SUMMIT, NEW JtKSM The Staff Of The Staff Of The Summit Herald The Summit Herald Wishes All A Wishes All A Very Happy New Year SUMMI Vary Happy New Year <uu/ Summit Record BnutM u ••oral CIMO mtUr «1 th. POM OfflM at •smmll. N. 1 ITUL Mil UtUif Hint L llt» 76th Year No. 33 CRattvfew 3-4000 SUMMIT, N.J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1964 ••oond ClaM PoBtmjra Pild »t lummlt. N. J. $6 • year com State Aid to City OKs Salary Schools Seen At $262,503 Ordinance Over Summit can expect to receive $252,503 in state aid to education this year, and for the 1965-66 term, a boost of $11,818 to $274,- Police Opposition 321, Walter S. Eddy, business manager, reported at a recent Following continued and heated opposition by the Board of Education meeting. Police Department and local residents over the wage step-scale for sergeants and lieutenants. Common Coun- Mr. Eddy also said that it is cil Tuesday night unanimously adopted am amended IMS possible the city's schools could Five Hurt Municipal Salary Ordinance. also receive in the future 50 per Under the original onMnanca cent of salaries for certified per- introduced by Council on Dee- Hughes M. Ryder sonnel in school services related In Series of ember 1, the rank of sergeant to emotionally disturbed and would have been broken into socially and emotionally mal- four salary levels and Ueuten- adjusted pupils. Ryder New Car Mishaps ants into fix. An The estimated state aid was measure introduced two placed at $262,500 in the current Five persons were Injured later on December 15, cut the school budget. last week in four car accidents number of steps for sergeants Chamber here, the Police Department Under the state aid formula, and lieutenant! to three each. Summit received the minimum reported on Monday. The amended ordinance fatal amount of $50 per pupil, which Although the Summit Area to satisfy the Police Depart- President will amount to $229,350. In ad- was invaded by one of the worst ment and on Tuesday night be- ,,.,._. i , dition, 75 per cent of all ex- fogs in many years on Christ- fore the ordinance was adopted, mas Eve, accidents were at a continued to go on record as Hughes M. Ryder, owner of , transporting Handi. FOUR VERY SPECIAL DELIVERIES - Santa arrived at Over- Mrs. Frank Keresz of 851 Springfield avenue, and Jennifer Ann the New Hampshire House Res- opposing any step wage-scale capped children to !h loolt Hospital on Christmas Day to four proud parents from the taurant at Kent Place boule- for sergeants and lieutenants, schools or classes, "! Summit Area, Left to right, in their mothers' arms, the Christ- vard and Springfield avenue, maintaining, in effect that a cost of vehicles owned by themas babies are specially gift wrapped in their pink and blue has been elected new president Board of Education, is also re- "sergeant is sergeant and a of the Summit Area Chamber blankets: Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wieland of ceived. This would amount to rival was Jennifer Ann Moore at 10:16 a.m., then little Kathleen lieutenant,is lieutenant" witk of Commerce. He will take of- Berkeley Heights; Arthur Patrick, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Joseph Cochario, 72, of 11 $8,012. Wieland, who appeared on the Christmas scene at 2:38 p.m. full responsibilitiei of rank re- fice tomorrow and suceed Ru- thur Rogers of 3 Oak Ridge avenue; Amy, daughter of Mr. and The state also provides $4,000 (Rowe Photo) Denman place, suffered head gardless of salary classifica- dolph deRoode, a partner in the!(or me ^abie ariU trainable and back injuries shortly before tion. 6 p.m. Monday night when GETS COUNTY POST - John Richland Agency, real estate classes, at the rate of $2,000 Before official passage of the he was struck by a car as be T. Callahan of 851 Springfield and insurance. jper c|ass as well as $9,018, ordinance by Council, Elmer Shower of Gifts Awaits School Board avenue. New Providence, a Mr. Ryder, who resides at which is one-half the cost pf Mew Law Spells attempted to cross Orchard J. Bennett, Council president, member of the law firm of Kenti Cranford. was also reelected toibedside or home instruction. An street near Princeton street. said that "much soul search- Kentz and Gilson, has been ap- a new three-year term on the amount of $3,153 will be re- First Area Baby of 7965 Lists Budget He was taken to Overlook ing" had gone into preparation More Trouble pointed an assistant Union Coun- board of directors from the ceived as a typical pupil aid, For Uie third straight year the packs of disposable Chux dia- Hospital where his condition to- of the measure, and agreed that day was reported as fair. ty prosecutor, Leo Kaplowitz, merchants' division. which is one-half the cost of Summit Area's first baby of pers from Charlines. Action Timetable County Prosecutor, announced there would be "some dissatis- Other officers elected include tuition in excess of $200 that Police identified the driver as faction" He added that Coun- For Shoplifters 1965, and its parents, will be The new mother will be giv- this week. Mr. Callahan will Robert O. Peterson of Union Summit pays other school dis- Under a state Department of | William G. Sands, 57, of Cran- cil firmly believed that the step Under a new state law, per- en a pair of slippers from Nee- Education regulations, the local continue his association with the County Trust Co., first vice- tricts for handicapped children, suspected of shopliftini g *« withjood ord. wage-scale portion of the ordi- Dell and a bottle of Arpege Boards of Education must adopt local law firm. A graduate of president; Ernest Grob of A subsidy of $2 pel pupil is can now be apprehended inside « On Wednesday, two persons nance would "hi the long run" by Berkeley Heights an official budget, which must Holy Cross College and George- a (Continued on Page 7) CIBA. second vice-president;;received for instruction to thethe store, rather than outside, . [Pharmacy, while father will get be submitted to the Board of town Law Center, Mr. Callahan prow "beneficial' for alLTht Matthew Zeigner of Joseph! socially or mentally maladjusted Police Lt. Thomas Finneran! welcome to the first infant a gallon of paint for the nurs-School Estimate, on or before was this year's United Campaign measure, Mr. Bconcttf) coo* Zeigner, Inc., third vice-presi-'pupils, which will amount to v warned potential local shoplift-;™ New — "-» — ery by Parent of New Provi- February 1, Walter S. Eddy, Old Guard chairman at New Providence tinued, "would create incentive dent, and Alfred T. Felsberg of approximately $9,175, bringing .to parent! living in Summit, era on Monday. dence, a"VIyella bathrobe from business manager, pointed out He is a member of the Klwanls to make a good officer a better Bell Telephone Laboratories, I the total to $262,503. The new measure states that;New Providence or Berkeley Club, and a member of the officer." Hel hts McElgunns Men's Wear, a Purl-1 at the regular monthly meeting Names New fourth vice-president. Harry C. Under a new state formula, anyone suspected of trying to: 8 - board of directors of the Visit- tan Sweater from Adams of of the education board. No Patrafanea's Wages HI Kates, was reelected treasurer, while in the past aid for special conceal or take without paying | The Little Miss (or Mr.) will ing Nurses' Association and the New Providence, and. 15 gallons figures are as yet available Director At the start of Tuesday's con- and Co. Norman P. Barnett was services wift socially and ment- for, any piece of merchandise; be dressed, shoed, fed and Youth Advisory Board of the of gasoline from Ashwood Esso. for the new budget. Carl J. Luz of Madison, has tinued hearing, Lonnie Davis, renamed executive manager, ally maladjusted pupils had within a store can be chal- showered with other gifts from Newark YMCA. (Chell Photo by In addition, the law provides been named the new director president of PBA Local 55, in- lenged immediately without any a silver spoon to a gallon of Baby and the parents will get Wallburg) Those reelected to the board. amounted to $2 per pupil in the a $5 gift certificate from both that the School Board must set of the Old Guard. He succeeds dlciated that the Police Depart- threat of false arrest. Previous-1 paint for the nursery. Mother for three-year terms from thei entire system, that aid has been Berkeley Hardware and B. L.a date for a public hearing on Hugh L. Hamilton in the post. ment was not only opposed ,U> 1 ly, suspected shoplifters could! will be given a bottle of per- merchants' division include be- extended to provide 50 per cent Schlosser Dry Cleaning, and a the budget between February Mr. Luz, a retired employee City OKs Memorial the wage step-scale for serge- only be picked up outside a' fume, dad a sweater and the of Esso Standard Oil, has been sides Mr. Ryder, Perry Root of reimbursement for the salaries one-year subscription (or a one- 1 and 15, and the budget and ants and lieutenants, but was store if they were suspected of i proud parents together, a bottle a member of the Old Guard Park for Gensemcr Roots of Summit, Dora Speich- of certified personnel and for year extension) to the Summit notice of hearing must be pub- also dissatisfied with th* rate taking merchandise.
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