vmi-RA i. j.AK'it 1 L O■2, Vi-,V^: v A£ ‘ioos*’ 6fiF. ib Corrected to 15th June, 1922. [Crown Copyright Reserved.] The MONTHLY AIR FORCE LIST July, 1922. LONDON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses : Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2, and 28, Abingdon 37, Peter Street, ManchesterStreet, London, ; 1, St. Andrew’sS.W.l ; Crescent, Cardiff ; or from EASON23, & SON,Forth Ltd., Street, 40-41, Edinburgh; Lower Sackville Street, Dublin. 1922, [Price, One Shilling and Sixpence, Net.] HOLT & CO. BANKERS AND OFFICIAL ARMY AND AIR FORCE AGENTS Established 1809. Head Office : 3, WHITEHALL PLACE, S.W.l EstaB(ished 1J85 BRANCHES PORTSMOUTH - 22 The Hard j CHATHAM - 2 Railway Street ! WEYMOUTH 1 & 2 Grosvenor Place j GIEVES EDINBURGH 118 Princes Street | LIMITED SHEERNESS High Street, Blue Town ] DOVER - - 13 Bench Street OUTFITTERS TO THE PLYMOUTH - - 63 George Street j LIVERPOOL- - 14 Lord Street , ROYAL AIR FORCE MALTA 12 Strada Mezzodi, Valetta \ 21 OLD BOND ST. W.1 PICCADILLY \ A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT : : isR.A.F. reserved Officers, exclusively where for Regulation the use of :• | Makers and Patentees of the Uniforms and every item of Kit “Gieve” Life-Saving Waistcoat. ; can be obtained, all of best quality ; INSPECTION INVITED • and latest style at moderate prices. ; Advertisements. SPECIALISTS IN TORPEDO AIRCRAFT. Blackburn m jrf Contractors to THE BLACKBURN AEROPLANE AND H.M.Governments. and Foreign TelegramsMOTOR Co., -Ltd., - OLYMPIA,Propellers, LEEDS Leeds FULL DfiESS. MESS KIT. SERVICE DRESS. SPORTS KIT & MUFTI. ^THRESHER & GLENN Y have on hand a consider- prepared-»• ab.e tostock quote ofparticularly R.A.F. favourableregulation ratescloth, for anduniform are Representative visits the various training estab- lishments andany stations Mess byat intervalsappointment. and will attend Estimates on application for joining requirements for home service,for any andforeign the station.special uniform and equipment necessary THRESHER & GLENNY, INDIANcivil anoand COLONIALmilitary OUTFITTERS, tailors, 152 & 153, STRAND, LONDON, W.C.2. (6710) Advertisements. VICKERSAMPHIBIAN. “VIKING” AEROPLANES FOR COMMERCIAL AND MILITARY USE. FLYING BOATS FOR COMMERCIAL AND NAVAL USE. Jtviation ‘Dept., VICKERS HOUSE, Broadway, London S.W.l. BURBERRY ROYAL AIR FORCE KIT Cut and tailored by a staff of experts especially engaged on Service work, and made in ex- clusive materials, which, woven and proofed by Burberry pro- cesses, prevent penetration by wet or cold, and withstand any amount of hard wear without loss either in appearance or protective efficiency. X.A.F. Service Dress ■coats.of R.A.F. Weatherproofs dress and , R.A.F. Full Dress READY-TO-WEAR _ny part of the world. Illustrated Catalogui & Patterns Post Free HAYMARKET BURBERRYS S.W.l LONDON R.A.F. Mess Dress Malesherbes PARIS and Agents in Provincial Towns Advertisements. ROBERTS & SHORT, TAILORS, 4 & 6, BURY STREET, ST. JAMES’, S.W.l. (Opposite St. James’ Theatre.) FOR ADVERTISEMENT RATES IN THE MONTHLY AIR FORCE LIST RADCLYFFE’S, 65, Victoria Street, S.W.l Telephone VICTORIA 9545. ARMY, NAVY! McGruer &. AIR FORCE Hollow Spars GAZETTE FORMERLY KNOWN AS are made of the best Silver The Army and Gazette scientificallySpruce. The simpleconstruction and the is (FOUNDED 1860.) best results are certain. The R.A.F. Appointments, Official fuselage of the famous Notices, Notes, News, Sports, “ VIMY" was constructed etc., appear each week. with McGruer Longerons and Taken by MESSES all over OurStruts. Wireless Masts and the World. Spreaders are the strongest and lightest. Write us . ADVERTISEMENT RATE 11 6 PER INCH McGruer Hollow Spar Co. Specimen 2iin.Copy wide.on Application. Commercial Rd.,Lambeth,S.E.l 22, ESSEX STREET, STRAND, W.C.2 TelegramsTelephone: : HOPOllosparsh, 718. Watloo, London. Advertisements. Barbier Benard & Turenne PARIS &{Established BLANC-MISSERON 1852) FIXED, FLASHING OR OCCULTING LIGHTS FOR AIRWAYS. AERODROME FLOODLIGHTS. AIRCRAFT PROJECTORS. SEARCHLIGHTS. RADIOPHARES. Sole Concessionnaire for the British Empire and V.S.A. : J. P. ASHLEY WALLER, 26 Audrey House, Ely Place, London. (6710) ★ ★ Advertisements. COMPLETE OUTFITS FOR ALL CLIMATES READY FOR IMMEDIATE WEAR HUNTING & SPORTING OUTFITS TRUNKS A SADDLERY MESS DRESS FOR ALL REGIMENTS READY IN STOCK Only Address ; 20 & 21, KING STREET \ GOVENT GARDEN 25, 31 & 32, Bedford St. J W.C.2. ’Phone; 3750-1 Gerrard. Tel. Add.: “ Parsee Rand, London.” SACCONE $ SPEED LIMITED- WINE AND SPIRIT HOUSES AT MERCHANTS 130, MainGIBRALTAR, Street & 4, Market Lane, 14, PantonLONDON, Street, S.W.1,Haymarket. 80a,EDINBURGH, George Street. WHISKEY BLENDERS PORTSMOUTH,21, The Hard. 33,CHATHAM, Railway Street. DEVONPORT,50, Fore Street. ^Manufacturers and Importers of 20, StradaMALTA, Mezeodi. CIGARS, CIGARETTES Cigarette44, Mob Pieta, Factory: Pieta. AND TOBACCOS MALTA. THE MONTHLY AIR FORCE LIST JULY, 1922. CONTENTS, orPage Col. orPage Col. Abbreviations 2 * Bath, Statute of Order 3065 Advisory Board on Chaplaincy Services ... 1152 Chaplains Department 1151-1152 Air Council 11 Commands R.A.F. (Overseas):— Air Force Agents 3 Independent Units ... * Air Force Decorations :— India Distinguished Flying Cross i Air Force Cross I Statutes of MediterraneanMiddle East AirDistinguished Force Medal Flying Medal j 3068-3070 Rhine Air Ministry:— Deaths, List of 3052 *Dental Distinguished Officers, ListService of Order, Statutes of 3066 ChiefCommittees of the Air Staff, Department of8 1-5014 Establishments 1400-1403 Controllerate of Communications ... 19 General List 101-900 Director-Generalsearch, Department of Supply of and Re- 21 JudgeMedical Advocate-General Service R.A.F 1001-1013 12 Directorate of Accounts 136 Meteorological StationsOffice 1430136 Directorate of Civil Aviation ... 13 Nursing Service R.A.F 1131 Directorate of ContractsEquipment 13615 Officers Holding Temporary Honorary Directorate of Lands 136 Commissions 2001-2050 Directorate of R.A.F. Medical Services 16 * Pay:—Half, Declarations for ) 3 . Directorategence of Operations... and Intelli- 14 Retired, Declarations for ) 056 3061 Directorate of Personnel 15 » Prizes, Testimonials, etc., list of ... 3062 Directoratesation of Training and Organi- 14 tf Relinquishments,Retired List Resignations, etc. 2051-3060... 3053 Stores List 901-1000 Directorate of Works and Buildings ... 19 Telegraphic Addresses, List of LiaisonSecretary’s Officers, Department Dominion, List of... 14 Units, List of, with Officers serving 1451 Under-Secretary of State for Air, Units, Self-Accounting for Equipment1590-1593 Department of Victoriaand Stores, Cross:— List of 1591 Area Commands :—■ t Recipients of 3051 Coastal Area Wireless* Statutes Telegraphy of Stations ... 1431-1482 3063 InlandR.A.F. AreaHeadquarters, Cranwell Works and Buildings Area, etc., Organisa- R.A.F. Headquarters, Halton R.A.F., Ireland * Issued Quarterly. t Alphabetical lists—not shown in Index. 3 NOTES. No appointments gazetted after June 15th are included in tiis List. Postings of Officers where the date of effect is prior to the 16th of the month are recorded in the Units List up to and including Posting List No. 122, dated June 14th. Appointments gazetted after June 15th and before July 16th, and postings promulgated after June 15th and before July 15th, will appear in the August List. Officers on the Retired List must communicate annually, between January 1st and March 31st, with the Secretary of the Air Ministry, otherwise they will be presumed to be deceased and their names will be removed from the Air Force List. Officers who succeed to peerages, baronetcies, or courtesy titles are responsible for immediately notifying the same to the Secretary of the Air Ministry in order that the necessary alterations may be made in the Air Force List and in the official records of the Air Ministry. All communications regarding entries in this publication should be addressed as follows :— Questions of Seniority, Rank, &c., through the usual Official Channels ; other communications direct to :— The Secretary, (Air Force List), Air Ministry, Kingsway, W.C.2. AIR FORCE AGENTS. Messrs. Cox & Co. (R.A.F. Branch), 16, Charing Cross, London, S.W.l. {For OfficersMessrs. whose Holtsurnames & Co., commence 3, Whitehall with any Place, of the London, letters “A"S.W.l. to “ R.") (For Officers whose surnames commence with any of the letters “S" to "Z") TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESSES. LONDON. Unit. Telegraphic Address. Postal Address. Air Ministry Airministry, London ... Kingsway, W.C.2. Air Ministry, Civil Avia- Aircivi], Airministry, London Kingsway, W.C.2. Airtion Ministry Department. Laboratory Scientist, London ... Royal College of Science, S.W.l. Air Ministry Publications I Prinpustor, Watloo, London 10, Leake Street, S:E. 1. ! AirDep6t. Ministry Meteoro- Weather, London Kingsway, W.C.2. f logical(Forecasts) Department j • fI CentralResearch Medical Laboratory Board; j Aeronautics, Hampstead, London, Holly Hill, Hampstead. N.W.3. I Schooland Medical of Instruction. Officers CoastalR.A.F. CentralArea HospitalHead- Airgenarch,Cenrafhos Finch, Kincross, London London ... Avenue33-34, Tavistock House, East Place, End W.C.l. Rd., N.3. Imperialquarters. War Museum, Imwarmus, Crystal, London Crystal Palace, S.E.19. JudgeR.A.F. Advocate-General Section. Judvocate, London 68, Victoria Street, S.W.l. LondonRecruitingDepOt, Ocredep, Rand, London ... 4, W.C.2.Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. Meteorological Office ... Meteorology, Southkens, London ExhibitionS.W.7.
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