Pue Eight CRANPOKP fN;*> CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE—THCBSDAY. JUNE 16, 1960 isf$»s ol LXV1I. No. 22. Entered as aacotid claw mall matter at m 3 Sections, 24 Pages GRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1960 The Port O«l«* at Cranford. N. J. ESSAY WINNERS—Mrs. Eugene F." Donnelly of Springfield, state DAR historian, presents medals to Steven Tyre, left, and 285 Receive David Ault, junior high school students whorwon the "American : Over 300 Enroll Trajlways" essay contest sponsored by Crane's Ford Chapter, • High School DAR. At the right is Mrs. Thomas L. Brennan, past regent. ,, vent Slated eginnin Individual twlrlers and teams from all along the Eastern Sea- omas For Second Year ard will participate in Class A National Open events sanctioned by - Staff members were announced res, Lincoln avenue and Walnut, lowing college- students:. Daniel this week for the annual summer School., ,/ Berry, Miss Christine SchllHnger, Award Annual DAR Prizes L National Baton Twirling Association at the second annual -Twirl- Diplomas were presented to 285 Avei state n wards were presented at Cicvelahd and Sherman ^^e largest class ever to playground program sponsored.by Mrs?>Charles F. Schilliriger is Miss Carla.iCa,staldo. Robert ,Hob- TSranford "High Junior High spools gfjlMhft^^ |ord Posf 212,-Ainerican Lfigiop, at Cranford High-School this Sunday. tee, which, will "begin July 5 andreation ' Committee and " Thomas beth 'Donaldson, Donald Damrn, •..annual awards assemblies. ' " • ' ' • • • A feature of the program will school'J-^--at commencement exer- continue for six weeks-at. some Tipaldi is generoK^supervisor for' Miss Roberta Schillinger, Herbert Summer^chool at Cranford High School will open for the In addition to DAR awards' for~~diitstanding .students and essay be an advanced twirling clinic cises Tuesday, evening. The high play areas- and eight .weeks at the summer programs Ehlers, Farris Swackhamer. and second year/6n Monday with a registration of more than 300 ••-contest-winners,other awards were, made in recognition 'of-.outstand- School Board conducted by-Alan rKramer,-head school-auditorium—wasF~filled to others," depending~upon "attend-; •Miss~Sandra~Stev.ens.~~";—1~u"~l students. ^gistjaUon"wilinroriUnue"thrpugh SaturdayTn the ing service ahd accomplishment. twirler fpr the Michigan State Un- capacity for the event. ance. • ..V. ...! playgrounds wjill include thtifol- There'will be a complete pro- guidance/office. • liarn Edwards,of Cleveland. iversity Band, between 9 and to . DAR' citizenship niedals were The tlass was presented by G. There' will be a program of su-lowing teachers in the local school gram^ of arts and crafts plus play C^Frank Zimrncrman, principal, reported that J50 stu- Ralph Nobi.ro, instrumental mur «.m. Mr. Kramer was the NBTA' activities at each of. the play areas. presented at Cleveland To William [ires Fifteen Frank Zimmerman,, principal, and pervised activities from 9:30 a. m.system: Miss Mary Lou .Cody. Foreman, son of Mrs. F. W. Fdre- sic tt'acher, gave awards to Nich- senior boys" champion irt 1959. to noon and I to 4 p. m., Mondays Nicholas Sferfazza, 'Robert Belle;. Iri* addition there will, be special-, dents- have enrolled :3n a^- •r- ' man-'o'fi 122 Eastman street. )ind olas Prato and Theodore* Ziclinski, Contest events. will begin at 10. Dr. Clark w\ McDermith, super- through Fridays, at the following Miss Patricia Castaldo, Edward ized programs including a regular vanced-subjfects, 50 more than Sherman; ' Sheldon Cohen and m Margaret Witherington, daughter a.m. and continue throughout the intendent of schools. Diplomas playgrounds: Roosevelt- School,, Schmidt, ..Mrs. Barbara Stevenson schedule^of 1 Softball, games 'for ias£ year. Review pr_'make-up. Philip Brubaker of Cleveland. p Students of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Witherin-J- daydy . • ' '"" •_' " ' ' ' ' were conferred by Mrs. G, Holmes teams in Senior,, Junior and Pee- classes have enrolled 91, and. Cynthia Vroom of Sherman was Fifteen teachers, all with pre- Cranford High School, Adams and Lawrence Clavin. ,' toni 41ft Orchard street. Sherman Trophies wiU be* awarded to Williams, president of the Board avenue, Memorial Field, Sunny They will be assisted by the fol- ^Conrfliued on Page 8) 70 students will take non- winners were Thomas Beam, son presented a library council pin by nous v teaching experience with first, second and third place win- Ludwjg' .MetZKcr, librarian. of Education; • ' • .. • . in Awards credit courses- in/freading instruc- of Mr. aml'Mr's. T. R. Beam of'21 exception of one, were hired ners in all divisions and medals tion and person il use typing, he . Carolina street and Lesley Krone, Awards were, also presented to r the Board of Education Monday will be awarded to the remaining Three children of school board the winners of the Sherman School noted. ght at a meeting in Lincoln top one-third contestants in 'each members were in this year's class First Step Taken by Board At Assembly ^m£gt_week^daysJ!oiL J jdaughter_of__MiL_:and_Mr.s. H.JL.. SHrn<-c- Fair hy'.Ct>iirtland..p'alc.V.. division. T ' ~ .-\ ^^ Krone of'141 Severin court. head of high school science de- chool. Six teacher 'resignations an^T diplomas were- presented by- David Skaggs. and Frances Tan- six. we«ks until • Friday, August 5. In.addition to team competition In the DAR. essay contest on partment, on behalf of the Cran- llso were, accepted. • each,'parent member. They were In Teacher.Recruitment Plan nenbaum received the Lions Club The July JV holiday will be made "The Significance of Historic Trailr ford Teachers' Association as fol- for corps, high school, juvenile, Sandra Williams, presented! by awards of.$50 savings bonds as the up on Siiturday, July 9. Classes I .New teachers are: • ~ dijnee. and twirl and flag teams, The first step in setting, up an organized teacher recruitment will begin at 8 a.m.-and end at ways to the Growth of the United lows: First, Wayne Garretson; sec- Mrs. Gabriella Backinbff of 12 Mrs. Williams; Stephen Dexter, two top students in this year's ond, Vincent DeStefap'o; third, events, will include: Tiny tof. solo, program was taken by the Board of Education on Monday night. 12:10 A>.m. States," first pls&c winners were hetland drive, who has com- presented by Mrs. Forrest P. Dex- graduating class atCranford High Marjorie Tyhdal; honorable" men- Be A Sport, Dad! novice solo open, novice two baton The board approved $500 fora booklet, "The Cranford'Story," .de- Advanced credit subject classes as follows: pleted nine^ears of teaching, has ter, Jr., and Virginia Boardman, tiorj, Cynthia Vroom, Carol Walk- open, doubles, fancy strutting, mil- School. The presentations were will meet the entire morning. Re- Cleveland, Steven Tyre, son of kindergarten here since scribing the community and its ' Mr. and Mrs. David N. Tyre of er, Carol McGarry, Sandra Braz- itary strutting, novice New Jersey presented by Henry M^Boardman. made at the annual awards assem- vjfcw or make-up classes will meet UilrchX'She has' a bachelor's de- State solo, trios.' * '••.•' facilities to be distributed to col- 102 Makiitom drive, Mississippi- zatti,' Lana • Lqmbardo, Barbara The Waih 'n Wear Sportscoat by Haspel/tai- .Student speakers were David bly Monday ' afternoon in the two.hours daily allowing enroll- cree froni Hunter College, mas- lege placement) offices and other ment in two subjects. Reading and Missouri Rivers. At Sherman, Moore, Linda Bones, Claire Fink, lored to fit in a distinctive jingle-breasted, Also, advanced boys'solo open, Skaggs, Robert Freese, Betty Local Pupils school auditorium. :r's degree from New York Uni<- advanced -girls' solo open, advanc- sources available to teachers. typing wjll be scheduled for one- David Ault, son of Mr., and Mrs/ Pamela Krochmal, Ellen Jones, 3-button model that has no time or travel Eudene and Linda Eaton, all mem- David also received the Boosftr Leslie Ault, 22 Munsee drive, Ore- Richard Plant; Ronald- Friedman, tcrsity and \has : taken additional ed two baton open, advanced NeW Details of the booklet' and- a nour^periods, and laboratory per- limitations this summer! Navy; grey or olive; Professional ^training at Bank Jersey State solo, flag baton open, bers of the graduating class. Wiiijiwmrds Club scholarship, Bausch iods in Biology will meet in the gon-California Trail. /' Carol Hilbert, Candace. Borges, The high school chou% under di- comprehensive plan to recruit Lomb* science plaque and the/Cor- Joylene Leonardo, and Betsy Cy- sizes 37 to44. regular short and O C Af| Street College.^New York,"in the advanced New Jersey State two afternoon. Th£ library will be op-, Other essay winners xX~ Cleve- rection of James Lcnney, sang "No teachers were outlined by -Anthony nell Cup. ; land were: second place, Roberta phers. ' longs • :.'.\-«Jv«" field of I early childhood education. baton and military command en during the day for student use. marching. Man Is an Island," and the gradu- AtShJohn's Terregino, principal of Livingston Virginia Me Arthur received the . The following advance subjects , 'wiese, Erie Canals third, Alice Miss Madelyn Cassidy, Sherman Mrs. Mildred Iversen of 119 ating class sang "Land of Hope 4 Twenty Cranford students were School, who was chairman of a Mathematics Association of for credit will be offered provid- Degenhardt; Boston Post Road; School Student Council adviser, pring Garden street, wife of Dr: Robert O. Walters of 28 Forest andGloryi ' ^ among 169 eight grade graduates teachers" committee appointed yto America award for placing first ing there is sufficient registration: honorable mention, Lynn Folinus, presented pins to the following Kenneth Iversen, -dean of Union avenue, manager of Chapter 228, Invocation was offered by the Erie Canal, and Lynda Wolff, Erie representatives ""foT Junior College, will teach in theis cqhtest manager. Miss/Mary receiving diplomas at commence- draw up . a teacher ' recruitment among Jthe local high school group Algebra I, and II, Plane Geometry, Rev.
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