Planning Committee 09/11/2011 Schedule Item 04 Ref: P/2011/2338 Ward: East Acton Address: Portal Way, North Acton, W3 6UU Proposal: Redevelopment to provide two mixed-use buildings with roof level amenity space (seven-storeys and eight-storeys) to provide 184 student units on upper floors and 382m2 on ground floor for use as student lounge and lobby, and uses within Retail (Use Class A1), Financial and Professional (Use Class A2), Restaurants and Cafes (Use Class A3), Business (Use Class B1) or Non-residential Institutions (Use Class D1); creation of biodiversity park and community pocket park; provision of four parking spaces and 132 cycle parking spaces Drawing Nos: JKK6263 1 REVC and JKK6263 2 REVC. 5303/P/5.00A, 5303/P/5.01A, 5303/P/5.02B, 5303/P/5.03B, 5303/P/5.04B, 5303/P/5.05B, 5303/P/5.06, 5303/P/5.07, 5303/P/5.08, 5303/P/5.09, 5303/P/5.010, 5303/P/5.013, 5303/P/5.014, 5303/P/5.015, 5303/P/5.016, 5303/P/5.017, 5303/P/5.018 and 5303/P/5.019. 1302/01 REVC, 1302/02 REVB, 1302/03 REVB and 1302/04 REVA. Accompanying documents Planning Statement (prepared by CGMS) Air Quality Assessment (prepared by RPS) BREEAM Assessment (prepared by Eight Associates) Building for Life Assessment (prepared by AR Urbanism) Ecology Report (prepared by Thomson Ecology) Energy and Sustainability Assessment (prepared by Flatt Consulting) Flood Risk Assessment (prepared by RPS) Fire Safety Review (prepared by International Fire Safety Consultants Ltd) Landscape Scheme (prepared by Liz Lake) Noise Assessments (prepared by MoirHands) Site Investigation Report (prepared by Herts and Essex Site Investigations) Statement of Community Involvement (prepared by Curtain & Co) Student Accommodation Report (prepared by Knight Frank) Management Plan (prepared by Knight Frank) Sunlight and Daylight Assessment (prepared by Anstey Horne) Sustainability Checklist (prepared by Goldcrest Architects) Topographical Survey (prepared by RPS) Planning Committee 09/11/2011 Schedule Item 04 Transport Statement, Travel Plan and Servicing Plan (prepared by RPS) Wind Environment Study (prepared by BMT Fluid Mechanics) Type of Application: Full planning permission. Application received: 31 May 2011 Report by: Richard Humphreys EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation: Grant planning permission subject to a legal agreement, conditions and informatives. The local planning authority has assessed this application against the policies contained in The London Plan 2011, the Ealing Unitary Development Plan 2004, the Park Royal Opportunity Area Planning Framework. adopted by the Mayor on 25th January 2011, associated supplementary planning guidance and Government planning policy guidance. The proposed student housing, shop use (Class A1), financial and professional services (Class A2), restaurant / cafe (Class A3), business (Class B1) or non-residential institutions (Class D1) are acceptable in terms of the London Plan’s strategic policies and the council’s local planning policies. The application is not supported by a named occupier for the student residential accommodation and fails to meet the ‘local need’ test for ‘special housing’ set by policy 5.7 of the Ealing UDP 2004. There is however an offer to limit occupation to students attending a central London University, or from an approved list of other further educational establishments. Under such circumstances, there is no policy requirement to provide affordable housing. The development would adjoin the former BBC Costume Store that is also being redeveloped for student housing. However, given the location on a major traffic gyratory and the unsuitability of the site for conventional dwellings, it is considered that the site is suitable for student housing and would not result in an over-concentration of such use in this mixed-use neighbourhood. The proposed density for the student residential accommodation accords with the London Plan’s Sustainable residential quality density matrix provided by Table 3.2 of the Plan. The submitted plans show a development compliant with London Plan’s design policies 7.1 to 7.7 in Chapter 7 ‘‘London’s Living Places and Spaces’ and Ealing UDP policy 5.5 ‘Residential Design.’ Whilst maximizing the site’s potential, the scheme would enhance the public realm by the provision of a “pocket park” and a “biodiversity park”, provide a mix of uses, be accessible, legible, sustainable, safe and respect the natural and built heritage. In terms of London Plan policy 7.7 ‘Tall and Large Scale Buildings’, and Ealing UDP policy 4.1 ‘Design of Development’ the development would create an attractive city element enhancing the character of Portal Way in a manner acceptable in design terms and its impact on the surroundings. The development would not impinge on any identified important views and would be suited to the wider context in terms of proportion and composition, its relationship to adjoining buildings. 2 Planning Committee 09/11/2011 Schedule Item 04 Impact on the amenities of existing/neighbouring developments in terms of natural light, privacy and views would be acceptable in compliance with Ealing UDP policy 4.1 ‘Design of Development’. Satisfactory living conditions for students would ensue in accordance with Ealing UDP policy 5.5. ‘Residential Design.’ Access, transport, traffic and parking and parking arrangements broadly comply with Ealing UDP policy 9.1 ‘Development Access and Parking’, policy 9.5 ‘Walking and Streetscape’, policy 9.6 ‘Cycling’ and policy 9.8 ‘Low Car Housing and Car Clubs’. The site has “Good” public transport accessibility (PTAL4) which will improve to “Excellent” (PTAL6) with the construction of Crossrail. The scheme maximises public transport use. Trip generation would not materially impact on highway conditions. Parking provision for both cars and bicycles would meet London Plan standards although there would be minor shortfall in disabled parking which would be mitigated by on-street provision. Servicing arrangements would be adequate and facilities for refuse and recycling would comply with Ealing UDP policy 2.10 ‘Waste Minimisation and Management’ policy 5.5 ‘Residential Design.’ There are no trees on the site. Landscaping proposals include a new pocket park and a biodiversity park for communal use and the scheme would comply with Policy 4.5 ‘Landscaping, Tree Protection and Planting’ of the Ealing UDP. Conditions are recommended to require the approval and implementation of details of the sustainability measures that are to be incorporated into the development in line with policies 5.1 ‘Climate Change Mitigation,’ 5.2 ‘Minimising Carbon Dioxide Emissions,’ 5.3 ‘Sustainable Design and Construction,’ 5.5 ‘Decentralised Energy Networks’ 5.6 ‘Decentralised Energy in Development Proposals,’ 5.7 ‘Renewable Energy’ and 5.9 ‘Overheating and Cooling’ of The London Plan 2011, policies 2.9 ‘Energy’ and 4.1 ‘’Design of Development’ of the Ealing Unitary Development Plan 2004, Planning and Climate Change - Supplement to Planning Policy Statement 1 (PPS1) and PPS22: Renewable Energy. Air Quality would meet the Government’s objectives in PPG23 and comply with London Plan policy 7.14 ‘Improving air quality’ and policy 2.6 ‘Air Pollution and Quality’ of the Ealing UDP 2004. Contributions have been secured towards highway, pedestrian and public transport improvements, environmental improvements to the Southern Gateway Public Realm, open space, health care provision, local employment and training initiatives together with obligations to ensure the implementation of a travel plan, low car arrangements and participation in the Considerate Contractor’s Scheme. This is in line with Circular 05/2005, Regulation 122 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010, policy 8.2 of The London Plan 2011 and policy 1.10 of the Ealing Unitary Development Plan 2004, which seek to secure contributions toward infrastructure and services required to facilitate development. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That the Committee resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to: A. The prior completion of a legal agreement with the council to secure the following: 1. The student residential accommodation shall only be occupied by students attending a central London University, or from a list of other further educational establishments that has been approved by the local planning authority. 3 Planning Committee 09/11/2011 Schedule Item 04 2. In perpetuity, no part of the student residential accommodation shall be used as a Use Class C3 dwellinghouse. 3. Leases granted to students to contain a clause prohibiting on-street car parking. 4. Confirmation that the development is a Low Car Housing scheme within the meaning of adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan policy 9.8, that the occupiers of the development, other than disabled people, will not be entitled to purchase parking permits from the borough council and that the developer will take steps to ensure that this is brought to the attention of future occupiers of the development. 5. To provide and maintain the ‘Community Pocket Park’ and ‘Biodiversity Park’ for the life of the development for unrestricted public access at agreed hours. 6. On commencement of development, to make an Open Space Contribution to the council to provide, maintain and improve public open space in the area. 7. On occupation of the development a contribution to the council of £5,000 towards the borough's air quality monitoring programme; £2,500 to support the provision of two nitrogen dioxide diffusion tubes at the site and £2,500 towards the costs of background monitoring in Acton. 8. On commencement of the development, a payment of £20,000 to the council to provide speed reduction measures on Victoria Road and Wales Farm Road comprising warning signs, surfacing and carriageway markings. 9. On commencement of development, a £30,000 payment to the council to contribute to improvements to public transport infrastructure involving improvements to bus stops and shelters including Countdown Two on bus stops on North Acton Road, Park Royal Road and Chase Road. 10. On occupation of the development, the provision within the development of real time public transport information comprising two ‘Daisy’ messaging boards.
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