Anna Reinsrt Begueatha SSOfiOO to Catholic Causes Member of Audit Bureau of Cireulatlon Whose Ox ' ContenU Copyright by the Catholic Pren Sodety, Inc., 19N — Permission to Reproduce, Except Is Being Regis, 2 Parishes Split $30,000 On A rades Otherwise Marked. Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Gored Dept. library fund of Creighton Uni- moved to- St. Francis Con­ five years of her life the was •y Viwk Mtrriw Thlrty-tbougand dollars has been divided equally vertl^, Omaha, of which the valescent Hospital in Denver. blind. The couple left no chil­ “Although «« do not ai Very Rev. Carl H. Relnert, A year later she moved to a dren or relatives of direct DENVER CATHaiC churchmen desire to give pub­ between Regis College, SJ„ another ton of Frsncis Boulder tanilarium. The lut line. lic endocMineiit to eny perttcu- Denver, and two parishei of Relnert, is president; and ler cauHdete, we do wiat to the Denver Archdiocese, un­ $3,000 to the Kapaun Mem­ register our der the will of the late Anna orial High Schod, Wichita, iM B iR DAYS c o n c e r n that the principal of which Is the The remaining Ember Days between the ages of seven and religkKu coo- B. Reinert of Longmont. An­ Rev. James A. Rdnert, SJ., this week are Friday and Sat­ 59 who are not obliged to vietiene sin- other $30,000 has been l«ft the a third son of Mr. Reioert. urday, March II and 12. fast are restricted to the eat­ REGISTER eerelr held I cause o f Catholic education. John Rdnert died in 1939. Saturday Is a day of fast and ing ef meat ante a day, as should heve ! • The two parishei left $10,- Three years ago his widow partial abstinence. Persons are fasten. VOL. LIV. Ne. 30. THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1960 DENVER, COLORADO become a nat­ 000 each are Sacred Heart, ter of attack! Boulder, and St. John’s, Long­ in this cam­ m ont oif -which Mrs. Reinert paign. was long a member. Mrs. This state­ Relnert. who died In August, m e n t w a s ION, was the widow of the made In the late John N. Reinert, owner first week of Nevenber, Itn, Denver Named os Headquarters and operator of a dotidng bjr 4S Protestant cterg; and lay store in Longmont. men, isdudlng Dr. Harry fea arson Foedick; Dr. Ralph Sock Hr. Reinert was the unde of man, Methodist; the Very Rev. Francis Relnert of Boulder, Hr. Paol Roberta, former deen well-known dothler and fa­ VI John's Episcopal Cathe­ ther o f three Jesuits. Anna Reinert was the gna t aunt of For Theatines' New Province dral, Denver. It waa made in de­ fense of Byron Johnson, a eon- the three Jesuits. Included in dldate for Congress from Colo- her will, besides the bequests ndo's 2nd disMet, whose psd to Reids and the Boulder and Superior General Will Offer fist views bad bean attacked. Longmont parlshM, w e r e This week a pell of 300 min­ these dtarltable bequests: isters in the area o f Pewia, DL, The sums of gISJXlO to the ahowed that only 22 of them be­ Pius Memorial Library of St. Mass April 11 Noting Event lieved a candidate’s religion is Louie Unlvmlty, of which irrelevant About 57 per ceng the Very Rev. Paul C. Retnert, By J. R W a l ^h <108) agreed that a Proteatant SJ.. son of Frauds Beipeit, A North American Province of the Theatine Fathers has b6en estab­ minister should never v6te for s Is ^ ^ e n t ; $10JK)d to the CatbMk. lished with headquarters at St. Andrew Avellino’s Seminary, Denver, ac­ Baptists were the most solid EXPEQING cording to a proclamation approved by the Holy ^ e and received from against voting for a CathoUc, Rome. T^e Most Rev. Julian Adrover, C.R., Superior General, brought the with 81 per c ^ saying a min­ McNAMARA ister sbotdd never vote for such document in person to tiie Very Rev. Bartholomew n candidate. MAYBE? Quetgtas, C.R, who is Provlndal of the new province, n e statement quoted abCFve which embraces the U. S. and Mexico. defesiding Johnson and deplor You’ve beard that every- Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will officiate at formal ing that “religious convictions ene is Irish ea St. Patrick’s ceremonies marking the establishment of the province sincerdy fai^ should have be- day. Here’s preeft on Monday, April 11, at tbe Theatine Seminary. Father .CMM a matter of atta^” was Adrover, in the U. S. on a canonical viiiUtion of tbe province, Listed n the cemmlttee released by the Rev. Harold V ' will offer Mast at 11 t.m., at which the proclamation will be Jenaen, mlfiister o f the Flrat for the St. Patrick’s dance to read. AH Theatine Fathers in North America and many Baptist Church, Boulder. be h d d at Sts. Peter tad priests (d Colorado are invited to the ceremoniei. We ate coocemed that an at­ Pael’s Pariah, Wheat Bldge, Id the Archdiocese of Denver and the Diocese of Pueblo tack m Mr. Jduison’s coavic- the Theatines conduct parishes. ’Their novitiate and aeminary en March 1$, are the follow- tiona waa met by a strong state are at 1050 S. Birch Street, Denver. In Mexico the Theatines ment Dmn representative Prot- log: conduct several parishes, and will dedicate the new Church eaUnt dergymen, whereas an Ddvia, Deciae, De Creecei- of St. Cajetin there in August. attad; on any Catholic candi­ F itter Francis Colom, CJl., rector at the seminary, tie, Valeate, Bamta, Berelli, date, such as that evident in the pointed out that the establishment of the North American Mswera o f moat of the Peoria Gravlna, l ^ e , Capra, Poll- Province will facilitate handling of the congKgation's affairs dergymen, it met by what iano,’ Ricci, Lasasso, Pasnlo, CAimOT HEAR. BUT LEARNS in the U. S. and Mexico. 'The new status recognises that there aeema to be silent ap pn^ tlon. are 30 Theatines in the province and studenU at tbe seminary Speak up, you 46 signers t f aad Serafial. TEACHERS from tbe Denver public seated. Peggie Chambers, standing, asdtts. The and novitiate. Formerly the Theatine* in the area were di­ tha atatenent that “religxoos schools conduct classes in religion for deaf deaf teadiing project ia sponsored by tbe past The chairman is Lepore— rectly dependent upon the Superior General in Home. eonvictlona sincerdy hdd' studenU at the Holy G b o tt Youth Center, Den­ presidents of the C^tboUe Parent-Teacher L e ^ e Fatter Adrover, beaidet conducting bis vislUtlon' in tbe ahould not be under attack In T ee were expecting McNa- ver. Shown above teachint Stephen RoUer at a of Denver.. U. S., ii filling i schedule of lecture*. Fluent in Engliih, be political campeigDi nara, BMvbe? typical Monday afternoon session it Ann Hisun, MjaERev. Jnlbn speaks Majorcan, lulian, French, Spanish, and German. As former Procurator Generti of tbe congregation, he has visited GREAT DAY FOR EVERYBODY tcveral time* In this country. m RDtS PARISH Last Friday on a brief stopover in Denver he was asked De Paul Society to Hold to give two separate addreatet at Denver University's down­ IRAKIS PLANS fOR Spiritual, Social Events town school, at which program a minister and ralM spoke. Father Adrover explained Catholic teachinp and answered queries regarding birth control and Catbolia in politics. He 'UPPER CHURCH' 'Bundle Day' March 13 is. to give a nlssioe at 8t- Cajataa'i Chiirdi starting Marefa 27. Ptifli'' iitvii ‘^>ecn Enounced Offered on March 17 Tbe creation of the North American Province marka for constKKtlPn oT 'lb e upper TUt9 to 4 0 tons o f used ' “ Spring hoosedeaning is l^ersooi bringing bundlu to -■ •¥ ...........WHeyr*.. - St. Patrick's Dey Mass i t 10 a.m. major progms made since tbe first Tbsatioe Fstbers came dotting, fhees, beddtftg, v te : The Irish and Just about every cimiel)' at Our Lady a t L o is e s . particularly advantageous tima church on Sunday are asked to iat about in tbe Chimch of tbe Holy 't o the U .8. in 1906. Bishop Nlcb^at C. M ib, In Rome on to .contribute,” Hr. OrlffiB titt shoes togethtf.. For articles one else who claims be is Irish Qiurdi, Daver.' are expected to he donated by Ghost, Denver. his a d U m in a visit, isked tbe Tbeetine Superior General for Denver Cathdica at the sixth ■aid, "and moat people find too bulky to hrtag (o church, —which Is just about “everyoof priests to serve In tbe then Diocese of Denver. Fathers J ^ A "Budget F'und Drive” was Celebrant of the Hass will be null “Bundle Day,” tpoo- that at tbe end of winter they the services of the Vincent elae” on St. Patrick's Day-rhave D. Liedotti,*C.R., and Francis Blaxqnez.Goinex, CJt., were the initiated Sunday at the par­ the R t Rev. Monslgnor Elmer J. by tbe Sodety of St Vtn- hare much usable dothing that de Paul Society Salvage Bureau worked up a full schedule of first to come, arriving Idarcb 6, 1906, in Durango, where they iah. According to tbe forecaat. KoOca, director o f Catholic oedt de PauL in tbe D e « v « will be helpful to unfortunate truck are readily available. iptrUoal and social' evenU for started Sacred Heart Parish. the project of completion .of tbe mutropotitan p crtth o this Sun­ huofliee.'' He emphasised tbe Thoae wiahing to secure tbe I March 17.
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