FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND , PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: ABBOTT H. HOFFMAN HQ FILE: 176-34 SECTION 1 OF 10 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION LEE. THE BEST COPIES OBTAINABLE ARE INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THE FILE. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ R ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION AND OR COLOR OF THE ORIGINALS &#39; PROVIDED. THESE ARE THE BEST COPIES AVAILABLE. L QUBJEQT ABBOTITH. HOFFMAN FILE Bgga ash §Q!E..§|:! SECTION1 i__1 QFC i ,?92 q9292D &#39;92;1W . 11 _ 92 44&#39;, K1 _ %v v]A &#39;}ELETYPE -&#39;1 A? S 1 &#39;1&#39; = iii ¬;i&#39;;;1t;- -Q-In-iq » I | i 92 E N 6 1 .1r. Gale . ., _.. All INFORMATION CONTAINED M3,. PM < J&#39;3CTX ~ ununux 5/ifé HEREIN us l???-NC-ASS|F. 0 . Mnhr ._,._ -f i 35 3 ggqpyq R33 I ff?/B " &#39;.mg_5%_,v iifi-$.__? N 1 I i- - 6 ORK ""PLh1I&#39;l&#39;EXT"&#39; X M155 Gandyi 1 .1 ........... _m__,_l O to oxnictoa nun nsu ,O?-i@;I O ./ 5 . L ml YO K vx ASHIIBTOB men cnfcas cns-as: or T 9 E i _ . .&#39;_ | [asao§rfi5rrmAn, nxn.,]naez§*brrnan,;Aux: nlot Laws, ."a_ &#39;- , r - .-_. O0 3 CHICAGO O I C. ca "ll" Cu. » &#39;-.92--4 -.<[-,1-&#39; _ 1 4. l Y ---A - .&#39;~ r X I CU l~ as aunélu AID cuxcnao tznzraons CALLS ssrrznasn IIIE, -T:-2, Q r .;&#39; K 92 ; -E "92 . 1, . aatxazer zavsszzearzes aszua cuunuczgn as SUBJ!CT&#39;S L ~; rnnrrcxrnrxon ll nzncou nsnonsrantxons. new YORK suasr 92 / fl. I vzruxn rzvz oars unnsn cnrrzou suaascr AID cnnnnctin C 1&#39;. 92_ n ii -5 W xncpunxna pssxnsucz, snrnovsn znrzavxsw or suausct 929292nun raarxnzut sgntanzurs nun IVITIES or suaazct. I-_92u_&#39;.&#39;z» -, |-&#39;5&#39; - O énxsxunrxla ll new roan, ra o nun ounxna nzncou 92:-=- 3; -. .. I |&#39;. T we vb0vi/.;._. ,1-Asap 1 &#39;I$II"TiI92InvivoIIu I u u 1? <&#39;_-_.*. A I » I/TO: mnzcwon. FBI -¢ -L .._ _,, i a Ii. j E .-.--H-_-I 01as Fla 522an I . I t L I ..j-._-Q--a I F B I i Date: . 1 E Transmit theiollowanq In _ _ I &#39; TiPeol_n_ptm;;He;orcode! _ 7% >4r &#39; &#39; - "*°-~~~~. E AIHTEL *7 *7 77 7 77 p,;.,,.-1,5777 7 , --.-_---..--.&#39;,___--_-.,-_._ _______________ _ _ In f -¢&#39;92 {II FROM:SAC, 101111 76-6! P! M-H 5, I| 7" SUBJECT: 7ABBO&#39;I1HOFFMAN. AKA I =.=-77* n92:&#39;f""I I-AN&#39;1IRIO&#39;1 mus 92 I O0: CHICAGO! , 92 I.1:.:":.&#39;=5 -.1I .7Y7 I Be Chicago teletypes to Bureau and NY, 9/10/68 9/11/68. I I Due to extensive file reviews the deadline will not be met. Report will be submitted by 9/20/68. - IA_gI_._CONTAINED I_IIl_F_QBMATIONL7 4,!, L.Q . &#39; GTIUIALF$M I0£ ITQHQ ll-IV III IDITIQ 1 -0 IIA ecu. IlG- PkI7 - - UNITED&#39; .1iMemomndum STATES .. ~ _.RNMENT &#39;|-_-. 92-&#39;1. 92- TO 1 DIRECTOR, FBI DATE1 September 11, 1968 _r.92 l;;-,~&#39;;ii}f1fPR0o SAC , L06 D ANG-&#39;_~1.ES 00-72113! W RUG! F [7 " &#39; _ A T &#39; LBEEQQOFFI-4AN,maze" LL riuzaorriunINFQR SON. _ I 9 5/ , oo=MMPIWCHICAGO 1-We EREIN ISUN SIFIE Ti &#39;5:-.&#39; Re Chicago tel to Los Angeles via Washington, dated 9/ll/68, captioned as above, referring to LA let to New York, 8/19/68, titled, YOUTH INTERNATIOBZAL PARTY, aka Yippies; IS-Miscellaneous 00:N.f." Chicago requested that the Los lngeles Division interview "Los Angeles &#39; Free Press" reporter LAWRENCE LIPTON, for further details concerning an alleged telephone interview he had with subject ABBOTT HOFFMA.Nrelating to possible - . _.__,;,. I» civil disorder at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago; 92/ The LosAngeles Division1-111 notconduct anyinterview withLIPTON g in view of his known antipathy and outspoken aversion to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. AS the Bureau knows, LIPTON is the "beatnik" poet and E former coffeehouse owner who authorid the inflammatory poem, "T was a Foot - LLfor the file100-36bSLuFBI in the mid-19E&#39;s.BureauHe is Pendingthe subjectof approval aninterview,noof Bule 100-1423153, will ani interview mawbe The Bureau will recall that LIPTQN was interviews by 5.4.5 of this Division I1 . on 3/25/S3, following the release of the&#39;above scurrilousPOEIEH Although he ..L , was admonished at that time to refrain from publication of such filth, he nevertheless again attacked the FBI by publication of this poem in the September 1958 issue of the left-wing "Frontier" magazine, which has since merged with ° "Nation"he is fantastically incoherent,Previous completely magazine. senselessLIPTON and seeminglycontacts.1rithin findinga personthe 0 resulted ,.-as_ that considerable mental instability. 92 .~.&#39;_: I-. In The L-.. ....geles Division does not have aseilale at this ties an crigmel clipping of LIPI0N&#39;s articlein the weekly avant-gard underground newspaper the &#39;1-cs lngdesFree Passe," hcnrover, there are enclosed forthe Bureau and the Chicago Division two Xerox copies each of his article which appeared on Page 7, _o1the J B/16-22/68 editionof that periodiqnin, M __ ,¢__, /71 _/ 4, y -- Uuil REC-138,.I / 9, -g J W! ON: As stated above, Io interview t LIPTON will be c duo without . prior Bureau authority; and it is recomme d that no such interview be con-~ I ..e=P=¢&er.*a&#39;1*. 33 11 onable*~&#39;- » °¬I1° "*5 ; ¬$$.,Ei$§i;*a°"° "&#39;"""&#39;&#39;"=&#39;"&#39;°rii~IcLo*- <.* tram """&#39;. if 7 ¢ 0 i 0 J 5 _ s 92 U I .- I _u 92". -1 IA lO0"T2113 F 5 1 to believe that any such interview with LIPTON would be utilized by him in a front page story in the "Les Angeles Free Press" in an attempt to dis~ |i~ ~.-&#39;» 3 ,4.»- credit the FBI. He is not the type of individual who feels any remorse in misquoting persons he has interviewed, nor would he have any hesitation -., - in deliberately attributing erroneous statements to the interviewing agents u-, if he thought it would enhance the sale of additional copies of the "Les ll . ._-&#39;-. Angeles Free Press." In making its decision, it is also pointed out to the 4 Bureau thatthe "Les Angeles FreePress is edited andpublished byARTHUR GLICK KUNKIN,who is currently maintaind on the Reserve Indexrection A of the Los ngeles Division in view of his previous affiliations with the Socialist Workers Party and ie Johnson-Forest Group, both of which organi- e 1&#39;; Essa zations have been designated by the Attorney General pursuant to Executive Order 10h50. xunxxm is the subject of Bufile 100-376905, and LA file 100- 33665. - This case is being placed in a RUG status, subject to being reopened if and when the Bureau instructs that LEPTON be interviewed in this matter. &#39; .&#39;:&#39;i&#39; &#39;2 ,1-F, f &#39;¥92v"-I sf _. =3;e Pl. u &#39; ..&#39;-_.=_ - -. 37&#39;"; vw., ,1 &#39;5l&#39;.Ff&#39; -1.1-u, =.- --~ 1,-- , w cI2_ ~:s§aa .; Y "&#39;r-. in . .;. s n,, rs . 1 FD-35DH31G2}t r O 1-}:1 ,r - Mount S A <t;..__;Clipping in 5poce Below! *4 J il "S:- - * i -l&#39;*f-wk.__i____ "...-- .=-_ __, J I i V &#39; --- -- - q-I---L | i i 1--"" 1-i1. P i i ._.____. 92t_,./ : _ _,_|, _ "&#39;il ~ -~ m &#39; I dlcute puqe, nctrneoi _ , n9292&#39;RE.92Ct=2A LIPTONLt §: Yes.TlllS l5925Ol e irire;5llEDl no te:1_ ow th0 1 |-igwspoper,city Stole-Iand _ .92-ha: .92t:ou&#39;rYippte the Festi- many of those groups are coming i - vat of Life sclieduled torAugust in, We gotthree tliousand letters &#39; i 25-30 inChicago? in July alone, at the New York lags &#39;7 4 who&#39;s who willeDirt"? 1:1»-e? who iSrtl oinE g all? office. theAnd stuff. we couitin&#39;tcoordinato " I03 y Angeles Free &#39;. According-to a telephonecon- AUGUST 26th p.m.: Beach P338363 . versntion t had with Abbieiiol&#39;r- partyon_ttie lakeacross from IQ5 Angele 5, Calif. T, man who, withJerry Rubin and Lake Park, calledNorth Avenue 1 _&#39; _i&#39; others on the East Coast rst Beach; iolksinging, laartiequc-s, , . < if proposed the idea and are acting swimming, lovemaking. _ - Eu :15 as- forwardcoordinators, with the festlvalasplan itwastogo AUGUST mantras, ts thereligious 27th ceremony poetry,dawn; led _ i," t _ - first announced, by Allen Ginsberg, ,1 .92 transcript oi my phone con- AUGUST 27th afternoon:Worl<- _ versation with ltoitman follows: shopsandscenartosessions.Also " &#39; film sno&#39;.&#39;:ingsand mixed media SCHEDULE OF EVENTS - event at the Coliseum, I513 South &#39; WahztshAve, [tuqttst 27th, even- HOI-FM.-&#39;92N:give I&#39;llyou aschc- é ing; benetitcozicertin conjunction Cute or events; _ with the Natlciial Mobilization i nU92&#39;:;L|STI &#39;T . Ztikt-Quit:. .1 . -___ _..will {herem Cvitttilillvtc rt».at on Hi:l92Cull.-&#39;i::uFi, l92 4-son - i 3:53 - be training classes in karate, Lincoln Park nominationandra1- , t non-violent dissent, defense a- 1y tor Pegasus, the pig. And LBJ iy gainst mace, etc. There will be birthtiay party, &#39; 1 an information booth set up in AUGUST 28th, dawn: poetry i Lincoln Park.
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