Whack! Women's tennis team places second at the Mission College Tournament Fresno City - page 7 fhoto bY D¡isY Ræ" FCC's Cedrick Katombo dunk the ball v'hile American Riter's Wotfgang Raferl 1341, Lllysses \l'anen (24), and Eric Boyce (3l watc| FCè created 36 turnovers FCC defeats American River 112-76 infirst round of ployoffs By David Witte In a rematch of last 17 points. Sports editor year's second-round "We really just overwhelmed them with game, No. I seed FCC our intensit¡" said FCC assistant coach The Fresno City College men's basketball defeated the No. 17 seed Loren LeBeau. "You saw a solid, solid per- team can't go back a year and change its 77- Beavers ll2-76. Five formance tonight." 74 loss toAmerican River in the secondround Rams scored in double The Beavers worked to break FCC's full- of the playoffs. digits, led by Anthony courtpresswithlongpassesandtheball-han- What it can do, though, is beatAmerican Esparza's 25 and Jordan dling skills of guardEric Boyce, who finished River by 36 points in the first round of the Farley's l8 points. the night with l5 points. After FCC pulled Walberg playoffs Feb.26, bringing its season record Power forward away to an early lead, ARC closed to 34-30 to 30 wins and no losses. Wolfgang Raffety led American River with See EpORTS, page g $45 mil for nurses? By Ali Sadoian of the health CaI,SACC atFCC News editor sciences divi- sron. Fate of March in March is decíded, plans made California State Assemblyman The other , Juan Arambula, D-Fresno, pro- 40 percent of By Rebekah Mlranda helps to make posed a bill on Feb. 7 that will students are sure we are Editor in chiet allocate S45 million for enroll- out of the di- all on the ment growth in community col- vision until same page." lege nursing programs. the next Fresno City Coilege is a mem- Lynch ex- If passed in the state's assem- year's lottery. ber of region five of the Califor- plained that bly, AB 232 wlll appropriate According to the health sci- nia Student Association of Com- he felt that money from the general fund to ence division's academic sum- munity colleges. the top prior- A CaISACC regional meeting the chancellor of California com- mary form, the lottery is a ran- I-orente ity on the munity colleges to go directly to dom selection process allowing was held on FCC's grounds Feb. agenda was the state's nursing programs. all candidates equal opportunity 26. Stretching from Stockton to addressing the issue ofthe annual Currently on the Fresno City to enter an impacted health sci- Bakersfield nine out of the ten trip to Sacramento, known as the College campus, because of the ence program. schools in the region were repre- "March in March." nursing program's popularity, "60 "It's one of the better nursing sented. The march has been an oppor- percent get into the program by programs. I transferred from an- Prior to the meeting, Student tunity for students and adminis- (Right to left) Rafel Rarnirez, Frank lottery, and there is nothing we other program because it wasn't Trustee of the Kern Community tration to voice their opinions on Sjoþerg, Arn Espinoza, and Steve can do about that because it's the as well put-together as this one. District and CaISACC policy issues facing community colleges Enriquez listen during a regional Iaw," said Interim Dean of In- The instructors weren't as student board representative, Brandon at a state level, said Lynch. CaISACC meet¡ng Feb. 26. struction Carolyn C. Drake, Ed.D, See Nurses, Lynch said, " Meeting in person See Gal$ACG, Page 3 2 March 2,2OOs News Rampage lnilex Boniouil student m0mmu . FCC student is busy study- . FCCreporter explains life as ing thousands of miles away a mother and then a student. from home. -SeeUiews, PagelS -Seellews, pageS lloroscorcs Pass FCC lefty pitcher Rlollemsfl . This space is for rent. Miclael Guerrero Parking pass machine is a bit - Soe [euiews, Page ll pushes offduring a confusing for some FCC stu- I2-3 victory over dents. DeAnza Feb.24. -$ee ll3ws, Page4 Geilin'"ilitohed" . WillSmith's new flick is filling theaters, read what our critc loll call says. Should attendance be taken -SeeBeuiews, Page14 at FCC or is it just a waste of time?. -SeoSrut$, Pagel -SeeUiews, PagGll llews [riefs lomu Goaoh aresteü Stuüent soteen¡ng According to a Fresno County criminal Fresno City College Psychological In- case report, former Fresno City College in- tern Arron Dehod, M.A. organized this terim volleyball coach Frank "Sonny" year's Eating Disorder Screening to be Perez, Jr. was arrested Feb. 2 after a war- held at the Student Center Mar. 3. rant was issued for his arrest. "The main roason for our screening is Perez, 38, is accused ofthree counts of to raise a\ryareness on this campus ênd in child molestation. He was released from the community about eating disorders," jail on $140,000 bail, Feb. 4. said Dehod. Perez was arraigned Feb. I 7 and pled not What was once known as a disease guilty to the charges. prevalent in women only has now been Perez served as the 2003 FCC interim found in the male population. "Typically coach for the 2003 women's volleyball [eating disorders] are considered mainly team. Perez was also an assistant coach for with females, however there is more of a the 2002 season. shift towards thelnales; about l0 percent - Ali Sadoian of all eating disorders are from males," said Dehod. Information regarding Eating Disorders can be obtained from Psychological Ser- 0n+amüs[oolrsign¡ng vlces. -Mona Lisa McCormick Award-winning author and Fresno na- tive Daniel Chacon is coming to Fresno City College on Fri. March I l. Chacon will be reading and signing his acclaimed book llarcanülundr ofshort stories, "Chicano Chicanery." This The microwave the Associated Student event will be held at 7:30 pm in the Stu- Government purchased last semester is dent Lounge (College Activities Center) now available for students. According to and is free to the public. an ASG representative, delays occurred - Ali Sadoian because the purchasing took longer than expected. The microwave can currently be found in the ASG office located above the bookstore. ASG President Daniel Lorente said that llacfiin0lnþmgtuso due to conflicts with Taher, the organiza- tion that operates the FCC cafeteria, the Rlurpncn Letters to the editor and sub- Fresno City College President Ned microwave Fnes¡lo Cry Colmce missions to the calendar will could not be placed there. be accepted via e-mail or in Doffoney said the college is looking into a Lorente encourages students looking to , ll0l E. UwrvensrryAvs. person noon-l p.m. Monday, policy of inter-departmental notification of warm their food to, "cruise up to our FnesNo, CA9374l Wednesday and Friday, at The student abuse oflnternet access on Feb. 23. Rampage, Room SC- 2ll, [ASG's] office." Editor in chiet Rebekah Miranda present above the bookstore. The system calls for such inci- -Christine Haeussling News editor: Ali Sadoian dents to be referred to Dean oflnstruction Entertainment editor:Quinn Robinson Newsroom : (5 59) 442-8263 Robert E. Fox, who then creates a disci- Sports editor: David Witte Business: (559) 442-8262 plinary file, according to Public Informa- Photo editor: Daisy Rosas Sports editor: David Witte tion Officer Kathy Bonilla. Adviser: Jeremy Martin Fax: (559) 265-5783 gas E-mail: The campus is in the process of provid- Irlystclious lealr Operations mânager: Samuel Yuk Circulation manager: Will Tranquilli [email protected] ing Internet access in all classrooms. According to Psychological Services, Business manager: Kirk Givan "We must protect the integrity and repu- Dean of Student Services Robert E. Fox Rampage is an award-win- ning newspaper published tation of Fresno City College while re- had called the department and asked stu- Reporters biweekly by the Fresno City specting student privacy rights. After all, dents and faculty to evacuate the Student Daniel Cloyd, Kirk Givan, Christine College Journalism 5 pro- this is supposed to be a free and open learn- gram and is a member Center building along with Yoshino's Café Haeussling, Poua Her, Whitney Lafon, of Journalism Association of ing environment," Doffoney said. and the Bookstore due to a possible gas Joanne Lui, Mona Lisa McCormick, Ryan -Will Tranauilli Community Colleges leak on Feb. 25. The students and staff McHenry, Dana Mclntosh, Views expressed in The reportedly smell the gas. The finds of an Will Tranquilli Rampage are those of the in- actually leak were never confirmed. dividual writers and do not -Rebekah Miranda Photography/Graphics necessarily reflect those of Fresno City College, its stu- Val Condoian, Sergio Cortes, dents. administration or the Teresa Dawson, Jason Kalpakoff, State Center Communitv Colleee District. Ashli Moore Rampage News March 2.2005 3 International studer French native calls FCC home and excels in avarieQ of activities ot By Christine Haeussling "Ifyou work hard enough you can get whatever Rampage reporter youwant" WhatWest€nmissesmosthere, along withher family, isthefood Valerie \Vesten, 22, Aftertwo years, slrc's not sure anymore ifshe fromFrance, is one ofthe wanßto livethis faraway from herfamilyforthe 156 international stu- rest ofher life. dents currently attending Usually she would go home during summer Fresno City College. andhermotheror sisterwouldvisit for Chrisfrnas Spring of2005 is her or qpring heaþ but not this year. Ifshe goes back fifttr and last semester at to live in France, West€n doesn't know how far FCC. Westen wants to she'll get with her American graduation are 12 accredited joumalism schools - transfer to Fresno State 'oTherc Universþ in the fall.
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