You Voted see who You selected as the best We’re proud to have made it to the TOP Thank you for voting us BEST TITLE AGENCY in NY! 2012 National, international, residential and commercial title. • 631.424.6100 • 800.285.1551 • WWW.ADVANTAGETITLE.COM THE ADVANTAGE GROUP: ADVANTAGE TITLE • ADVANTAGE FORECLOSURE • ADVANTAGE LEGAL • ADVANTAGE SETTLEMENT • MORTGAGE ADVANTAGE Copyright ©2011 ALM Properties, Inc., All rights reserved. Table of Contents For subscription information: 888-770-5647 For advertising information: 212-457-9465 or fax: 646-822-5029 Letter from the Editor 2 For reprint information: 877-257-3382 or 347-227-3382 [email protected]. Printed in the U.S.A. Technology 4 Farrell McManus PUBLISHER/EDITOR 12 ADVERTISING SALES Consulting/Outsourcing Peter Hano [email protected] (Consumer/Luxury/Retail/Restaurants) Roseann Agostino [email protected] (Recruiters/Law Schools/Real Estate) Richard Berger [email protected] (Litigation Support & Technology) Research/News 14 Patty Martin [email protected] (Accounting/Consulting/Financial) Indera Singh [email protected] (Law Firms/Law Schools/CLE) GROUP DIRECTOR, AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT Accounting/Financial Services/Insurance 18 Shane Molloy [email protected] CIRCULATION FULFILLMENT DIRECTOR Michael Cirillo [email protected] Litigation Support 26 ALM SENIOR MANAGEMENT PRESIDENT/CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Bill Carter Real Estate 36 SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT/CHIEF operating OFFICER Kevin Michielsen SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT/CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Eric F. Lundberg Alternative Dispute Resolution 38 SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT/CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER Jeffery K. Whittle SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT/CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER Lenny Izzo Recruiting and Staffing 44 SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT/SALES Kevin J. Vermeulen VICE PRESIDENT/REAL ESTATE MEDIA 46 Michael Desiato Education VICE PRESIDENT/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Aric Press Thank you to all of our Loyal Clients for choosing JP&R as the Legal Notice Advertising & # Services Firm in New York! We Are Legal Notice (for the third year in a row!) EXPERTS 1 212-267-6698 | www.jpandr.com NYlJ RaNKINGs September 2012 1 The 2011 Reader Rankings: In Appreciation of the Vendors Who Serve the Legal Community Dear Readers, Welcome to the Second Annual New York Law Journal Reader Rankings! This program is designed to let you, the New York legal community, tell us which vendors are the best at what they do. Whether it was a crucial service or a time-saving product, if it is an important aspect to the practice of law, there was a category for you to vote on it. From technology products, to banking and escrow services to dispute resolution, the New York Law Journal Reader Rank- ings displays the firms who came out on top when it comes to providing you with what is essential to compete in this tough legal market. Recently I had a rather animated conversation about the Reader Rankings with a long-time partner at a large New York City law firm. When he first saw the survey, he was concerned that we were asking lawyers to vote on other lawyers and saw a lot of pitfalls in that. After I spent a good amount of time walking him through the exhaustive process we undertake to execute Reader Rankings and sent him a list of the voting categories, his attitude changed. “No worries,” he said, The“that is2012 fine. ReaderThe vendors Rankings: do a wonderful In serviceAppreciation to the legal ofcommunity. the Vendors They really Who do. Serve“ the Legal Community DearClearly Readers, you agree with him. Despite incredibly busy schedules and a work load that is enough for probably two people, It’sover hard 4,200 to believe,readers castbut voteshere wefor areyour again. favorite Welcome vendors to in the 51 Thirdcategories. Annual Given New the York size Law and Journalscope of Reader the survey Rankings, and the where you, the New York legaltime community,it takes to fill cast it out,your your vote response for your againfavorite exceeded vendor. our The expectations vendors ranked by far. in Lawyersthis supplement and legal areprofessionals firms that alikeyou have told us are the best of the best. They are the ones who help you with all aspects of life as a lawyer from technology products, to banking and escrow services to disputerely very resolution heavily on - thesethe firms companies who came and that out is on why top we are have providing dedicated you a specialwith the supplement products andto highlight services the you successes need to compete this tough legal market.of the best. Last year in this space I recounted a rather animated conversation about the Reader Rankings with a long-time partner at a large New York CityThe lawReader firm Rankings who has is beenrun by practicing our sales for and over marketing fifty years.teams hereHe initially at ALM. recoiled The voting at the was idea conducted but he eventuallyvia online bal-said that the Reader Rankings hadlot andits place compiled “because by the the sales vendors,” and marketing he said “doteams a wonderful of the New service York Law to the Journal. legal community. Readers were They notified really ofdo.“ the Thisballot year he called me for the survey link in anticipation of the voting. through direct emails and online advertisements across ALM’s vast network of websites. Our goal was to make the He was not the only eager one. Despite incredibly busy schedules and a workload that is enough for probably two people, almost 6,800 of you castvoting votes as inclusivefor your favoriteas possible. vendors The inballot 63 categories. consisted of You 51 keepcategories exceeding encompassing our expectations. the areas of Technology, Research, TheAccounting, Reader Rankings Insurance, are Financial not a scientific Services, survey Litigation or an Support,editorial Educationanalysis but and a democracy.Recruiting/Staffing. The voting Inwas total, conducted over 350 via online ballot, compiled byfirms the saleswere andlisted marketing on the official teams ofonline the Newballot Yorkand Lawvoters Journal. were also Readers given thewere option notified of writing of the inballot any throughfirms not directlisted - emails and online adver- tisements linking to the ballot across ALM’s network of websites. The ballot consisted of 63 categories encompassing the areas of Technology, Research,almost 375 Accounting, firms received Insurance, votes via Financial the write-in Services, option. Litigation Support, Real Estate, Education Recruiting and Staffing. In total, over 365 firms were listed on the official online ballot and voters were also given the option of writing in any firms not see listed; approximately 300 firmsPlease received note that voteswe only via allowedthe write-in legitimate option. end Ultimately, users (attorneys, our goal paralegals, was to make legal the assistants voting asetc.) inclusive to vote. as We possible. took great Pleasepains to note ensure that the we voting only allowed was fair. legitimate Any non-attorney, end users non-legal-professional (attorneys, paralegals, or legal non-validated assistants voteetc.) was to vote. disqualified. We took great pains to ensure the voting was fair. Any non-attorney or non-legal-professional (or anyone who we could not validate was a legitimate end user) vote was disquali- fied.I would like to extend a special thanks to the entire New York Law Journal sales, marketing and design teams – espe- Icially would the like Law to Journal’sextend a specialAd Production thanks toManager the entire Susan New Ferguson York Law and Journal ALM’s sales, Senior marketing Art Director and Francis design Kaiventeams –who especially the Law Journal’s Adreally Production made this Manager fantastic Susansupplement Ferguson come and together ALM’s despite creative tight team deadlines Andrew and Barbera a lot of andchanges Jasmine made Vollherbst by yours truly. who really made this fantastic supplement come together despite tight deadlines a lot of changes by yours truly. Again,Again, I thanksthank youfor sharingfor sharing your your voice voice and andyour your votes. votes. Your Your opinions opinions are arereflected reflected on the on thepages pages that thatfollow. follow. If you If youdo do not see your favorite firmnot see there your this favorite year firmplease there make this sure year, to pleasevote next make year. sure Basedto vote on next your year. tremendous Based on response,your tremendous the Reader response, Rankings the will keep evolving and growing.Reader Rankings will only grow and expand in 2012 and beyond. As always, if you have any thoughts on this program or any other we run here at the New York Law Journal please drop me a line. I can be reachedAs always, at [email protected]. if you have any thoughts on this program or any other program we run here at the New York Law Journal, Iplease look forward drop me to a hearingline. I can from be reachedyou! at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you! Warm regards, Warm regards, 2 September 2011 NYLJ RANKINGS S2 NYlJ RaNKINGs September 2012 NAM CONGRATULATES HON. JOHN P. DIBLASI VOTED ONE OF THE TOP TWO BEST INDIVIDUAL MEDIATORS IN NEW YORK STATE for three consecutive years by the New York Law Journal Survey VOTED THE #1 BEST INTERNATIONAL MEDIATOR Hon. John P. DiBlasi Former Justice of the Commercial Division of the Supreme Court VOTED ONE OF THE TOP THREE BEST FINANCIAL MARKETS MEDIATORS Specialties Include: Commercial, International, Finance, Defamation, Employment, Entertainment, False Imprisonment, Fraud, Insurance Coverage, Intentional Torts, Land Use, Professional Malpractice The Better Solution® 122 East 42nd Street, Suite 803, New York, New York 10168 Additional Locations: Garden City, Brooklyn, Westchester and Buffalo (800) 358-2550 www.namadr.com NAM_083012_NYLJ-2012-Ranking-Survey-DiBlasi.indd 1 9/4/12 3:22:30 PM Technology eDiscovery Predicative Coding Solution Case Management Software Docket & Calendaring Software Docket Management Software Time & Billing Software Entity Management Solution Matter Management Solution Tables of Authority Software Document Management Solution Technology ALM’s Law Technology news recently reported on a recent Cowen Group study.
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