Bin SEE STORY PAGE 15 Sonny Sanay and cool today, fair Y Red Bank, Freehold / FINAL tonight. Tomorrow partly cloudy and milder. / Long Branch J EDITION 26 PAGES ^lunmouih County's Outstanding Home Xowspapor KED BANK, N.J. MONDAY, MARCH 20,1972 TEN CENTS Be Spared Income Tax Audits By The Associated Press Jr,, jdjre.ciorj)f the IRS for payers appear at district of- adjustable gross income. The any refund the taxpayer may Nash estimates that 25,000 miles or 9 cents per mile over New Jersey. "It- is called the fices for audit interviews," taxpayer forgets to subtract have claimed on his return," Jerseyans will be contacted 15,000 miles. Thousands of Jorseyans will unallowable items program." Nash said yesterday. "Also, if the 3 per cent. This is not an said Nash. "A proposed cor- under the new system. —Expenses for care of chil- be spared the. pain of personal Certain .unallowable items unallowable items are cor- arguable item. The law says rection will be sent to the tax- He listed these examples of dren or certain disabled de- tax audits this year. , on federal individual - income rected before April 17, tax- you must reduce the medical payer by mail. If the taxpayer unallowable items which will pendents on a married person The Internal'Revenue ser> tax returns will be identified payers will not be subject to deduction by 3 per cent of does not agree with the pro- be corrected at the IRS cen- filing a separate return. There vice has started a "return and corrected in IRS service interest charges. gross income." posed correction, he may ei- ters: are for 1971 certain income correction program" in wh'ich centers. Corrections will be Many Errors ther submit additional infor- —Medical and drug ex- limitations. mistakes can be corrected by proposed during initial pro- "There are many returns Nash said that IRS centers mation relating to the identi- penses without the 1 per cent -Dividend exclusion in ex- mail when the government cessing, and taxpayers will be listing items which by their will, in the course of process- fied item or request an inter- and 3 per cent adjusted gross cess of $100 on a separate re- feels the taxpayer can't possi- advised by mail. very nature are not allowable ing, identify returns which view with a tax auditor in his income limitation. turn or $200 on a joint return. bly win. by law," said Nash. contain possible unallowable district. Cases in which the —Auto mileage rates for —Income on Form W-2 or "The new program, ,which items. "The system may save complements existing IRS'au- "For example, the law re- taxpayer fails to respond will trade or business trans- 1099 incorrectly reported on many taxpayers time and dit activities, will eliminate quires that medical expenses "Once returns are identi- be handled under normal au- portation in excess of 12 cents the tax return. money," said Roland H. Nash the necessity of having tax-. be reduced by 3 per cent of fied, a hold will be placed on dit procedures." per mile for the first 15,000 —Fractional exemptions. \ixon Visits New York For Drug Abuse Fight afternoon with his Cabinet courts set up with the help of WASHINGTON (AP) - He has called for federal excluded from that session Committee on International $7.6 million in grants from the President Nixon flies to New- spending of $600 million for "to preserve the agents' cov- Narcotics Control. It was set federal Law Enforcement As- York City today to focus the fiscal 1973 to battle the drug er." up last September to take the sistance Administration. Un- battle against drug abuse. He problem from poppy-grower Before flying out of John F. lead in efforts to curb inter- dercover agents will give him plans to talk to law enforce^ to pusher. Kennedy Airport, NixomwiU national drug traffic. a private report on heroin ment officials, undercover op- watch customs inspectors at traffic in New York, the na- eratives and customs agents. On his return from the per- While in New York, Nixon work processing baggage and will hear reports on the oper- tion's largest city. The White commercial cargo at the busy During a three-hour visit, sonal inspection tour in New ation of 12 special narcotics House said reporters will be international terminal. the President will sit in on a York, Nixon will meet in mid- meeting of federal and state narcotics officials and local AH WIrephoto judges with Gov. Nelson A/ OUT FOR THE VOTE — Sen. George McGovern, left, and former Sen. Rockefeller. Eugene McCarthy, right, campaign for tomorrow's lillinois primary elec- Bus Snarl Aggravated And he'll inspect the first of tion in Chicago yesterday. McGovern spoke to the congregation of a nine regional'centers of the By The Associated Press contract negotiations. The cause advance publicity may Today the transit union northside church, while McCarthy rnet potential voters outside another Office of Drug Abuse Law En- church. Sen. Edmund Muskie also campaigned in Chicago for the up- PA's current pact with the as- lessen its effectiveness. started paying its members forcement he created in Ja- Transport of New Jersey sociation expires April 8. Bus Strike $35 per week strike benefits. coming election. nuary under the direction of commuters, already stymied The police patrol Hudson Many of those motorists Negotiations to end the Myles J. Ambrose, former U.S by a strike against the bus River crossings between New threatened by the job action walkout won't resume until to- commissioner of customs. line, faced a bluer-than-nor- Jersey and, New Yprk, metro- took to the roads March 1 morrow. A TNJ spokesman- Calling drug abuse the na- mal Monday this morning as politan area airports and when the Amalgamated Tran- has said at that time the com- tion's ''public enemy No. 1," Port Authority police threat- bridges and tunnels in New sit Union struck the TNJ as pany will make its final con- Ilrael Said Building Nixon has been trying to ened to block Hudson River, York City. Union Director both sides failed to negotiate tract offer to the union. The coordinate a massive federal, crossings with a job action. James Connolly said the a new contract. The walkout company has already threat- state and local effort aimed at The job action was ap- threatened job action would by some 4,500 drivers, me- ened to cancel the hospi- stopping drug traffic, pre- proved by the 1,200-member be one the port authority chanics and other workers has talization and life insurance venting drug abuse and trying Port Authority Patrolmen's "never saw in their lives." affected about 300,000 and is benefits for union members on Mssile-Firing Boats to treat, educate and rehabili- Benevolent Association last However, he refused to say now the state's longest mass March 31 if the strike isn't set- tate the user. week to press demands for where it would take place be- transit strike In 49 years. tled by then. WASHINGTON (AP) - The dian Ocean, and some of these Israeli navy is building a could be sent into the Red Sea force of big missile-firing in an emergency. boats in an apparent bid to Construction of the six new overcome an Egyptian edge missile boats is another ex- Davis Says County Needs in the Red Sea, Pentagon ample of the way Israeli engi- sources report. neers mollify foreign weapons The move, raising the to fit their own needs. Mideast arms race another In this case, the Israeli beat, would enable the Israeli navy is reported improving on Blacks in Power Positions navy to shield shipping bound the design of a dozen Saar- for Elat, Israel's important class boats bought from By HALLIE SCHRAEGER "To be specific about posi- Advancement of Colored They seemed to be pushing southern port. France before the Paris gov- tions of power, to point out People), the Muslims, 'CORE for unity and the betterment In the view of U.S. naval ex- ernment cut off sales of arms FREEHOLD - Monmouth one thing, the new prosecutor (Congress of Racial Equal- of black people, which was perts, the six boats under con- to Israel. The Israeli version has "no black people in posi- (James M. Coleman Jr.) ap- ity), the Congress of African 'Together Power'." struction would put the Is- will be about 30 feet longer tions of power to answer the pointed eight assistant prose- People, the National Welfare raelis in shape to challenge than the original 150-foot needs of the black people of cutors, and not one of them Rights Organization, all of the Mr. Davis said that most the Egyptian navy's Red Sea French-built Saars, extending the county," says the chair- black. The judicial system has major organizations, and rep- while reporters distorted their force, made up principally of their range well beyond the man of New Jersey's Third no black judges of aides in resentatives of the Republi- reports to make it seem that- two destroyers and three So- 800-mile cruising reach. Congressional District delega- Monmouth County," he said. can and Democratic organiza- there was divisiveness that tion to the first National Cites Objectives tions as well. viet-built Komar-class missile The additional space also didn't exist. He said that most boats. Black Political Convention in Mr. Davis maintains that "The thing that amazed me of them were barred after the will accommodate refrig- Gary, Ind., a week ago. At the moment, Israel has eration equipment for food the black political convention was that nobody was pushing first day.
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