HAVE GERMAN WILL TRAVEL FEIERTAG "Bei uns ist immer was los!" AUSTRIAN-AMERICAN DAY: der 26. September W ILLIAM J. CLINTON XUJ Pmidmtoftht Uniud Sltlte: 1993-2001 Proclamation 7027- Austrian-American Day, 1997 September 25. 1997 By the President of the United States ofAmerica A Proclamation For more than 2.00 years, the life of our Nation has been enriched and renewed by the many people who have come here from around the world, s~oeking a new life for Lhcmsclvcs aod their families. Austrian America us have made their own unique and lastiug contributions to America's strength and character, and they contin,l<ltO play a vital role in tho peace and prosperity we enjoy today. As with so many other immigrants, the e.1ruest Austrians came to America in search of religious freedom. Arrhing in 1734, they settled in the colony of Georgia, f.TOwing and pros pering with the passing of the years. One of these early Austrian settlers, J ohann Adam Treutleo, was to become the Hrs t elected go-nor of the new State of Georgia. lJlthe two ecoturies that foUowed, millions of other Austrians made the same journey to our shores. From the political refugees o f the 1848 re>-olutions in Austria to Jews Oceing the anti-Semitism of Hitler's Third Reich, Austrians brought ";th them to America a lo\e of freedom, a strong work ethic, and a deep re--erence for educatioiL In C\'Cf'Y fldd of endeavor, Austrian Americans ha\'C made notable contributions to our culture and society. We ba\-e all been enriched by the moes and achiC\'elllents of such individuals as SUP£eme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter; Joel Flias Spirtgarn, who helped to found the NAACP; psychiatrist and educator Alexandra Adler; lyricist Frederick Loewe, who helped to transform American musical theater; and architects John Smitbmcyer and Richard Neutra. Americans of Austrian descent have also helped to n<trture the strong ties of friendship bctw~ocn tho Unitod States and Austria, a friendship that bas survived the upheaval of two World Wars and the subsequent d.ivision of Europe between the forces of East and West. On September 26, 1945, a conference w:1s convened in Vienna among the nine Austrian f.'ederal States that helped to uuify tlte uatiou aml paved the way for recognition by the United States and lbe Allied Forces of the first postwar Provisional Austrian Go\'ernmeot. Setting the date for the ftrst free national elections, this important meeting laid the foundation for the strong, prosperous, and independent Austria we know today. In recognition of the s~ of this date to the relationship between our Nation and the Federal Republic of Austria, and in gratitude for the many gifts that Austrian Americans bring to the life of our country, it is appropriate that we pause to celebrate Austrian-American Day. Now, Theri'foro, l, William J. Clinton, by virtue of the authority\oested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Friday, September 26, •997, as Austrian-American Day. I enoourage aU Americans to recognize and celPbr:ue I he important contributjoos that millions of Americans of Austrian descent have mad~and continue to make-to our Nation's strength and prosperity. In Witness Whereof. I have hereunto set my hand this tw<>nty-fifth day of September, in the )lUll' of our Lord nineteen hundred and ninety-se--en, and of the Independence of the Unitod States of America the two bwldred arxltwenty-sccond. WILLIAM J . ----CLINTON---------- -- September 25, 2012 special honor that former President Bill Clinton issued a Presidential Proclamation, with the unanimous consent of Austrian American Day the entire US senate and all 50 United States Governors. declaring September 26, 1997,the first Austrian-American Day. The Austrian-American Day Is celebrated nationally with various festivities and most importanUy. with the awarding Tomorrow marks the 15th annual celebration of Austnan­ Amencan Day. A day that celebrates lhose who left thear of grants. donations and other gifts to worthy causes such as the homeland in order to start a life in NYC. City of Hope, Children's Hospital los Angeles, Good Shepherd After many years of successful communrty and Center for Homeless Women and Children, Hollygrove Home for humanitarian work,lhe Austrian-American Councils of Children. Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic (now Learning Ally). North America petitioned, in 1997,1he President of the Kidspace Children's Museum. SOS Children's Villages, Gift of Life­ Untied States, the US Senate and all 50 Governors to heart-surgery for children, humanitarian help when natural 1 disasters occur and full year scholarships for college students and approve the establishing of September 26 h as the the ongoing support for professional exchanges such as "National Austrian-American Day.- 11 was a tremendous professors, doctors. scaenbst and artists to enjoy the bridge of co- eflort b~ all concerned to get a consensus of so many differe. t political minds. It was.lherefore, a great joy and operation between Austna and the U~n.:;i,;;;te;;;d~S;:ta~te~s~.==,.--~- ---------------.
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