1ST MARINE DIVISION - SPECIAL ACTION REPORT - ANNEX W SPECIAL SERVICES - OCTOBER 1950 - DECEMBER 1950 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-24 CD: 01 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00101225 A-''N'EX :!!LL!AM TC 1ST. rC~Riii'E DIVI3ION SPECIAL 1-CTIC~ "EPORT 37/Jl:'>/dh D1v1s1on Speo)al Services A9 ..... · 1st }.~:;.rine. D.~-v-1s!cn in tba· ri·ald To 1 Subj: Speo1al ~ot1on ~apor-t for per-ic~ 8 Ootober- 1950 to 15 DJ)cember 1950 .. Ret: (a) .D1v1e1on Gener~lO~do~ _No. 16 (b) Division KemoraMum 24ti-50 or 26Deo~O {a) Paragre.!Jh' "11401 • Marine Oorpa !I!E.nual. lg4g l, _. INTRODUCTION! The nui'nOaa of t-his e.rmHA is t,o doHH""lr=ib..; in br-i,;;f the mission; 'organi~at1oo·ir!ci''aotivit1~a 'or the .. ' ' Divlalon Specl-'11 Service~ Section durin~ the period 8 October 1950 to 15 December 1950. ·.: .';." :·:i. i ~-- 2, TASK O'!(}AtilZ \TICN I , .During the. period covered by this report the DiviBion Special Services Section waa oowpoeed of the personnel ~a rollows~ D1v1e1rm SnAniAl FIAt>Vitu~a· l1f'f'1nAl"1 R .Ot'!t.nhAtt 1o.;o t.n .. 29 NO"<ember. lgSO t.-captain- ~ymond )I; aPUHLE't ;~OLS62S ·. /030"1 ~ U.s.M:q • . i 3 r~:-~;~~~J~~e~~5~1 s~rt~~~~~~if~~~~ ;_M. gA~~&~~b~9~§7~26i I'-:!?_~~'"' YP!'H.~_;,- . · Division Educ-;.tlon &; -~·lalrara orr1car: Flrat Llautenarit .. Floyd H. JIALD'WP, 049358/0302·, US~;C, Division Special Services Ohieft Master Ser~eant Larry L. GREEN, ~41777/5239/0149," u~MC. Dlv1elon Athletic & aecreat1on NCOI Tecbn1cal Ser3eant Warr~n L~ GULL~. 274103/5239. USMC~ Aeeietant Athletic & 'q&c!"cntion ·NCO! Tccbnic-~l .·sc:,r.gcant Eu~ene A, KIE~'AN, 298603/5239, USMC. 11aterhl & ~quipment D1str1but1~n Ndol 'Sta'i'r s~~g·e~n·t' ~€1-lph v. ~usso. 451010/5231. usr.~c. -·- . ·•·:''' ·. Aesie~ant A~~letic ~ Keorea~ion·N~J! ser~eSnt James H. MC DOiiELL·Jr., 107Hi75/5231, USMC; ~ . ·' .-. ~ . Seotlon Olerk-Typ1etr Corporal '~rl _w. B~WSTER, 6;10994/5::?31, USMC. ' · , ·' ............ __ l - lll'.fiM-P'I' DF.CI.ASSIFIF.D Korean War Project USMC-00101226 ,,_·. ~NNEX :ULLH!r. TO 1ST ~~~'UNB DIVISION SPBCIAii ·~CTION 'i'i:Ji'O:<:[' ( CON'J:' 'D) Eduoat1~n & 'lf.e).fal'e Clel'k 1. -.Qo:-pprall)9f..li> JjOLC0¥3,. 111Afi'7'1'7.tC::~Oll'1': fl~:O/t''L . ·,·---~·-·· ·,.' .., -- ----·-·,--.,-~ -~-- .... -· . Projeot1on1st 16mml Pr1vete F1,rst,Class -.Hll1a!l).E• Nrr,SON, 1047574/52;·1~ USMC~ ·'. ' Pr-ojcctloniet 16mmt l?:rivate Fi:ret Claa~ !Of.!,Y J; .m;d.RTE; 1_16328/5231, USKO, '• Tbe be1ow'liated peraonnel,of t!i1e.Seotl1on have been on TAD, Kobe, Japan, under· Classified orders 1n connection with the secur1tv of ·the D1v1s1orl·speo1al Sel"vioes At.hletic and ~ecreation propert-y in storage therB~ · ' , · Commieeioned 'tlarrel.nt Off';ie.ero fHlliam A~_-pr;:~CE~ 021129/0130, USMC, ~astl'r S~rgesnt ~rt)lur 'D '.. DDN03,UE, :.25D,21/Dl_4!;1, . T1'r'ltl'l'l •.JQ!·~v! ... ' ' .-· . < ' ~s~~:r ~~~geant +'"-~!or:.c;~~~(~~~ifi~i~1Vi:~J~~-~fn·~;~~},. Staff Ser,geant Harry J;_l\Uli!fS ,'?l4_l~o/524;9, UJ?I'i0, · .. (: '.,. ·-'. :!''!ELIMINA'!Y :!'LANN!ll(t I. Th~e section not ·be1.1lg taot:).oal; the ''!)i;ellm1imj' ... the planning ·conaietea chiefly or· 1mproveiJ!~:t of one ·of· ) 1ts· basic m!ee!Qns tbat of m'lit d1str1but_~·¢m·~.o.r :r,eading and __wr.i.tlqg: tiutexial and e.tble.tio a;:nd .reo~t:ati.on ~qutp_: :· men11~- -· -.~1!fY~ till Of the· .Q'1."y1·s.1c;n Spe~1al.·S~v.1·cee atk':!.., .··:, let i.e.· and: re'crea t~on equi_pment_ _)4S.S .. ln.. stora_ge 1n ·_K~-~e:, ,._. : · .THn.H.;-;·. n1H.nN WPr"H m::o;doJ t,o shin :ma·terisl to ths Division Wh~~~,;e~-::th.-; ··SitU3. t10~ WZnild- pe~mi t-. · 4. T'l.UNlNtl \ND '!EH'.i:.\RSALS I Not applicaJ?le .. 5, LO .\DING AND ''S!-!"lA "lKING I . In 'that tt')e D1vi'slon Specl-3.1, Services· equipment. brou~ht .from 'Hie· Unittd ·States for d1eti•1but1ou t(! · unlta of .the D1v1e1on while ovr:raeae waa no_t. in our possession,· ··lo:?.d~ng .and _embarking consiste_d_ only of section ope!"EJ.t!ng mnt.cri~l ~-_ ..-Any mater1al_.l'"~O':G;_ivE0 prior to embarktng was distributed to D1v1s1ori units. From .8-12 October 1950., pet's.onnel of ·.Wis sectl'on, excl;;;.:Hns- tbE' ·niv1a1on· Speoisl .S.s-rv1cce O~f'1oer?' Cepte..in "!aymona H, SPUIILB:R,. u.s. J.'ar1ne Corps, Wel"e· utilized by thG "}{E'!dqu~rt~r!i! ·_sa·t'tal~\Yd .. _! 1~!·~ 'o't'fiu;:r ·;,u"fd.~i- V'e_J:7_bE;). orders of_ the·_ 1-{ea'dquarter.a. 3att.!;!.lip.n, __Com!Jl!fn_d 1n3 _Of,ficfZI' as a loadl:f.3 team, from shore tc ehi_p, .of o~q;go belonging· to the Headquarter• 3att!ilicon ·~nd Fir'st Ccmb•t Service G-roup in the· ·Inchon Har-bor-, DF:CI ,ASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00101227 ANNEX W!LL!A!'l TO 1ST !1;..4-:t!NE .DlVISION 5PECL4.L ACTION R;:l'ORT (CONT 10)' On 13 October 1950, all personnel of this seotlon, w !.1.n t.rle exoept=~on ot ~p!;irj!_O!'n'H:l _O!:l TA-D;·. Kpb;;: , Japan: as l!l~T}~~on~o in pa_rafOr'lph _2, embarked_ ab~aJ:"p _th~ usa A.CH~ E':tN3.~i., lnctmn, Kor:aa, ror t.:ran$_porr.at.;.on t.o .:tone an, Korea, 6, l!9V]:J::£;!)_t_j'Q_AllD A3'1~VAJ,_ A:t OBJECT!VS A!l-E!I Upon urr1val at.·thc ~fonsan Harbor, all.- perso.nnel' or this eectlon w:.re ut1l~i~ed a.s shi.P! s Platoon to .. aes1s:t -in unloa.d1ng th~ USS, ~oa~NA.:t. On 3l October 1950. all personnel dEba.rked B.t ~.ionsan, Korea 1 a.nd proosedeCI via tri ok. tran~t:'ort.a t1on to th? Dh•icion Command Post. · Thie eection ee't; up in the lm~e~lste area·u! the D1v1~ion Command Post in_:lonBO.!J• .. Tbis se~~~'?n r~mained tbere rr-cni'3l october -~950 .to·_q I:iov:_etDber ~9:::>0, ;~~""lng this period movies were shown n~shtly in·tbe Division Uommand Poet area. Film. )'Ia~ .obt!;l1n~d .f_row !ie=1.dquarters Sneoial Services. X: coros. On' 2· November·'1950 •. a eh1p­ ment or two thouSand eiSht hunarea· eighty (2,88oj air ' mail port'folioa etat.1onery was r~oe~ved .. ~Y. air fX"eigbt from our etook of material.inKobe ,. Japan. B~aff Ser­ ~eant Harry J. KtJHNS. u.s. ,!lf.arine C!orpe eooompanisd thi~ shipment from Kobe, Japan,.to_K1mpo.A1rf.eld, Korea, Stiiff 9ergtar-,t. ·n:uHt~S !i-!'rang~~ for- tn,;.9k ti"anapor.tation ":nd accom~anied th~ e~ipme12t. ~ro'!! ;~mpo ,Ai:n:~d _to. wonaan. upon oomple'tlCr. en:- t;ne _aeJ.l.Ve_;oy ,· o"toa!:;- ·oer3ean"to KUHNS. returned to Kobe, Japan, vi~ .air .tra,nsporhtion to oont1tJuc ~~ty_ as dir-cgte\l un~er- b1ti pr-e~~'?t .'l'Al?._ord~re, • . On 5 _NOve~Pe:r.1950,.,tbe·D~v1ai.ot1 gO.u{m~U4'··P.y~t_(_'~;i-s: ... moved.· to Hum>:nam. Korsa. · .Thts scoti.on waa transported . by train. on '6 November 195_o; this ·sectiOn -~rr_iV.e_O .at·,, HunaonAm a.nci l"'At.ahl1shf::d 1 t.sAl f e.t. th~ Division Command POSr:and ·Ope~ate~~in--a r~U_title m8.n-rl6r. - ·- . .. ... A limited number of magazines and Star:s and Str~1pe8: \i€rs rr:ccivad and distributed to a.ll un!-ts dur!ng_'5-8 November 1950. From 8-23 November 1950, movies were shown n1shtly by thie section at R~:~dquartere· Eat-talion Gr arid l~t Si5nal 3attal1on Cl', Film was .prpoured from.Hsadquar'l;era &9e-o1at Stn1eri,._ X _Gorpa, aamn~. Ko,fe._. .. '~ l ..•: On .12 Nov~mbor 1.!)50 ;. J.os .,liii>iagg~!> ,1111d ;"l;.olty _Q '.Jl4-lll-", visited- ·tbe 1st-,- -· '1i:.::It"1ns- . • Div1s1on."Hoanltal-,- ' ... ' • ._•and -. i .D.1v1s'1o~• ' ' ..~· OP &rea. .. ;:,·.,·.' -_.,,_~-.:•-.. ·,.,~ __ '··,'.,·.·.:·_._·.·.·.'.·.... ·:·.--·.'·.. \ ~; 1 !-~·· .. :· ... : •• ·--.:: · ·. 't·.," • .,.:;·,· • • ··; ,. • . ' -:. '" ....... _,_,_: , ' .. •,. ' •. ,'':. l . ' .:.-.: ..:·:· ~- .. ~- ~.-.';·,·. td- i • ~ --~~:,,··-~;.:· • ·. -'l'b,o '.Jliv 1a ton 1Jpce1.'!1 ,:;J.erv,1:q~~~o''.or.rfo~:r>:, :·,Q4pt~1pii::i·•''-'· ,.,., .. ."-·~ ·• ····'.'·'W ~.... qvmoz:id .H:.'.SPUHLB?~. U.S •. -l1ar,lnc .C.orne =d.,.cns no::!~., .... · •." i!'omm.1se.toned ofUoer, T~ chn1'9al:'aer,gaaPi• WJ~rren ,r.·; . , ,, ' G\JLLS'.l, -u ~!:' ~ ~":j;l:~t.11e :·Cor=p!i', .· 't)·fo.m: th~e.: ~~·ot1o.n :tra·vii~l?~f~.J · under ord ~rs t·o· Je.pan ·on 13.- Nqve!l1ber .. j.95Q.;.,c to ·~trra n$~ ::- · f,_or e tlipmtH1~ ,.QZ. • a.tble.tiC · g.far··-,_. b~ok~, W~·_3'ii~1ne~ • ~-~4~ t1onery and Chri.a.tmap Ca~ds:. .. · ' ,., , - 3 - ~~;~:~· .. .··:s:.-· .. -':f;~· DF.CI .ASSIFIED OF:CLASSIFJF:[) Korean War Project USMC-00101228 1ST URINE DIVISION. SP'l:CI \L ACTION . Ct1 29 ·November 1950., Q~ptain. 'laymond H. SPUHLE:t, Uo:S'.ll'~:r,1ne CO,t'p~, w"s reU.ev!lil, ;!s'D~·vJ:e~o·n' Special aetw';\'.c£.
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