IF , - Phelan contest Calls Spartan 'Revelries Dance Motif Follows Angelic Theme; San Jose State College Literary Talent voune e r AdmissionByASB SJSCI Friday, February 25, 19 San Jose, California, umb Card Decorations at the Revelries For the sixteenth year, San Jose State college students have the dance tamorrow night will reflect Morgan Foils Gaucho Rebound Shot the theme of "How's It Coin'," ac- opportunity to enter the Phelan literary depart- Governor Notes contest, the English Ardith Totten, Sophomore Art cording to Barbara Ftodenborn, ment has announced. The contest is made possible by a $13,000 be- dance chairman. quest of the late Senator James D. Phelan. SJ Centennial Major, Wins 'Miss Who' Prize The Civic auditorium will be Senator Phelan was always deeply interested in poetry. Through decked with large paper angels this medium he became a close Attendance Bid 'Right You Are' and crepe paper streamers. Scrolls, Of Tickets to similar to diplomas, will bear com- M. friend of the late Dr. Henry Acknowledgment of an invita- Ardith Totten, sophomore art ments pertaining to the Revelries tion for Governor Warren to ad- Bland, former California poet lau- Committee Plans San Jose, is winner of show. dress San Jose State college dur- major from reate and San Jose State college 'Miss Who' The dressy dance, which will ing the Centennial celebration was two free tickets to "Right You be- Forthcoming Coed gin at 9 p.m., is for couples. English professor. It was at the revealed at the Centennial com- Are, forthcoming production of suggestion of Dr. Bland that the The Recreation Night mittee meeting last Wednesday by the Speech and Drama depart- affair is free to ASB mem- contest was originated to stimu- Lowell C. Pratt, acting chairman. bers. One student body card will Preliminary plans for the Co-ed ment, for correctly indentifying late creative student writing. admit a couple. Music for the Recreation night to be held March The acknowledgment came from "Miss Who." evening will be provided by Wally governor, who Hold Spring Festival 11 in the Men's gym was the main a secretary of the The student who posed for "Miss Heider's orchestra. Heider is from action was impossible In prewar years a spring festi- topic of discussion at the Co-ed wrote that Who" was Pat Friar. It was Mien San Francisco. val was held at Montalvo, Phelan's Recreation committee meeting last at the present time, but hoped for Friar's hair style that gave Miss "Duke" Deras, entertainment Saratoga estate, at th,. end of Wednesday, according to Rhoda speedy consideration by the gov- Totten the clue to her Identity. chairman, promises that the music each contest. Winners were in- Anderson, chairman. ernor, Pratt stated. will be 'exceptional'. Any student vited to read their compositions Miss Totten can obtain her two Social dancing, folk dancing, Addition of two committee mem- who would like to regUest a song and were crowned with flower free tickets by calling at the volleyball, table games, and re- bers, Dr. William G. Sweeney, rep- is asked to leave a note for Deras wreaths by members of the Eng- Speech office. freshments will be offered for the resenting the Education depart- in the "D" box in the coop. lish department faculty. In addi- amusement of all students, the ment, and Rocci G. Pisano, Spardi Another picture will be placed The Revelries dance is an an- tion, a day-long program of danc- committee chairman said. Admis- Gras faculty adviser, was also an- on the campus' bulletin boards, nual affair sponsored by the stu- ing, singing and swimming was sion to the activities is free. nounced by Pratt. and students will have another held. However, this practice was thance to guess who another "Miss dent body and planned by the halted during the war and has not Other business included an out- The finance committee, investi- Who'.' is, the Speech office said. Social Affairs committee. line of proposed activities to be been resumed. gating available funds for the cele- Another two tickets to "Right You "The Revelries dance is one of presented at an afternoon barbe- enlarged The contest is made up of six bration of June 1-4, was Are" will be given. biggest student functions of the que and social night to be held by the appointments of Dr. Ray- divisions: sonnet, lyric and free simi- year," Miss Rodenborn said. "We April 5. Carl D. The idea of the contest is verse poetry, essay, short story mond Mosher and Dr. expect a large crowd Saturday Next meeting of the committee lar to the plot of the play and and play. A first prize of $20, Duncan. evening." will be Wednesday afternoon at concerns an elusive person second prize of $13, and a third Patrons for the dance are Mr. 3:30 in the Little Theater. Further reports of sub-commit- whom everyone knows but does prize of 58 is offered in each divi- tees were postponed until complete not identify with the situation. Kenneth Coleman, Dean Helen sion. obtained by Dimmick, Mrs. Izetta Pritchard, information can be "Right You Are. (If You Think full-time student of San committee concerning Dr. and Mrs. Barry, and Major Any the finance You Are)" Stars Jackson Young college under 30 years KLOK Interviews Pat Friar Babel. Jose State available funds. and Mrs. Evelyn McCurdy in the of age is eligible to enter the con- Joan O'Neil is chairman of the Centen- title roles. test, rules state. Junior Students The next meeting of the patrons committee. committee will be March 9 Bob -Custer, student announcer, nial The play was written by the The decoration committee in- Must Be Typed at 3:30 p.m. will interview two members of the in B-8 Italian dramatist Luigi Pirandello. cludes Barbara Ftodenborn, chair- Contributions must be typed and Matmen Defeat Junior class on radio station :Ian: Dolores Peterson, Barbara double spaced. The name of the KLOK, tomorrow at 4 p.m., said Kinst, "Skip" Atkins, Dorothy contestant and the title of his Beaver Grapplers Carl Holmberg, Junior Prom en- Johnson, Dorothy Littig, work should accompany each entry ASB Cktss Election Saturday Night Nellis tertainment chairman, yesterday. Last night in the college gym- Netlorn, John Pricolo, and on a separate sheet of paper. En- Dale nasium, the San :Tlearight. tries should be turned into the George Buehring, Junior Prom Today; 52 Vie Jose Spartan Tickets Available English office, room H28, before chairman, will be one of the inter- wrestling team met and defeated Posts Tickets are still available for 5 p.m.. April 8. viewees and Kay Dewey. Junior For Student the Oregon State Beavers by a class council member, will be the the closing performance of "How's The English department re- candidates for class score of 15-14. Scholars To Meet other. Fifty-two It Coin' " according to Business serves the right to refuse to award and student body offices anxiously The best bout of the evening Manager, Dick Cirigliano. prizes in any or all divisions if await the decisions of the Spartan To Elect Officers submitted are was between co - captain John "We have had a sell out for the contributions electorate today. Return Encounter Pits SB Gauchos The Society of Academic Schol- not of sufficient quality to deserve Band Will Play Jackson, San Jose, and Tom Cut- the performances thus far," Ciri- The polls were scheduled to open "but there are still a ars will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. a prize. shell. Cutshell was behind 6-5 in gliano said, at 9 a.m. this morning in the few tickets left for Saturday Against San Jose Saturday Night in Room 1 of the art building New Orleans Jazz the closing for Student Union and will close at 4 minutes, but picked up night's those King River-Bottom Mud and his performance for who Despite Junior Morgan's heroic leap, depicted above, that election of officers and adoption o'clock. Only ASB card holders two points for top time and won did not have a chance to purchase Rump Meeting original "Good Time and Pleasure robbed Gene Snyder of two points, Santa Barbara walloped San of a new constitution. are eligible to vote. 7-6. tickets beforehand." BERKELEY Calif. (UP)Her- Boys" will play for an after-game, Jose State handily in their last game, 60-34. Dr. Richard H. C. Dieckmann, bert K. Phillips. University of after-revelries dance, tonight from Fourteen iltindidates made good Captain Pat Felice, San Jose, Because of the length of the faculty adviser, released the names Tomorrow night Spartan Washington professor, ousted on 9-1 in the Women's gym, accord- on the Spartan Daily offer to run took top time in his match, and performance, Director Ray Bishop meets Gaucho once again in what of two additional students yester- of charges he is a Communist party ing to Marion Bell, chairman interviews. Brief biographies and drew with Ray Southwall. said that some of the lesser scenes may well be the deciding tilt of the CCAA championship. day who have met the society's member, will speak tomorrow near the dance committee. The party platforms of the interviewees can in the show have been cut, but requirements f o r membership. San Jose led 13-6 at the end If COP knocks over State tonight the race will be thrown the West gate of the University of is being sponsored by the junior be found on page four of today's that there has been no major They ape James Fortney and John California at noon.
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