DIRECTORY.] SOMERSETSHIRE. BLE4DON. 119 the trustees of the late William Fripp esq. and held since CHARTERHOUSE is a ville, 3 miles south from Blagdon, bu~ 1869 by the Rev. Gilbert Lyon B. A. of Jesus College, Cam­ belonging to the parish of Witham Friary, near Frome. bndge. Here are Wesleyan and Baptist chapels. W. H. Area, 2,410 acres; rateable value £792 ; population, 79· Wills esq. J.P., D.L. has erected a public village hall, used Sexton, James Gadd. on Sunday as a Baptist chapel. The endowed charities PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office (Rail­ amount to about £3o yearly value, which sum is distributed way Sub·Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Somerset, once a year to the second poor of the parish. In the village added).-Benjamin Panes, receiver. Letters delivered at is an ornamental sheet of water, sur,rounded by shrubberies, 8.45 a.m. Rox closes at 4.25 p.m. ; sunday, 4·5 p.m. formed and planted at the cost of W. H. Wills esq. Coombe The nearest telegraph office is at Langford Lodge, the seat of William Henry Wills esq. F.R.G.s., D.L., ScHOOLS:- J.P. is surrounded with plantations, and overlooks the romantic scenery of Rickford on the one side and on the A School Board of 5 members was formed Dec. 17, 1879, other the extensive vale of Wrington. Mrs. Ayre resides at for the united district of Blagdon & Charterhouse ; W. Aldwick Court and Capt. Nathaniel John Newnham at the Reece, Ax:bridge, clerk to the board; attendance officer, Manor House. Col. Charles Kemeys Keme) s-Tynte F.S.A., William Filer, sen :Board (mixed), erected in 1842, for 120 children; average D.L., J.:P. of Halswell, Goatlmrst, Eward Samuel Baker esq. attendance, 89 ; John Westbrook, master and William Henry Wills esq. D.L., J.P. are the chief hmd­ owners. The soil is various, that situated under the hills is School, Cbarterhouse, erected at the extremity of the light and very fertile; the subsoil is generally dolomitic, parish, adjoining to the ville of Charterhouse, in 1861, at conglomerate and red marl ; there is also a considerable a cost of £soo, on land presented by the late Lord Clifden; quantity of limestone. The chief crops are corn, roots and Miss Sarah Ann Manning, mistress some land in pasturage. The area is 3,517 acres; rateable CoNVEYANCE TO BRISTOL.-Samt's omnibus, moo. thurs. & value, £4,901; the population in 1881 was 9II. ~t. ; Sydenham Filer, fri. & John Young, tues. & fri [Marked thus • receive letters through Carpenter Edwin, dairy farmer & Panes Fredk. Jn. farmer, Yewtree farm Wringt_on R.S.0.1 butcher, Blagdon R.S.O. Bristol Phillips Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer [Marked thus t receive letters through Bur- tClark Christopher, builder & contractr Saint J oseph, carrier rington R.S.O.] tCl k J h b 'ld R' kf d Shiner James, farmer, Aldwick *A M Ald · k ar o n, m er, IC or yre r~. WlC court Cobb Henry, bailiff to William Henry Somers John Richard, baker,& agent for Dudden Richard Mogg, Orchard house Wills esq. J .P., n.L. Blagdon Hill farm the Anglo-Bavarian Brewery Co. See Foord John . Cryer Joseph, farmer, Rugden farm advertisement Lyon Rev. Gilbert M.A. The Rectory Davis John butcher Stephens Jas. dairy farmer,Tyningsfrm tMerrickRev. Chas. [Baptist], Rickrord Derrick Ch~rles, dairy farmer Stock Henry, farmer, Vale farm Newnham Capt: Nath. John, Manor ho Derrick Joseph, dairy farmer Stockley John, farm bailiff to Viscount Panes Mrs. Lomsa Edwards George farm bailiff to Wm. Clifden .. *S;mith ~~s. Woodlands Henry Wills esq. D.L., J.P 'TaylorAlbrt. Sl. shopkpr. gro. &draper Wills Wtlham Henry F.R.G.s., F.R.B.s., Fear & Browning, carpenters Tidball Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper D.L., J.P. Coombe lodge Filer Samuel, carpenter Tossell William, tailor Wood Edward, Charterhouse Filer William, shopkeeper & farmer tTregellas John, beer retailer & farmer, Gadd James, blacksmith Rickford COMMERCIAL. Gallop Wm.& Son, wheelwrts. &carptrs Walcroft Thos. dairy frmr. Wadley frm Andrew Johll, Seymour Arms P.H Hall John, farmer, Upper Illwick farm Watts Charles, farmer, Charterhouse Ash Robert, boot & shoe maker Harding Theophilus, dairy farmer, WattsFarnham,dairy frmr.Paywell frm Baker Samuel & David, dairy farmers Holt farm Wicks Thomas, grocer, Charterhonse Baker Hy. dairy farmer, East End farm Harri~:~ George, tailor Wilson Jas. dairy farmer, Charterhouse Bath Isaac, dairy farmer Humphreys Nathan, blacksmith Wilson Jas. dairy farmer, Legg's farm Board Frederick, plumber & glazier Hurford John William, dairy farmer Wilson Reuben, dairy farmer, Lower Brunt Thomas, baker HurlstonThos.beerrtlr. Queen Adelaide Illwick farm Brunt Waiter, George inn Kembery Isaac, farmer, Swymmers Wood Edwd. dairy farmr. Charterhouse tBurston Tom Chane,frmr.Aldwick frm Monk Edward & George, blacksmiths Wood Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, Carpenter Daniel, butcher Orch:trd Geo. plasterer & tiler, Park frm grocer & pork butcher Carpenter Edmund, shopkeeper, Blag- Organ William, farmer, Charterhouse Young John, carrier don R.S.O. Bristol Panes Benj. grocer &draper, Post office BLEADON is a parish and village, situated on the road glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of London,' from Weston-super-Mare to Bridgwater, 4 miles south-east and held since 1885 by the Rev. Charles David Russell H.A. from Weston-super-Mare, and I mile east from Bleadon and formerly scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge. There Uphill station on the main line of the Great Western railway is a Bible Christian chapel, built in 1846 and seating IIO and 139 from London, in the Wells division of the county, persons; and a preaching room for the Plymouth Brethren. hundred of Winterstoke, Axbridge petty sessional division Near the church stand the remains of an ancient stone and union, county court district of Weston-super-Mare, cross, consisting of a broken shaft rising from a stepped ' Burnham district of the rural deanery and archdeaconry of base; on ~he side of Bleadon hill, which is 438 feet in Taunton and diocese of Bath and Wells. The river Axe, height, are the traces of an encampment. The Ecclesiastical which is navigable up to this place, bounds the parish on the Commissioners are lords of the manor and principal land­ south and west. The church of St. Peter is a building of owners. The soil is loam and clay, and the subsoil clay and stone in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting limestone. The land is chiefly pasture. The area is 2,795 of chancel (dedicated in 1317), nave, south porch and an acres; rateable value, £7,337 ; the population in I88r embattled western tower, with pinnacles, containing 5 bells: was 616. there are several memorial stained windows and a font of OLmnxoN, a hamlet, lying to the north, is partly in this Transition Norman date : on the south side of the chancel parish and party in that of Hutton. is a recess : the pulpit of stone, is octagonal, and has five 1 SHIPLETT, I mile east, is a hamlet in this parish. disengaged sides, ornamented with Perpendicular carving : Parish Clerk, Ernest Parker. on one side of the porch, within a sunk panel, is a group in PosT OFFICE.-Mrs. Emma Amesbury, receiver. Letters relief of the Virgin and Child, with kneeling figures of a from Weston-super-Mare arrive at 7.15 a.m.; dispatched nun and an ecclesiastic; it may once have formed the head of at 7.10 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office a cross : in 1832 the tower was struck by lightning and in- is at Weston-super-Mare jured: the interior of the building was thoroughly restored National School (mixed), erected in 1854 & enlarged in in 1859, and has sittings for 240 persons. The register dates 1874, for 120 children; average attendance, 94; Alfred from 1709· The living is a rectory, average tithe rent- Turner, master; Mrs. Jane Turner, mistress charge £509, net yearly value £490, including 19 acres of Bleadon& Uphill Railway Station, Robt. Payne, station mastr Akrigg Geo. Cooper, The Copse, Shiplett Boley Solomon, dairyman Parker Emma (Mrs.), dress maker Carey Richard, Quantock villd Boone Chas. farmer, Purn House farm Parker Ernest, blacksmith !<'luck Miss, Rockville Carpenter Jane (Mrs.), farmer Payne Frederick, beer retailer Russell Rev. Charles David H.A. Rectory Cavill James, shoe maker Poole Henry, farmer, Shiplett COMMERCIAL. Cook John, farmer, Shiplett Poole Philip, farmer, Shiplett Amesbury Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Counsell James, farmer Purnell Gilbert, baker Post office Dinwiddy John, wheelwright Slade .John, farmer, Shiplett Amesbury Henry, farmer Durston Thomas, farmer \Vall George, farmer Amesbury Wadham, farmer & a~istant Greenwood Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Watts Israel, blacksmith overseer Grenter William, shoe maker Yeo George & William, farmers Ashman Henry, farmer Harse Ellen (Mrs.), farmer, Shiplett Young Alfred J oseph, farmer, quarry Bailey Charles & Son, stone masons Hart Charles, Anchor inn [ owner, Rockville Bailey Edward, Queen's Arms P.H Jefferies William, coal dealer • • • .
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