Holyoke Public Schools Connections Holyoke Public Schools A Community Working Together Our Web site: www.hps.holyoke.ma.us Volume 5, Issue 4 Summer 2007 HPS school year comes to a quick, busy close By Eduardo B. Carballo **Updated Vaccine Superintendent of Schools Information on page 11 Dear Readers: Our Unsung Heroines 3 It’s hard to believe that we are coming to the end of another school year! It’s been a busy Races to Space 4 year and much has been ac- complished by all. I want to take this opportunity to ac- Summer Fun 5 knowledge the work of all Suggestions staff across the district and to the many partners, volunteers Rising Stars and 6-7 and families. Dr. Eduardo Carballo addresses the media at 57 Suffolk Street in a School Briefs At this time I would like to recent press conference speaking in support of the city’s schools, specifically talk about two teachers, staff and administration. outstanding educators, who Talking Points 7 after many years of service, A reminder to the whole grams will be in full swing have been recently recognized community that next year again this year. I hope a lot of as Unsung Heroines by the McMahon Elementary School our students will take advan- Massachusetts Commission on will grow to include 7th grade tage of them. The Summer Holyoke Sports 8 the Status of Women. They and that Morgan and Peck were honored at the Massa- Programs will run from July 9 schools have become sister chusetts State House on May to August 9, 2007, Monday schools for the 2007/2008 through Thursday from 8:00 16, 2007. Dr. Maria Barreto is a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The sites for Spanish Highlights 9-12 a teacher at Peck Middle school year. these programs are Holyoke ...more sports photos School and Linda Amaral is a The Grade 8 Moving-Up High, Dean Technical High, teacher at Sullivan School. Ceremonies were a large suc- These teachers were nomi- cess and the support of the Peck Middle, Donahue, Mor- gan, Lawrence, Sullivan and nated by their peers, which in families in celebrating the ac- White. Student applications itself is an honor. To quote complishments of their chil- (K-8) are available from the the Massachusetts Unsung dren was wonderful to see. schools; Holyoke High and Heroines 2007 Nomination Schools having the annual Form, “They are the Unsung ceremony were Lynch and Dean Technical High will re- Heroines who use their time, Peck Middle Schools, and cruit students as has been past practice. John Cavanaugh will talent, spirit and enthusiasm to Donahue, Sullivan, E.N. White, once again be overseeing enrich the lives of others. They Kelly Elementary Schools and these programs and may be are mentors, volunteers and HAP. contacted by e-mail at jcava- innovators. They are the glue On behalf of the School Com- that keeps a community to- [email protected] if mittee and myself, congratula- you have any questions. gether, they are the spark that tions to all the graduating gets things started and gets seniors and their families. We I wish all of our readers a safe things done…they care about wish you well and hope you and relaxing summer. other people and it shows.” stay connected and let us Congratulations to both of know how you are doing in them. A complete feature is your future endeavors. inside on page 3 of Connec- tions. Reminder - our summer pro- Page 2 Connections Edited by Kelly Doktor [email protected] Mission Statement Special Thanks to: The mission of the Luz Aguilar, Cris Brown, Kim Counter, Laura DuPont, Mike Hines, Holyoke Public Schools Judy Taylor, Judy Williams and Chris Zajac is to provide educational opportunities for all Contributing to this issue: students to reach their Linda Amaral Joanne Marcotte Mary Kate Richie full potential in a safe, secure, healthy learning Pauline Carriere Lee McGarrigle Hilary Russell environment while Mary Falcetti Debbie Menard Nancy Stenberg valuing diversity and William Greaney Joanne O’Toole Sue Werenski promoting responsible Patti Jennings Aaron Patterson Sharon Winston citizenship. Robert Lastowski Hava Preye Elaine Lathrop Bonnie Randall Parent Academy makes community connections Holyoke’s Title I Program sponsored the first Parent Academy on Saturday, April 28th, at Donahue School. The purpose of the family event is to comply with state and federal parent involvement guidelines in accordance with the No Child Left Behind Act. The three-hour workshop was filled with beneficial presenta- tions by dedicated teachers. The goals of the Parent Academy were to provide parents with Holyoke School materials for home that will have a direct impact Committee on student achievement, to foster home-to- school connections, to build a network and Mayor Michael Sullivan share with other parents, help parents under- Michael Moriarty stand the expectations in the school academic setting, and to build a community of support Mary Signet among parents, administrators, and teachers. Yvonne Garcia Workshops included Homemade Toys, Make- Barry Conway And-Take activities, Homework Helper, Poetry, Physical Exercise, and math seminars on basic Mollie Plant facts and probability. Another parent academy is being planned for the fall. Suggestions for sum- William A. Collamore mer activities are on page 5 of this issue of Margaret Boulais Connections. Gladys Lebron-Martinez Jonathan Allyn Volume 5, Issue 4 Page 3 Teachers are Massachusetts Unsung Heroines www.hps.holyoke.ma.us ———————————— Linda Amaral, Sullivan Elemen- others, as well as being What’s New on the Web tary School teacher and Maria mentors, volunteers and Barreto, a teacher at Peck Mid- innovators” garnered By Judy Taylor dle School, were each honored them the award as nomi- in a ceremony as an Unsung nated by colleagues. Heroine at the Massachusetts Recent additions to The Massachusetts Com- Statehouse on May 16th. There mission on the Status of the district Web site were several inspirational Women sponsored the speeches by women at the cere- include: 2007 Unsung Heroine mony with the day ending with Award Initiative, which an address from Governor through nominations, Deval Patrick. Amaral, from • Athletics Forms identifies and honors Ludlow and Barreto, from Holy- extraordinary women • Emergency Information oke, were the only representa- from each of the Com- tives from their respective monwealth’s 351 cities • Prohibition of Hazing hometowns in being identified Policy as an extraordinary woman for and towns. “performing unheralded acts on • Sportsmanship Policy a daily basis that make our com- munities better places to live.” Peck Middle School teacher Maria Barreto Using their “talent, spirit and (L) and Sullivan Elementary Teacher Linda The links are located on the enthusiasm to enrich the lives of Amaral receive their Unsung Heroine Athletics pages for Dean and Awards at the Statehouse May 16th. Holyoke High Schools. ———————————— Linda Amaral Nomination Letter Maria Barreto Nomination Letter New to the Holyoke High School website Linda Amaral is a motivating, supporting, strong and Maria Barreto works with the students and www.hps.holyoke.ma.us/hhs is persevering woman. She is a person that re- families of T.O.P. above and beyond the a page featuring the Jobs for examines, challenges and pushes herself further than scope of her responsibilities to the Holyoke Baystate Graduates Program you ever thought possible. Her co-workers are her Public Schools. Many families that we intake accessible via the Programs extended family. She will go above and beyond to are struggling with issues that deal with help out anyone having difficulties with professional housing, medical, physical, psychological, and menu. or personal issues. If she can’t help you , she will domestic abuse. Her spirit embraces these ———————————— find someone who will. Aside from her professional students and families creating an environment duties, Linda helps operate the Western Mass Junior that is safe and welcoming. Maria looks for Check out our new Summer Pioneer soccer organization. She is a woman full of ways to network families into the community Educational Opportunities energy and she transmits this to anyone she talks to. for the services that meet their needs. Many Page containing information She makes you feel like you are not alone, like of our families stay in touch with her after regarding summer programs, someone who has walked this path before you. She they transition to their zone schools because activities and events including knows how to make a situation easier and knows they have met a good friend and helper. KinderKamp and the Barnes how to conquer problems with logical reasoning, When the school day is over, she opens her and Noble Summer Reading communication and consideration. At Sullivan heart to the community reaching out and Program (read eight books, School, Linda is someone many of us turn to when touching those in need. Using personal re- get one free!) we have questions about the DOE or ELL. We leave sources to care for others, she works tire- the conversation with a sense of peace, enlighten- lessly to lessen their burdens. Maria is an ———————————— ment, appreciation, and a feeling of a weight being inspiration to those who know her and a lifted off of us. Linda is an amazing person. Her friend to all who meet her. We are blessed to integrity and honesty is empowering and has a last- have her share her talents, skills and compas- On the Web site in the late ing effect on those who know her. She is always sionate heart with us. summer be sure to look for continuing her education and sharing that knowl- opening day information in- edge with others. She is humble about her gifts, cluding, but not limited to the talents and interests.
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