,'>V •.r •- 7 , t ► -r A <5 ‘ i W •v-v* ■- . *V NBT PRESS RUR AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION THE WBATinnt. OF THE EVBNINO HERALD for die month of September, 1988. Partly clondy end colder tonlidit. Tuesday fair and continiied cold. 4 , 8 4 9 ■'^1 -.n _ - .-ij y -tt. VOL. XLVn NO. 21. Otasslfled Adyertlstng on Page • MANCHBS CONNW:MONOAY, OCTOBl^ 25, 19^^K; PRICE THREE CENtS .•»-:Vv\VvV- WWW • .. NURSE GOES ON U. S. TO FINISH A 400,000 GATHER of a,New York Mojdd' WASHINGTON JOB ■i y PLAN PREMICAN To Complete Dismal Swamp Among QUEEN MARIE’S Canal Surveyed by the First AT WEDDING OF ’ -50 . Who ’P^ Sr’Day REMOVEOFFICE President. Injurious. W E S ™ T R IP Washington, Oct. 25.—The SULTMS SONS VNewrjTorK, Oct. 26.-r-Five HOLDERATWILL United States government is dcf)^ a week in the, nation’s in- about to complete a Job which .dusitrles as adyoeated by Henry George Washington started in . Ford'meets with strenuons ob- Attends Rumanian Qneen 1785. Double Nuptials of-Moroc­ jjsctipp on ..fi^ty. leading manu- Snpreme Conrt, Backmg The Department of Justice ' '• lopturera. .according- to' a state­ announced today that legal ex­ can Princes Becomes ment made publte today by the as Tonr to Pacific Begins, perts have virtually finished National-Association of mann-4 WOson’s Act, Settles Dis- the preparation of titles to the . ' ' -1 ' ■ lactu^'ra^! ■' Thongii Throat Is Called Dismal Swamp property, con­ , Triple Affair and Vast W hTe^di^tQr oL H # : Summ.a.rised, the specific ob- pate M Senate Half necting the Elizabeth river Iq. t jeoUons. registered are: Virginia with the sounds of ’.'Adbption, of the fire-day Better. North Carolina. Crowd Enjoys Delay. Plan . in'.^‘ industry generidly Centory OU. The Dismal Swamp region would g ^ t l y increase the cost was surveyed by George Wash­ of Uvi^. ^SpIge^vlUe,^H^J^.,'Oct, 2?.—On It -would .increase wages gen- WaAlngton, Oct. 25.—The pow­ N^w York, Oct. 25.—The special ington in 1753. After the MarraKech, Morocco, Oct. 25.— revolution, Washington pur­ With 400,000 native tribesmen tlm hieel8^of,^a definite, W- erallyfby more than fifteen per er of the President to remove a fed­ train carrying Queen Marie of Ru­ chased the tract, organizing ■ ‘ cent and decrease pr. \ action. eral officer wiLboiit the consent o| gathered here from all parts of tfoen tlie !Somerset County.')Qrand ; ' ‘-‘It wonld; be impiucticable mania, her son. Prince Nicholas, the Dismal Swamp Land Com­ and: St^te .' :^nator- Simpson, the Senate was sustained by the Su­ pany. The iorlglnal plan to northern Africa to assist in the cel­ for -aU indastdes. preme Court today, thus ending a and her daughter. Princess Ileana, ppijiptel’prqsw^ Hal|- . • “It. would create-a craving left the Grand Central terminal at reclaim the swamp was aban­ ebration of the weddings of the two dispute as to constitutional ri^tg doned. eldest sons of Sultan Monlay-You- HHto‘^e ,w a s understood io4ay - for additional, luxuries to occu­ that has waged between the legisla­ 7:50 o’clock this morning en route seft of Morocco, all plans were sud­ tjvit-Vhen'the 'grand jury meets to­ py the'additional time. tive and executive branches of the for West Point, Albany, Buffalo, denly altered today and the cere­ “Itiwould be agalnsh, the morrow, i t Iful -^iiwpiire .into ' tl|jB best Interests of the men who government for half a century. Chicago and the Pacific coast. monies postponed until Thursday, way Siiapeon has conducted the . The decision was handed down in 'm HIRE NEW ‘SUPER’; when it was announced that all -wpiit to. worK and advance. Only a handful of the curious rppjve4> 'ihvop^fatipn. of the “It would.maKe us ‘ more the case of FranK S. Myers, now were on hand to get a glimpse of three of the sultan’s sons would tree ' murdpr deceased, former postmaster at taKe brides unto themselves. JWWiery; of fonr^5«Mmgo. vnmerable to the economic on- Portland, Ore. Myers was appoint­ the queen, and they were disap­ BUY PHONE SYSTEM The festivities, however, began HosHUty; be|wepn^Ke ■ ilroseontpr ’^ elaaght el Europe, now work­ ed by President Wilson in 19^17 and pointed, as she was asleep when on scheduled time, and will con­ apd.the ifilnds^ivT- cryptalized ing as hard as' she can to over- removed from office three years the train pulled out. Thus the tinue through the week. The addi­ ■yltn atatemepts’.frhin. both, aides V cb'me'bur ,lead.” later, without the consent of the tion to the list of prospective bride­ Sen'ptor-'Simpson; at .whose joptuest lExprefssions - condemning queen bade farewell to New York, Tthe' flvorday week plan came Senate. Because his appointment grooms lent added zest to the mer­ the body a^jopnied frO^m Thpradhy had been confirmed by the Senate where she landed a week ago, aft­ Police Board Accepts 1 in 8 rymaKing. : until tooiivrow. ponfied it that % > fyoib such -manufacturers ;as er a continuous round of public dlai^nee'lY. .Whitney, Hart- his heirs contedded, in a suit for Magnificent Display .^irvic^ 'wQjid' not'he ppeded ' 'tor bacK pay. that his removal without and private functions. The town was decked out in Or­ morrpw't^'MUse ^ 'witnesses would fprd; -W. L. Clause, PKts- Slept on Train. buriih Plate Glow Go.; A- L. the Senate’s consent was not con­ Applicants* Join State Pro­ iental splendor for the occasion to het'^he^'n'yaliabiie.' i" . stitutional. The royal party spent the night match the colorful robes of the : Meet Iddependentily. Humphrey, -Westinghonse Air- aboard the special train in Grand hi;a1(e ;Companyj . Philip T. Chief Justice Taft delivered the thousands of Bedouin horsemen The foreman,, percival Snyder, epinlou. Central station after attending a tection Loop who .were to taKe part in the cele­ l u m u u of-wupd-l^Qk,-*N'<C^‘> r^tQrted'by -;-Dodge, Mefgenthaler Linotype performance of the queen’s fan­ bration. Nearly $100,000 has been nfftnonaolng thht the - '^rand Jpry • Co.; and Robert'P. Lament, Justices McReynolds, Holmee and tasy, “The Lily of Life,” at the expended for luminous fountains wodld iaeet’tomqTrqyJaiid proce^ American. Steel Foundries. Brandeis dissented. Justice, Me- Metropolitan Opera House. Seven applicants for admission and torches for the wedding pro­ Reynolds, who wrote the dissenting indepentlsutly with l^e , iuyestifa- opinion, called the court’s decision Queen Marie denied reports from to the Manchester police depart­ cessions and for pastry, mint tea tipu of all'Phases, of the investljga- Vienna that her husband. King and ice cream. This is Miss G^dys Grant, prafessional New, York dress mode^ whpse tKm hf the , dual mprdeit.-.- - revolutionary in character. Ferdinand, has ordered her back ment as supernumeraries were Twenty thousand dollars worth experiences are to be told through an exclusive series of stories appear­ - A coll for ah independent ses­ m o R s By Nature of Office. home because of criticism of her turned down Saturday afternoon at of alms will be thrown out to the ing In The Herald soon. -All the interest,:romanpe,;thrills, temptations sion of the'iffandJiify-was sent out Chief Justice Taft found that visit to this country. She admitted Congress in 1789 discussrid the a special meeting of the Board of beggars and invalids along the and rewards that go with the intimate business of selling women’s clothps today by Sbeuif flsnford' l^nuison having received cablegrams from Police Commissioners and one was route of the wedding cortege. at the :‘rpUpe$t of ^Foreman' Snyder. ON FAU OUTING principles involved in the case and the King, but asserted that he The wedding ranKing first in im­ In the New York wholes^e marKet are caught in these Ato sp p ^ l held that the President should have. merely was concerned for her accepted. The new member of the portance is that of Moulty-Ydrlss, broad powers of appointment and supernumerary force is Robert L. articles by Marian Hale, NEA senrice wfiter. For two weeks the author health. now 19 years old and at present worKed as a model gathering the details for these stories. Watch for removal. Not only is the Presi­ Although a throat specialist who McLeary of 605 Main street. Caliph of MarraKech. He is to w i m H i b n dent’s power of removal upheld by has been attending the queen an­ McLeary stands 6 . feet and marry a daughter of Pasha D’el- this Interesting seMes. ' of Conneeb'eat Agri- legislation, but also by the very nounced that Her Majesty was weighs 153 pounds. He is 30 years Glaoui. The brides of Moulay- nature of the office, the'eourt held. greatly improved. Miss Adeline of age, and during the World War Hassan, 18, and the youngest son of The check given by the Senate in Young, a trained nurse brought served with the Navy receiving an the Sultan will not be known until cnhiiFal College and Fil- the requirement that the President here from Johns HopKins hospital honorable discharge with quarter­ late on the wedding day. Moroccan must submit some appointments master’s rating. He has been em­ BIG WIND STORM 84AREDR0WNE) BeU«v^ 1th Befn iPromij- in Baltimore, accompanied the custom decrees that th.e prospective ^ ifirDtm Mellclit for the confirmation does not imply queen on her western tour. ployed on the town force, but will bridegroom shall not be known to a similar tight of a check upon re­ Tributes penned by the queen to be employed regularly as a super­ his fiance before the ceremony.
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