CABINET NOTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY, 14 JULY 2010 (11.00 AM – 12.25 PM ) MEMBERSHIP Councillors Mrs Kay Cutts (Leader) Martin Suthers OBE (Deputy Leader) Reg Adair (Finance & Property) Richard Butler (Environment & Sustainability) John Cottee (Culture & Community) Richard Jackson (Transport & Highways) Mick Murphy (Community Safety) Philip Owen (Children & Young People’s Services) Kevin Rostance (Adult Social Care and Health) Andy Stewart (Personnel & Performance) Deputy Cabinet Members (Non-Voting) Councillors Allen Clarke (Children’s Social Services) A Keith Girling (Culture & Community) A Bruce Laughton (Community Safety) Lynn Sykes (Youth Services) Stuart Wallace (Adult Social Care & Health) Also in Attendance Councillor John Allin Councillor Fiona Asbury Councillor Steve Carroll Councillor John Clarke Councillor Jim Creamer Councillor Stephen Garner Councillor Michelle Gent Councillor John Knight Councillor Sheila Place Councillor Alan Rhodes Councillor June Stendall Councillor Parry Tsimbiridis Councillor Gail Turner Councillor Chris Winterton Councillor Brian Wombwell Councillor Martin Wright 1 Councillor Jason Zadrozny Officers in Attendance Mick Burrows (Chief Executive) Jayne Francis-Ward (Monitoring Officer) Carl Bilbey (Member Support) Claire Dixon (Member Support) Stephen Eastwood (Legal Services) Keith Ford (Democratic Services) Tim Malynn (Communities) Antony May (Children & Young People) David Pearson (Adult Social Care & Health) Daniel Roberts (Member Support) Alexander Sallis (Member Support) Peter Saunders (Corporate Communications) Jeremy Waterfield (Corporate Communications) Jon Wilson (Adult Social Care & Health) 1. NOTES The notes of the last meeting held on 9 June 2010 were received as a true and correct record and signed by the Leader. 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from the following:- Councillor Joyce Bosnjak Councillor John Cottee (on other Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) business for part of the meeting) Councillor Glynn Gilfoyle Councillor Bruce Laughton (on other NCC business) Councillor Ken Rigby Councillor S Smedley MBE (on other NCC business) Councillor Mrs Kay Cutts informed the meeting that Councillor Michael Bennett had passed away on 13 July 2010 after a period of illness. A two minute silence would be held in his memory at the County Council meeting on 22 July 2010. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST BY MEMBERS AND OFFICERS Councillor Mrs Kay Cutts declared a personal interest in agenda item 9 – Proposal to form a Partnership between Dayncourt School and South Nottingham College, as a Governor of Dayncourt School, which did not preclude her from speaking or voting on that item. Councillor John Clarke declared a personal and prejudicial interest in agenda item 13 – Strategic Planning Observations on Planning Application for Two Wind Turbines with Ancillary Development, as a member of the Gedling Borough 2 Council Planning Committee which would make the decision on this application, and left the meeting prior to consideration of that item. Councillor Richard Butler declared a personal interest in agenda item 12 – Improvements to Cotgrave Country Park, as a member of The Friends of Cotgrave Country Park Committee, which did not preclude him from voting or speaking on that item. Councillor Richard Butler declared a personal interest in agenda item 16 – Strategic Planning Observations on Outline Planning Application for Mixed Use Redevelopment of the Former Cotgrave Colliery Site, as a member of Rushcliffe Borough Council, which did not preclude him from voting or speaking on that item. Alex Sallis declared a personal interest in agenda item 8 – Proposals for the Future of Mental Health Day Service Provision as a former employee and current volunteer at one of the affected day centres. SECTION A (Key Decisions Included In The Forward Plan) 4. FREE TRAVEL SCHEME FOR CHILDREN TRAVELLING TO PREFERRED SECONDARY SCHOOL RESOLVED 2010/057 1) that a new free school travel scheme, as described in the report, be introduced with effect from September 2011 (using the Transport Act 1985 legislation), to be subject to review after the first year of operation; 2) that the financial resources outlined in the report be made available from April 2011 to start up and implement the scheme; 3) that details of the scheme, including the eligibility criteria, be published on the Council’s school travel website, in the admissions to schools booklet and through other appropriate media and key partners, and in accordance with requirements of the Transport Act 1985; 4) that the scheme be developed, implemented and operated by the Communities Department, supported by, and on behalf of, Children and Young People’s Services. 5. LATEST ESTINATED COST: MANSFIELD CENTRAL LIBRARY RESOLVED 2010/58 That the latest estimated cost report for the building works at Mansfield Central Library be noted. 3 6. GRANT REDUCTION AND PROJECTED OVERSPENDING RESOLVED 2010/59 1) that the Government Grant reductions announced (as amended) be noted; 2) that the use of the Local Area Agreement Reward Grant as set out in the report be approved; 3) that the variations to the Capital Programme as set out in the report and appendices be approved; 4) that the use of reserves as set out in the report be approved; 5) that a Contingency allocation of £283,000 to address the removal of the Local Authority Business Growth Incentive Grant be approved; 6) that a temporary allocation from the General Contingency to the Children & Young People Portfolio of £2,003,000 in 2010/11 be approved; 7) that permanent resolution to the items contained in this report be considered as part of the budget preparation process for 2011/12. 7. PROJECT TO RATIONALISE HIGHWAY DEPOT FACILITIES RESOLVED 2010/60 1) that the current planning and financial status of the overall highways depot rationalisation project be noted; 2) that the implementation of the project through the Authority’s own Highway Operations Group and Framework and Partnership Contractors at the latest estimated cost of £8.662m be approved. 8. PROPOSALS FOR THE FUTURE OF MENTAL HEALTH DAY SERVICE PROVISION RESOLVED 2010/61 1) that a 12 week consultation period commence on the future proposals for the delivery of mental health day and community services; 2) that Cabinet receives a report following consultation with recommendations for future service delivery. 4 SECTION B (Other Decisions) 9. PROPOSAL TO FORM A PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN DAYNCOURT SCHOOL AND SOUTH NOTTINGHAM COLLEGE RESOLVED 2010/62 That permission be given to the proposal for Dayncourt School and South Nottingham College to enter into the partnership arrangement described in the report. 10. AIMING FOR EXCELLENCE RESOLVED 2010/63 1) that the standard procurement approach be agreed to be undertaken outside of the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) for the sale of the residential care homes; 2) that the Strategic Partner procurement route be agreed and the OJEU treaty route be adopted for the extra care developments; 3) that the associated costs as identified in the report be approved. 11. BEAUVALE COURT RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME, EASTWOOD RESOLVED 2010/64 That Option 2 (to close the existing residential care home, re-provide services for existing residents and day care attendees and maximise the site potential for future developments for the benefit of the people of Eastwood) be supported, subject to a 4 week consultation process. 12. IMPROVEMENTS TO COTGRAVE COUNTRY PARK RESOLVED 2010/65 1) that a programme of development works be initiated within Cotgrave Country Park, subject to the receipt of funding of £294,376 from the Greater Nottingham New Growth Point Programme; 2) that the Reclamation Capital Programme be varied to allow the works to proceed. 13. STRATEGIC PLANNING OBSERVATIONS ON PLANNING APPLICATION FOR TWO WIND TURBINES WITH ANCILLARY DEVELOPMENT RESOLVED 2010/66 1) that support in principle be given to the development, recognising the significant weight given to renewable energy in Planning Policy Statement 5 (PPS)22 which justified ‘very special circumstances’ required for development in the green Belt; 2) that the significant concerns over the impact of the proposal on the landscape and openness of the Green Belt be raised with Gedling Borough Council, drawing particular attention to the concerns expressed in paragraphs 32-56 of the report. 14. SCRUTINY REVIEW OF APPRENTICESHIPS RESOLVED 2010/67 That the report and recommendations be noted and the appropriate Cabinet Members attend a meeting of the Education Standing Committee within two months to provide a response. 15. SCRUTINY OF PETITIONS RESOLVED 2010/68 1) that the work of Overview and Scrutiny on this issue be noted; 2) that the draft petitions scheme be referred to Council for consideration; 3) that a further report be provided to Cabinet on options for procuring an e-petition system. 16. STRATEGIC PLANNING OBSERVATIONS ON OUTLINE PLANNING APPLICATION FOR MIXED USE REDEVELOPMENT OF THE FORMER COTGRAVE COLLIERY SITE In response to the Government announcement of 6 July 2010 revoking Regional Strategies with immediate effect and the consequent issuing of guidance, the following amendment to the report, which had been notified to Members in advance of the meeting, was highlighted:- Replace existing Recommendation 2 :- ‘2. Express the view that, in light of the Coalition Government’s commitment to abolish the Regional Spatial Strategy, it would be premature to determine this application until the Government has issued follow up advice
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