Corps of Engineers, Dept. of the Army, DoD § 222.5 transmitted through the Division Engi- seismic instrumentation at a Corps neer for review and to HQDA (DAEN- project, the Division will send a report CWE) WASH DC 20314 for review and of all pertinent instrumentation data approval. For structures incurring no to the Waterways Experiment Station, damage a simple statement to this ef- ATTN: WESGH, P.O. Box 631, Vicks- fect will be all that is required in the burg, Mississippi 39180. The report on report, unless seismic instrumentation each project should include a complete at the project is activated. (See para- description of the locations and types graph (h)(4) of this section.) of instruments and a copy of the in- (g) Training. The dam safety training strumental records from each of the program covered by paragraph 6 of ER strong motion machines activated. (Ex- 1130–2–419 should include post-earth- empt from requirements control under quake inspections and the types of paragraph 7–2v, AR 335–15). damage operations personnel should (5) The Engineering Divisions of the look for. Division offices will select structures (h) Responsibilities. (1) The Engineer- for special instrumentation for earth- ing Divisions of the District offices will quake effects, and will review and mon- formulate the inspection program, con- itor the data collection, processing, duct the post-earthquake inspections, evaluating, and inspecting activities. process and analyze the data of instru- They will also be specifically respon- mental and other observations, evalu- sible for promptly informing HQDA ate the resulting condition of the structures, and prepare the inspection (DAEN-CWE) WASH DC 20314, when reports. The Engineering division is evaluation of the condition of the also responsible for planning special in- structure or analyses of the instrumen- strumentation felt necessary in se- tation data indicate the stability of a lected structures under this program. structure is questionable. (Exempt for Engineering Division is responsible for requirements control under paragraph providing the training discussed in 7–2o, AR 335–15.) paragraph (g) of this section. (6) Division Engineers are responsible (2) The Construction Divisions of the for issuing any supplementary regula- District offices will be responsible for tions necessary to adapt the policies the installation of the earthquake in- and instructions herein to the specific strumentation devices and for data col- conditions within their Division. lection if an earthquake occurs during (i) Funding. Funding for the evalua- the construction period. tion and inspection program will be (3) The Operations Division of the under the Appropriation 96X3123, Oper- District offices will be responsible for ations and Maintenance, General. the immediate assessment of earth- Funds required for the inspections, in- quake damage and notifying the Chief, cluding Travel and Per Diem costs in- Engineering Division as discussed in curred by personnel of the Division of- paragraphs (f)(1) and (2). The Oper- fice or the Office, Chief of Engineers, ations Division will also be responsible will be from allocations made to the for earthquake data collection after various projects for the fiscal year in the construction period in accordance which the inspection occurs. with the instrumental observation pro- grams, and will assist and participate [44 FR 43469, July 25, 1979. Redesignated at 60 in the post-earthquake inspections. FR 19851, Apr. 21, 1995] (4) The U.S. Geological Survey has the responsibility for servicing and col- § 222.5 Water control management (ER 1110–2–240). lecting all data from strong motion in- strumentation at Corps of Engineers (a) Purpose. This regulation pre- dam projects following an earthquake scribes policies and procedures to be occurrence. However, the U.S. Army followed by the U.S. Army Corps of En- Waterways Experiment Station (WES) gineers in carrying out water control is assigned the responsibility for ana- management activities, including es- lyzing and interpreting these earth- tablishment of water control plans for quake data. Whenever a recordable Corps and non-Corps projects, as re- earthquake record is obtained from quired by Federal laws and directives. 223 VerDate Mar<15>2010 10:48 Aug 10, 2011 Jkt 223132 PO 00000 Frm 00233 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\223132.XXX 223132 wreier-aviles on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with CFR § 222.5 33 CFR Ch. II (7–1–11 Edition) (b) Applicability. This regulation is carry out regulation of projects in an applicable to all field operating activi- appropriate manner. ties having civil works responsibilities. (2) The term ‘‘reservoir regulation (c) References. Appendix A lists U.S. schedule’’ refers to a compilation of op- Army Corps of Engineers publications erating criteria, guidelines, rule curves and sections of Federal statutes and and specifications that govern basi- regulations that are referenced herein. cally the storage and release functions (d) Authorities—(1) U.S. Army Corps of of a reservoir. In general, schedules in- Engineers projects. Authorities for allo- dicate limiting rates of reservoir re- cation of storage and regulation of leases required during various seasons projects owned and operated by the of the year to meet all functional ob- Corps of Engineers are contained in jectives of the particular project, act- legislative authorization acts and ref- ing separately or in combination with erenced project documents. These pub- other projects in a system. Schedules lic laws and project documents usually are usually expressed in the form of contain provisions for development of graphs and tabulations, supplemented water control plans, and appropriate by concise specifications. revisions thereto, under the discre- (f) General policies. (1) Water control tionary authority of the Chief of Engi- plans will be developed for reservoirs, neers. Some modifications in project locks and dams, reregulation and operation are permitted under congres- major control structures and inter- sional enactments subsequent to origi- related systems to comform with ob- nal project authorization. Questions jectives and specific provisions of au- that require interpretations of author- thorizing legislation and applicable izations affecting regulation of specific Corps of Engineers reports. They will reservoirs will be referred to CDR include any applicable authorities es- USACE (DAEN-CWE-HW), WASH DC tablished after project construction. 20314, with appropriate background in- The water control plans will be pre- formation and analysis, for resolution. pared giving appropriate consideration (2) Non-Corps projects. The Corps of to all applicable Congressional Acts re- Engineers is responsible for prescribing lating to operation of Federal facili- flood control and navigation regula- ties, i.e., Fish and Wildlife Coordina- tions for certain reservoir projects con- tion Act (Pub. L. 85–624), Federal Water structed or operated by other Federal, Project Recreation Act-Uniform Poli- non-Federal or private agencies. There cies (Pub. L. 89–72), National Environ- are several classes of such projects: mental Policy Act of 1969 (Pub. L. 91– Those authorized by special acts of 190), and Clean Water Act of 1977 (Pub. Congress; those for which licenses L. 95–217). Thorough analysis and test- issued by the Federal Energy Regu- ing studies will be made as necessary latory Commission (formerly Federal to establish the optimum water control Power Commission) provide that oper- plans possible within prevailing con- ation shall be in accordance with in- straints. structions of the Secretary of the (2) Necessary actions will be taken to Army; those covered by agreements be- keep approved water control plans up- tween the operating agency and the to-date. For this purpose, plans will be Corps of Engineers; and those that fall subject to continuing and progressive under the terms of general legislative study by personnel in field offices of and administrative provisions. These the Corps of Engineers. These per- authorities, of illustrative examples, sonnel will be professionally qualified are described briefly in Appendix B. in technical areas involved and famil- (e) Terminology: Water control plans iar with comprehensive project objec- and reservoir regulation schedules. (1) tives and other factors affecting water Water control plans include coordi- control. Organizational requirements nated regulation schedules for project/ for water control management are fur- system regulation and such additional ther discussed in ER 1110–2–1400. provisions as may be required to col- (3) Water control plans developed for lect, analyze and disseminate basic specific projects and reservoir systems data, prepare detailed operating in- will be clearly documented in appro- structions, assure project safety and priate water control manuals. These 224 VerDate Mar<15>2010 10:48 Aug 10, 2011 Jkt 223132 PO 00000 Frm 00234 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\223132.XXX 223132 wreier-aviles on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with CFR Corps of Engineers, Dept. of the Army, DoD § 222.5 manuals will be prepared to meet ini- the general public. Care will be exer- tial requirements when storage in the cised in the development of reservoir reservoir begins. They will be revised regulation schedules to assure that as necessary to conform with changing controlled releases minimize project requirements resulting from develop- impacts and do not jeopardize the safe- ments in the project area and down- ty of persons engaged in activities stream,
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