Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-14-1981 The BG News April 14, 1981 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 14, 1981" (1981). BG News (Student Newspaper). 3856. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/3856 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Tuesday. -\ Home or work, Opening day Falcons on the women want marks right track respect Indian summer Page 2 Page 5 Page 8 Vary cloudy. High April 14, 1981 50-55 F, low upper 20s F. 90 percent chine* of The B G News precipitation. Bowling Green State University SGA candidates run unopposed as election nears by Kyla Silvan "I didn't think that gave the students much of Margie Potapchuk is running unopposed for tailed checking the candidates' grade point SHE SATO she does not like the idea of write- News ataff raportar a choice." one of the two Founders openings, and averages to ensure that they are carrying the in candidates. Johnson said he is pleased his position is op- Firelands has not submitted a candidate. required 2.0 GPA and a random survey of the "I am a little bit fearful of that," she said, Student Government Association candidates posed. Several dorms lack representation - Ander- signatures on their petitions. explaining that apathetic people are likely to were announced Monday, revealing several "I think it's healthy for the organization," son/Bromfield, Chapman/Dunbar, McDonald The deadline for filing applications was 5 gain positions. uncontested and unopposed positions for the he said. "I think I'm in a good position but I'm (which has two openings) and Offenhauer p.m. last Friday, and no one else may apply, Kortokrax said she prefers having the ad- April 22 election. looking forward to the next couple weeks." East. Co-chairman Henry Brooks said. ministration select people, adding that that Of the executive offices, only the presidency In the senatorial competition, only a few THERE ARE two options for the unfilled was how she achieved her first SGA position is opposed. It is sought by Jeff Hutcheson, who positions are contested. THE ONLY strong competition appears to positions, he said. Write-in candidates may be as Founders senator. is not affiliated with a ticket, and Bruce Two candidates, Michael Eberly and Scott be for the four off-campus senators, for which elected, or the new administration will select Students chosen by the adminstration must Johnson, heading the Unified Students for Ac- Saunders are competing for the fraternities there are seven candidates. They are Rosha people to fill them. submit an application and be interviewed, tion ticket composed of Beth E31enberger, for senator postion. Champion, Jim Grierson, Jim Harpen, Joe "After the election, if the positions are un- which Indicates a commitment, she said. vice president Karen Kampe for Academic Jeanette Flory is the only candidate for Landusky II, Stephanie Magyar, Grace filled, and the new admisitration takes over, She attributed the low candidate turnout to Affairs Coordinator, Randy Reardon for sororities senator. Monastra and Dave Zavac. they will be allowed to fill the positions the present district system. Representative to the Board of Trustees, and There are six candidates for the Union Ac- themseleves," he said. "I HAVE always been against the district Roger Weaver for State and Community Af- THE CANDIDATE for Ashley/Batchelder tivities Director-at-Large position: Dave SGA President Dana Kortokrax said she is system, anyway," she said, explaining that it fairs Coordinator. representative, Chrisanne Eastwood, also is Anderson, Steve "Dimmer" Bryan, Joe disappointed in the lack of candidates. is impossible for someone to fully represent a Hutcheson said he entered the race to give unopposed, as are the Compton/Darrow can- Hucke, Scott Jeffera, Debbie Schultz and "I really hate in any type of democratic dorm. students a choice.. w didate, Tim Kindinger, the Offenhaurer West Mary Kay Zajac. situation to see only one person running," she candidate, Kelly Smith, and the All the candidates had to be verified, Mary said, explaining that this affects the unoppos- Many universities do not use a district "LAST YEAR there were six candidates Rodgers/Kohl/Conklin candidates, Michael Kay Zajac, co-chairmena of the Elections and ed candidates, who feel compelled to prove system, she said, and she would like to see it and... this year there was only one," he said. Noggle and Andy Longo. Opinions Board, said. She said verification en- themselves. eliminated or "patched-up" at the University. ACGFA reduces all but nine budget requests by Scott Sleek to recruit Latino students to the Other members suggested more ef- repesentative-at-large for ACGFA, and Botsy Blak* University. fective communication between the described USA as being different from Fred Boddie, representative from University Recruiting Office and all other student organizations. Only nine of the 31 organizations' the Third World Graduate Associa- LSU. budget requests were not cut by Ad- tion, said LSU recruited 14 Latino "IT IS RUN by one University ad- visory Council on General Fee Alloca- students last year, which was "14 WOMEN FOR WOMEN requested ministrator and money is sup- tions final recommendation on Sun- times better" than the University has twice as much as it received for plemented to other student organiza- day. done in the past. 1960-81, but it was allotted only 35 per- tions on campus," he said. ACGFA has allocated 1241,000 of "ACGFA should show they support cent of its request. Besides University Intramuals, next years general fees to the recruitment of minorities to this cam- "I feel this program has been which requested a decrease from last organizations. This is 151,906 less than pus," Patricia Knowles Forster, drastically underfunded," JulieMoor- year, USA is the only organization the SI organisations requested. graduate representative to the Board man, representive for Women for receiving less money then last year. The organizations that had the of Trustees, said. Women, said. Students of Fine Arts, Society for longest debates were the Latin Stu- "The $5,000 (80*1 budget) went Manufacturing Engineers, Campus dent Union, University Student Ac- LEADING arguments against the almost strictly for operating expenses Scouts and Penning Rifles were not tivities and Women for Women. Latin Student Union's programmed and they, (Women for Women) had to allotted any funds for 1981-82 after it spending was Jeff Hutcheson, depend heavily on co-sponsors for pro- was decided that the organizations do After a heated hour-long discussion, undergraduate representative-at- gramming," she said. not benefit the student body as a the committee granted only 14 percent large for ACGFA. The University Student Activities' whole. of the Latin Student Union's request division of funds also was deliberated ACFGA will meet Saturday, April for additional funds for the 1981-82 Hutcheson said that LSU seems to during the eight-hour budget hearing 18, at 9 a.m. to discuss how each school year. have a definite priority problem in the Sunday. organization can function within its division of funds. A contigency fund, which allocates 1981-82 budget. THE LATIN Student Union received "In my opinion, this budget is one of money to other student organiza- The recommendations will be $10,000 in general fees last year and the most extravagant," Hutcheson tions, was described as being presented to the Board of Trustees requested $17,351 for next year. said. "They don't economize at all. characteristic of USA by members of within the next few months, Dr. Ar- However, it only will receive 810,000 They need more direction and more ACGFA. rowsmith, assistant vice provost for despite its arguments for more money effective expenditures." Scott Stevenson, undergraduate student affairs, said. Shuttle crew prepares for dangerous landing CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - fifth space flight. Crippen, the scheduled 1:28 p.m. EST showed the underside tiles were ap- After two flawless days in orbit, the During a space-to-White House con- touchdown on the Rogers Dry Lake parently all in place. However, NASA shuttle Columbia and her crew versation, Young told Vice President desert runway at Edwards Air Force officials said clouds obscured the view prepared yesterday for the searing, George Bush that "the spaceship is Base in California will mark the com- and the photographic results were in- dangerous test of a spaceship's ability just Deforming beautifully." pletion of a textbook orbital flight conclusive. They said specialists had to survive a winged re-entry and land That was the opinion of everyone whose problems were minor and studied video and long-lens like an airliner. connected with the trial flight of a triumphs big. photography of the shuttle's launch Questions about the integrity of spacecraft that had never been tested and found no damage to the critical heat-shielding tiles on Columbia's before in orbit. Because two of the shuttle's heat tiles. underbelly added extra tension to the "I think your trip is just going to ig- resistant tiles were missing and a mission's end. nite the excitement and forward dozen damaged on the top of the During yesterday's broadcast ac- The launch and flight have been thinking for this country," said Bush. spacecraft, the Air Force took high tivities, Young was the talkative one staff photo by Dale Omon resolution photographs of the more Sophomore Tarri Nolan, a member ol the women's track team, did nothing but smooth sailing.
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