DOCUMENT RESUME ED 346 549 EA 023 891 AUTHOR Bray, Mark, Ed. TITLE Ministries of Education in Small States: Case Studies of Organizatlon and Management. INSTITUTION Commonwealth Secretariat, London (England). REPORT NO ISBN-0-85092-367-0 PUB DATE 91 NOTE 307p.; Companion volume is entitled "Making Small Practical: The Organisation and Management of Ministries of Education in Small States." AVAILABLE FROMCommonwealth Secretariat Publications, Marlborough House, Pall Mall, London, England SW1Y 5HX, United Kingdom (5 pounds). PUB TYPE Reports - Research/Technical (143) -- Collected Works - General (020) EDRS PRICE MFO1/PC13 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Case Studies; *Educational Administration; *Educational Development; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; *Government (Administrative Body); Higher Education; *Organizational Effectiveness; Politics of Eduration; Public Administration; *State Departments of Education IDENTIFIERS *Commonwealth of Nations; *Smal:. Countries ABSTRA('T Case studies on ministries of education were sought from states with populations under 1.5 million and displayinga wide range of economic, geographic, and cultural diversity. The introduction has six main sections: (1) information on definitions and the contents of the book;(2) an account cf other Comonwealth Secretariat initiatives on education in small states;;3) literature on education in small states; (4) literature on public adminiltration in small states; (5) the appli.cability and limitations ofthe work; and (6) an outline on the structure of the book. A 73-item bibl.iography follows the introduction. The 14 countrystudies in the book are grouped in 5 sections by their geographicallocation in the world:(1) Africa (Botswana, The Gambia, and Seychelles); (2)Asia (Brunei Darussalam and Maldives); (3) Caribbean (Barbados,Dominica, Guyana, Montserrat, and St. Lucia): (4) Europe (Jersey and Malta); and (5) South Pacific (Kiribati and Solomon Islands).In most cases, the authors of the case studies were administrators inministries cf education, dealing on a day-to-day basis with the issuesthat they address. Among the group of statistical indicators thatprecedes each case study is the Human Development Index based onaverage life expectancy, adult literacy, and the power to buy commoditiesfor satisfying basic needs. Dispersed within the bookare 19 figures and 27 tables. A list of acronyms precedes thecase studies and an index concludes the publication. (MLF) ***X*******************%********************A************************** Rep..oductions supplied by EDRS are the best thatcan be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** _ 4,10 A...., 7.-- °v. 1VInistries of Education in Small States Case Studies of Organization and Management Whereas Chu....pet . on'"-- \14:7".\ ...-- --. Transmitter s- ...- ''' Schaal ./ Clime \k Jetty L A GOON u 8 DEPARTMENT OF tiDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS ontc.. 01 iducattonat Research and Improrement MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY E DUCA T.ONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION 1 CENTER (ERIC) tire'rhisdOcument has been reproduced as C ,ecetroo tiorn thc person or organization Originating it CI Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction duality Points ot view or opinions stated to Inas docu. TO TH1:. EDUCA,IONAL RESOURCES meni do nOt neCeSSarily represent offlOtal OERI pos.:ton or polio% INFORMATION CENT;_R (ERIC)." edit -d by ar Bray *fdiZS1 BEST COPY IMRE Ministries of Ed.ication in Small States: Case Studies of Organisation and Management edited by Mark Bray University of Hong Kong CommonwealthSecretariat First published 1991 by: The Commonwealth Secretariat, Marlborough Ilouse, Pall Mall, London SW1Y 511X, United Kingdom. Artwork by William Pang, University of llong Ko, Any expressions of opinion in this publicationare those of the authors and not necessarily those of thc Commonwealth Secretariat. Governments of developing Commonwealth countries wishing to reproduce thematerial in this publication in whole or in part in any language, should informthe Common- wealth Secretariat, which may be able to offer them some assistancein doing so. British 1.ibrary Cataloguing in Publication Data Bray. Mark Ministries of education in small states 1. Education - Small States- Public Adminmration 2. Pu" lic Administration - Small States- Education I. Title ISBN 0 85092 3o7 Printed in }long Kong by Caritas Printing Training Centre c Copyright Commonwealth Secretariat 1991 May be purchased front: Commonwealth Secretariat Publications. Marlborough llouse, Pall Mall, London SW1Y 511X, United Kingdom. Price /5.00 4 Contents List of Tables List of Figures vii Acronyms ix Introduction 1 Mark Bray 1. Africa 21 21 1. Botswana fakes Swart land 2.The Gambia 35 Gibou Njie & Su layman Fye 3.Seychelles 51 Patrick Pillay & Atputhanathan Murugiah II.Asia 74 4.Brunei Darussalam 74 Lim Jock Jin Nuwnan 90 5.Maldives Mohammed Waheed Hassan Caribbean 106 6.Barbados 106 Ralph Boyce 7. Dominica 123 Merle E. Peters & Herbert F. Sabaroche 8.Guyana 139 Um] M. Paul, Milton Bernard, Reuben Dual: & Evelyn Hamilton 9.Montserrat 1;i3 Howard A. Fergus & Albert L. Thomas 10.St. Lucia 183 Nicholas Frederick Ii iv Contents IV.Europe 209 11. Jersey 209 John Rodhouse 12. Malta 228 Charles J. Fanugia & Paul A. Attard V. South Pacific 247 13. Kiribati 247 Meita Beiabure Bakeea 14. Solomon Islands 265 Waller Ramo Notes on the Authors 285 Index 291 List of Tables Page 0.1Commonwealth Independent States, Associated States and Dependencin with Populations below 1.5 Million 4 1.1Expansion of Education, Botswana, 1966-88 24 2.1Establishment Posts in the Princ'pal Parts of the Ministry, The Gambia, 1989-90 47 3.1 Establishment Posts in the Ministry of Education, Seychelles 61 3.2Total Posts and Actual Staff in the Ministry of Education Headquarters (1990) 62 4,1Numbcrs of Schools and Pupils, Brunei Darussalam 77 4.2External Consultants Employed in Brunei Darussalam 88 5.1Establishment of the Divisions of thc Ministry of Education, Maldives 95 6.1Staff of thc Ministry of Education & Culture, Barbados (1989) 112 7.1 Personnel in thc Ministry of Education & Sports, Dominica (September 1989) 131 7.2Advantages and Di.sadvantages of Close Interpersonal Relationships 137 8.1 Supervisory Officers in Regional Education Departments, Guyana (1989) 14.8 8.2External Roles of Ministry of Education Officers, Guyana 154 8.3Consultants Rccruitcd through the TOKTEN Programme 159 8.4Number of Partkipants by Subject Arr:,a in OCOD Workshops 160 10.1Components of thL Ministry of Education & Culture, St. Lucia 189 10 2 Officers' Involvement in Other Government Bodies, Ministry of Educ: do: & Culture, St. Lucia 199 vi List of Tables 11.1Principal Committees and their Functions, Jersey 212 12.1 Component Parts of the Ministry of Education, Malta 233 12.2 Budget Estimates for the Ministry of Education, Malta, 1990 (%) 234 12.3 Personnel of the Ministry of Education (excluding Departments), Malta, 1990 237 12.4 Personnel of the Professional/Education Branch, Department of Education, Malta, 1990 241 12.5Personnel of the Administrative Branch, Department of Education, Malta, 1990 244 14.1Senior Posts within the Solomon Islands Education Service 273 14.2 Production of Materials, Solomon Islands, 1978-87 276 143 Ongoing Projects in the Education Sector, Solomon Islands, 1988 278 14.4 Anticipated Projects in the Education Sector, Solomon Islands, 1988 279 alit1011 List of Figures Page 1.1 The Ministry of Education, Botswana 2.1The Education Sector of the Ministryof Education, Youth, Sports & Culture, The Gambia 39 56 3.1The Ministry of Education, Seychelles(1990) 3.2The Educational Planning & DevelopmentDivision, Ministry of Education, Seychelles (1990) 57 3.3The NYS Divisiot of the Ministry ofEducation, Seychelles (1990) 59 4.1The Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam(1991) 79 5.1The Ministry of Education, Maldiv,:.s(1989) 94 6.1The Ministry of Education & Culturc,Barbados (1989) 110 126 7.1 The Ministry of Education & Sports,Dominica (1989) 7.2Proposed Structure for the Ministry of Education& Sports, Dominica 126 8.1The Ministerial Structure, Guyana (1989) 142 8.2The Ministry of Education, Guyana (1989) 146 9.1The Ministry of Education, Health &Community Services, Montserrat (1990) 167 10.1The Ministry of Education & Culture, St.Lucia (1991) 188 216 11.1States of Jersey Education Depaament(1989) 111Structurc of the Department of Education,Malta 239 13.1The Ministry of Education, Kiribati (1990) 251 13.2Promotion Lines within the Ministry of Education, Kiribati 256 14.1The Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development, Solomon Islands (1989) 269 vii Acronyms ACEO Assistant Chief Education Officer AEA Adult Education Association AEO Assistant Education Officer AIDAB Australian International Development Assistance Bureau ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations BDD British Development Division BJCE Brunei Junior Certificate of Education BPMRU Book Production & Material Resources Unit CARIACT Caribbean Institute of Applied Computer Technology CARICOM Caribbean Economic Community & Common Market CARCAE Caribbean Regional Council for Adult Education CARNEID Caribbean Network of Educational Innovation for Development CATVET Caribbean Association of Technical & Vocational Education & Training CDB Caribbean Development Bank CDO Curriculum Development Officer CEO Chief Education Officer CFTC Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CJSS Community Junior Secondary School CRDU
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