J ■G. ““ ■ ■■ -1 ■ -. I. - - - - I- I g ———-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — . I..■ i ■ I Noihinate a Girl Now for The Register G)ntest and if She G>mes Out on Top, We Will Give You a Free Trip to Both Gilifomia Fairs. She Will Get Hers Too, and So Will Seven Other Girls. Is The Register Worth Pushing? Dr. F. H. Farrin^ on, Non-Catholic, of Boulder, Writes: “I Wish to Compliment You on die EAcellent Paper. Which You Have Been Issuing, and, for the Spirit of Fairness Which You Have ^ow n at All Times. • 1 Am Sure You Are Doing Much Good Among Your Own People.” Help the Great Work of Spreading the Catholic Press. EPISCOPALS GO CONSECRATION TO CONFESSION OCTOBER 28 FOR IN DENVER JUST SURE; WIRE SENT LIKE C^HOLICS TO BISHOP-ELECT Hand|til of High Chorch Mem­ bers Beheve in Sac­ Rome, Thru Apostolic rament. Orders Plans to Go VOL XL NO. 8. DENVER, OOLOIADO, THTTRSDAT, ER 23, 1915. |2 PER YEAR Ahead. DEACON TELLS OF PRACTICE T SS. SIMON AND JUDE’S FEAST Fathers W ho Lived Jnst After Christ Prove Penance Was Anniversary of Bishop K. C. NEW ESTES PARK CHURCH GETS HELP FROM SAINT MARTHA Mats ’s R^Meption of Episcopal Common Then. Dignity. By MAXIBOLIAN FAMED FOR DOMESTIC ZEAL, A young Epiecopalian, whose name is FATHER O’RYAN The consecration of Bishop-elect A»- tony J. Schuler, SJ., of the El Paao^ withheld in order to avoid undue public­ $370,000 m SEVEN YEARS Texas, diocese, which was to have oe- ity for him (it can be furnished by The 30 YEARS PRIEST SHE HAS POWER TO PUT END Kegister to any interested person) and curred on Tuesday of this week b«t ■who was recently ordained ;& deacon in RAISED BYFR.McMENAMlN\m Oc t o b e r ‘sr d whiqh bad to be postponed owing to th* the Episcopal church, went to confession TO THIS TYPE OF TROUBLE non-arrival of the Bulls of Ji]q>oiBk* regularly to a local minister of his faith Rector of St. Leo’s Has Served ment, will be on October 28. Word josS while living here, and Informed Catholic That Parish Twenty-three received from Rome thru the Most B rr. John Bonzano of Washington, apostoti* friends of others who followed the same Sum Outside Parish Yean. delegate, clears the way for proceeding practice. He does not consider himself a 15 Girls Running in Protestant, but a Catholic. Running Expenses; PREACHES ON FAITH UNITY immediately with the preparations, and There are a number of High Church Cathedral Contest there is no more danger of a postpone­ Episcopalians in Denver, altho the elab­ Sets American Shows How Apostles Censured ment. October 28 is the feast of SS. orate ceremonial movement is not so Those Who Taught Simon and Jude, and is the twenty- strong here as it is in some places, nota­ Record False Doctrine. eighth anniversary of the consecratimi bly in New York. However, as shown of the Rt. Rev. Nicholas C. Matz, DJX, The Rev. William O’Ryan, rector of by another article in the current issue Since the Rev. Hugh L. McMeiianiin bishop of Denver, who will be the conse- St. laKi's church, Denver, one of the best of The Register, there are many local assumed charge of the Immaculate Con­ crator in flie coming ceremonies. Bish­ known and most scholarly priests in the Episcopalians who refer to their clergy­ ception Cathedral parish, Denver, seven op Matz will be assisted by Bishop West, will reach the thirtieth anniver­ men as ‘'Father.” The Rev. Charles years ago, $370,000 lias been raised thru Henry Granjon of Tucson, Ariz., and sary of his ordination to the priesthiKxI Marshall and tlie Rev. Stephen Foster his efforts, above the ordinary parish Bishop Patrick A. McGovern of (Jhey-# on October 3. He has been pastor of St. fre(juently get “Father Marshall” and running expenses. The year before lie enne, Wyo. Bishop Joseph P. Lynch of Leo's cliurch for twenty-three years. Fa­ ■‘‘Father Foster” from members of their took charge of the congregation, $800 Dallas, Texas, who has surrendered part ther O’Ryan is a brilliant pulpit orator, dock—hut, so far as the writer can was saved above the parish expenses for of his diocese to the new El Paso pre­ liis sermuns being remarkable for the learn, there is no record of anybody’s tlie building fund. The year he took late, will be the speaker. Archbishop lenniing they display. over liaving called the doughty Dean charge, he raised this to .$1.),000. One J. B. Pitaval of Santa Fe will be here. He is now in the midst pi Hart by this truly Catliolic cognomen. hundred and twenty tliousaiul dollars It is known that a number of other pre­ an exeelleiit series of Sunday sermons The Catholic Cliurch does not recog­ above the ordinary expeiise.s bus been lates will attend, but their names have on "The Chureli.’ lie is showing wliy nize the claims of some Episcopalians to raised by liim tliru the usual revenues not been learned, as the invitations have Catliolies are eoiivineed that their Chiiri-li tlie existence of a branch of genuine of the imrish, such as pew rent and not yet gone out. Catholicity in Anglicanism. The papacy monthly collections. Two hundred and i> that founded by .Jesus Christ. La.st The Rev. Edward Barrj’, S*T., for­ ■ has examined the fioly orders of the An­ fifty thousand has bi*en secured in per­ Sunday morning, he spoke o'? the marks mer rector of the Sacred Heart church, glican Church and has declared that they sonal gifts thru Ills efforts. and signs of the true Church, particular­ Denver^ now of El Paso, is expecl^ by are not valid. An Episcopalian minister The country store wliieli the Cathedral ly its unity. his old parishioners to come for the cer­ •coming into the Catholic Church has to will conduct at the International Farm­ The Apo'tles' Creed, he said, is the emonies. be'ordained over again. It is not suffi­ ing congress September 29 to October oldest statement of faith known, lie From the number of replies being re­ cient for him merely to make a formal 10 will represent the first time the told how ihe Chureli was forced to carry ceived, it is certain that the banquet to declaration of his fealty, as with con­ rector has appealed to the general on its work in sev-ret uuring the Roman be given at the Brown Palace by the verted priests of the Orthorlox church. public for any assistance. There will persecutions and said that some persons clergy of the Denver diocese in honor of ■ That persons, while still affiliated not he an article sold at this store,'liow- had fallen into error. When Constantine Bishop Scliuler and the visiting clergy •with a Protestant church, should see the ever, that will not be worth at least fri*».sl the Cliurdi and, with the pope, will be. one of the most notable chnrcii necessity. of confession, is not only a the dime that is asked for it, and it may called the council of Nicea, the Nieene social affairs ever held in this city. tribute to their good sense but shows a be wortli several dollars. The only char­ creed, which is an elalwration of the Some prominent laymen will also be MISS SARAH BYRNE. familiarity with history which few non- ity in connection with the affair, there­ Apostles’ Creed, hut contains the same present at this dinner. •Catholics seem to have, or which they fore. is in the gifts of the merchants diK'triiies, was furmulaLs) to express, seem eager to ignore. St. Augustine and the work being given by the volun­ briefly, the teaching of tlie Church. (died 4.30) said: “liCt us not listen to teer committees and priests. Father O’llyan told how this creed St. Walter’s Church, the New Rocky Mountain National Park Temple. shows that the Church is one, holy. Cath­ KANSAS BISHOP those who deny that the Church of God The popularity contest being con­ olic and apostolic, and said that every St. Martha, wlio gained immortal ited Estes this summer declared that bas power to forgive all sins.” St. Am ducted in connection with the affair—it fame for protesting to Jesus once upon the building is located in the prettiest ■ brose (died 397) rebuked the Novatian Catholic slioiikl be familiar with these HAS POSTPONED should be remarked that this is an en­ a time when He was paying a visit to site of any church in the United States. ists, who “professed to show reverence mark' and signs. He told how the apos­ tirely separate enterprise from The her and lier sister Mary, and Mary per­ for the Lord by reserving to Him alone tles S.'s. James and John denounced those “I intend to paint it in oil colors next GOLDEPUUBILEE Catholic Register contest—is a remark­ sisted in listening to tlie teachings of the power of forgiving sins. Greater who taught false doctrines, showing that summer,” lie tidd Father Howlett. able success. Girls selling tickets for dur I.s)rd, thereby arousing the ire of Rt. Rev. John Cunningham Was in wrong could not be done than what they heresy appeared in the Church almost Behind the cliurch, visible in the pho­ the country store are working for tlie Martha, who thought she should have do in seeking to rescind His commands at the start. Answering the Protestant tograph reproduced in tliis week's issue Colorado When 50th Anni­ following prizes: the first two, trips to been helping with tlie liousewofk, an and fling back the office He bestowed.” doctrine that all the Christian eliurelies of The Regi.s^er, are tlie famous Cathe­ versary Fell.
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