July 1-4, 2003 Bari, Italy TWRI Technical Report 266 2003 International SWAT Conference Edited by Raghavan Srinivasan Jennifer H. Jacobs Ric Jensen Sponsored by the Insituto di Ricerca sulle Acque – Water Research Institute Bari, Italy Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – National Research Council Rome, Italy Co-Sponsored by the USDA–ARS Research Laboratory Temple, Texas Blackland Research and Extension Center Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Temple, Texas Spatial Sciences Laboratory, Texas A&M University College Station, Texas July 1-4, 2003 y Bari, Italy TWRI Technical Report 266 2nd International SWAT Conference Forewordȱ ȱ ȱ Thisȱbookȱofȱproceedingsȱpresentsȱpapersȱthatȱwereȱgivenȱatȱtheȱ2ndȱ InternationalȱSWATȱConference,ȱSWATȱ2003,ȱthatȱconvenedȱinȱ2003ȱinȱBari,ȱ Italy.ȱ ȱ Theȱfocusȱofȱthisȱconferenceȱwasȱtoȱallowȱanȱinternationalȱcommunityȱ ofȱresearchersȱandȱscholarsȱtoȱdiscussȱtheȱlatestȱadvancesȱinȱtheȱuseȱofȱtheȱ SWATȱ(SoilȱWaterȱAssessmentȱTool)ȱmodelȱtoȱassessȱwaterȱqualityȱtrends.ȱ ȱ TheȱSWATȱmodelȱwasȱdevelopedȱbyȱresearchersȱJeffȱArnoldȱofȱtheȱ UnitedȱStatesȱDepartmentȱofȱAgricultureȱResearchȱServiceȱ(USDAȬARS)ȱinȱ Temple,ȱTexasȱandȱRaghavanȱSrinivasanȱatȱtheȱTexasȱAgriculturalȱExperimentȱ Stationȱ(TAES),ȱwhoȱisȱtheȱDirectorȱofȱtheȱTexasȱA&MȱUniversityȱSpatialȱ SciencesȱLaboratory.ȱ ȱ SWATȱisȱaȱcomprehensiveȱcomputerȱsimulationȱtoolȱthatȱcanȱbeȱusedȱtoȱ simulateȱtheȱeffectsȱofȱpointȱandȱnonpointȱsourceȱpollutionȱfromȱwatersheds,ȱ inȱtheȱstreams,ȱandȱrivers.ȱSWATȱisȱintegratedȱwithȱseveralȱreadilyȱavailableȱ databasesȱandȱGeographicȱInformationȱSystemsȱ(GIS).ȱ ȱ BecauseȱofȱtheȱversatilityȱofȱSWAT,ȱtheȱmodelȱhasȱbeenȱutilizedȱtoȱ studyȱaȱwideȱrangeȱofȱphenomenaȱthroughoutȱtheȱworld.ȱAtȱtheȱsameȱtime,ȱtheȱ researchȱcommunityȱisȱactivelyȱengagedȱinȱdevelopingȱnewȱimprovementsȱtoȱ SWATȱforȱsiteȬspecificȱneedsȱandȱlinkingȱSWATȱresultsȱtoȱotherȱsimulationȱ models.ȱ ȱ Thisȱconferenceȱprovidedȱanȱopportunityȱforȱtheȱinternationalȱresearchȱ communityȱtoȱgatherȱandȱshareȱinformationȱaboutȱtheȱlatestȱinnovationsȱ developedȱforȱSWATȱandȱtoȱdiscussȱchallengesȱthatȱstillȱneedȱtoȱbeȱresolved.ȱ ȱ Thisȱproceedingsȱincludesȱpapersȱcoveringȱaȱvarietyȱofȱthemes,ȱ includingȱnewȱdevelopmentsȱassociatedȱwithȱSWAT,ȱapplicationsȱofȱtheȱ SWATȱmodel,ȱtheȱuseȱofȱrelatedȱmodelingȱtools,ȱhowȱSWATȱcanȱbeȱcalibratedȱ orȱcomparedȱtoȱotherȱmodels,ȱtheȱuseȱofȱotherȱsimulationȱmodelsȱandȱtools,ȱ andȱintegratingȱSWATȱwithȱotherȱmodels.ȱInȱadditionȱtoȱpapersȱpresentedȱatȱ SWATȱ2003,ȱpostersȱshownȱatȱtheȱconferenceȱareȱalsoȱincludedȱinȱthisȱ proceeding.ȱ ȱ TheȱorganizersȱofȱtheȱconferenceȬȬȬȱAntonioȱLoȱPortoȱ(IRSAȬCNR),ȱ ArnoldȱandȱSrinivasanȱ—wantȱtoȱexpressȱthanksȱtoȱorganizationsȱandȱ individualsȱwhoȱmadeȱthisȱconferenceȱsuccessful.ȱOrganizationsȱthatȱplayedȱaȱ keyȱroleȱinȱthisȱconferenceȱincludeȱUSDAȬARS,ȱTAES,ȱTexasȱA&MȱUniversity,ȱ theȱWaterȱResearchȱInstituteȱofȱItalyȱ(IRSA),ȱtheȱNationalȱResearchȱCouncilȱofȱ Italyȱ(CNR),ȱtheȱEUȱProjectȱEuroHarpȱ(anȱeffortȱtoȱevaluateȱquantitativeȱtoolsȱ atȱEuropeanȱscaleȱforȱtheȱassessmentȱofȱnutrientsȱinȱwaterȱresources),ȱtheȱEUȱ TWRI Technical Report 266 i 2nd International SWAT Conference TEMPQSIMȱprojectȱ(whichȱisȱimprovingȱwaterȱqualityȱmodelsȱtoȱadaptȱthemȱ toȱintermittentȱstreamsȱinȱsouthernȱEurope),ȱandȱtheȱmunicipalityȱandȱ provinceȱofȱBari,ȱItalyȱ(whereȱtheȱconferenceȱwasȱheld).ȱCompaniesȱthatȱ assistedȱinȱtheȱconferenceȱincludeȱSITȱandȱs.r.l.ȱGISȱtechnologiesȱofȱItaly,ȱESRIȱ Italia.ȱ ȱ Individualsȱthatȱshouldȱbeȱacknowledgedȱinȱthisȱproceedingsȱincludeȱ RicȱJensenȱofȱtheȱTexasȱWaterȱResourcesȱInstituteȱandȱJenniferȱJacobsȱofȱSSL,ȱ whoȱhelpedȱtoȱeditȱtheȱproceedings,ȱandȱKellieȱPotucekȱofȱTWRI,ȱwhoȱ assembledȱtheȱpapersȱintoȱanȱonlineȱtechnicalȱreport.ȱ ȱ TheseȱproceedingsȱcanȱbeȱreferencedȱasȱTWRIȱtechnicalȱreportȱ266.ȱ ȱ Theȱ3rdȱInternationalȱSWATȱconferenceȱisȱscheduledȱforȱJulyȱ11Ȭ15,ȱ2005,ȱ inȱZurich,ȱSwitzerland.ȱToȱlearnȱmoreȱaboutȱSWAT,ȱgoȱonȱtheȱwebȱtoȱ http://www.brc.tamus.edu/swat/ȱorȱcontactȱSrinivasanȱatȱrȬ[email protected]ȱ TWRI Technical Report 266 ii 2nd International SWAT Conference Conference Organizing Committee Jeff Arnold United States Department of Agriculture Research Service Texas, USA Roberto Passino and Antonio Lo Porto IRSA-CNR – Water Research Institute Bari, Italy Raghavan Srinivasan Texas A&M University Texas, USA TWRI Technical Report 266 iii 2nd International SWAT Conference Scientific Panel Members Jeff Arnolds USDA ARS, Texas USA Faycal Bouraoui EU Joint Research Center at Ispra, Italy Mauro Di Luzio Blackland Research Center-TAES, Texas USA Nicola Fohrer Kiel University, Germany Jochen Froebrich Hannover University, Germany Randel Haverkamp Laboratoire d'Etude des Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement, France Antonio Lo Porto IRSA-CNR, Italy Susan Neitsch Texas A&M University, USA Roberto Passino IRSA-CNR, Italy Raghavan Srinivasan Texas A&M University, USA Ann Van Griensven Free University of Brussels, Belgium TWRI Technical Report 266 iv 2nd International SWAT Conference CONTENTS Foreword i Conference Organizing Committee iii Scientific Panel Members iv I. SWAT Developments 1. A network of pilot river basins as test sites for guidelines and research 2 G. Bidoglio, J.M. Zaldivar and F. Bouraoui 2. Fecal coliform fate and transport simulation with SWAT 4 Claire Baffaut, Jeff G. Arnold and John S. Schumacher 3. Enhancement of Tile and Pothole Flow Components in SWAT: Application 10 to the Walnut Creek Watershed, Iowa A. Saleh, Bing Du., J.G. Arnold and D.B. Jaynes 4. Combining satellite information to SWAT for the modelling of snow runoff in 16 a small semi-arid mountainous watershed in Morocco A. Chaponniere, P. Maisongrande and L. Hanniche 5. Applying AVS2000 to predict runoff and phosphorus movement from an 21 agricultural catchment to support the modelling of chlorophyll a production Marlos Jhonny Melo de Souza, Robert E. White and Bill Malcolm II. Model Applications 6. Evaluation of SWAT streamflow components for the Araxisi Catchment 27 (Sardinia, Italy) Maria Grazia Badas, Mauro Sulis, Roberto Deidda, Enrico Piga, Marino Marrocu and Claudio Paniconi 7. Model SWAT Application on the Alban Hills 32 Eugenio Benedini, Flavio Cammillozzi and Angiolo Martinelli 8. Application of SWAT in a large mountainous catchment with high spatial 38 variability Wenzhi Cao, William B. Bowden, Tim Davie and Andrew Fenemor 9. Estimating available water resource of the Sardinian Island using the SWAT 64 model Pierluigi Cau, Allessandro Cadeddu, Claudio Gallo, Giuditta Lecca and Marion Marrocu TWRI Technical Report 266 v 2nd International SWAT Conference 10. The application of SWAT to a small, forested watershed on the Canadian 71 boreal plain Ruth A. McKeown, Gordon Putz and Jeff Arnold 11. Potentials and applicability of the SWAT model in check dam management in 76 small watershed Ashok Mishra, Jochen Frobrich and S. Kar 12. Use of management models to study human impact on quality and quality of 83 water resources in the basin of Celone River (Apulia, Italy) Giuseppe Pappagallo, Antonio Leone, Antonio Lo Porto 13. Application of the SWAT model for the sensitivity analysis of runoff to land 90 use change Ekaterini Varanou, Michail Pikounis, Evangelos Baltas and Maria Mimikou 14. Predicting catchment water balance in southern Australia using SWAT 94 Brett M. Watson, Selva Selvalingam, Mohammed Ghafouri, Jeff Arnold and Raghavan Srinivisan 15. Trace element levels in the Dubasari reservoir of the Dniester River 111 Vera Munteanu 16. Soil erosion evaluation and multitemporal analysis in two Brazilian basins 117 Paolo Barsanti, Leonardo Disperati, Pietro Marri and Antonino Mione 17. Modeling the long-term impacts of BMPs in an agricultural watershed 131 Kelsi S. Bracmort, Bernard A. Engel and Jane Frankenberger 18. Application of the SWAT model in a decisional framework for the Caia 138 Catchment, Portugal Mauro Sulis, Luis Rodrigues, Claudio Paniconi and Nelson Lourenco 19. Modeling diffuse pollution at a watershed scale using SWAT 144 Manoj Jha, P.W. Gassman and R. Gu 20. Modelling pollutants in runoff from the Colworth experimental catchment 149 Narayanan Kannan, Sue White, Fred Worrall and Mick Whelan 21. Phosphorus lake loads from basin land use: proposal for a new simple 155 evaluation method Leone Antonio, Boccia Lorenzo, Lo Porto Antonio and Ripa M. Nicolina III. Techniques – Autocalibration and Uncertainty 22. Sensitivity, optimization and uncertainty analysis for the model parameters 162 of SWAT A. van Griensven and T. Meixner TWRI Technical Report 266 vi 2nd International SWAT Conference 23. Spatial consistency of automatically calibrated SWAT simulations in the 168 Dill Catchment and three of its sub-catchments J.A. Huisman, L. Breuer, K. Eckhardt and H-G. Frede 24. Evaluation of the optimal location of monitoring sites based on hydrologic 174 models and GIS technology A. Lo Porto, A.M. De Girolamo, M. Garnier and G. Passarella 25. Linkage of the ArcHydro data model with SWAT 182 Francisco Olivera, Milver Valenzuela and Raghavan Srinivasan 26. Sensitivity of the SWAT model to the soil and land use data parametrization: 183 a case study of the Thyle catchment, Belgium Agnieszka A. Romanowicz, Marnik Vanclooster, Mark Rounsvell and Isabelle la Leunesse IV. Supporting Tools for SWAT 27. DSIRR: a DSS for the economic and environmental analysis of irrigation 189 Guido M. Bazzani 28. Benchmarking models for the Water Framework Directive: evaluation of 202 SWAT for use in the Ythan catchment, UK Caroline F. Dilks, Sarah M. Dunn and Robert C. Ferrier 29. The significance
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