January 21, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S121 meeting to have its staff develop an SENATE RESOLUTION 286—TO AU- 30th Annual Bayou Classic in the Louisiana order over the next few weeks requir- THORIZE LEGAL REPRESENTA- Superdome on November 29, 2003; ing utilities and other jurisdictional TION IN UNITED STATES OF Whereas 4 Jaguar players were selected to the Sheridan Broadcasting National Black entities to report violations of vol- AMERICA V. PARVIS KARIM- College All-American Team: Quincy Richard, untary reliability standards set by the PANAHI Arnold Sims, Miniya Smith, and Lenny Wil- North American Electric Reliability Mr. FRIST (for himself and Mr. liams; Council. The Commission also asked DASCHLE) submitted the following reso- Whereas Jaguar quarterback Quincy Rich- for comment on its legal authority lution; which was considered and ard was named the Sheridan Broadcasting National / Doug Williams Offensive Player of under existing statutes to mandate agreed to: compliance with those standards. the Year and finished with 3,270 yards pass- S. RES. 286 Why is Congress making FERC waste ing and 31 touchdowns; Whereas, in the case of United states of Whereas the Jaguar Head Coach Pete Rich- time trying to determine whether they America v. Parviz Karim-Panahi, Crim. No. ardson was named Sheridan Broadcasting have the legal authority to act to pro- M–8374–03, pending in the Superior Court of National Sports Coach of the Year; and tect consumers and ensure electric re- the District of Columbia, the defendant has Whereas the Jaguars accounted for 5,486 liability? We should simply make that attempted to serve subpoenas for testimony total yards on offense and 63 touchdowns: statutory authority clear. Reliability and documents upon Senators Daniel K. Now, therefore, be it legislation has passed the Senate Akaka, Wayne Allard, Evan Bayh, Joseph R. Resolved, That the Senate— Biden, Robert C. Byrd, Hillary Rodham Clin- (1) commends the Jaguars for winning the twice, and this bill asks the Senate to Sheridan Broadcasting National Black Col- act on those same provisions again. ton, Susan M. Collins, Mark Dayton, Eliza- beth Dole, John Ensign, Lindsey O. Graham, lege Championship; Congress should establish mandatory James M. Inhofe, Edward M. Kennedy, Carl (2) recognizes the achievements of all of reliability standards and close other Levin, Richard G. Lugar, John McCain, Bill the players, coaches, and support staff who regulatory gaps left by state deregula- Nelson, E. Benjamin Nelson, Mark Pryor, were instrumental in helping the Jaguars tion of the electricity sector. We Jack Reed, Pat Roberts, Jeff Sessions, James during the 2003 season and invites them to should pass this bill now, and I pledge M. Talent, and John W. Warner, and on Sen- the United States Capitol Building to be my support to the Senators from Wash- ate employees Judith A. Ansley, Staff Direc- honored; and (3) directs the Secretary of the Senate to ington and New York, Senators CANT- tor of the Committee on Armed Services, Scott W. Stucky, General Counsel to the make available enrolled copies of this resolu- WELL and CLINTON in doing so. Given Committee on Armed Services, June M. tion to the Southern University and A&M the high costs of power outages to our Borawski, Printing and Document Clerk of College of Baton Rouge for appropriate dis- country, we cannot afford to do other- the Committee on Armed Services, Paul F. play and to transmit an enrolled copy of the wise. I invite my colleagues to join us Clayman, Chief Counsel of the Committee on resolution to each coach and member of the in our efforts to advance energy secu- Foreign Relations, and Susan Oursler, Chief 2003 Jaguars. rity and reliability in the United Clerk of the Committee on Foreign Rela- f States. tions; and, Whereas, pursuant to sections 703(a) and SENATE RESOLUTION 288—COM- f 704(a)(2) of the Ethics in Government Act of MENDING THE LOUISIANA STATE 1978, 2 U.S.C. §§ 288b(a)(2), the Senate may di- UNIVERSITY TIGERS FOOTBALL SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS rect its counsel to represent Members, offi- TEAM FOR WINNING THE 2003 cers, and employees of the Senate with re- BOWL CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES spect to any subpoena, order, or request for NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME testimony or documents relating to their of- SENATE RESOLUTION 285—RECOG- ficial responsibilities: Now, therefore, be it Mr. BREAUX (for himself and Ms. NIZING 2004 AS THE ‘‘50TH ANNI- Resolved, That the Senate Legal Counsel is LANDRIEU) submitted the following res- VERSARY OF ROCK ’N’ ROLL authorized to represent the above-listed Sen- olution; which was considered and ators and Senate employees who are the sub- agreed to: Mr. FRIST submitted the following ject of subpoenas and any other Member, of- S. RES. 288 resolution; which was considered and ficer, or employee who may be subpoenaed in agreed to: Whereas the Louisiana State University this case. Tigers football team won the 2003 Bowl S. RES. 285 f Championship Series national championship Whereas Elvis Presley recorded ‘‘That’s All SENATE RESOLUTION 287—COM- game, defeating Oklahoma University by a Right’’ at Sam Phillips’ Sun Records in score of 21 to 14 in the Nokia Sugar Bowl at Memphis, Tennessee, on July 5, 1954; MENDING THE SOUTHERN UNI- the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans, Whereas Elvis’ recording of ‘‘That’s All VERSITY AND A&M COLLEGE OF Louisiana on January 4, 2004; Right’’, with Bill Black on bass and Scotty BATON ROUGE JAGUARS FOR Whereas the Louisiana State University Moore on guitar, paved the way for such sub- BEING THE SHERIDAN BROAD- football team won the Southeastern Con- sequent Sun Studio hits as Carl Perkins’ CASTING NATIONAL BLACK COL- ference Championship, defeating the Univer- ‘‘Blue Suede Shoes’’ (1955), Roy Orbison’s LEGE CHAMPIONS, THE AMER- sity of Georgia by a score of 34 to 13 in the ‘‘Ooby Dooby’’ (1956), and Jerry Lee Lewis’ ICAN SPORTS WIRE NATIONAL Southeastern Conference championship ‘‘Whole Lotta Shakin’’ (1957)—catapulting BLACK COLLEGE CHAMPIONS, game at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Geor- Sun Studio to the forefront of a musical rev- gia on December 6, 2003; olution; AND THE MBC/BCSP NATIONAL Whereas the Louisiana State University Whereas the recording in Memphis of the BLACK COLLEGE CHAMPIONS football team won 13 games during the 2003 first rock ’n’ roll song came to define an era Ms. LANDRIEU (for herself and Mr. season, more games than in any other season and forever change popular music; BREAUX) submitted the following reso- in school history; Whereas the birth of rock ’n’ roll was the lution; which was considered and Whereas the Louisiana State University convergence of the diverse cultures and mu- agreed to football team won 5 games against nation- sical styles of the United States, blending ally ranked opponents; the blues with country, gospel, jazz, and soul S. RES. 287 Whereas the Louisiana State University music; Whereas the Jaguars, the football team of football team set 8 school records; Whereas the year 2004 provides an appro- the Southern University and A&M College of Whereas the Louisiana State University priate opportunity for our nation to cele- Baton Rouge, finished the 2003 season with 12 football team led the Nation in total defense, brate the birth of rock ’n’ roll, and the many wins and was voted number 1 in the final allowing only 252 yards per game, and scor- streams of music that converged in Memphis Sheridan Broadcasting National Black Col- ing defense, allowing only 1 team to score to create a truly American sound known lege Football Poll for the second time under more than 20 points in any game during the throughout the world: Now, therefore, be it Head Coach Pete Richardson; season; Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas the Jaguars won the South- Whereas Louisiana State University foot- (1) recognizes 2004 as the 50th Anniversary western Athletic Conference Championship, ball head coach Nick Saban was named the of rock ’n’ roll; defeating Alabama State by a score of 20–9 at National Coach of the Year by the Associ- (2) commemorates Sun Studio for record- Legion Field in Birmingham, Alabama on ated Press and the Football Writers Associa- ing the first rock ’n’ roll record, ‘‘That’s All December 13, 2003; tion of America; Right’’; and Whereas the Jaguars won the South- Whereas 4 players—Chad Lavalais, Corey (3) expresses appreciation to Memphis for western Athletic Conference Western Divi- Webster, Skyler Green, and Stephen its contributions to America’s music herit- sion Championship, defeating Grambling Peterman—were named first-team All-Amer- age. State University by a score of 44–41 in the icans; VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:17 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S21JA4.REC S21JA4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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