2ND Sunday of the Great Fast (Lent) ОГОЛОШЕННЯ і ПОВІДОМЛЕННЯ WEEKLY COLLECTION / DEPOSIT (2/28/2021) Weekend Of: 2/21/2021 ПОТРЕБА- Наша секретарка п. Анна Лукасик після довгих 15-ти років наполегливої і самовідданої праці, у грудні 2021 року буде залишати свою працю Weekly $ 2,456.00 TONE: 6 секретаря цвинтарного і церковного офісу. З цієї причини, нам буде потрібно Intital / Dues $ 300.00 нового працівника на цій позиції. Усіх бажаючих отримати цю працю, просимо The Sacrifice of Praise (Eng) Page 88, 112 зголоситися до о. Ігоря Касіян, або до церковного офісу на ном. тел 440-843-9149, Let Us Lift Up Our Hearts (Ukr) Page 47, 98 Energy $ 80.00 Eparchial $ 35.00 а також, виповнити відповідну аплікацію. Аплікант мусить вміти користуватися Scripture readings for Sunday Maint/Beautif. $ 35.00 комп’ютером, і знати як працювати з програмами ЕХCEL, WORD and QUICKBOOKS. Ця позиція є платною. Epistle: Heb 1: 10-2; 3 Candles $ 262.00 Gospel: Mk 2: 1-12 Special gift $ 140.00 СОРОКОУСТЕ- Просимо усіх наших парафіян виповнити спеціяльну конвертку (за We kindly ask that no one visit the In Memory Of $ 400.00 17 січня 2021р) із позначкою СОРОКОУСТЕ. На тій конвертці просимо вказати church/cemetery office. Please call and leave a Easter Décor $ 260.00 ТІЛЬКИ ПЕРШІ ІМЕНА померлих, а в кінці зазначіть від кого є ця конвертка і суму вашої добровільної пожертви. voicemail at the church office (440-843-9149) if Church Deposit $ 3,968.00 you have an urgent issue. Church office remains closed through this COVID pandemic. Cemetery Deposit $ 1,395.00 СПІВЧУТТЯ- Висловлюємо наше глибоке співчуття рідним і близьким померлої нашої парафіянки + Оленки Хміляк, яка була похоронена з нашої церкви у вівторок 23-го лютого 2021р. Вічная їй пам'ять! Liturgy Intentions & Confession Schedule: Saturday 2/27 9:00AM +Maria Bodnar (Irene Malysewycz) ЦВИНТАР- Повідомлямо усіх наших вірних про те,що наш єпархіяльний цвинтар у SOROKOUSTY – Names of deceased read aloud зв’язку із погодніми умовами буде закритий на протязі місяця лютого для приватних 3:30PM Confession / Reconciliation відвідувань. Дякуємо усім за розуміння! 4:30PM For the People of the Parish +Elisabeth & Gehard Semiller (Mary & Olga Rusyniak) ПОДЯКА- Щиро дякуємо нашим жертводавцям, які минулого тижня зложили свої Sunday 2/28 9:30AM +Maria, +Teodor & +Teodozia (Kosc Family) пожертви на потреби нашої церкви, а зокрема п. Анна Лішнянський пожертвувала в 12:00NN +Wolodymyr & Stefania Choma (Choma & Sywyj пам'ять свого померлого чоловіка +Юрія Лішнянського $300.00, родина Families) Блажиевський в пам’ять померлих +Володимира і +Даниїли пожертвували $100.00 і Wednesday 3/3 6:30PM Pre-Sanctified Service (English) анонімний жертводавець пожертвував $140.00 . Многая вам літа!!! Saturday 3/6 9:00AM +Taras Ivashchuk (40-day Panakhyda) (Family) SOROKOUSTY – Names of deceased read aloud СМАЖЕНА РИБА- Цього року кожної п’ятниці від год. 5:00 до 7:00 вечора у часі 3:30PM Confession / Reconciliation Великого посту, ми плануємо продавати рибні обіди ( ТІЛЬКИ НА ВИНІС). З цієї 4:30PM For the People of the Parish нагоди просимо усіх волонтерів записуватися на спеціяльну листу, яка є при виході +Msgr. Michael Poloway (Mary & Olga Rusyniak) із нашої церкви. Sunday 3/7 9:30AM +Maria & +Olexa (Kosc Family) 12:00NN +Wasyl & Anna Rusyniak (Olga & Mary Rusyniak) ПИРОГИ-Наші працівники при пирогах знову повернулися назад до праці. Щиро Please remember that the COVID19 virus is still very active within our community, therefore, просимо усіх парафіян приходити і допомагати нам при пирогах у такі дні тижня: please follow (at minimum) these guidelines: 1. If you are not feeling well, please stay home. Pray at Вівторок –від год. 6:00 до 8:00 веч. Середа – від год. 6:00 до 8:00 веч. і Четвер- від home by watching our streaming services on Facebook. 2. Please use hand sanitizer upon entering the год. 9:00 ранку до 12:00 обіду. church. 3. Please use social distancing (6 feet) while sitting in pews. 4. Face masks are required unless you have medical condition or are under the age of 10. These guidelines are modified to stay in ФІНАНСОВИЙ ЗВІТ- Усі наші парафіяни, кому потрібно (для податків) фінасовий compliance with Ohio regulations. звіт від церкви за 2020р, мусять зголоситися до нашого церковного офісу, і ми вам вишлемо звіт письмово, або через електронну пошту. Pre-Sanctified Services – As a reminder we suspend weekday morning Liturgies during Lent. On Wednesday’s we will have Pre-Sanctified Service at 6:30pm in English. All are encouraged to attend these special weekly Lenten services. Our Sympathies – We extend our most heartfelt sympathies to the family and friends of +Eleanor Chmilak who was buried from St. Andrew Ukrainian Catholic Church on Tuesday, February 23, 2021. May +Eleanor rest in peace and her memory be eternal. Вічная Память! NEWS & INFORMATION … PAGE 2 NEWS & INFORMATION … PAGE 1 Requiem Prayer Service for the Victims of COVID-19 (Saturday, March The three pillars of Lent are Fasting, Good Works and Prayer. This year, let 20 at 4:30pm) – During the Great Fast, we ask that all Ukrainian faithful Lent make a difference in your life! Second Sunday of Lent – Sunday of St. gather in liturgical prayer for the victims of COVID-19 pandemic. Each of us Gregory Palamas: St. Gregory encourages us to keep praying and working to live a knows COVID-19 victims, their families, healthcare workers, volunteers, and all Christian life. In this second week of Lent, we are encouraged to examine our hearts those on the front lines during this perilous time. Let us celebrate our beloved faithful as a and look to God for strength and comfort. Do You Want to Fast This Lent? (Words community. of Pope Francis) – Fast from anger and be filled with patience. Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope. Saint Josaphat Eparchy's Religious Education Office is planning Zoom conference Fasting Reminders: Abstinence from meat on all Fridays during Lent. Voluntary abstinence from entitled Family-Pope Francis Amoris Leatitia, and Covid-19 pandemic on Sunday, meat on all Wednesdays during Lent. These reminders are not binding for persons 60 or older, the March 21, 2021 from 4pm to 6pm. To register, please contact Sr. Ann Laszok, poor, sick, nursing or pregnant women, children before the age of 14, and those who engage in OSBM at [email protected] no later than March 18, 2021. Presenters: Ann Koshute – physically hard labor. Remember, it is vital that you must be healthy to perform fasting Pope Franci’s Amoris Laetitia in light of the pandemic; Dr. Bohdanna Dobrowolska – Dealing and abstinence during COVID pandemic. If you are ill, disregard the abstinence regulation and seek your medical help. with stress in the family during the pandemic; and, Msgr Peter Waslo – Annulments: the 8th Sacrament of the Church. [Letter] Great Fast Pastoral of the Ukrainian Catholic Hierarchy of the USA to Our Clergy, Religious Brothers and Sisters and to all Beloved Faithful – Copies Employment Opportunities at St. Andrew - We continue to look for someone to of Letter (Eng & Ukr) are located in the church vestibule AND on the St Josaphat work in the Church/Cemetery Office as Anna will be leaving at the end of 2021. We Eparchial Website www.stjosaphateparchy.com are also looking for a support services team (1 or 2 people) to help with hall rentals (table set-up and cleaning). If you or someone you know are interested in these A Spiritual Journey into Great Lent – All faithful are invited to a virtual paid positions, please contact the church office as soon as possible (440-843-9149). interactive spiritual retreat with Most. Rev. Bishop Bohdan Danylo on Saturday, March 13, 2021 (1:00pm to 3:30pm). To register online: St. Andrew Church is looking for a Webmaster – Please contact Anna www.leagueofukrainiancatholics.org Other guest speakers include Fr. Andriy at the church office (440/843-9149 or [email protected]) if you or Kelt and Deacon Anthony Dragani. (Note: This is a great opportunity as we someone you know can help us develop a new website for our Church. do not think St. Andrew Church will have a Lenten Mission this year.) This will require an understanding of our current platform and creating THANK YOU! We wish to thank the Mrs. Anna Liszniansky and Family for their gift of (managing) a new format and platform going forward. $300.00 in memory of +George Liszniansky. God bless you for this remembrance gift. We also thank the Blazhiyevsky Family for their gift of $100 in memory of +Danayila & 2020 Church Tax Statements: Statements are now available. If you want a +Volodymyr. And lastly, we thank an anonymous donor for their gift of $140.00. God copy for your records, please contact the church office and we will either email a bless you each of you for your kind gifts! copy to you or mail a hard-copy to your home. St. Andrew Pyrohy Sales – We need help during Lent. If you would like to help, please see Bohdan Burdiak for Fr. Ihor Kasiyan after Liturgy (or call At this time, we ask that you remember to pray for our friends and family members who are home-bound, ill, recovering from surgery, receiving treatment or afflicted church office). with COVID-19 during this Lenten Season: O God, your Son accepted our sufferings to teach us the virtue of patience in human illness. Hear the prayers we offer for our sick THIS FRIDAY! 2021 Lenten Fish Fry (3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26 from 5:00pm to brothers and sisters. May all who suffer pain, illness or disease realize that they are chosen 7:00pm) – TAKE-OUT ONLY Fish Fry. The menu is smaller and we will to be saints, and know that they are joined to Christ in his suffering for the salvation of the NOT need bakery this year.
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