AUTOMOBILES 112 AUTOMOBILES 112* AUTOMOBILES 112* AUTOMOBILES 112 Thursday, March 31, 1965 TORRANCE PRESS Page 31 THE NEW AUTOMOBILES 112 AUTOMOBILES 112 AUTOMOBILES 112 RIVIERA AUTOMOBILES 112« AUTOMOBILES 112 IMPORTED CARS See Our .... of the 700 PACIFIC COAST HWY. Hermosa Beach Buter 3uic< Harbor Easter Parade of Bargains Area Sandy Neill NEW CAR DEALER We're Proud to Offer You Such BIG-3 Studebaker-Packard RECORD-BREAKING SAVINGS San Pedro Motors SALES - SERVICE On Top Quality Used Cars Trading 1601 S. PACIFIC. SAN PEDRO 530 W. 6th St. TE 2-1165 TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS SAN PKDRO Harbor Pontiac 51 STUDEBAKKR Champion. '42 CHEVROLET '42 CHRYSLER '40 CHEVROLET 595 S. GAKFEY. 'SAN PEDRO Overdrive, radio A, heater. Club roupe. Radio, heater and 4-Door sedan. Radio & heater. Club roupe. Radio & heater. $4Sf>. f JIIH Barber Shop, Carson new tires. A nice one. Only Original throughout. Drive this at Western. - WILD one homo nt 1953 PLYMOUTH low miles $95 $135 $75 ' club coupe. Hy-drive. $1385, Avalon Motors I 100% financing. 1107 K. Pa- WHERE ANAHEIM MEETS WiLMINGTON BLVD.. Wilmington T clfic Coait Hwy., Wllmlngton. ON NEW 1955 Buicks '47 MERCURY '47 PONTIAC '49 FORD 1950 CHEVROLET 2-door. 2- 4-Door sedan. Show» care. Sedanette. Radio & heater. A Custom 4-door sedan. Radio, to/>ft paint, radio and heater. buy at heater & overdrive. Seat covers. A real buy ftt $195 $795. 100% financing. 1107 E. * WE'RE LOADED * $195 $395 1951 Stude.. $695 Pacific Coast Hwy., Wllmlng­ Champion 4-dooV. Radio & heater, auto­ ton. '47 OLDSMOBILE '47 HUDSON '49 CHEVROLET matic transmission, blue with matching 1950 8TUDEBAKBR club coupe, Deluxe 2-door Styleline. New interior. Low mileage. Must see! A 4-Door sodan. Radio, heater and 2-Door Super 6. Original paint, custom seat covers, A-l me­ A radio, heater, overdrive. beautiful maroon finish. A MUST MOVE THEM OUT! hydramatic. Sharp! custom seat covers. On« owner. chanically, new tires. great little economy car for 950 Chevrolet $745 only $695. No money down & $295 $145 $395 'J-Uoor srcian. Real sharp! Radio & $40.69 a month, at 211 W. V heater, black finish. All the extras. Pacific Coast Hwy., WilmIng- ton. No Reasonable OTHER SPECIALS ' 41 BUICK convertible club 952 Pontiac.. $ 1495 coupe. Very Jtood condition. '53 CHEVROLET '54 CHEVROLET A Catalina. 2-ton* green, radio & heater, Only $15 down, $14 per mo. Offer Refused 210 Deluxe 4-door nedan. Priced to sell today! 210 Deluxe 4-door s^dan. Custom seat rovers. automatic trana.. continental kit. Sharp! Creiqhton Select Cars Factory equipment. 339 8. Pacific Coast Hwy. $995 REDONDO FR. 9-2081 "You'll Never Beat Our Deals" $1095 L 950 Lincoln ... $845 1953 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. '52 DODGE 4-door sedan. Beautiful grey. A real Radio and heater. 2-ton« U-Ton Pick-up. Radio, heater. & low mileage. '52 CHEVROLET sharp auto. Radio & heater, and auto­ grcrn finish. A beauty for only Snows care. Original throughout. Deluxe Styleline 4-door sedan. Radio, heater & matic transmission. $1295 or 100% finance at 211 Powerglide. A buy W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Wll- $795 O mlngton. * ANYWHERE * $845 952 Buick.... $1295 1951"' STUDEBAKER V/8 Super Riviera 2-door. Radio and mander 4-door sedan, with '53 CHEVROLET '51 CHEVROLET Utility s<-dan. Radio A heatheater. On* owner. New N heater, automatic transmission. nvf-rdrlve. Clean throughout. i A 4-Door sedan. Radio, heater, 2-tone paint & 100% financing. 1200 Avalon car trade. Low milenge.'flfce. custom seat covers. Blvd.. Wilmington. Ask for 948 $345 Art or Bisco. $895 $695 Pontiac... Convertible. Beautiful red finish, radio A COMPLETE SELECTION OF MAKES, BODY STYLES & COLORS * heater and automatic transmission. 61 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN SE­ DAN COUPE. The Economical "6" with radio It. heater. All Carrying the Dependable OK Warranty 941 Ford .....$95 3uter Coupe. $795 M 2084 Torrance Blvd. FA. 8-6272 GMAC TERMS HOHMAN and Your Satisfaction Is Our Future Business 940 Ford .....$75 HADENFELDT, INC. 2-Door. 505 Pacific Coaat Hwy. Corner Torrance Blvd. & Cravens Ave. O Hermosa FR. 4-8987 950 Ford ....$645 THIS IS IT!!! PAUL'S CHEVROLET T 2-Door. FIVE STAR YOUR LOCAL CHEVROLET DEALER Bob Peckham Announces the 949 Chevrolet $495 1640 Cabrillo Ave., Torrance FAirfax 8-1640 O 2-Door. 1961 Torrance Blvd., Torrance FAirfax 8-1643 BUICK-PONTIAC DEALER GRAND- R For a Ubed Car see DAN COOPER - JIM DARDEN Specia s Where Anaheim Meets S Wilmington Blvd. •h -fr -OPENING TE. 4-6448 WILMINGTON 1951 PLYMOUTH T95I CHEVROLET OF iiedan. Fully 2-Door sedan. Sharp in ap­ Buic< Cambridge Buter equipped. Mechanically per­ pearance. Perfect mechanical- fect. Gardena Car Mart 954 Buick . .. $2195 V-8 Special sedan. Too new to be called $165 Down y' $245 Down a used car. Beautiful 2-tone. white- 16707 So. Vermont Avenue GOING walls. Dynaflow, and all deluxe equip­ $35 Month $39 Month ment. 1951 CADILLAC 1953 FORD WHERE •'<\'Z" Sedan. Radio, heater, WILD!! 953 Buick . ; $ I 695 hyrtramatlc, premium white- RANCH WAGON wall*, beautiful ruby Maroon Super Riviera sedan. Powerful V-8 with finish. An immaculate car In Perfect In every way. Fully "QUALITY IS HIGH". Dual Turbine Dynaflow. every way. equipped. On Reconditioned and Processed $299 Down $199 Down . and $66 Month - 952 Plym. $1095 $72 Month "PRICES ARE LOW" USED CARS Belvedere Sport coupe. Beautiful 2-tone 1951 KAISER p finish, deluxe radio and heater. '53 BUICK SPECIAL '52 CHRYSLER SARATOGA iedan. Looks Ilk*; new. Runs perfectly! EVERYTHING IN CARS AND TRUCKS FROM 4-Door sedan. Like newl Club coupe. A steal at $170 Down TRANSPORTATION. TO 1955 MODELS E 95 Buick . $1095 Riviera coupe. Local, one-owner car. $32 Month $1 195 $795 Equipped with everything. ;&#& # OPENING DAY SPECIAL . D '49 BUICK SUPER '50 BUICK 1953 FORD "8" CLUB COUPE 4-Door sedan. Sharp! 2-Door club coupe. Clean as a whistle! 950 Pontiac . $795 Pick-Up Trucks Overdrive, Radio. (2R34544) R Chieftain 8 sedan. Hydramatic. original One local owner. '48 HTUDKBAKKR '4 -TON $1295 finish perfect. Kxceptionally clean! $245 $495 $100 Down EASY TERMS NO DOWN LOW '50 MERCURY O 951 Dodge . $695 $26 Month ON APPROVED CREDIT -Owner car See it and you LOW Economical top performing Wayfartr - drive it aweyl door sedan. Vtry clean. '49 FORD H-TON PICK-UP DOWN DOWN $175 Down GARDENA PAYMENTS $595 PAYMENTS M 949 Buick .... $495 $20 Month Super sedanette. You will find them cheaper but not cleaner than thla J«t 'M FORD %-TON PICK-UP Car Mart black beauty with Dynaflow, whUewult, S.M.A.C. or Bank Terms T radio A heater. $245 Down 6707 So. Vermont Make Your Own Terms $33 Month GARDENA DAvis 9-5436 R AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALER 50 DODGE PICK-UP 6! CHEVROLET Bel Alre. Power glide. Jnsldo Just like '51 CHEVROLET $185 Down nmw. Beautiful 2-tone finish. FLKKTL1NK ].) E LUXE 2- 1601 So. Pacific Thl» car can ho bought with DOOR. Radi & heater. New S $32 Month 100% financing. 1200 Avalon paint. Blvd., Wilmington. Auk for $895 SAN PEDRO TE. 3-1303 Art or Siaco. fil FORD %-TON PICK-UP HOHMAN and 39 PONTIAC BUSINESS Buter 3uic< $225 Down COUPE. Run* exceptionally HADENFELDT well for 1ta age. 505 Pacific Ooa*t Hwy. Pontiac . $ 1 595 Hermosa FR. 4-8987 2084 Torrance Blvd. FA.8-6272 53 $35 Month Chief deluxe sedan. A family slie car. locally $29.95 '63 LINCOLN CAPRI HARD CORNER TORRANCE BLVD. & CRAVENS AVE. 40 FORD PANKL H borught and locally driven. This la for you. TOP. 8av« over $3000. Jlydra- An exceptionally clean. well rared for tru HOHMAN and nmtln. radio, heater, power See to appreciate; stoorlng, power brakes, full HADENFELDT, INC. leather'Interior and U.S. Royn.1 '47 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SK- '53 Dodge . $1395 $50 Down 505 Pacific Coast Hwy. nin*tcr white wn.lls. Just $2495 DAN, Runs gond. A Hermosa FR. 4-8B87 full price Coronet club coupe. We would like to have Creiqhton Select Cars $145 PRE-SPRINS vour ju'dsment on this exceptionally fine CAT. $22 Month 1949- CADILLAC 4-rloor sedan. Looks sh.«rp, drives sharp, acts sharp. Radio, hrstcr six! hyrirntimtjr. .Tin S. Pacific Coast Hwy. A fine running car and beau­ RK.DONDO FR. 1»-2081 HOHMAN and R tiful finish for only $12!»5 at :,:\ "\KKR Heater. HADENFELDT, INC. 211 W. Pacific CoMt Hwy, o\ ' iminplon Starlight SPECIAL! '51 Oldsmobile $995 Many more A- 1 Used Cars to choose from Wllmlngton. roni"'. .. IOIK-, white wall tires. 505 Pacific Coaat Hwy. Original Interior. Low mile­ Hetraoaa FR. 4-8987 8 super "88" 4-door. Radio, heater, hy dra­ B matic. Tremendous getaway. Power at your age. 100% financing. 1200 Ava­ 53 PONTIAC 2-DOOR CHIEF­ command. TAIN J>KLHXK "8." Radio, lon Blvd., Wllmlngton. Ask for 49 FORD 2-door sedan. Radio heater. Hydramatlc, Mat cov- Art or HIsco. and heater, overdrive, lowered era. Like new. pipes. 2-tone paint. 100% fi­ Sale OSCAR MAPLES 1955 NEW PONTIAC Catalina. nancing. 1200 Avalon, Wil­ Clean-up O Thin Is the Star Chief custom mington. Aak for Art or Sisco. '52 Chevrolet. $1295 $1495 power steering, power brakes, YOUR FRIENDLY FORD DEALER Bel-Air sport coupe. Washin::' ""' 'T owned HOHMAN and hydramatic, radio and heater. 951 C1IRY8LKR Highlander 4- a car, hut he would hav« . ' o Dela­ A boauty that you can save dnor nedan. Radio, heater, and $545 ware, for this one. It is n; 20.000- 1 420 Cabrillo Ave., Torrance FA. 8-50 1 4 HADENFELDT, INC. about $«00 by buying at 211 automatic shift. A beauty for 1949 Dodge ..... R mile car, previously ownm i-\ mend of &05 I'aclflc Coast Hwy.
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