Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 12-1-1950 The Kentucky High School Athlete, December 1950 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, December 1950" (1950). The Athlete. Book 520. http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete/520 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Paducah Tilghman Football Team-Kentucky's Best (Left to Right) Front Row: Davis, Hurst, Han·is, .1 . Baggett, Hardy, Houser, Co-Capt. Tucker, Co-Capt. Sydboten, Handmaker, Kauth, Tripp, Gleaves, Byrd. Second Row: Stubblefield, Lynn, Cook, Owen, K. Cooper, Bell, Warmington, Shelby, Hicks, Tapp, Clark, Bruce Jones, Bob Jones. Third Row: Brian, Kelly, Hopkins, Walker, Casey, F. Baggett, Saeger, Brown, Harned, Hayden, Staley, Coley, Mabry, Knarr. Fourth Row: Mgr. Peck, Mgr. Bradley, Mgr. Norris, Trainer Young, Trainer J. Cooper, Mgr. P. J ones. Tilghman 13-Paris, Tenn. 6 Tilghman 7- Louisville Male 0 Tilghman 33-0wensboro 6 Tilghman 39-.Jaekson, Tenn. 6 Tilghman 7-Memphis Tech 0 Tilghman 12- L ittle Rock, Ark. 9 Tilghman 28-Hopkinsville 2 Tilghman 39-Valley 19 Tilghman 14- Mayfield 12 _,- ,.Y' TIME OUT AND FOUL 4 5 6 H_ : i- &. f i- ,~ : ") \~ ~ \~ : TECHNICAL FOUL HOLOIN6 PUSI-IING l 8q· Foul by ~ 9 ! r• n;mr er~ Ill ~ l ~ I : .. ~ I I SCORE : '"M"' A 1 ,ILLEGAL USE OF HAND DESIGNATE II TIM£ OUT AND JUMP BALL VIOLATION J3 3- SECOND LANE VIOLATION The Kentucky High School Athlete Official Organ of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association VOL XIII-No. 5 DECEMBER, 1950 $1.00 Per Year Early Season Basketball Questions Editor's Note: Each year there are early season RULING: Neither. The action is legal. requests for rulings on certain sections of the Code 5. PLAY: B1 is ·in control when A1 re­ or for information concerning related topics. The quests and is granted a time-out and it is following have points of general interest. his team's 6th. How many fouls have been 1. PLAY: Is the ruling for the play un­ committed and how many penalties are en­ der 7-3 in the Basketball Rules Book cor­ forced? rect? Also, is the ruling in conflict with the RULING: Two fouls have been committed statement in the rules? and A is penalized in four ways. They are RULING: The ruling is correct as print­ charged with a time-out, they are not per­ ed. It is not in conflict with the rule state­ mitted a fulL one minute, one free throw is ment. In part (a), it is assumed that when awar,ded for taking time out at the wrong the ball is hooked or batted from the hands time and another is awarded because it is of A1, the contact by the hand of B1 con­ an excess time-out. tinues slightly longer than the contact by 6. PLAY: A1 tries for goal or attempts the player who is holding the ball. Hence, free throw. After ball leaves hands of A1, B1 is the last to touch the ball before it B1 requests time-out. Is ball in control of goes out of bounds and ball is awal'ded to A. Team A and is request legal? In part (b), the dead ball rule is a factor. RULING:· Ball is not in control of A. It Since B1 is out of bounds when he touches is not a legal request and it may be a tech­ the ball, the ball immediately becomes dead nical foul if the try is not successful and because of being out of bounds. At that in­ the Official kills the ball to grant the re­ stant, the ball is being touched by both quest. players and a jump ball is pres·cribed. This 7. PLAY: In football, when a double foul ruling is the same as for the past five years. occurs, the penalties offset. Would this be See last year's edition of Case Book play feasible in basketball? 15, page 46. RULING: It probably would. Play could 2. PLAY: What is the significance of the be resumed by a jump in the nearer circle. expression "if enforced" as used in the note 8. PLAY: What is proper procedure when under 10-6? a double or multiple violation occurs? RULING: This gives the Official author­ RULING: The rules provide only for ity to ignore certain infractions which are scattered cases. The Basketball Case Book not discovered until some time after the oc­ groups all cases in a table under Play 221 currence. Method of handling these situa­ and proper rulings are given. tions is outlined in plays 259 and 458 in the 9. PLAY: Does the rule whkh prescribes Basketball Case Book. two free throws for certain personal fouls 3. PLAY: During a throw-in by A1 from apply to the entire game or only to the last outside his front court, the pass is touched few minutes? by A2 in the front court and then goes to RULING: The rule applies throughout the back court where A3 recovers. the game. However, the conditions which RULING: Unless A2 is in control at the cause a double free throw will be more com­ time he bats the ball, this is not an infrac­ mon during the last few minutes of a close tion of the rules. The ball is not in control game. A few of the specific situations in of either team while it is dead. which two free throws should be awarded, 4. PLAY: Ball is dead for a jump between regardless of whether a related try for field A1 and Bl. Substitute A6 replaces A2 and goal is successful or unsuccessful, are as during the same dead ball A2 replaces A6. follows: (a) If A1 is driving in' for a try Is this a foul by A2 or by A6 or by both? (Continued on Page Four) Page Two THE KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE FOR DECEMBER, 1950 DECEMBER, 1950 VOL. XIII-No. 5 Region 13.-Travis Combs, Harlan Published monthly, except June and July, by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association. Business No., 1354; Residence No. 1224 Office of Publication. H enderson , Ky. Region 14.-Lus Oxley, Hazard Entered as second-class matter in the post office at Henderson, Residence No., 356 Kentucky under the act of March 3 1879. Region 15.-Dick Looney, Pikeville Editor-------------------------- - ------THEO. A. SANFORD Assista nt Editor------------ ________________ J, B. MANSFIELD Business No., 526; Residence No., 813 Hender son, Ky. Region 16-J. N. McMillan, Ashland BOARD OF CONTROL Business No., Ashland 370 President ______________________ __ Lyman V. Ginger, Lexington Vice-President_ ___ __ __ __ _____ __ __T a lton K. Stone, Carrollton Residence No., Russell, 240 Directors- Roy G. Eversole, H azard; J a mes L . Cobb, N ewport; Carlos Oakley, Morganfield ; Cromer H . Arnett, Bandana; State Tournament Information Carl Hicks, Catlettsburg; Willia m E. Kingsolver, Fort Knox. Subscription Rates ___ _________ $1.00 Per Year The 1951 State High School Basketball Tournament will l:;e held in the University of Kentucky Coliseum, Lexington, on March qrom the Commissione'l's Office 14-17. The first session will be on Wednes­ day night, and there will be the usual three sessions on Thursday, two on Friday and Reports Past Due two on Saturday. At some time in the month 1. 1'950 Football Participation List. of January, the Commissioner will send to 2. School's Report on Football Officials. K.H.S.A.A. member schools forms which 3. Official's Report on Schools (Football) may be used in requesting passes to the tournament. It will be appreciated if school men will refrain from writing letters of in­ Employment Bureaus quiry about their passes, but will wait in­ Sixteen employment bureaus for offieials, stead for the letter of instruction from the one in each basketball region, have been es­ State Office. Complete sets of tickets are tablished. Each registered official will please priced at $8.00 (end seats), $10.00 (side file at once with the bureau head of his seats, stadium type), $12.00 (side seats, region his schedule of games and a list of chair back), and $16.00 (box .seats near the dates on which the official will be available floor). The general sale of tickets will be to call games. The names of the bureau conducted by Graves, Cox & :Company of heads, with their business and residence Lexington. Those who place their orders and phone numbers where this information was send their remittances to the Lexington available, are as follows: company should not write before January 1. Region 1.-Bob Phillips, Wickliffe The amount of 35c should be added to each Business No., 10; Residence No. 68 remittance to pay for postage and insur­ Region 2.-William 0. Utley, Madisonville ance charges. Orders mailed to Graves-Cox Business No., 111; Residence No., 518J prior to January 1 will receive a lower prior­ Region 3.-Roy G. Settle, Owensboro ity than those mailed pn that date. Business No. 3-3575; Res. No. 3-2136 Two Schools Suspended Region ·4.-Bob Forsythe, Browder The Hazard and Harlan high schools Business No., Central City 9 have been suspended from membership in Residence No., Drakesboro 2583 the Kentucky High School Athletic Associa­ Region 5.-Turner Elrod, Bowling Green tion for the period beginning November 25 Business No., 1700·; Res.
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