OBSERVER Vol. 19 No. 1 March 18, 1978 Front Page [“ . John Burnett was elected as Senior Class President, Sabina Nordoff, . .”] Tuition Hike Jane Hurd Ed Colon Partisan Review At Bard? M. W. Constitutional Referendum To Be Held Arthur Carlson Page 2 Community Events George Smith The Christian Way At Bard . John Burton Page 3 Feminist Alliance Poll Opinions The Voice of Dredd- Betty Dread [“The people of Ludlow are having a problem: . .”] Ed Colon Notes Office Of Student Futures Karen Elizabeth Watson Finch Plans Restaurant Mark Berger Star-Gazing Richard Mattiello Letters [“ . Recently noticed . The logos . On all college stationary.”] J. C. Brotherhood [“ . Injuries incurred by Bard students . Icy sidewalks and unshoveled . .”] Sheila Spencer [“ . Posted signs protesting the arbitrary and rediculous nature of the . .”]" Emmy J’accuse Page 4 Reviews Theatre In Progress — “Ghost Sonata” Sheila Spencer Records Retaliatory Records - Punk Rock Status Quo “Rockin’ All Over The World” Sex Pistols “Never Mind The Bollocks Here's The Sex Pistols” Dead Boys “Young Loud And Snotty” John Rolfe Page 5 Never Mind Punk — Here’s Music Elvis Costello “My Aim Is True” Robert Levers Cartoon Guildroy Film Julia William Pierce Helen Frankenthaler — A New Climate Quote From Jeanne Sokol, In “Cosmopolitan” Books A Book of Common Prayer Joan Didion John Rolfe Drama Department Schedule Page 6 B-Ball Vassar 77 - Bard 76 Bard 77 - Mount St. Mary 60 David Penberg St. Rose 82 - Bard 57 Pharmacy 70 - Bard 61 Columbia Green 106 - Bard 85 David Penberg St. Rose 88 - Bard 73 Bill Moss St. Rose 64 - Bard 18 Bill Moss Photograph Neil Smoke 0::: lJJ­ volume 19 f number 1 .............. March 8, 1978 Q,. Q..< ~ ~ UJz On Wednesday, Feb. 22, J ohu Constitutional Referendum To Be Held 1- Burnett was clectcd as Senior z. Class President. Sabina Nordo fl; UJ 0 professor of dancc, was clcctcd After scveral mishaps, misadvent­ lives having been shattcrcd} nor z as Baccalaurcatc spcaker. Al so, urcs and bureaucratic snafus, the cvcn itself. The· senatc dissolvcd · 1.1.1 Peter Skiff was clectcd as dass Q,. advisor and George Dobbs elcc­ legendary' proposcd con.stitutions last ycar, but the planning com- · LL:I tcd. dass treasurl!r. lt is unclcar mittee, which. is now mostly self 0 as yct who will ba the speaker, are finally making an appearance. z at gtaliuation; flotstein elaimed Originally the constitution committee appointed, has functioncd better that aftcr last yearls unsuccess­ run by Barry Patrice proc.lucca thrce than cver--much the samc as whcn z fu! attempt at getting Woody fascism ·ca me to ltaly, the trains <C Al!en :tS speaier and this ycar's . constitutions: his own, installing an failcd att<:mpts at gett1ng etther elaborate executive branch; the ran on time. Carter or MonJalc, it is must Studcnt Forum Constitution, which The second constitution is the likely that the next attempt Student Forum which will be to get D«niel Moynihan. has a very lcan and flex\ble gov­ Constitution, crnment; and a reviscd version of is much more light and flcxiblc. our present constitution ... Aftcr hc The old Scnate otten servcd to di­ split, the impetus for that whole lute or deflcct much of the best , cndeavor went down the tubcs, and work that people and committees by the time anyonc kncw what was werc doing. In the Student Forum !lappening it was field pcriod. Constitution, the committees have At the bc:ginning of this semes­ accort..lmg to specific needs, as op­ Finally those wonderful folks in a much sJronger, m·ore autonomous ter, departmental cutbacks wcrc im­ posed to the basis of enrollment the ad-hoc studcnt govcrnment got phce; they serve as task forees in plcmentcd as a result, supposed~y, percentage. Granted, the AMDDFP their shit togcther, and managed to ccrtain arcas and do the actual of inflation. According to Botstein; is undcrgoing rapid, large-- seal e de­ . issuc a very scaled down version, work for many things. Nearly all "the expendlturcs for academic pro­ vc!opments, and hence requires a namcly the Student Forum Cons- · committees have an entircly open tlut grams and the enrollmcnt corrcs­ corollary quantity of funds 1 yet titution. This constitution will be membership, so if you want to pond almosi identically». Which, other divisions must also be in th~ up against our old constitution, a do something you can do it and get it done without going through a lot translated, means that for cxample, samc situation. Sotstein commented copy which is. in your student the AMDDFP enrollment cncompas­ that the moncy problcms are of handhook (subtitlcd, through the of bullshit like political proeesses 11 tcnd to be. The legislative organ ses about 33%" of the students1 course large!y due to inflation, and laconic \vi t of Gracie Alle "How n is the Student Förum which meets hence the AMDDFP. receivcs "al­ the rising cost öf' living,which means to avoid hasslcs"). Also on the most identically" about 33% of ~he that all faculty will bc rcceiving an . when a student or studcnts decides ballot will be an initiative to raise it is nec;essary. Aside from that budget. However, if 66% of the across-thc-board salary increase of the student convocation fee by budget/enrollmcnt is to then bc ~ %. He expiained that differe.rit d i­ there are 2 mandatory meetings a $10 a semester from its present semester. A quorum for a forum divided between the remaining visions have differing expenditures1 level of $40 to $50. mceting is everyone who shows up thrce divisions, it would seem that some of which are substantially These 2 mattcrs are the most im­ there is a ccrtain degrcc of injustice more cxpensive (i.c., cquipment for (all students are el igible to vot e) portarit things put to rcfercndum and they can transact any business in the manner in which funds are scicncc laboratories, or an example for somc years. The <;onstitutions, distributed. lf there are four divi­ hc quotcd, such as the c9st of a thcy want to and make any despite their scaled down form decisions right at that meeting. sions) each dcmanding a nccessary Pisarro monograph whiCh is much (which actually makes it much arnount of funding, then the bud-· mare cxpensive than the cost of the There is a clause providing that casier for one to win) are the road anything important can bc brought get would rationally bc split up inta completc works of Plato). out of our currcnt muddle. Ever pcr d ivision. Mure succinctly w referendum within a week after 15%.. 1 since November the student gov­ the budget SHOU LD bc distribl!ted cont' on pg. 5 the meeting. All el~ctions take ernmcnt has been run 1 and mostly t--Ri~•··~- -~· s1·= T~~ QQ1,...iõ?Jtli'~""'· ~~··.._·-~--~;.-...lliiiiCirf phce at meetil}~'- so~ th ere r:.~ 1 :-,o not run 1 by re()plcwho appointed longer will bc the pr'ob/em of not themscb;es and then appointcd knowing thecandidares. The . Partisan Revlevv Al Bard? everyone else. Naturally they havc planning committee wi!J bc mare produceu notlling notablc in their closcly controlled. The executivc Ed. Notc: Whcn asked about the ?est leftist political writing, tE;nurc; The administration has branch wi Il consist of the head of the posihility of the Partisan Re­ but 1n the last 15 years it has be­ taken advantage of this weakness the planning committee, head of view coming to Bard, President comc increasingly conservativc to step,up their assault on studen.t the SJB, head of the lnter-Qivisional Botstcin suggcstcd that the chan- and academic in its concerns. It rights. There· has been an outra­ Cout:Kil {a rcv\sed, cxpanded Ed­ . ees are very siim. Sotstein also is now almost entil·cly devoted to geous arnount of fines imposed ucational Polides Commi'ttee), the said that the cxpcnses would bc prose fiction, poetry, and review.s. for the most trivial offcnscs. There secretary of the student association) finaneed by P. R. "I NC~1 How­ !ts politics, likc most liberai poli­ has bcen an incredible rise in and the trcasurcr. The Central ever, Genc Mason said that they tics in the 70's, seem· to depend seizures of student propcrty - evcry­ Committee, as it is called, will not approached us, and that the chan­ on the authority of past positions. thing from dogs to bikes to cars function äs an entity in any way · ·ces were very good about the PR The quality of the Partisan Re­ to hotplates and amplifiers. Leon that supersedes or impinges on the coming hcre. · Mason daimed that vie\.v as an intc-llectual review, how­ has begun easing our curriculum power of the forum. This system ~there was a required subsidizing ever, is stiil quitc high. Its editor· back into the 50's with a barrage Jays the rcsponsibi!ity of dccision­ fee (such as Rutgers currently sup ial board and consulting cditors of rcquired courses, and roused makjng directly upon the students. plies), but that "wc don 't know co·nslsts of some of the most inter­ everyone's hostility by thrcatening The other thing qn the refer­ to what extent we would bc. un­ esting critics of contemporary cul­ to bring to Bard and subsidize that cndum, the convocation fee incrcasc, derwriting (the Partisan Reviewf ture, such as Morris Dickstein and dinosaur of a rag, 'The Partisan is n.ccessary to get us out of the but it is clear that at some potnt Christopher Lasch. A rccent issuc P.eview'. In other words, life goes current f\nandal situation where w~ would dcfinitely be under­ containcd articlcs by Steven Mar­ on and Ludlow has a convenient the planning committee is faced writing it.'' The following article cus on Freud, Roger Shattuck on cxcusc to avoi9 student's opinions.
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