LUN1VERSITY NEWS Mel. 2. No. 14. ~" - • ' - CORAL GABLES, MIAMI, FLORIDA, JANUARY 30, 1929 Price Five Cents [exico j ciWK^aSSSli^l Date For Junior Prom Announced And May K. Brigel Speaks lO*~._- Tc TV-T^.r.! The so^i.VTT: Committee For Arrangements Chosen On Musical Interpretation j 016 I SO II May K. Brigel, instructor in IS 1 OplC C 57Rio£ , <*wil*l hol^-red its dnex byt ' The date for the Junior Prom is arrangements; Porter Norris, ad­ public school music, talked on n Thnrad Ja Trimmed ?T™ * »y. «°»ry 31, at all set for March 2 at the Bilt­ vertising; Peter White, inciden­ "Musical Interpretation for Chil­ A. Reed Speaks On M-dO in room 200 tals; Marjorie Welch, music and The more Country Club, so get out dren" at 11:30 a. m. Wednesday, Transportation group was organized with a your tuxes and BE THERE. This entertainment; Ron Whilley, fi­ January 23. The Book Review Miami Men Prove Too Strong Facilities t in the! year the prom will be almost ex­ nance; Eileen Pharmer, favors; Pat Symposium, under the auspices of For Deland Haters On Spanish language and people. clusively for the students. A few Arnold, program; Estelle . Meggs, the Miami League of American Patio Court The officers of the club are Rob­ of the outstanding leaders of Mi- decorations. Pen Women and the Business and ert McNichol, president, and Ra­ ami will be invited to attend. Farr'a The Junior class is holding week­ Professional Women's Club, was Roads Improved mona McMahon, secretary-treas- ly meetings each Wednesday at held at the Columbus Hotel the urer. Freshmen and the Melody Boy3 35 to 13, Game's Score will furnish music and entertain­ 12:30 in room 202 for the purpose same day at 8 p. m. J. Beamish Tells Of ment. Other features of the eve­ of completing arrangements for Hoover Trip Through STUDENTS ning's program will remain a se­ the Prom. All juniors are urged Hansen. Ashman, Catha, Star Americas SEE SLIDES cret till the event takes place. to attend these meetings. JACK THOMPSON For Hurricane "Red" Franklin, president of the The committee members are each CHOSEN EDITOR Quintet Pictures of Research Trips Junior Class announced the mem­ to .hoose their own assistants in llama caravan of South Viewed By Science bers for the Junior Prom commit­ the work and to report the same Senate Elects New Head tee of which he is the chairman. to Alfred Franklin at the earliest of rka is being replaced by the Classes The University- It was Stetson! Stetson Univer­ rican Ford," said William A. Francis Houghtaling has charge of possible date. News sity from Deland, our great old the foreign trade master of Jay F. W. Pearson, assistant rivals! And'they had come down Psn-American Union, in his professor of Zoology, showed lan­ Jack Thompson, a junior in the to Miami to carry away a victory tern slides of his trips to British IBIS STAFF Chamber of Music Society school of liberal arts, was elected in basketball as they did in foot­ ; at the round table at the Ro- Gives Concert Thursday | Plaza Hotel Friday night, Jan- Guinea and the Sargrasso Sea, to editor-in-chief of the University ball in mid-November. But, a the students of the botony and zoo­ HAS MEETING surprise awaited them. • 25. Mr. Reed, who was leav- The first concert of the 1928-29 News at the Senate meeting Thurs­ logy classes last week. These pic­ The night was calm and beauti­ for Washington that evening, Solicitors For Annual An­ season by the Chamber of Music day, January 17. He will take over tures, in conjunction with lectures, ful as five red and five green clad i jiven first place on the pro- nounced By Society of the University of Miami his duties and appoint his new basketeers stepped on the patio i instead of Dr. Victor Andres were designed to show the more Manager was given Thursday evening, Jan­ staff at the beginning of the sec­ court sheltered only by the stars nde, conductor of the forum interesting plants and animals uary 24, at 8:30 o'clock in the ond semester. and a clear sky. All the specta­ subject for the evening was which cannot be studied in the lab­ Solicitors for the annual were Spanish room of the Roney Plaza The newly elected editor comes tors were wondering what the re­ co and her relations with the oratory. Much interest is being announced by Francis Houghtal­ Hotel, Miami Beach. from the University of Florida, manifested in the trip to British sult would be for the Hatters had States. Mr..Reed, who is ing, business manager, at the meet­ The Chamber Music Society trio where he was editor of the Blue proved powerful against a strong liar with South and Central Guinea which Mr. Pearson will con­ ing of the business staff Thurs­ has the same personnel as last sea­ Gator, and a member of Delta Tau local quintet the preceding night. ca, told of the transportation duct this summer and on which day evening. The assistant circu­ son—Arnold Volpe, violinist; Han­ Delta, Blue Key and Pi Delta Ep­ But from the first tip off till the _es to be found in these many students are expected to go. lation managers are, Esther Lowe, nah Spiro Asher, pianist, and Wal­ silon, honorary journalistic society, end of the game, the velocity of em countries. Mexico, • he The first series of pictures was fraternities, Jack Daly, sororities ter Grossman, cellist. manager of the basketball team the Hurricanes was great. It be­ has perhaps the best roads taken at Wm. Beebe's tropical re­ and Fay Swisher. and assistant freshman basketball This trio, with its fine musician­ gan blowing at the beginning and I traveling conveniences between search laboratory at Kartabo, Esther Lowe's assistants are: coach. ship, scholarly readings and tech­ by the end of the first half the i chief cities than any other na- British Guinea. Mr. Beebe is well- Otto Sieplein, Phi Alpha; Dick Since coming to the University nical equipment, has made a large gale was so strong the points that of the south. Mexico, like known as a writer and naturalist Pomeroy, Pi Chi; Shirley Dix, Sig­ of Miami in October, Jack has be contribution to the musical life of belonged to the Hatters had been and is also director of Tropical Re­ ma Kappa; Clifton Larsen, Delta come interested in several outside • nations of the world, is leav- Miami. blown so far away there were only search for the New York Zoological Gamma; Jack Daly, Pi Kappa Mu; activities. He is a member of \ the ground and is taking to the Among the numbers on the pro­ 2 while the Hurricane team had Society. Among the interesting Wayne Remley, Phi Delta Sigma. Wing and Wig, Literature Study Transportation and air mail gram Thursday evening are: been able to blow 22 their way. animals captured and eaten by the Jack Daly's assistants are: Es­ Club, Stray**Greek Society, and ,s are being established be. D Minor Trio, Mendelssohn, and A party were iguanas, sloths (giant telle Brettschneider, Lambda Phi; now coaching the chorus for "On­ It was near the middle of the L the important cities. A new Minor Trio, Tschaikowsky. lizards,) red howler monkeys and Faye Weintraub, Upsilon Lambda ward Oswald," student musical second half before the Hatters > has been established between agouti, a kind of rodent. Mr. Pear­ Phi; Helen Hutchinson, Alpha Del­ comedy to be produced in the near were able to pass the ball through teoast and Bogota, lessening the Der Deutsche Verein son conducted students from the ta; Katherine Pennington, Theta future. the strong opposition and shoot it i which is two weeks by boat, University of Pittsburgh on this Epsilon; Marjorie Howard, Zeta Show Well Received through their loops and that was days by air. trip. Phi; Louise Falligant, Sigma IJJy; c erding to Mr. Reed, "air apm 1 •• _____ft I kt -amm •• •*.*£_. W K <*m.h_4.ii*tttotr The second series of pictures was Louise Gibbons, Theta Tau. An intensely interesting and a sportation is one of the most taken on the research expedition Fay Swisher's assistants are: very unusual performance was of the starting line-up. Then some ful influences in keeping GIVES BANQUET led by Mr. Beebe to the Sargasso Helen Eunice, Bernard Pahls, and given by Der Deutsche Verein of them charged too hard and the in the western hemisphere." Sea and the Galapagus Islands. three others to be appointed later. Thursday afternoon. Hatters shot three foul goals. Near summing up the Mexican Party Is Farewell For Ruth the end of the game they regis­ Well-known men in the party in­ Work is already well on the way. All the announcements were in tion, Dr. Belaunde said that Bryan Owen Before tered three field goals to make cluded Don Dickermann, artist and German, with the exception of the sn history has been a con- Departure their score of 13 while the Hur­ creator of New York's cafes, Pi­ Camera Club Members To few words outlining the plot of the I tragedy, not because she has ricanes had been able to pile up rates Den, Blue Horse, County Compete For Money Prize delightful comedy, "Einer Musst' Ruth Bryan Owen was honored I revolutions, but because these 35. Fair, and Heigh Ho. Others were Heiraten," which was the main fea­ with a farewell banquet, given by ntions have failed in their Prizes for the best snapshots of E.
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