STATE OF HAWAII , DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHW AYS DIVISION . , .' HONOLULU, HA WAIl SPECIAL PROVISIONSJ PROPOSALJ CONTRACTJ BOND AND PLANS FOR ALA MOANA BOULEVARD J SEALING OF WELL ., AT ALA MOANA MINI-PARK PROJECT NO. 92A-03-81 DISTRICT OF HONOLULU ISLAND OF OAHU 1981 Ct:J r~- .- .-. -- , -- <: - r-- , c. i ~ j ""1-" co C ,~ p:-: . ""'I-- I ):.--' -- C -..; " ''''\, -:, fTII < 2:::0 fTl ~PO c......:: 0 -t « P •. STATE OF HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAYS DIVISION HONOLULU, HAWAII SPECIAL PROVISIONS, PROPOSAL, CONTRACT, BOND AND PLANS FOR ALA MOANA BOULEVARD, SEALING OF WELL AT ALA MOANA MINI-PARK PROJECT NO. 92A-03-8l DISTRICT OF HONOLULU ISLAND OF OAHU 1981 Improvements consist of sealing existing Well No. 1851-22 with sand cement or neat cement grout, and is located at Ala Moana Mini-Park, near the intersection of Ala Moana Boulevard and Richards Street. The existing well is 8 inches in diameter with a total depth of about 1152 feet and cased to a depth of 986 feet. 92A-03-81 4/16/81 ) I 1.ff IJ II c \ I I \ -I I \ I I ,! ! ! &: IIII~~~'-",'_,I_J!1,_1111 _______ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Notice to Bidders Instructions to Bidders 1 - 4 Special Provisions DIVISION 100 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Sectl.on Title Page No. 101 Definitions and Terms 101-1 102 Bidding Requirements and Conditions 102-1 103 Award and Execution of Contract Award of Contract . 0 0 • • • • 0 103.03-1 Requirement of Contract Bond 103.06-1 104 Scope of Work . 104-1 105 Control of Work Authority of the Engineer • • 105.01-1 Construction Stakes, Lines and Grades 0 • 0 0 0 0 • • 105.07-1a Load Restrictions 105.13-1 Acceptance • . • • • 0 • 105.17-1 106 Control of Material • . 106-1 107 Legal Relations and Responsibility to Public . 0 • 107-1, 107-2a 108 Prosecution and Progress 108-1 - 108-3 109 Measurement and Payment Measurement of Quantities 109"01-1 Extra and Force Account Work 109.04-1 - 109,04-6 Deduction From Payment , . • • . 109.06-1 Progress Payments . J • • • • 109.09-1 Acce.ptance and Final Payment 0 109.10-1 Records, Accounts and Documents • 109.11-1 92A-03-81 -1- r5/12/81 DIVISION 200 - EARTHWORK Section Title Page No. 206 Excavation and Backfill for Conduits and Structures • • 206-1 DIVISION 600 - INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION 1 Section Tj,tle Page ,No. 601 Structural Concrete • . 601-1 61S Grassed Surfaces 618-1 645A Sealing of Well (ALTERNATE I) 645A-la - 645A-4a 645B Sealing of Well (ALTERNATE II) 645B-la - 645B-4a 646 Furnishing "and Installing the Well Casing • • 0 • 0 • • 646-1a - 646-2a DIVISION 700 - MATERIALS Section Title Pag!3 Noo 701 Hydraulic Cement 701-1 703 Aggregates 703-1 - 7031-3 712 Miscellaneous Frames, Grates, Covers and Laddey Rungs . GO • e (II • e _ • ~ ill .. ~ 712.07-1 Proposal P-l - P-"S Proposal Schedule P-6 - P-7 Declaration of State Employment Forms Contract K-l - K-5 Bond B-1 - B~4 Non-Gratuity Affidavit 92A-03-S1 -2- r5/12/8J NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED PROPOSALS for ALA MOANA BOULEVARD, SEALING OF WELL AT ALA MOANA MINI-PARK, PROJECT NO.' 92A-03-8l, District of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, will be received at the Programs and Contracts Office, Department of Transportation, • 869 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, until 2:00 P.M., June 12, 1981 , at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. The project entails sealing an 8-inch diameter, 1152 feet deep well with sand cement or neat cement grout. Plans and specifications may be examined at the above office or obtained therefrom upon the deposit of TWENTY DOLLARS ($20.00) in currency or a check made payable to the Director of Finance, State of Hawaii. Each propo~al shall be on a form furnished by said Department. Notice of intention to bid must be received at said Programs and Contracts Office no later than six (6) calendar days prior to the bid opening date. The State reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any defects in said p:r;,oposals for the best interest of the public. JACK K. Deputy Director Advertised: Honolulu Advertiser May 29, June 1 & 3, 1981 DOT 2634 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS - Pursuant to Section lQ3-25, Hawaii Revised Statutes, each bidder shall file at the Programs and Contracts Office, Department of Transportation, 869 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, a written notice of his intention to bid at least six (6) calendar days prior to the date designated for the opening of bids. A form letter, in duplicate, of the intention to bid is furnis~ed herewith~ The bidder shall date, sign, and mail or deliver one copy of' the form letter if he int~pds to bid. The other copy is for the bidder's files. In accordance with said Section lQ3-25, the Programs and Contracts Officer may require any proppective bidder to fill out a questionnaire regarding his qualifications. 2. DEPOSIT REFUND - The full amount of the deposit will be refunded upon the return of the contract documents, including plans and specifications, in good condition within thirty (3Q} calendar days after the opening of bids. Deductions will be made for any damaged or missing portions. No refund will be made after the expiration of said period. 3. ADDENDA - Any addenda issued prior to the opening of bids shall be binding upon the bidder and shall be made a part of the contract. 4. BID REQUIREMENTS - The bidder's attention is directed to Section 102 - Bidding Requirements and Conditions. 5. AWARD OF CONTRACT - The bidder's attention is directed to Section 103 - Award and Execution of Contract. 6. EMPLOYMENT OF CONTRACTORS SUSPENDED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - The bidder shall not be permitted to sub­ contract to or submit a bid on behalf of any Contractor who has been suspended by the Department of Transportation: neither shall the bidder employ temporarily any persons employed by a suspended Contractor for the purpose of circumventing the intent of this paragraph. Violation of any of the foregoing provisions may result in the annulment of the contract pursuant to Section 108 - Prosecution and Progress of the Hawaii "Standard Specifica­ tions for Road and Bridge Construction, 1976". 7. CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE - If the contractor's license is required by law for the performance of the work which is called for in this bid, then the bidder must have the required license: (a) before the submission of his proposal in the case of a non-federal-aid project: or (bl before the contract is awarded by the State in the case of a federal-aid project. -1- 12/1/75 Instructions to Bidders (continued) Questions as to whether a contractor's license is required for this project should be directed to said Programs and Contracts Office, Department of Transportation. 8. LISTING OF JOINT CONTRACTORS AND/OR SUBCONTRACTORS - The bidder's attention is directed to the Proposal where the names of all joint Contractors and/or subcontractors to be engaged in the work and the nature of work involved must be indicated by completing the forms provided. Failure to comply will result in the rejection of the bid. If no joint Contractor or subcontractor is to be engaged, the form must be completed by writing II none ll on the form. 9. AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COLLUSION - In compliance with 23 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section l12(c), the successful bidder on a Federal-aid project shall execute the attached Affidavit of Non-Collusion. The Department may reject a bid if the bidder fails to execute said affidavit. 10. PENALTY FOR FRAUD, BRIBERY AND OTHER VIOLATIONS - The bidder's attention is directed to 23 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.), Chapter 1, Section 2.4, whereby a Contractor shall be unacceptable for employment on any future highway project requiring Federal Highway Administration approval or concurrence for a period of three (3) months to three (3) years where there is clear and convincing evidence of fraud, bribery, collusion, conspiracy or other serious offense involving violation of State or Federal criminal statutes in connection with said project. 11. FEDERAL-AID REQUIRED CONTRACT PROVISIONS - The bidder's attention is directed to the applicable Required Federal-Aid Contract Provisions, Form PR 1273, Federal Aid Proposal Notices, Direct Federal Proposal Notice, Direct Federal Certification, and Specific Equal Employment Opportunity Responsibilities, which forms are attached hereto and made a part of the special provisions. -2- rll/24/80 Instructions to Bidders (continued) 12. MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS The bidder's attention is directed to the Notice of Requirements for Participation by Minority Business Enterprises (49 CFR Part 23) incorporated hereinafter as part of the contract document for compliance. Prospective prime bidders (sole bidders or joint venture bidders) who have not previously submitted to the State Department of Transportation MBE Eligibility Determination forms (see Schedule A and Schedule B enclosed hereinafter) must complete and submit said schedule, as may be appropriate, not less than 6 days prior to the bid opening date. Prime bidders are advised to encourage their prospective subcontractors and vendors to submit their Schedule A for certification as eligible MBE as early as possible, preferably before bid opening. Additional schedule forms may be obtained from any office where plans and specifications for the project are made available, as indicated in the Notice to Bidders. Such schedule forms are to be completed, properly executed, and returned to the Business Management Office, Department of Transportation, 869 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813.
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