Provincial Newsletter of the Anglican Women’s Fellowship United in Prayer, Service & Love Christmas message from the Liaison Bishop the Right Reverend Daniel Kgomosotho DD My prayer for the church and for the AWF the republic is intent on taking Christ out gotten Son for the salvation of the world. in particular is that your Christmas in 2015 of Christmas. We feel aggrieved when Je- This Advent and Christmas season are will be filled with the Love of Jesus in it! As sus is ignored on his own birthday, and about the renewal of relationships, they are a citizen of Southern Africa and certainly when what is supposed to be a holiday is about family and love. that of the SADEC countries which make commercialised. Isn’t Jesus the reason for up a part of the ACSA, I have heard a lot Advent and Christmas tide? Relationships are central to Christmas. of Christians bemoaning the fact that the These seasons are undoubtedly great events secular state intends doing away with some There are many concepts so firmly associ- attesting to the incarnation. But where is of our holy days. ated with Christmas that they are applied Jesus in all this. Peace, love, restored rela- even in secular contexts. These are phrases tionships, joy, and goodwill are the results Remember that Ascension Day was taken such as peace on earth, goodwill among of knowing Jesus. To talk of these concepts away from us by stealth and it is no longer all people, the Christmas spirit and even outside of Christ is certainly heretical and considered a holiday for believers of other “Merry Christmas”. Christmas is rightly assures false hope to God’s people. faiths in the Republic. So it would seem that associated with God’s generosity for the the current review of religious holidays in world when God gave up God’s only be- continues on page 2 First published in 1968 Christmas 2015 Volume 12 - No. 3 Page 2 Provincial Newsletter of the Anglican Women’s Fellowship Message from the Liaison Bishop’s Desk It is understandable for Christians and mas be a very special time for the church as from page 1 continued: quite rightly so, to want to tell the world well as for the world. people what Christmas is all about. This Isaiah, for example, attesting to the com- is part of the Great Commission to the Equally, it is my prayer that your act of lov- ing messiah wrote, “The people walking in church Matthew 28). The challenge applies ing and serving the world this Christmas, darkness have seen a great light”. He pro- throughout the year. Indeed it is not meant and indeed throughout the year, might ceeded to talk about joy, rejoicing, freedom solely for Christmas. Even though it is lead others to know Jesus better. When we and peace (Isaiah 9:2-5). How are these tempting to talk about the concepts and not lament the removal of Christ out of Christ- things possible, particularly in the light of the person, we can nevertheless do more mas, let’s ensure that we don’t forget him in violent acts perpetrated by the Islamic state than campaign for peace and encourage our “Christian” ministry the other 364 days in North Africa, Syria and other countries reconciliation. Blessed are the peace mak- of the year. Let us not forget that the Son of of the Middle East? And yet the messenger ers for they shall be called the children of Man came not to be served but to serve and of the Lord is persuaded to utter the words: God (Matthew 5). We could introduce peo- to give His life as a ransom for many. There “For unto us a child is born, to us a son is ple to Jesus. We serve our communities in is no greater privilege than helping people given.” Isaiah announced to the shepherd ways that are more than social work when to know Jesus. “good news of great joy for all people.” we also take opportunities to help people And what is the foundation for such a state- know Jesus better. It should certainly be It is all about Jesus. May it be all about Je- ment“? Today in the town of David a Sav- our business to know Jesus and to make sus for you this Christmas and throughout iour has been born to you; he is the Mes- Jesus known. My prayer for you is that 2016. May the almighty God bless you, the siah, the Lord.” (Luke 2:11) Peace, joy and your Christmas will be more than a time of Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. freedom are possible only because of Jesus. good will. It will be a time of growth in the The Good News is Jesus. knowledge and love of Jesus. May Christ- Amen! From the President’s Desk “Women Destined for God’s Purpose” “Women are coming forward as never before the world’s illiterate adults are women”. As to seize their destinies. And the question is: usual let us all involve our churches, organi- Who will train them to be released into God’s zations within churches as well as the com- call upon their lives? The time has come for munity to spread the news about this scourge Christian women, mature in their walks with that is continuously ravaging communities God, to heed the biblical call to spiritual moth- leading to broken homes and displacement of erhood. Theirs is the ministry of instructing, children. training and releasing younger women for Kingdom work. We wish to thank our sisters in the Diocese of Kimberley and Kuruman for hosting a very The Church of Jesus Christ is in a season of successful and exciting joint meeting of PEX- unprecedented release as women seize their CO Members and Diocesan Presidents at the God-given purposes. A trumpet call has been Airport Hotel from Wednesday 14 to Sunday blown to challenge women to deeper passion, 18 October 2015. And as mentioned in the great power and a significant purpose to ad- Provincial President’s report, it was exciting vance the Kingdom of God”. It is once again meeting all twenty-two Presidents from all that time for the 16 Days of Activism against over the Province. We shared our strengths, Violence against Women and Girls from 25 weaknesses as well as challenges. Among this November to 10 December. We have just re- group we had members who had never been ceived information from our sisters across the exposed to a gathering of this nature; there globe, the International Anglican Women’s were young and vibrant ladies who were en- Network (IAWN) to mobilize and take part thusiastic to learn, and they participated in in the action against this scourge that sees all discussions and were not intimidated by no class or status, race or colour. This year’s the fact that they were new comers. They dis- theme for the 16 Days Campaign is about “vi- played a hunger for knowledge, and showed olence against girls when they are in school, a fearless tenacity that can only be found in or on their way to and from school, or if they people spurred on by the Spirit of God to go don’t have access to education”. According forth and bear witness to what God has done to one article, it states that “Two-thirds of for them. continues on page 3 Christmas 2015 “Women destined for God’s Purpose” Page 3 From the President’s Desk The last leg of our meeting on Sunday 18 Oc- God the Almighty light up your life and steer continued from page 2: Hence at the tober 2015 was at St James Parish, Galeshewe. you to his predestined journey; and may the opening of my message I spoke of women who The congregation was wonderful with their year 2016 mark the beginning of a tidal wave have come forward as never before; and have welcoming and embracing greeting of – “Be- of love, joy and happiness; and look forward to heeded the biblical call to spiritual mother- thusonke and Sonkebethu”. We wish to thank a new and fruitful year with possibilities of a hood; and younger women are ready to take the Rector, Rev Moiloa and Parish Council fresh start. up Kingdom work. for allowing us to share in God’s holy myster- ies. We all felt blessed that our visit ended on To quote words of wisdom from an article that We thank Rev Walter Barnett and Bishop the “Special Day of Prayer” according to the I read: “It is true that we all need a new and Dan Kgomosotho for starting each day with Anglican Lectionary. This kind gesture will fresh start. Somehow life’s challenges force morning service and Eucharist. Each day we always be cherished. us into a rut. Somehow the rut eventually were challenged about our relationship with dictates the direction of our lives. The only God. One of them was about the heavy load in Once again to the Local Organizing Com- difference between a rut and a grave is the our handbags making it difficult to be helped mittee, Whoa!! What is there to say; from the depth. God has more for each of us! God has out of a rut. A very thought provoking mes- beginning to the end was just unbelievable. got more for you, not just more of the same, sage indeed. Everything went according to plan. Thank but more of his favour, more of his loving you for your resilience against all odds, and kindness, and more of his abundant life.
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