iPiano Liste partielle des instruments, issue de http://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/igrandipad/ https://itunes.apple.com/fr/app/igrand-piano-for http://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/igrandipad/index.php?pp=igrand-piano-ipad-versions Piano Expansion Pack 1 1 Grand Piano 1 1 Baby Grand 2 Classical Piano 1 2 Bright Baby Grand 3 Jazz Piano 1 3 Classical Baby Grand 4 Rock Piano 1 4 Pop Baby Grand 5 Octave Piano 5 Grand Piano 2 6 Rich Upright 6 Mellow Grand 2 7 Rock Upright 7 Rock Piano 2 8 Soft Upright 8 Saloon Piano 9 Baby Grand 9 Grammophone Upright 10 Bright Baby Grand 11 Pop Baby Grand Piano Expansion Pack 2 12 Classical Baby Grand 1 Hollywood Piano 1 13 Grand Piano 2 2 Hollywood Piano 2 14 Mellow Grand 2 3 Hollywood Piano FX 15 Rock Piano 2 4 Piano and Strings 1 16 Saloon Piano 5 Piano and Strings 2 17 Grammophone Upright 6 Piano and Strings FX 18 Jazz Upright 7 7' Grand Piano 19 Hollywood Piano 1 8 7' Grand Piano CH 20 Hollywood Piano 2 9 7' Grand Piano FL 21 Hollywood Piano FX 10 7' Grand Piano PH 22 Piano and Strings 1 11 Alt Rock Upright 23 Piano and Strings 2 12 Deep Chorus Upright 24 Piano and Strings FX 13 Bright Pop Grand 25 7' Grand Piano 14 Chorused Pop Grand 26 7' Grand Piano CH 15 Real Tack Piano 27 7' Grand Piano FL 16 Saloon Tack Piano 28 7' Grand Piano PH 17 Harpsichord 8' 29 Alt Rock Upright 18 Harpsichord 8' Delicate 30 Deep Chorus Upright 19 Harpsichord 8' Chorus 31 Bright Pop Grand 20 Harpsichord 8' Spacey 32 Chorused Pop Grand 21 2-Octave Harpsichord 1 33 Real Tack Piano 22 2-Octave Harpsichord 2 34 Saloon Tack Piano 35 Harpsichord 8' 36 Harpsichord 8' Delicate 37 Harpsichord 8' Chorus 38 Harpsichord 8' Spacey 39 2-Octave Harpsichord 1 40 2-Octave Harpsichord 2 iLectric Piano Liste partielle des instruments, issue de http://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/ilectricipad/ https://itunes.apple.com/fr/app/ilectric-piano-for-ipad/id592094556?mt=8 http://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/ilectricipad/index.php?pp=ilectric-piano-ipad-versions 1 Suitcase EP 1 Electric Piano Expansion Pa 2 Suitcase EP 1 Chorus 1 Suitcase EP 2 3 Suitcase EP 1 Phase 2 Suitcase EP 2 ENV FLW 4 Stage EP Hard 3 Stage EP Throaty 5 Stage EP Phase 4 Stage EP 2 6 Wurly Stage 5 Dyno EP 2 7 Wurly Stage Soft 6 Dyno EP Chorus 8 Wurly Suitcase 7 Wurly Stage Phase 9 FM EP 1 8 Wurly Suitcase Bright 10 Vintage EP 9 Wurly Suitcase Phase 11 E Grand 1 10 Wurly Suitcase Chorus 12 E Grand 2 11 FM EP 1 Soft 13 Clavinet 1 14 Pianet 1 Electric Piano Expansion Pa 15 Cembalet 1 1 FM EP 2 16 Platinum EP Soft 2 FM EP 2 Heavy 17 Platinum Drive 3 Vintage EP Phase 18 Platinum Suitcase 4 E Grand 1 19 Wurly Suitcase Chorus 5 E Grand 1 Heavy 20 Wurly Suitcase Phase 6 E Grand 2 Phase 21 Wurly Suitcase Bright 7 Clavinet 2 22 Stage EP Throaty 8 Clavinet 2 Flange 23 Wurly Stage Phase 9 Clavinet 2 Mute 24 Dyno Tines 1 10 Pianet 2 25 Clavinet 2 11 Cembalet 2 26 Dyno EP+Strings 27 Cinematic EP 28 Dark Dyno Pad 29 FM EP+Strings 30 Dark FM EP+Str Libraries -> Généraliste Orchestral Accoustic Drums Piano Orchestral Percussion A Guitare Electronic Music Synth Miroslav Hugh Alan Parsons SampleTank Miroslav Billy Cobham Brandenburg Cinematic Orchestral American Elektronika - Elektronika - Elektronika - Elektronika - Catégories / 22 Libraries SampleTank All Sounds Pack Sonik Synth Philharmonik Padgham Imperial Future Synths NRG Power Up The Grid SampleMoog PRO Philharmonik Drums Piano Percussion Percussion Acoustic Chillout Deep House Indie Dance Trance 2 D Gd ? ? 3,33 Go 0,733 Go 0,532 Go 2,27 Go 0,487 Go 0,539 Go 0,133 Go 0,164 Go 0,9 Go 1,21 Go 0,817 Go 0,283 Go 0,284 Go 0,208 Go 0,228 Go 0,298 Go 0,248 Go 0,25 Go 0,22 Go 0,521 Go 13,655 Go 11,636 Go Prix 10 € 25 € 25 € 10 € 10 € 30 € 15 € 10 € 15 € 30 € 20 € 20 € 20 € 10 € 20 € 10 € 10 € 5 € 10 € 10 € 10 € 10 € Guitar 10 57 51 Bass 14 38 25 60 Acoustic Guitar 11 Electric Guitar 15 Piano 9 12 18 7 6 9 13 Electric Piano 7 13 40 17 4 Organ 8 31 15 10 1 2 Orchestral Ensembles 5 Strings 7 9 5 39 54 Brass 6 14 8 15 26 Woodwinds 6 12 8 12 45 Chromatic 5 21 11 9 8 Trons 8 Synth 32 Synth Lead 22 51 141 45 40 74 Synth Pad 18 31 127 43 10 25 25 Synth Bass 42 40 19 Synth Pluck 30 Synth FX 15 1 Voice 7 20 10 5 4 5 Ethnic 7 18 21 2 Percussion 2 16 8 4 13 28 23 Acoustic Drums 9 8 5 Electronic Drums 1 12 Electronic Drums 2 15 R&B Drums 13 Drums 12 5 25 5 12 12 30 Groove Construction Kits 40 32 32 Acoustic Drum Loops 28 Latin Percussion Loops 14 Sound FX 5 23 2 Hits & FX 10 2 Loops 15 10 20 8 8 20 32 Divers electronic sounds Pattern 20 20 300 TOTAL 145 392 544 309 104 140 8 20 9 13 40 43 51 32 150 20 20 50 32 32 32 138 SampleTank + 1 extension 537 689 454 249 285 153 165 154 158 185 188 196 177 295 165 165 195 177 177 177 283 Packs contenu ds 1 autre 21 packs 5 packs 1 packs 0 packs 5 packs 0 packs 0 packs 0 packs 0 packs 0 packs 0 packs 0 packs 0 packs 0 packs 0 packs 0 packs 0 packs 0 packs 0 packs 0 packs 0 packs Piano Classic Keys Sonik Synth - Electronic Strings Pack Electric Piano Synth CollectionSonik Synth - Keyboards Brass Pack Organ Drums & Loops Sonik Synth - Guitar and Bass Woodwinds Pack Chromatic Bass Collection Sonik Synth - Drums and Percu Chromatic Pack Strings Ethnic & Voices Sonik Synth - Orchestral Piano Pack Brass Woodwinds Accoustic Drum Electronic Drums 1 Electronic Drums 2 R&B Drums Percussion Bass Accoustic Guitar Electric Guitar Tron Synth Lead Synth Pad Voice Ethnic Sound Fx 16 sound packs Hugh Padgham Drums Brandenburg Piano Elektronika - Chillout Cinematic Percussion Orchestral Percussion American Acoustic Billy Cobham Drum Alan Parsons Imperial Grand Future Synths NRG Power Up The Grid Elektronika - Deep House Elektronika - Indie Dance Elektronika - Trance SampleMoog SampleTank Liste des instruments tiré de : http://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/sampletankios/index.php?pp=sampletankios-versions#stpro Drums - 12 1 Dirty South 1 Catégories Nbre 2 Old Skool Kit 1 Drums 12 3 Reggaeton Kit 1 Bass 14 4 Soulful House 1 Guitar 10 5 Tech House 1 Piano 9 6 800 Series Kit Electric Piano 7 7 800 Overdrive Organ 8 8 Acoustic Kit Chromatic 5 9 Compressed Kit Strings 7 10 West Coast Kit 1 Brass 6 11 800 Series Thick Woodwinds 6 12 R&B Kit 1* Synth Lead 22 Synth Pad 18 Bass - 14 Voice 7 1 P Bass Finger Ethnic 7 2 P Bass Pick Percussion 2 3 Bridge Finger Sound FX 5 4 Fretless TOTAL 145 5 Mini Bass 1 6 House Bass 1 7 House Bass 1a 8 House Bass 1b 9 Tech Bass 2 10 Tech Bass 3 11 Tech Bass 4 12 Tech Bass 5 13 J Bass Pick Amp 14 Coast Bass 1* Guitar - 10 1 Acoustic Pick 2 Thicker Pick 3 Thicker Dist 4 Aco Dist+Wah 5 STR Lite Crunch 6 LP Clean Amp 7 LP Crunch DLY 8 Elec 12 Mod 9 STR Electro 10 Acoustic Heaven* Piano - 9 1 Rock Piano 1 2 Grand Piano Warm 3 Grand Piano Shifted 4 Chorus Piano 5 Lo-Fi Piano 6 Old Upright Piano 7 Piano Pad 8 Fake Piano FX 9 Grand Piano 3 10 Electric Piano - 7 1 Hard Tines 2 Blue Phaser EP 3 Heavy EPiano 4 Light EPiano 5 Smooth FM Piano 6 CP Piano Chorus 7 Stage E Piano Organ - 8 1 Rock B 2 Gospel B Fast Vib 3 Continental Slow 4 Pipe Organ Royale 5 Pipe Organ Slow 6 Synth Pipe 7 Action Organ 8 Jamon B Chromatic - 5 1 8'4' Harpsi 2 Marimba DLY 3 Music Box 4 Nice Clav 5 Vibes Strings - 7 String Orch 1 Dark String Orch Sweep Orch Sustained Orch Dance Staccato 4 Violins Cello Brass - 6 1 Brass Gliss 2 Brass Gliss FX 3 Sustained Brass 4 Stacc Syn Brass 5 Trumpet 3 6 Symphonic Brass Woodwinds - 6 1 Infinite Sax FX 2 Breathy Flute 3 Synth Flute 4 Clarinet 5 Alto Sax DLY 6 Symphonic Oboe* Synth Lead - 22 1 ST 2-Pole Lead 2 ST Space Lead 3 8 Saw OCT 4 8 Tech Pad 5 Brassy Lead 1 6 Brassy lead DDtune 7 Saw-Sqr MN 2 8 Movin Lead 9 Saw Portolead 10 Dance Portolead 11 Phat Monolead OCT 12 Saw Monolead OCT 13 Double Square 2 14 Soft Lead 2 15 Forge 16 HP Lead 17 HP Lead 2 18 M Lead Dtune 2 19 M Lead Fifths 20 M Lead 2 FLA D 21 8 Saw PHAT 22 M Lead 2 Synth Pad - 18 1 ST Euro Pad 2 Square Pad 3 3 Cool Square Pad 3 4 M Pad 1 5 M Pad 2 6 M Pad 3 7 Hipass Pad 8 Juniper Pad 9 Juniper BPFX 10 Juniper LPFX 11 ST Euro Pad 2 12 ST Euro Pad 3 13 Euro Saw Pad 2 14 Euro Saw Pad 3 15 FM Pad 3 16 Juicy Pad 2 17 Lush Xpander 18 Warm Pad 3 Voice - 7 1 Combi Choir 2 Pop Vocals Pad 3 Vocal Oh 4 Distant Transmitter 5 Vocal Ah ModWhl 6 Soprano Ooh 7 Vocal Oh Dance 1 Ethnic - 7 1 Musette 2 Pump Organ 2 3 Synthmonica 4 Kotopad 5 Shakuhachi 6 Sitar 2 7 Space Musette Percussion - 2 1 Shaker 2 Bongos Sound FX - 5 1 SFX Collection 2 Stormy Night 3 Helicopter 4 Martian Plains 5 Zaps 3 All Sounds Pack (40€) Liste des instruments : 145 instruments dans 16 catégories http://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/sampletankios/index.php?pp=sampletankios-versions#stpro 392 instruments rassembant 21 Libraries en achats intégrés Catégories Nbre Acoustic Drums - 9 s Acoustic Drums 9 1 British Kit Electronic Drums 1 12 2 Brush Kit Electronic Drums 2 15 3 Lrg Ambience Kit R&B Drums 13 4 Natural Kit Bass 38 5 Pop Kit Acoustic Guitar 11 6 Rock Kit Electric Guitar 15 7 Smooth Ambience Piano 12 8 Studio Kit Electric Piano 13 9 Trash Disto Kit Organ 31 Chromatic 21 Electronic Drums 1 - Strings 9 1 East Coast Kit 1 Brass 14 2 East Coast Kit 2 Woodwinds 12 3 East Coast Kit 3 Trons 8 4 Electro Kit 1 Synth Lead 51 5 Electro Kit 2 Synth Pad 31 6 Electro Kit 3 Voice 20 7 Reggaeton Kit 2 Ethnic 18 8 Reggaeton Kit 3 Percussion 16 9 Reggaeton Kit 4 Sound FX 23 10 Tech House 2 FAUX 11 Tech House 3 12 Tech House 4 Electronic Drums 2 - 1 Dance Hall 1 2 Dance Hall 2 3 Dance Hall 3 4 Dirty South 2 5 Dirty South 3 6 Dirty South 4 7 Old Skool Kit 2 8 Old Skool Kit 3 9 Old Skool Kit 4 10 Soulful House 2 11 Soulful House 3 12 Soulful House 4 13 West Coast Kit 2 14 West Coast Kit 3 15 West
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