PAGE TWO THE DILLON DAILY TRIBUNE THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1966 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Mrs, Dick Dale and Tad, Mrs, The DILLON DAILY TRIBUNE W. B. Seyler, Mrs. John Seyler Name of Corporation: Water and Mrs. Charles Bridges attend­ —Published B y - ed the funeral of Mrs. George P. Users Irrigation Company. EXPERT REPAIRS! Smith which was held In Christ's Tribune Publishing Co. Location of principal place of Episcopal Church in Sheridan on 9 RANGES E. C. Townsend ............ E ditor business: 30 South Montana St., Thursday of last week. t Dillon, Montana. REFRIGERATORS PH O N E 66 Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Hull and family spent Sunday visiting in (Subscription Rates in Advance) Notice is hereby given, that at Melrose with Mrs. Hull’s mother, SMALL APPLIANCES Montana Rates: a meeting of the directors, held on Mrs. Hazel Olson, and her sister Per Year _____ *4,00 the 18th day of February, 1956, an Mrs. Claud Dodgson. 6-Months 2.25 3-Months ............ ...................1 1.25 assessment of twelve and one-half Claud O. Dale returned Sunday Electric & Variety 1-Month : ,B0 cents (12%c) per share was levied from Missoula where he had visit­ PHONE 100 Out ot Montana: upon the capital stock of the cor­ ed several days with his son Hal Per Year -36.00 6-Months .... ..... - 3.25 poration, payable on'or before th# Dale and family, , 3-Months - ■ ________ _ _ 1.75 13th day of April, 1956, to the 1-Month ______________ - 1.00 Treasurer of said corporation ht Entered as second class matter 30 South Montana Street, Dillon, June 12, 1896, at the postofilce at TABLE OF EVENTS DUlon, Montana, , under the Act of Montana. Any stock upon which March 3, 1879. the assessment shall remain un­ .iNatlonal Advertising Representa­ paid on the 13th day of April, t iv e ” — 1956, will be delinquent and ad­ Montana Winter Fair vertised for sale at public auotion, Syndicate Trust Bldg., St Louis; 310 Board of Trade Bldg., Kansas and, unless payment is made be­ City; 1963 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit fore, will be sold on the 12th day Bozeman :: March io -17 of May, 1956, to pay the delin­ quent assessment, together with inclusive CLASSIFIED ADS the cost of advertising and ex­ penses of sale. HELP WANTED / (Signed) B. A. Risley, SATURDAY, MARCH 10 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, Secretary Jr. livestock & Judging of Short­ WANTED: Man to contract harvest of 30 South Montana Street, Meat Judging .... 9:00 AM horns ............. 9:00 A M alfalfa hay on shares. Contact Dell Judging of Gallo­ Store. Dillon, Montana. Jr. Tractor Jockey Preliminaries .... 2:00 PM w ays .... ................ 11:00 A M Feb. 23, Mar. 1, 8,15 FOR RENT 10 Farm Bureau Angus S a le ........ ........ 1:00 PM Awards Banquet 5:30 PM Pie Bake-Off ......... J. 2:00 PM FOR RENT: . 2 .bedroom modern un­ Herdsmen’s Smok­ Hereford Ass’n furnished house, ; newly .decorated, TWIN BRIDGES NEWS v Close In. Mrs. E. H. Cantrell. Phone: KIDDING STAN’S STANCE—Phillies’ catcher Stan Lopata ie r .......................... 7:30 PM M eeting ........... 2:00 PM , 669-M. ... (right) stands fit the plate in his famous stance, ready to • Mrs. B. J. Basolo Chuckwagon Dinner 6:30 PM APARTMENT . FOR RENT: Living hit a few pitches in spring training, and a quartet of teami- SUNDAY, MARCH 11 room, bedroom and kitchen. Private mates lines up, kidding him by assuming the same eccen­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Balkovetz Greased Pig THURSDAY, MARCH 15 bath and entrance. Call 127 So. Rail­ road. John Jackson. tric crouch. Left to right are: pitcher Curt Simmons; out­ were Butte shoppers Friday. Scram ble ............. 1:00 PM Judging of Here- is* fielder Del Ennis; inflelder Willie Jones; pitcher Herman Mrs. Audrey Detonancour and Kibitzers’ Kontest. 1:30 PM fords ______ ,.___ 9:00 A M Wehmeier; and Lopata. children and Mis'. Ruth Long and Swine Breeders Bred Gilt Sale ......... 1:00 PM children spent a few days visiting Banquet ....... ........7:00 PM Bread Bake-Off ....... 2:00 PM relatives in Missoula while their Kiwanis Party for Bred Ewe Salé'------ 3:00 PM FOR SALE, MISCELLANEOUS 11 $2.00 HOURLY possible doing light as­ husbands, Boyd Detonancour, Jr; Exhibitors ......7:00 PM Hereford Banquet .. 7:00 PM sembly work at home. No experience coach, and Jess Long, assistant Miss Gallatin Show.. 7:00 PM FOR SALE: 1955 Nashua trailer house, necessary. Write Sanco Mfg. Co., 7159 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles 36, coach, attended the basketball MONDAY, M ARCH 12 35 foot, 2 bedroom. W. D. Reynolds, Calif. Glen. tournament in Poison. Fat Stock Judging 9:00 AM FRIDAY, MARCH 16 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cushman and FOR SALE: Baled hay, or will trade SHOP KING'S STORE for window Judging of Rabbitsl0:00 AM Hereford Sale ......... 11:00 AM shade values—Paper, plastic or cloth. children attended the tournament Judging of Hogs....ll:00 AM Cake Bake-Off ......... 2:00 PM for livestock. E. J. Kirby, phone Odd sizes cut free. 082-R-5. Saturday, returning Sunday. Also Judging of Sheep..ll:00 AM Sr. Tractor Jockey FOR RADIO-TV REPAIR call 525-W. attending Saturday were Mr. and Kiwanis Luncheon Preliminaries .......I 2:00 PM FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE 14 Bramsman Radio Service. 517 E. Mrs. Lemar Nash. for Exhibitors-..12:00 M Angus Range Bull Glendale S t FOR SALE: 3 bedroom home close to A large group of students left Pat Stock Sale..... 7:00 PM Sale ........... 1:00 PM Barrett hospital. Modern and prao FOR SALE: 150 ton alfalfa hay at Saturday in the State Orphan’s Mrs. America Local ticàlly new. Price $12,500. Dillon Dell. Contact Dell Store. Home bus for the tournament at C ontest ....J.......... 7:00 PM Real Estate Mart TUESDAY, MARCH IS SINGER SEWING SERVICE—for home PolSon. They were accompanied by •Judging of Angus.. 9:00 AM * FOR SALE, AUTOMOBILES 15 demonstration or repairs call 157-J, Bill Miles as chaperone and Dawes Mad-Gal Lunch­ SATURDAY, MARCH 17 Sam Cantwell, representative. Lott and Bert Whiting, drivers. eon ........ — ...... 12:00 M Hereford Range FOR SALE: 1955 Chevy station wagon, NOW IN STOCK: “ Uranium In the They returned Sunday morning. very low mileage. Will sell equity to Judging of Dairy Bulls .......................9:30 AM Northwest’’ by L. D. Jarrard and W. Supt. A1 Comer and Mrs. Comer C attle ......... 1:00 PM Tractor Jockey first reasonable offer or best offer S. Moen. A field guide for uranium and son Billy were , in Poison dur­ this week (reasonable or not). Don’t prospecting. Larsen's. Crochet Contest...-. 2:00 PM Finals ...;.......... 2:00 P M ing the entire tournament. Mr. be bashful. Here’s a chance to own Montana Angus Mrs. Montana Fi­ a beautiful like new station wagon Comer relayed the games by spe­ FOR SALE : 70 to 80 ton of hay, round Banquet ............... 6:30 PM nals I Begin ............. 1:00 PM ■ for a ridiculously low down payment'. bales. Contact Nathan Packer, Sheri cial telephone to the high school Phone 750. Farm Bureau Mrs. Montana dan, Mont. in Twin Bridges so that a large Hoedown ............. 7:30 PM Crowned ----- ......... 8:00 PM 1946 PLYMOUTH COUPE-good rub­ FOR KIRBY vacuum cleaner parts and gathering of Twin Bridges people ber, new battery. Running condition. sales contact Virgil Coulter Given, and surrounding towns could en­ $125.00. Phone 092-R-L 607 W. Park, Dillon. Phone 268-J. joy the games. A L L W EEK MISCELLANEOUS 17 Also leaving Saturday for Poi­ Wheat and Barley Show, Dairy Products Show, School Art LEGAL NOTICES son and returning Sunday were Exhibit, Egg Show, Needlecraft Show, Hobby Show, Cooking CAR SEATS RE-COVERED, lambing Mr. and Mrs. Don- Carroll, Mr. Show, Machinery Exhibit, Appliance Show. tents repaired and jeep windows. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE and Mrs. John Stevens, Mr. and Bring them to Steve's Second Hand FIFTH JUDICIAL • DISTRICT OF Mrs. Pete Narancich and Jerry, Store behind Metlen Hotel. THE STATE OF MONTANA, IN RANGE BULL SALES AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BEA­ Nick Narancich and Myron Mor­ VERHEAD ris.' Leaving on Friday were Don 100 Angus Range Bulls....... ...... .....Friday, March 16, 1:00 PM In the Matter of the Estate of HARVE Cox, Russell Edwards, Jack and 200 Hereford Range Bulls........ Saturday, March 17, 9:80 AM A. STANCHFIELD, Deceased. Bozeman Livestock Auction Company NOTICE TO CREDITORS Jimmy Basolo, Eddie Paige and Estate of Harve A. Stanchfleld, De­ Jiggs High. ceased. Notice is hereby given by the under­ signed Executrix of the estate of Harve A. Stanchfleld, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers within four months, after the STATE first publication of this notice, to the said Executrix at the law offices of Schulz & Davis, White Building, Dil­ lon, Montana, the same being the Bar & place for the transaction of the busi­ ness of said estate, in the County of Beaverhead, State of Montana. MILDRED W. STANCHFIELD Lounge Executrix of the Estate of Harve A. Stanchfleld, Deceas­ ed. Dated at Dillon, Montana, this 28th day of January, 1956. Feb. 23, Mch. 1, 8, 15 - a"^eMaiIn501faars! Ue. GOLDIN ANNIVERSARY DELUXE SPECIAL AUTOMATIC RANGE! • AUTOMATIC OVEN.TIMING CLOCK! • 3 BIG STORAGE DRAWERS! • GIANT SUPER OVEN! Reg. $259.59 6 YEARS OLD Save $60 199 $ 3 9 5 4 /5 Q t. Cède 40-D MOCKEL'S Code 40-C Telephone 380 —- 100 North Idaho \ 1 8tráJ«&trBourteonJW lilBatey • S G~ P ro o fs NaUoxial_im*tm «rCI*ro<iuot«COorp,U tlU T ) «O, a.
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