-. s-- \ v • -r' tage Twenty-Four THE CRAWFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE,'. THURSDAY, MAY 11, Cranford Girl Chosen County Band School tration dates set, for June 23 and Floral Degree, Gunvaldsen 9 Cranford Discovers Own Cinderella 24, and actual classes in session • Boost ••' fa 'Miss Cinderella to Open June 26 from June 26 to» August 4. Regu- Bremner Chapter. Order ,of DC- lar concerts have been scheduled • Boost • Bobbie Jnekle of 34 Elizabeth The board of directors" of the Molay, will present floral degi^ CRANFORD Honored for avenue has beenrchosen "Miss for Wednesday evenings during Union County Band and Orchestra the month of'July., ' . '" Wednesday for the Mothers' Circle CRANFORD Cinderella of Union County^ by in the Masonic Temple. Entertain J Elliott Cohen- of the Confection School has approved jts calendar ^Pupils _f rom.. grades, tourJo_ six, DAY LongService Cabinet Corporation of Newark for the 1950 session. - A\l classes junior and senior high, school stu- meat and refreshments will folj Emanuel M. Gunvaldsen of following a talent search through- will be held at the Abraham Clark dents, post-graduates, and adults low. The program will begin a| Kerning avenue, an engineer at put this area in conjunction wifh High School in Roselle with regis-1 are eligible (or admission. 8 p. m. .-'••,. • June 9 • the Western Electric Kearny the showing of.the motion picture, Works, has completed 35 years of 'Cinderella," which' will be at the GARWOOD GRANFORD KENILWO^TH service with the company. A tes- Cranford Theatre on Saturday, timonial luncheon was given in his Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. honor Monday at the Robert Treat "Miss Cinderella" will sell Cin- CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1950 24 Pages — FIVE CENT* Hotel, Newark. derella novelties in the lobby of WE ARE THE Mr. Gunvaldsen, began his ca- the local theatre during the run Union Junior College reer in. communications manufac- of the picture here and then will Week' go on a tour cf the.theatres in the Trustees Plans Commencement Sketch of Proposed Parish House Addition to Trinity Church turing in Chicago at the Western Bans Use of ^lectric's Hawthorne rWorks. He county which will show the mpvie . Union Junior College expects to To Begin on Monday was transferred to '.the Kearny later. She will wear slippers do- graduate 83 students at the col- The week of May 22-26 has been naied by the Cranford Bootery. Name New Works in 1927 when the equipment DRY CLEANER lege's seventeenth annual com- selected by the Cranford Physi- Dwelling by mencement June 6, Dr. Kenneth cians Club as "Immunization ' Bom in Norway, Mr. Gunvald- Return frortrCrnise - C. Macrtay>_president and dean, announced today. Week" and is intended to initiate Ifen Was graduated from Porsgrund, With Naval Reserve Norway, Technical College. He The graduation ceremony, as in the first of a series of injections 3 families came to the United States shortly Lt. J. O. Keller of 14 B Parkway previous: years, will be conducted for infants and prc-school chil- yter he was graduated from coir yillage And Lt. (j.g) D. L: Bon- in. the First Presbyterian Church. dren. Health Officer William P. ham of IA B Parkway Village re- M. L. Taliaferro ftge, and served with the armed An' innovation, however, will be.a Smith announced this week in his turned Saturday after the annual AR1EA musical program arranged by the Township Committee _ • 8>rces in World War I. He is a 'Receives Post on report'for April. member of the Stanley "S. Holmes spring two weeks' training cruise Eastern Conservatory of Music and Mr. Smith -declared that the in- Gives Owner 90 Days Chapter of the Telephone Pioneers of Brigade 3-6 of the Port Newark Board of Education Arts) Roselle. of America. Naval Reserve Training Center. To Offer You the World famous CtoueHetU Water . Repellent. Myrlin L Taliaferro at 114 , The traditional dinner for the jections will provide a high de- To Cease Violation Manned by officers and enlisted Hcniing avenue, a resident here graduating class is scheduled for. gree of protection over a period of Use of the residence at 445 Or- personnel of the Brigade, the USS This Wonderful Product Will Renew the Water Repellency In Your since 1927, was appointed a tnem- Monday r.ight, Jane 5, at the Flag- time when the incidence of com- chard, street as a three-family' Final Session Tonight Eberle, a .1630 ton destroyer as- ber of the Board of Education ship, Union. Dancing will follow. municable diseases is high. This dwelling is in violation of both the Of Mental Hygiene Series signed to the training center, left Raincoats, Jackets, Ski Suits, Topcoats, Etc. Let Us Cravenette Tuesday night He replaces. San- In.charge will be a Student Coun- protection for infants, he said, will State Tenement House Act and April 23 from the Brooklyn Navy ford K. Thomson who moved last cil committee headed by Paul'E. •Shown-above is an architect's sketch of the'proposed addition and new parish house for Trinity Episcopal Church, corner last a considerable time and may the local zoning code, according to Dr. Raymond Gehl, Newark Yard for Puerto Rico. Training Your Rainwear and See the Miracle It Performs. month to Albuquerque, N. M., Ribecky of Kenilworth. North and Forest avenues. A fund-raising drive to finance the/new project will be launched by the church Sunday morning. The be reinforced by a <v"booster" in- a report of Building Inspector F. psychiatrist, will conclude ' his operations Were conducted in all where he is employed by the San- present church edifice is shown" at the left in the picture- The small building connected, with the church proper is a chapel and guild jection prior to the time the child J. Deller submitted to the Town- seminar series tonight with a dis- departments. Week-enkd d libertlib y dia Corporation. room, which also will include the new sacristy and the rector's office. The center building will house church school classrooms. enters kindergarten, or if exposure ship Committee Tuesday night. cussion of—^psychiatric therapies Was spent in San Juan, Puerto '.WE/ARE THE EXCLUSIVE AGENT IN THIS The new/parish hall, with a seating capacity of 500,. is pictured at ihe right. Wiliiam D. Staab, Inc., architects, Of Newark, designed The committee accepted the report .' Cranford has discharged its own Cinderella in H*e person of Bobbie Jaekle of 34 Elizabeth Mr. Taliaferro is in charge of the proposed new buildings to harmonize with the present church building. ' •' . • . •. to one of these diseases should and total functioning of the .per- Rico. program planning for the Western and gave J. Mancusco, owner of. sonality in everyday life. A ques- avenue who has been selected as "Miss Cinderella" cf Union County. She- will be found this Saturday, AREA FOR REPROCESSING GARMENTS WITH THE To Open occur. • All men received full rate of Electric Kearny Works and has of- the residence, 90 days in which to tion and answer period will fol- Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday in the lobby of .the Craoifbrd Theatre during the showing here of Walt •Parents of young children have pay during, the ''cruise. Weekly Disney's "Cinderella." The local "Miss Cinderella" will sell a variety of Cinderella novelties while the fices in New York City. Before the been asked to cooperate- in mak- eliminate the violations. low. The seminar has been spon- drills with pay are held at the 9 Photo Unit to? Hear « motion picture is in Cranford. When" other theaters in the county show the movie, "Miss Cinderella" / GtauGMttte Method war, he was a'ctive many years as Trinity Church To Launch ing sure that this ..protection According to Mr. Deller's report, sored by the Cranford Committee training center every Monday and will also he on hand to boost the attraction and the novelties which will be sold'in connection with :7 scoutmaster of Boy Scout '.Troop Vets Home Will Honor against ^ist'ases is provided for the property qualifies as a two-, of the Mental Hygiene Society of Tuesday nights. ' All veterans and its presentation. Talk on Retouching 79 and prior to that, he worked in their youngsters. family residence as its use for this Union County. non-veterans between the ages of Ken Reck, president of the Cran- the cub scouting moyemerjt. Building Fund Drive Sunday purpose ante-dates the zoning code. lB_nnd ,40 are invited. _ ford Photographic- Society, will •Dorothy Sauer, maternal and !L_sai VFW Post, Auxiliary health nurse, .has-joined her plea Mr. and Mrs. Mancusco present- that parents who have guided chil- VInsical Program Set' •/ Drive In And Sam I Born in Staunton, Va., Mr. Tal- A three weeks* campaign to Jr., and Walter T. Hay; building. speak on retouching of negatives HS Athletes -To-Install Officers- rais«-fund»-for~their-new-parish, and spotting of priri^ ata with that of Mr'.-Smith in asking ly occupy the first floor of the dren ' throughout"'"' all "growing Junior VIA Delegates Ervem-to^propciAy^-toBethfir.. with.. Mr-JUMT periods" in an atmosphere of se- Mothers at Tea - / For VIA Tuesday Post Office Ruling He was graduated as an electrical house , building project,. will be Riggs, Henry T. Vettel and. Fred ing'df-.the group Wednesday at 8 engineer from Virginia Tech. Mrf In New Headquarters lauhcheS Sunday by Trinity Epis- Farmer; financeVuMrv-Duffey,-;Jiv, 1 the.. immunization of children of Mrs. W. A. Ireland, who have a curity, love -and affection, need Naiiied for Convention A mother-and-daughter tea will | Mrs. Herbert Baurer, radio and Mrs. James -Angus Knowles,' PLANT NEW BRANCH STORE -mV-in.-the Casino.-- .' • :..„ .;vi.
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