Weather THEBMLY Diftaibatuni y ajv t<nip«r«lut» 71. famiy, leu hnnM today and tontorroWf 24,400 high 88 to Bl. Cleir tonight, law \ Red Bank Area J N to ft. Sunday, Itlr. See Weath- Tr, CopyrlsJifr-Tne Red Bank Register, Inc., IKS. er, Page 2. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 88, NO. 39 FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Six Other Units Damaged in Business Center Fire Destroys Red Bank Drug Store RED BANK - Fire struck at| a half to control the flames, and At 11:22 p.m. the alarm was front both- sides of trie drug According the Chief Carhart, causing leavy damage in the Air son brought Rumson Fire Com- in the roof and dropping rotating the heart of the business district another two hours to completely placed from a Broad St. fire box store. As the volunteers broke this is what happened: Force and Army recruiting of- pany's. aerial rig which, with distributor nozzles into the area last night, destroying the Scott extinguish thetm. by 16-year-old John Chimento of glass windows and doors, . the Flames from the drug store's fices, Hie former Red Bank Shrewsbury's truck and Red above 'he building's false ceiling, Drug Store at Broad and Mon- Fire Chief Calvin Carhart said Monmouth Beach, who spotted streets became dense with smoke prescription department ate Drapery Shop and the vacant Bank's two, allowed firemen to That tactic stopped the fflamel s mouth Sts. and inflicting heavy the cause of the blaze could not smoke as he and a companion and the firefighters were re- through a false ceiling which Silvers J*w$ler?^ SVSQVJS y/SE- feu&koftt^thA ScUulte.Umtei .$t<cm-.r. damage on the other units of the be found. He said the flames were returning from the movies. pulsed. hangs about three feet below the so pouring out by Schulte Unit- ing from four towerswers. but it was too late to be effec-' building. started in the prescription de- In minutes, Red Bank's Use 014 'Hook' roof of the entire building. ed's Monmouth St. doors. The fire was controlled around live in the drug store, the chief More than 200 firemen from partment at the rear of the drug fire companies were on The Navesink Hook end Ladder The telling fire spread south, At 11:55 the fire reached its 1 a.m. It was was done, Chief said. , seven towns fought an hour and store on its Monmouth St. side. scene, and smoke was issuing Company put its semi-retired parallel to Broad St., reaching peak. Flames broke through the Carhart said, by chopping holes (See FIRE, Page 3) truck to work next to its new about half way across, the va- roof and Chief Carhart sent out aerial rig, and water was poured cant Schulte United Department a call for aid to River Plaza, into the top of the one-«tory brick Store, a 13,000-square-fcot place Shrewsbury, Fair Haven and structure, but firemen were un- with entrances on both Broad and Little Silver. able to enter. Monmouth Sts. New Shrewsbury's Northside When streams of water could Spreadi West Company also responded, as be directed into the building from In the meantime, the street did the Navesink and Middletown the streets, the smoke was so level fire spread west parallel companies from Middletown thick the fire could not be to Monmouth St. gutting the Township. located. Silvers Hearing Aid Centre, and At 12:20 a.m. a call to Rum- Marines Draw Viet Cong Fire SAIGON (AP)-U.S. Marines tions on the peninsula 12 miles Meanwhile, Henry Cabot Lodge drew Viet Cong fire from tun- south of Chu Lai. arrived in Saigon to start his nels and fortifications today as The area was the stronghold second tour of duty as U.S. am- of the 1st Viet Cong Regiment, bassador. He told newsmen the they swept back across the Van "one of the toughest," the United States "is both united and Tuong peninsula after the biggest spokesman said. persistent in confirming its be- American battle of the Vietnam- The spokesman in Saigon said lief that the current aggression ese war. 563 Viet Cong bodies had been against Viet Nam must and will YEOMAN SERVICE — Red Bank's once-retir&d hoolc and ladder truck, now retained counted on the peninsula. The be warded off." A U.S. military spokesman said Marines estimated that more than "The fight which our military for the borough's mora sorious fires, was pressed into servico during last night's blaze Communist guerrillas opened up 600 of the enemy were killed men—Vietnamese, American and ar Broad and Monmouth Sts. It was one of four aerial rigs to help bring the flames on the Marines with sporadic and more than 1,000 wounded in Allied alike—are making to this under control. small arms fire as the Ameri- the battle that began with an end gives us all the opportunity cans continued mop-up opera- amphibious and helicopter Ma- to help bring about a true revo- rine assault Wednesday. lution which will make possible The spokesman said 52 guer- a new and better life for the MONMOUTH ST. MESS — A tangle of- hoses, broken! Plans, Federal Aid Details Told • f rillas were captured and 64 sus- Vietnamese people," the ambas- glass and ruined merchandise from store windows made pects were held. sador said. a mess of Monmouth St. during the Scott Drug Store fire.; Lodge first served as ambas- 2,000 In Area Also heavily damaged on Monmouth St. were Silvers One Marine Intelligence officer sador to South Viet Nam for estimated that 1,200 .Viet Cong nine months in 1963-64. He was Hearing Afd Centre, the Army end Navy recrufting succeeded in June, )864 by Gen. .had, beta .ia th« combat tone eMiic«iv and t«v»r«( vacant' «+of«. Coast Library Site Chosen and another 800 In the.general Maxwell D. TsyWr, who te- areaV. ;''';".'. " ' .' (See VIET NAM, Page 3) (Other photos" page 3."} By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON the subsequent Freehold build- not been written for county li plan that.*-, spate re- Casualties among the levera SHREWSBURY — The archi ing, about 24,000. The Freehold- braries. Grants will be subject quirement of. 3),WM squari feet thousand Americans Involved tect's project director for the er library won't get started un- to negotiation, based on proof had been established for eligi- were light, Marine officials said. first of Monmouth County's two til the coastal building is com- that the program will meet the bility. But a U.S. military spokesman new libraries indicated last night pleted. need. There is no basis for re- FumJ Limit in Saigon said the Americans Parkway Speed Limit Hike 2. Federal aid formulas have that the building site has been ports by critics of the two-library 3. Requests ftir federal funds had suffered their heaviest losses chosen. do not spell out specific amounts, of any single engagement of the Within two weeks, said Daniel but are limited to $100,000 for war. Security rules forbid dis- Briggs, of Howell L. Shay Assc- each building. Monmouth hopes closure of U.S. casualties In spe- In Monmouth Is Suggested r dates, Initial plans, including to get $50,000 for each. Con- cific battles. cost estimates, for the structure ceivably, it could get $100,000 for "The Viet Cong who survived WQODBRIDGE — The maxi- Camp Coles joins two-way traf- passing" its interchange, but New- to be erected in the Eatontown the coastal building, because of pushed out to sea or infiltrated mum tpeed limit on the Garden fie on Newman Springs Rd. man Springs is a two-lane road vicinity will be completed. 2 ^Library Plan the reference center to serve the around and through positions in State Parkway in Monmouth Mr.. Parsekian mentions a jug- on both sides of that section. The site is essential to the entire county, and additional the rear," said a Marine opera- County should be 65 miles per handle, but draws no final con- Likes Cycle Ban completion of such plans, he said, money for the Freehold building. tions officer, Maj. E. W. Snyder hour, says Ned J. Parsekian, for- clusions because there are too With regard to motorcycles on ' and will have been taken into 4. The coastal library will em- of Oceanside, Calif. mer director of the state Divi- many contingencies — namely the parkway, Mr. Parsekian rec- consideration when a report Is Hit, Defended phasize reference and research Nevertheless, the Marines sion of Motor Vehicles. county action on the widening of ommended the ban be continued. made about Sept. 1. works, as well as containing gen- launched a new sweep today to The recommendation was the Newman Springs Rd. The au- Motorcycles have rot been al- Mr. Briggs said the spot may SHREWSBURY — Plans to build two new Monmouth eral reader services. Jhe Free- clear out any guerrillas hiding thority has already widened to lowed on the toll road since Feb. not then have been acquired by subject of one of seven reports County libraries came under attack last night from towns hold building will have admin- on the peninsula 12 miles south released yesterday by the New four lanes the part of the road (See SPEED, Page 3) ' the Board of Freeholders and, that don't belong to the county system. But the Board of istrative offices, facilities to eer of the U.S.
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