t Be Satisfed Just Hitting It . 19 10 Long Balls: Get Elevation ...................... 21 11 Heading & Trow-Ins: Put Your Back Into It . 23 12 One-TouchREVIEW Passing: Keep the BallCOPY . 25 13 Goalkeeper Shot Blocking ...................... 27 14 Goalkeeping: Facing High Balls . 29 15 Hitch Kick/Bicycle: Expand Your Shooting Range . 31 16 Side Volleys: Strike Tem Down . 33 TACTICS 1 Receiving the Ball: Give Yourself Options . 37 2 Play the Way You Face ......................... 39 3 Get Open: Make Runs ......................... 41 4 Runs for Crosses: Get Open and Finish . 43 5 Crosses: Set the Table ......................... 45 6 2 v 1 Overlapping: Spread the Defense . 47 7 What to Do When You Have the Ball . 49 8 Pressuring the Ball Defensively: Be Solid . 51 9 Give-and-Go: One-Two to Break Down the Defense . 53 10 Look for 1 v 1 Opportunities .................... 55 11 3 v 2 to Goal: Break Down the D . 57 12 Receive with a Purpose ........................ 59 13 Triangle Support ............................. 61 14 Support Your Teammate with the Ball . 63 15 Pass and Move ............................... 65 16 AttackingREVIEW from the Flank: Be Dangerous COPY . 67 17 5 v 2: Make It Worthwhile ...................... 69 18 Keep Possession with Bent Ball Passes . 72 19 Get in Defensive 1 v 1½ Situations . 74 20 Space-Opening Runs .......................... 76 21 Attacking the Wall ............................ 78 22 Pressure the Ball .............................. 80 23 Support on Defense ........................... 82 24 Defensive Cover .............................. 84 25 Stretch the Defense ........................... 86 26 Penalty Kicks: Hit Tem Hard and Low . 89 27 Defending Close-in Indirect Kicks . 91 28 Long Free Kicks ............................. 93 29 Ofensive Indirect Free Kicks . 95 30 Learn Your Opponent ......................... 97 31 Goalkeeping Positioning: Know Your Angles . 99 32 Start the Ofense as a Goalkeeper: Dead Balls . 101 33 Start the Ofense as a Goalkeeper: Balls in Play . 103 34 Goalkeeper Playing Crosses: Remember Cinderella . 105 35 First-Time Finishing ......................... 107 36 Add Some Spice to Your Game: Nutmeg . 109 37 Dummy the Ball ............................ 111 38 Heading to Finish: Hit the Goal Line . 113 39 HeadingREVIEW to Clear: Get It to Safety COPY . 115 40 Heading to Pass: Keep It ...................... 117 41 Increasing Your Chances of Scoring . 119 42 Scoring on Close Indirect Kicks . 121 43 1 v 2: Test Yourself ........................... 123 44 Tackle or Delay? ............................. 124 MENTAL EXERCISES 1 Numbering of Positions ....................... 129 2 Outside Backs: Own the Flank . 132 3 Te Back Four: Defensive Positioning Is Key . 134 4 Width and Depth: Ofense .................... 136 5 Width and Depth: Defense .................... 138 6 Setting the Wall on a Direct Free Kick: Part 1 . 140 7 Setting the Wall on a Direct Free Kick: Part 2 . 142 8 It’s Your Ball Until Proven Otherwise . 144 9 Move on Corners ............................ 146 10 Make Your Weak Foot Acceptable . 148 11 Get Soccer Strong ........................... 150 12 Get Game Fit .............................. 152 13 Win the Ball: Start the Ofense . 154 14 Working the Ball Out of the Back . 156 15 Beating the Ofside Trap ...................... 159 Glossary .............................................REVIEW COPY162 Resources ............................................ 166 Index ............................................... 168 REVIEW COPY INTRODUCTION fter more than 30 years as a soccer player, coach, and A executive, I’ve learned that the game is your best teacher. If you want to reach your full potential and become the com- plete soccer player you were born to be, it would take you a lifetime of constant playing and observing to learn all the aspects of this beautiful game. But most of us are a bit more impatient than that—we want to reach our full potential while we’re still alive! Tat’s why I wrote this book: to share what I’ve learned and help you speed up your lifelongCOPY process of becom- ing a great soccer player. Tis book is not for beginners; it is for intermediate and advanced players. Instead of showing you the basic skills, like an inside-of-the-foot pass, I will talk about more advanced skills that rely on those basics. Tere are so many ways to teach soccer skills and tactics, and so many ways for a coach to handle the various 11 v 11 matchups. I have decided to break the game down to its three major components:REVIEW physical skills that you can sharpen as an individual player, clever tactics to use with your teammates, and mental exercises to improve your understanding of the game itself. We’ll start by taking a close look at your physical skills. You should always measure yourself against your own physical X potential—not against your teammates or the superstars you see on TV. Proper strength and conditioning will expand your knowledge of the game and help make you the best type of player you can be. A coach like me can help you with this, but you need to take personal responsibility for your training and conditioning in order to meet the physical demands of the game. Next, we’ll talk about many of the tactics you can use on the feld with your teammates. When should you try to dribble by the opponent? Where you should run when your teammate is about to cross the ball, and how quickly should you get to your fnal destination? How should you help your teammate defend? How should you help your teammate with the ball at their feet? Your physical skills will enable you to play well, but you need to be familiar with these tacticsCOPY to know how to apply those skills. Finally, if you want to be a complete player, you need to understand the game as a whole. What can you do to increase your team’s chances to score when you have a 20-yard free kick? How can you defend against your opponents in the middle of the feld to limit their chances of going forward? As a player, understanding the game and being able to transfer that knowledge on the pitch makes you a valuable member of the team.REVIEW I’ll show you how to take advantage of your soccer knowledge to make your team better. If you are a goalkeeper, there are plenty of chapters that specifcally address your position. As a former goalkeeper myself (once a goalkeeper, always a goalkeeper!), I think it would behoove you to read every single chapter. Te INTRODUCTION XI goalkeepers are the only players who can see all the other players on the feld at all times. Knowing what they are doing will improve your goalkeeping and enable you to speak up and help your team defensively and ofensively.
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