The Yellow Jacket April 27, 2017 Howard Payne University . Brownwood, TX Volume 107, Issue 13 InsIde thIs Brother/Coach/Player 28-page May grads Rob and Chad Anders made their layered relationship work edItIon Gabriella Diazdeleon Apply Lessons...............2 staff writer In her final column as Edi- tor-in-Chief, Lydia Heinrichs Going to school with a encourages students to take advantage of opportunities - sibling can be an obsta- even the unexpected ones. cle within itself, but Rob and Chad Anders have Good Service..................6 navigated through a much The men’s basketball team more interesting situation. is recognized for its com- munity service at Woodland Rob Anders graduated from Heights Elementary. HPU in 2012 with a B.A. in Social Science and had al- Resiliency of a Child......9 ready been an assistant base- HPU student Zachary Peterson has learned a lot ball coach here for almost from his wife and daughter. two years when his younger brother Chad Anders enrolled Collection Rebuilt.........11 at HPU and joined the Yel- English professor Dr. Ev- elyn Romig talks about re- low Jackets’ baseball team. building her book collection Not being entirely sure how we straightened things out.” after the Old Main Fire to navigate this new brother/ By the end of Chad’s first coach/player relationship, season, the brothers had es- Photos Galore................... some adjustments needed to This edition contains a ton tablished a professional rela- of photos. be made by both brothers. tionship on and off the field. Chad admits “I definitely So much so that a lot of the Explore Your World......18 tried to push my limits when newer guys on the team don’t Graduating religion colu- I first got here.” But Rob said, even realize they are brothers. minst Daniel Harris writes “I made it clear that his be- that college is a great place As both his coach and for personal exploration. havior was unacceptable and brother Rob has been able to see a substantial change Right Path......................22 Graduation Events and growth in Chad’s char- Chad Anders thinks HPU’s athletic department is on the Chime Out – 6 p.m. Fri- acter over the last four years. “Two things really forced Courtesy Photos right track with AD Hunter day, Mims, with reception Top: Rob Anders (left) and Chad Anders (right) with their uncle Sims, and it’s not all about outside afterward. Chad to grow up: the first and former minor league pitcher Chris Hill. wins or losses. Commencement – 10 was that our step dad passed Bottom: Rob (left) and Chad Anders. away from cancer at the be- Last Gasp......................27 a.m. Saturday, probation and at risk of being and he eventually realized Adam Jones takes one last Brownwood Coliseum. ginning of his junior year,” kicked out of school around he needed to get it together.” swing at college life before More graduation-related Rob said. “The second was the same time. All of this graduating. stories on Pages 25-27. that Chad was on academic pushed him into a dark place, Anders → Page 1 Jump Page 1 Jump & News APRIL 27, 2017 PAGE 1 JUMP From Page 1: for who I needed to be liv- for a yearlong internship. Leadership (SWELL) pro- tournament and he said, “I Anders ing my life for,” Chad said. “I am so honored to be a gram. would like to keep the streak Due to the opportunity pre- part of such a great organiza- As relieved and happy both going, especially my last In Chad’s testimony, he sented by his brother, Chad tion, and I can’t wait to see brothers are to be graduat- year. Plus, I went to Rob’s shared how God used Rob has been transformed in Christ how God can use me through ing, they hope to have to first graduation and I al- to push him to grow up. and even received the Dr. Nat this opportunity,” Chad said. miss the May 6 Commence- most fell asleep, so I’d much “Honestly, Rob encourag- Tracy Servant Leader Award Chad will be graduating ment ceremony due to the rather be playing baseball.” ing me to work with Athletes for being such an example. next week with a bachelor’s Yellow Jackets playing in the We are wishing them in Action is what I owe my He is also proud to announce degree in Communications American Southwest Confer- both the best at the tour- huge change to. That confer- he will continue serving with with a minor in Journalism. ence Baseball Tournament. nament as well as Coach ence was where I encountered Athletes in Action on the cam- Rob will be graduating from Chad’s freshman year was Anders with summer re- Christ and learned what and pus of the University of Cen- HPU’s Master of Educa- the first time in 12 years that cruiting, and Chad as he pur- tral Arkansas after graduation tion in Sport and Wellness HPU had made it back to the sues God’s call on his life. Justice accepted into medical school prep program BY HPU MEDIA RELATIONS medical internships in our community, excelled in her courses and has been in- Howard Payne junior Han- volved in campus student nah Justice of Brownwood organizations all while con- has been accepted into the tinuing to walk with the Lord. Joint Admission Medical I couldn’t be more proud Program (JAMP). She is the of her accomplishments.” first HPU student to be ac- The JAMP application cepted into this prestigious process is identical to a tra- medical school prep program. ditional medical school ap- “I am so excited about this plication that is completed opportunity,” said Justice. the third or fourth year of “Throughout this journey, God college. For JAMP, appli- has shown me how faithful cants apply between their first He is to provide for my needs and second years of college. by opening doors that I didn’t Then, applicants who meet know existed and by aligning the initial qualifications are my passions with His will.” invited for an interview. Af- According to the JAMP ter the interview, prospective website, the program was JAMP students are notified created by the Texas Legis- as to whether they have been lature to support and encour- chosen to be in the program. age highly qualified students “Most pre-med students pursuing medical education. do not go through an appli- It provides students with cation process like this until Photos by HPU Media Relations educational and clinical later in their time at college, learning opportunities to so it was a little nerve-rack- Hannah Justice at work in the lab. Hannah Justice better equip them as they ing at times to go through it pursue careers in medicine. as an underclassman,” said Justice heard about JAMP Justice. “I wanted my ap- to take the MCAT. She will school for four years and then final thoughts about Jus- from one of her professors, plication to be the best it also participate in an intern- participate in a residency pro- tice and the JAMP program. Dr. Kristen Hutchins, associ- could be. I am thankful that ship the following summer. gram for three to five years “We’re excited to see Han- ate professor of biology and I have such wonderful pro- During her next year at to become board certified in nah progress through JAMP JAMP faculty director at HPU. fessors who have mentored HPU, she will apply to all 10 a specialty of her choosing. as she prepares at HPU for “I am thrilled that Han- me and helped me prepare.” of the medical schools in Tex- “It’s hard to decide which medical school,” said Dr. nah, who also was recently Justice will participate in as, a JAMP requirement; take specialty to go into until you Hutchins. “It is an excellent accepted to HPU’s new Bio- an internship this summer at the MCAT; and then interview experience clinical observa- opportunity that we are happy medical Science Program, the Texas A&M College of with each medical school in tions of each,” said Justice. to be part of here at HPU.” will begin as a JAMP student Medicine. She will have the Texas. Pending her MCAT “I am considering hematol- For more information about in the program’s 2017 co- opportunity to participate in score, she will be matched to ogy/oncology or infectious JAMP, contact Hutchins in hort,” said Hutchins. “Han- clinical and clerkship settings, one of the medical schools. disease, and want to serve in HPU’s School of Science and nah has actively sought out take medical school classes in Once she graduates from the medical mission field.” Mathematics at 325-649-8158 exposure to the field through basic sciences and prepare HPU, she will attend medical Hutchins shared her or [email protected]. Opinion & News PAGE 2 APRIL 27, 2017 Embrace the serendipitous opportunities college brings News Briefs I will never forget. signed up to write an article All this to say, there’s great Campus lydia heinrichs One of the most impactful for the next edition. I wrote reward in seizing the opportu- To accommodate students things I decided to do at HPU a feature on Stinger Bucks nities that college brings, even Editor in Chief came on a whim after I received and the changes in third party if they are nothing like you during final exams week, the a school-wide email with a vendors that caused a tem- expected. I promise you will Walker Memorial Library catchy graphic and the prom- porary delay that semester.
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