Annex 2017 Research output and Asser Press publications T.M.C. Annual Report 2017 | Annex 1: Research Output 1 1. Research Output 1.1 Publications 1.1.1 Articles Douma, W. & Pieters, K. ‘EU Wetgevingskroniek 2016’, 11 SEW, Belavusau, U. Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch Recht (2017): 457-467. Belavusau, U. ‘Perincek v. Switzerland: Introductory Duval, A. Note’, 55(4) International Legal Materials (2017): 627-629. Duval, A. ‘The Russian Doping Scandal at the Boutin, B. Court of Arbitration for Sport: Lessons for the World Anti-doping System’, Boutin, B. 16(3-4) International Sports Law Journal ‘Attribution of Conduct in International (2017): 177-197. Military Operations: A Causal Analysis of Effective Control’, 18(2) Melbourne Duval, A. & Maren, O. van Journal of International Law (2017): ‘The Labour Status of Professional 154-179. Football Players in the European Union Unity in/and/or diversity?’, 8(3) Boutin, B. European Labour Law Journal (2017): ‘Administrative Measures in Counter- 258-278. Terrorism and the Protection of Human Rights’, 27(1–2) Security and Human Gordon, G. Rights (2017): 128-147. Gordon, G. Douma, W. ‘Indicators, Rankings and the Political Economy of Academic Production in Douma, W. International Law’, 30(2) Leiden Journal ‘The Promotion of Sustainable of International Law (2017): 295-304. Development through EU Trade Instruments’, 28(2) European Business Gordon, G. & Werner, W. Law Review (2017): 197-216. ‘Between the Dog and the Divine: Resistance and conventionalism in Douma, W. cosmopolitanism’, 13(2) Utrecht Law ‘Natuurbeschermingsrecht in kort geding Review (2017): 28-36 voor het Europese Hof van Justitie: een oplossing voor de instandhouding van Hirsch Ballin, E.M.H. het Poolse Białowieża oerbos’, 21(8) Jurisprudentie Milieurecht (2017): 841- Hirsch Ballin, E.M.H. 848. ‘De stille revolutie van 1917: Dwarsverbanden in democratische burgerschap en onderwijs’, Longread, Querido Fosfor, Longread (2017). T.M.C. Annual Report 2017 | Annex 1: Research Output 2 Maren, O. van Hirsch Ballin, E.M.H. ‘De grondwetsherziening van 1917’, SC Duval, A. & Maren, O. van kent de Wet, 27 November 2017. ‘The Labour Status of Professional Football Players in the European Hirsch Ballin, E.M.H. Union Unity in/and/or diversity?’, 8(3) ‘Autonomie met perspectief. Een European Labour Law Journal (2017): terreinverkenning voor toekomstige 258-278. relaties van Caribische landen met Nederland en Europa’, Lezing van prof. Maren, O. van dr. Ernst Hirsch Ballin aan de University ‘How to bail out your local club: the of Curaçao dr. Moises da Costa Gomez application of the State aid rules to op maandag 2 oktober 2017, (6)4 professional football clubs in financial Caribisch Juristenblad (2017): 291-296. difficulty’, 16(3-4) The International Sports Law Journal (2017): 155-176. Vlieks, C., Hirsch Ballin, E.M.H., Recalde Vela, M.J. Partiti, E. ‘Solving Statelessness: Interpreting the Right to Nationality’, 35(3) Netherlands Partiti, E. Quarterly of Human Rights (2017): 158- ‘What use is an unloaded gun? The 175. substantive disciplines of the WTO TBT Code of Good Practice and Hirsch Ballin, E.M.H. et al. its application to private standards ‘Big Data and security policies: Towards pursuing public objectives’, 20(4) Journal a framework for regulating the phases of International Economic Law (2017): of analytics and use of Big Data’, 33 829-854. Computer Law & Security Review (2017): 309-323. Partiti, E. & Velde, S. van der ‘Curbing Supply-Chain Human Rights Idriz, N. Violations through Trade and Due Diligence. Possible WTO Concerns Idriz, N. & Bockel, B. van Raised by the EU Conflict Minerals ‘De “dirty deal” tussen de EU en Regulation’, 51(6) Journal of World Trade Turkije en vragen van wettigheid en (2017): 1043-1068. toelaatbaarheid’, 11 SEW, Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht Stolk, S. (2017): 449-456. Stolk, S. ‘Rituelen, rechtszaken en een degelijke Nederlandse fiets’, 6(3) Onderzoek Uitgelicht, Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei, November 2017. T.M.C. Annual Report 2017 | Annex 1: Research Output 3 Stolk, S. Integrative Approach, Cheltenham: ‘Imagining scenes of mass atrocity Edward Elgar Publishing (2017): 71-91. from afar: maps and landscapes at the International Criminal Court’, 5(3) Hirsch Ballin, E.M.H. London Review of International Law (2017): 425-451. Hirsch Ballin, E.M.H. ‘Slotbeschouwing’, in: Rogier, L.J.J. & Velde, S. van der Frielink, K. (eds.), Adviezen over de tussentijdse ontbinding van de Staten Partiti, E. & Velde, S. van der van Aruba, Curaçao en Sint Maarten, ‘Curbing Supply-Chain Human Rights Deventer: Wolters Kluwer (2017): 147- Violations through Trade and Due 154. Diligence. Possible WTO Concerns Raised by the EU Conflict Minerals Lazic, V. Regulation’, 51(6) Journal of World Trade (2017): 1043-1068. Lazic, V. ‘Enforcing Annulled Arbitral Awards 1.1.2 Book chapters in The Netherlands’, in: Koster, H., Pennings, F. & Rusu, C. (eds.), Essays Belavusau, U. on Private & Business Law: A Tribute to Professor Adriaan Dorresteijn, Eleven Belavusau, U. International Publishing (2017): 195- ‘EU Sexual Citizenship: Sex Beyond the 209. Internal Market’, in: Kochenov, D. (ed.), EU Citizenship and Federalism: The Role Lazic, V. of Rights, Cambridge University Press ‘The Interpretation and Application (2017): 417-442. of the New York Convention in the Netherlands’, in: Bermann, G.A. (ed.), Belavusau, U. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign ‘Hate Speech’, in: R. Wolfrum, F. Arbitral Awards: The Interpretation and Lachenmann & R. Grote (eds.), Max Application of the New York Convention Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative by National Courts, Ius Comparatum Constitutional Law, Oxford: Oxford - Global Studies in Comparative Law, University Press (2017) Springer Publishing (2017): 689-731. Bo, M. Lazic, V. ‘Multiple Faces of Mutual Recognition: Unity and Diversity in Regulating Bo, M. Enforcement of Judgements in the ‘Piracy at the Intersection between European Union’, in: Fletcher, M., Herlin- International and National: Regional Harnell, E. & Matera, C. (eds.), The Enforcement of a Transnational Crime’, European Union as an Area of Freedom, in: H. van der Wilt & C. Paulussen Security and Justice, London/New York: (eds.), Legal Responses to Transnational Routledge (2017): 337-357. and International Crimes. Towards an T.M.C. Annual Report 2017 | Annex 1: Research Output 4 Lazic, V. Towards an Integrative Approach, ‘Procedural Position of a “Weaker Party” Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing in the Regulation Brussels Ibis’, in: (2017): IX-XI. Lazic, V. & Stuij, S. (eds.), Brussels Ibis Regulation: Changes and Challenges of 1.1.3 Edited volumes the Renewed Procedural Scheme, Short Studies in Private International Law, Belavusau, U. Asser Press/Springer Publishing (2017): 51-71. Belavusau, U. & Gliszczynska-Grabias, A. (eds.) Lazic, V. Law and Memory: Towards Legal ‘Procedural Position of a “Weaker Party” Governance of History, Cambridge: in the Regulation Brussels Ibis’, in: Keirse, Cambridge University Press (2017). A. & Loos, M. (eds.), Waves in Contract and Liability Law in Three Decades of Ius Lazic, V. Commune, Intersentia (2017): 41-61. Lazic, V. & Stuij, S. (eds.) Lazic, V. & Stuij, S. Brussels Ibis Regulation: Changes and ‘Brussels I bis in Relation to Other Challenges of the Renewed Procedural Instruments on the Global Level, in Scheme, Short Studies in Private Brussels Ibis Regulation’, in: Lazic, V. & International Law, Asser Press/Springer Stuij, S. (eds.), Brussels Ibis Regulation: Publishing (2017) Changes and Challenges of the Renewed Procedural Scheme, Short Studies in Paulussen, C. Private International Law, Asser Press/ Springer Publishing (2017): 119-152. Wilt, H. van der & Paulussen, C. (eds.) Legal Responses to Transnational Nijman, J.E. and International Crimes. Towards an Integrative Approach, Cheltenham: Nijman, J.E. Edward Elgar Publishing (2017) ‘Grotius’ Imago Dei Anthropology: Grounding Ius Naturae et Gentium’, in: Koskenniemi, M. & García-Salmones 1.1.4 Reports Rovira, M. & Amorosa, P. (eds.), International Law and Religion: Historical Boutin, B. and Contemporary Perspectives, Oxford: OUP (2017): 87-110. Boutin, B. & Douma, W. & Paulussen, C. et al. Paulussen, C. ‘The European Union’s Policies on Counter-Terrorism. Relevance, Paulussen, C. Coherence and Effectiveness’, Study for ‘Preface’, in: H. van der Wilt & C. the LIBE Committee of the European Paulussen (eds.), Legal Responses to Parliament (2017). Transnational and International Crimes. T.M.C. Annual Report 2017 | Annex 1: Research Output 5 Douma, W. Bo, M. Boutin, B. & Douma, W. & Paulussen, C. Bo, M. et al. ‘Piracy at the Intersection between ‘The European Union’s Policies International and National: Regional on Counter-Terrorism. Relevance, Enforcement of a Transnational Crime’, Coherence and Effectiveness’, Study for Asser SSRN Research Paper 2017- the LIBE Committee of the European 04, forthcoming in: Wilt, H. van der Parliament (2017). & Paulussen, C., Legal Responses to Transnational and International Crimes. Paulussen, C. Towards an Integrative Approach, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Boutin, B. & Douma, W. & Paulussen, C. (2017). et al. ‘The European Union’s Policies Boutin, B. on Counter-Terrorism. Relevance, Coherence and Effectiveness’, Study for Boutin, B. the LIBE Committee of the European ‘Administrative Measures in Counter- Parliament (2017). Terrorism and the Protection of Human Rights’, Asser SSRN Research Paper Paulussen, C. & Nijman, J.E. & Lismont, 2017-01, forthcoming in: Security and K. Human Rights
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