S2966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 10, 2009 (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- 2—on Sugar Loaf Road. The original Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest sor of S. Res. 64, a resolution recog- permit was approved of in 1970, and had and managed accordingly. nizing the need for the Environmental an expiration date of December 31, 1991. The bill provides that the Forest Protection Agency to end decades of The permit boundary included 2 acres. Service shall determine the values of delay and utilize existing authority The special use permit issued in 1994 all lands involved through appraisals in under the Resource Conservation and combined the two permits for stations accordance with Federal standards. If Recovery Act to comprehensively regu- 1 and 2 into one. The new permit for the lands conveyed by the Fire District late coal combustion waste and the station 2 reduced the permit area to are not equal in value to the lands need for the Tennessee Valley Author- one acre, because the area of impact where the fire stations are located, the ity to be a national leader in techno- and existing improvements did not ex- Fire District will make a cash payment logical innovation, low-cost power, and ceed one acre. to make up the difference. If the lands environmental stewardship. The Fire District entered into discus- being conveyed to the Federal govern- S. RES. 70 sions with the Forest Service about a ment are worth more than the lands At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the land swap. In August 1997, the Fire Dis- where the fire stations are located, the name of the Senator from West Vir- trict filed an application to acquire the Forest Service can equalize values by property under stations 1 and 2 pursu- ginia (Mr. BYRD) was added as a co- reducing the lands it receives or by sponsor of S. Res. 70, a resolution con- ant to the Small Tracts Act, STA. The paying to make up the difference or by gratulating the people of the Republic STA allows for transfers of small min- a combination of both methods. The of Lithuania on the 1000th anniversary eral fractions by the sale of property bill requires the Fire District to pay of Lithuania and celebrating the rich for market value, or by the exchange of for the appraisals and any necessary properties of nearly equal value. The history of Lithuania. land surveys. application proposed trading a mining f The bill permits the Fire District to claim surrounded by National Forest, modify the fire stations without wait- STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED for approximately 3 acres under station ing for completion of the exchange if BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS 1 and 1.5 acres under station 2. the Fire District holds the Federal gov- The Fire District worked in good By Mr. UDALL, of Colorado (for ernment harmless for any liability faith to comply with the STA. In No- himself and Mr. BENNET): arising from the construction work and vember 2002, officials from the Fire S. 555. A bill to provide for the ex- indemnifies the Federal Government District met with officials from the change of certain land located in the against any costs related to the con- Forest Service. Upon review of the STA Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forests in struction or other activities on the application, the Forest Service con- the State of Colorado, and for other lands before they are conveyed to the cluded that the parcel under station 2 purposes; to the Committee on Energy Fire District. did not qualify for a land exchange and and Natural Resources. This is a relatively minor bill but one that the Fire District would have to Mr. UDALL. Mr. President, today I that is important to the Fire District pursue a new special use permit for the am introducing the Sugar Loaf Fire and the people it serves. I think it de- property under station 2. As a result, Station Land Exchange Act of 2009. serves enactment without unnecessary the Fire District is interested in secur- This bill is the same as the version I delay. introduced in the House of Representa- ing ownership of the land under these tives in the last Congress, H.R. 3181. It stations through this exchange legisla- By Mr. REID (for Mr. KENNEDY will facilitate a fair exchange of lands tion. (for himself, Mr. HARKIN, Mr. The Fire District has occupied and on the Arapaho-Roosevelt National DODD, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mrs. MUR- operated these fire stations on these Forest near Boulder, CO., between the RAY, Mr. REED, Mr. SANDERS, properties for over 30 years. If they can Forest Service and the Sugar Loaf Fire Mr. BROWN, Mr. CASEY, Mr. secure ownership, the lands will con- District. The Fire District is seeking MERKLEY, Mr. BYRD, Mr. tinue to be used as sites for fire sta- this exchange so that they can main- INOUYE, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. LEVIN, tions. The Fire District has made a tain and upgrade their fire stations Mr. KERRY, Mr. ROCKEFELLER, strong, persistent, good faith effort to serving the Sugar Loaf community and Mr. REID, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mr. acquire the land under the stations other nearby communities and prop- AKAKA, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. FEIN- through administrative means and has GOLD, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. DURBIN, erties—areas that are in the wildland/ demonstrated its sincere commitment Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. urban interface and thus at risk of to this project by expending its mone- NELSON of Florida, Mr. CARPER, wildfires. In fact, these fire stations tary resources and the time of its staff Ms. STABENOW, Ms. CANTWELL, serve the area that was burned in the to satisfy the requirements set forth by Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. MENEN- Black Tiger Fire in 1989. That fire was the Forest Service. the motivation for the Sugar Loaf com- However, those efforts have not suc- DEZ, Mr. CARDIN, Ms. munity to invest more strongly in fire ceeded and it has become evident that KLOBUCHAR, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, protection. The Fire District has grown legislation is required to resolve the Mr. UDALL of New Mexico, Mrs. a lot over the years, and will be cele- situation. SHAHEEN, Mr. BEGICH, Mr. brating its 40th anniversary this Au- The Fire District is willing to trade BURRIS, Mr. KAUFMAN, and Mrs. gust. the property it owns for the property GILLIBRAND)): The bill relates to two fire stations. under the stations. However, the Fire S. 560. A bill to amend the National The Fire District acquired station 1 District is firm in its position that it Labor Relations Act to establish an ef- through an original mining claim wants land under both stations, and ficient system to enable employees to under the 1872 mining laws. In 1967, a that the amount of land must be ade- form, join, or assist labor organiza- public meeting was held on this prop- quate to satisfy both its current and tions, to provide for mandatory injunc- erty to establish a fire district and anticipated needs. tions for unfair labor practices during modify the old school building on the Under the bill, the land exchange will the organizing efforts, and for other site into a firehouse to hold a fire proceed if the Fire District offers to purposes; to the Committee on Health, truck and other firefighting equip- convey acceptable title to a specified Education, Labor, and Pensions. ment. On May 14, 1969, the U.S. Forest parcel of land amounting to about 5.17 Mr. KENNEDY. We are facing a pro- Service approved a special use permit, acres in an unincorporated part of found economic crisis, the likes of which allowed the fire department to Boulder County within National Forest which we have not seen since the Great use both the firehouse and approxi- boundaries between the communities of Depression. Countless working families mately 5 acres of the property under it. Boulder and Nederland. In return, the who were already living on the edge of The special use permit was reissued on land—about 5.08 acres—where the two financial disaster have been hit hard, August 11, 1994, with a life of 10 years. fire stations are located will be trans- and they have nothing to fall back on. In 1970, the fire department applied ferred to the Fire District. Their faith in the American dream has for a special use permit to operate and The lands transferred to the Federal been replaced by fear for their families maintain a second firehouse—station government will become part of the and their future. VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:34 Mar 11, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10MR6.044 S10MRPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with SENATE March 10, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2967 We have already taken some much- to organize without threats or dirty gally during organizing campaigns or needed actions to put our country back tricks. They have formed strong part- first-contract bargaining. These impor- on track, but more needs to be done. In nerships with their employees, and tant changes will put real teeth in the these perilous times, working families they have prospered. But these indi- law, and give employers a financial need security. They need new skills vidual good examples are not enough to reason to respect workers’ rights. and new opportunities. And they need a solve the problem. We need to deal With these basic reforms, the Em- voice in the decisions that will affect with the bad actors. We need to stop ployee Free Choice Act will fix the cur- their families and their futures.
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