PERIODICALS PHYSICAL REVIEW D Postmaster send address changes to: For editorial and subscription correspondence, American Institute of Physics please see inside front cover 500 Sunnyside Boulevard „ISSN: 0556-2821… Woodbury, NY 11797-2999 THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 56, NUMBER 11 CONTENTS 1 DECEMBER 1997 RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Can the supersymmetric flavor problem be solved by decoupling? ....................................... R6733 Nima Arkani-Hamed and Hitoshi Murayama Phenomenology of new baryons with charm and strangeness ........................................... R6738 George Chiladze and Adam F. Falk ARTICLES Studies of gauge boson pair production and trilinear couplings .......................................... 6742 S. Abachi et al. ~D0 Collaboration! New singularities in nonrelativistic coupled channel scattering. I. Second order ............................ 6779 N. N. Khuri and Tai Tsun Wu New singularities in nonrelativistic coupled channel scattering. II. Fourth order ............................ 6785 N. N. Khuri and Tai Tsun Wu Improving the signal-to-noise ratio in lattice gauge theories ............................................ 6798 Kurt Langfeld, Hugo Reinhardt, and Oliver Tennert Lattice artifacts in the non-Abelian Debye screening mass in one-loop order ............................... 6804 P. Kaste and H. J. Rothe Disorder parameter for dual superconductivity in gauge theories ......................................... 6816 A. Di Giacomo and G. Paffuti Remarks on Abelian dominance ................................................................... 6824 Tama´s G. Kova´cs and Zsolt Schram Manifestly gauge covariant treatment of lattice chiral fermions. II ....................................... 6829 Kiyoshi Okuyama and Hiroshi Suzuki CP violation in top-quark pair production at a Next Linear Collider ..................................... 6835 M. S. Baek, S. Y. Choi, and C. S. Kim T-violating muon polarization in K1 m1ng ........................................................ 6856 → C. H. Chen, C. Q. Geng, and C. C. Lih Search for new physics in CP-violating B decays .................................................... 6866 A. I. Sanda and Zhi-zhong Xing Superoblique corrections and nondecoupling of supersymmetry breaking .................................. 6875 Hsin-Chia Cheng, Jonathan L. Feng, and Nir Polonsky Phase diagram of the U~2!3U~2! s model and its implications for chiral hierarchies ........................ 6885 D. Espriu, V. Koulovassilopoulos, and A. Travesset Precision corrections to dispersive bounds on form factors ............................................. 6895 C. Glenn Boyd, Benjamı´n Grinstein, and Richard F. Lebed Signatures of baryon-nonconserving Yukawa couplings in a supersymmetric theory ......................... 6912 Mar Bastero-Gil and Biswajoy Brahmachari Global x2 analysis of electroweak data in SO~10! SUSY GUTs ......................................... 6919 Toma´sˇ Blazˇek, Marcela Carena, Stuart Raby, and Carlos E. M. Wagner Gauge-invariant YFS exponentiation of ~un!stable Z-pair production at and beyond CERN LEP 2 energies ...... 6939 S. Jadach, W. Płaczek, and B. F. L. Ward Pion production from baked-Alaska disoriented chiral condensate ........................................ 6942 G. Amelino-Camelia, J. D. Bjorken, and S. E. Larsson (Continued) CONTENTS - Continued PHYSICAL REVIEW D THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 56, NUMBER 11 1 DECEMBER 1997 Virtual photon scattering at high energies as a probe of the short distance Pomeron ......................... 6957 S. J. Brodsky, F. Hautmann, and D. E. Soper Pade´ approximants, optimal renormalization scales, and momentum flow in Feynman diagrams ............... 6980 Stanley J. Brodsky, John Ellis, Einan Gardi, Marek Karliner, and Mark A. Samuel Calculation of the BB parameter in the static limit .................................................... 6993 Joseph Christensen, Terrence Draper, and Craig McNeile Heavy-light mesons with quenched lattice NRQCD: Results on decay constants ............................ 7012 A. Ali Khan, J. Shigemitsu, S. Collins, C. T. H. Davies, C. Morningstar, and J. Sloan 2 f B with lattice NRQCD including O(1/mQ) corrections ................................................ 7028 K-I. Ishikawa, H. Matsufuru, T. Onogi, N. Yamada, and S. Hashimoto Exotic mesons in quenched lattice QCD ............................................................ 7039 Claude Bernard, James E. Hetrick, Thomas A. DeGrand, Matthew Wingate, Carleton DeTar, Craig McNeile, Steven Gottlieb, Urs M. Heller, Kari Rummukainen, Bob Sugar, and Doug Toussaint Enhanced chiral logarithms in partially quenched QCD ................................................ 7052 Stephen R. Sharpe Random matrix triality at nonzero chemical potential .................................................. 7059 M. A. Halasz, J. C. Osborn, and J. J. M. Verbaarschot The critical points of strongly coupled lattice QCD at nonzero chemical potential .......................... 7063 Ian M. Barbour, Susan E. Morrison, Elyakum G. Klepfish, John B. Kogut, and Maria-Paola Lombardo Asymptotic limits and the structure of the pion form factor ............................................. 7073 John F. Donoghue and Euy Soo Na How p0 gg changes with temperature ............................................................ 7077 → Robert D. Pisarski, T. L. Trueman, and Michel H. G. Tytgat Heavy quark expansion and universal form factors in the quark model ................................... 7089 Dmitri Melikhov Mesons in a collinear QCD model ................................................................. 7105 M. Burkardt New mass relations for heavy quarkonia ............................................................ 7119 L. Burakovsky, T. Goldman, and L. P. Horwitz New quadratic baryon mass relations ............................................................... 7124 L. Burakovsky, T. Goldman, and L. P. Horwitz Applicability constraints of the equivalence theorem .................................................. 7133 A. Dobado, J. R. Pela´ez, and M. T. Urdiales Electroweak radiative corrections to gg W1W2 in the two-Higgs-doublet model ......................... 7143 → Sun La-Zhen, Liu Yao-Yang, and Zhang Ren-You Generic consequences of a supersymmetric U~1! gauge factor at the TeV scale ............................. 7155 E. Keith and Ernest Ma Dual descriptions of SO~10! supersymmetric gauge theories with arbitrary numbers of spinors and vectors ...... 7166 Micha Berkooz, Peter Cho, Per Kraus, and Matthew J. Strassler New mechanism of flavor symmetry breaking from supersymmetric strong dynamics . ....................... 7183 Christopher D. Carone, Lawrence J. Hall, and Takeo Moroi Flavor from strongly coupled supersymmetry ........................................................ 7193 David B. Kaplan, Franc¸ois Lepeintre, and Martin Schmaltz Nonleptonic two-body charmed meson decays in an effective model for their semileptonic decays ............. 7207 B. Bajc, S. Fajfer, R. J. Oakes, and S. Prelovsˇek Techniques for computing two-loop QCD corrections to b c transitions ................................. 7216 → Andrzej Czarnecki and Kirill Melnikov Penguin diagrams, charmless B decays, and the ‘‘missing charm puzzle’’ ................................. 7228 Alexander Lenz, Ulrich Nierste, and Gaby Ostermaier (Continued) CONTENTS - Continued PHYSICAL REVIEW D THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 56, NUMBER 11 1 DECEMBER 1997 1 2 B Xql l (q5d,s) and determination of uVtd/Vtsu .................................................. 7240 → C. S. Kim, T. Morozumi, and A. I. Sanda B Kh8 decay as a unique probe of the h8 meson . .................................................. 7247 → Igor Halperin and Ariel Zhitnitsky Removing discrete ambiguities in CP asymmetry measurements ........................................ 7259 Yuval Grossman and Helen R. Quinn Calculation of the semileptonic decay width of the Lb baryon .......................................... 7267 Changhao Jin Sc and Lc magnetic moments from QCD spectral sum rules ........................................... 7273 Shi-lin Zhu, W-Y. P. Hwang, and Ze-sen Yang Two-loop corrections to the electromagnetic vertex for energies close to threshold .......................... 7276 A. H. Hoang Towards a precise parton luminosity determination at the CERN LHC .................................... 7284 M. Dittmar, F. Pauss, and D. Zu¨rcher From deep inelastic scattering to photoproduction: A unified approach .................................... 7291 G. Kerley and G. Shaw Techniques of amplitude analysis for two-pseudoscalar systems ......................................... 7299 S. U. Chung Quarkonium production at the Fermilab Tevatron through soft color interactions ........................... 7317 A. Edin, G. Ingelman, and J. Rathsman Evidence for eikonal zeros in the momentum transfer space ............................................ 7321 P. A. S. Carvalho and M. J. Menon Quark-quark scattering contributions to high-energy total cross sections ................................... 7325 D. Mark Manley Double-spin asymmetry of J/c production in polarized pp collisions .................................... 7331 A. Tkabladze and O. Teryaev x1 and polarization asymmetries for quarkonia at high orders in nonrelativistic QCD ........................ 7341 Sourendu Gupta and Prakash Mathews 2 2 Next-to-leading order Q evolution of the transversity distribution h1(x,Q ) ............................... 7350 A. Hayashigaki, Y. Kanazawa, and Yuji Koike Cosmic-ray double-core g-family
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