. , . / .. " •.~. <:~.: . ABB A SEVENTH-DAY .BAPTIST WEEKLY, PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN SABBATH TRACT SOCIETY, PLAINFIELD, N. J. " VOLUME 52. No. 10. .~ARCH 9, 1896. WHOLE No. 26()a, ." ." ~.,., . 1"- CONTENTS. Bm'J.'OlUAL/:;. Immortality-Poetry............................ ....... 146 Para.graphs........................... ~................. ..... 146 NEWS AND COMMENTH. Paragl'aphs.................. ~..... .......................... 147 Cowfmnu'fED EDITORIALS. Sabbath-keeping on the Pacific............. ........ 147 SUPPL1CATIONSAND PROMISES. ~rhat Thy Faith Fail Not ............................. 14:7, 141; ~rl'act Society Receipts...... .................................. 148 NCLINE yOUI' ear, alld COlne unto IDe: hear,and you)' 'rhe Causes of Death............................................ 148 soul shall1ive: 'and I will make au everlasting cove­ HISTOUY AND BIOGRAPHY. nant with you, even the sure mercies of David. ~rhe Fayorable Conditions Attentlillg' . the Formation and Existence of the 'Val- 'Enter not· into judgment with thy servant, ,,"orth Church ............................................ 148, 14!) o Lord. l{eply to C. H. P ................................................... 14H MISSIONS. There is therefore now no condemnation to thml1 that are ParagraphH................................................... 100 in Christ Jesus. From Christen Swendsen .............................. 150 Create in IIle a clean heart, 0 God; and renew a rig'ht From·F. J. Bakker ................. :...................... 150 'Vhat Brings Peace? ................................... .. 150 spirit within nle. 'Vounding Christ in the House of His Fl'iends I 151 A new heart will I g'ive you, and a new spirit will I put ~rreasurer's Iteport ....................................... 151. within you; and I will take away the stony heart out of your WOMAN'S WORK. flesh, and I will give you a, heart of flesh." The Strength of t,he Hills is His also- PoetI·y .................................................... 152 Unto thee will I cry, 0 Lord, Iny rock; be not silent unto I~'l'om North Carolina: ................................... · 1.52 Ine. 'rbl'ee Japanese Girls ..................................... 152, 153 Before they call I will answer: and while they are yet HOME NEWS. Ne,v York, Colorado.. ...... ..................... ........ 153 speaking' I will h€ar. or OUNG PEOPLE'S WORK. For thy nanIe's sake, 0 Lord, pardon rnine iniquity, for Paragraphs .................................... :.............. 154 it is great. Prayer meeting Topic................................... 154 Your sins are forgiven you, for his nanle~s sake. The Pledge-Its. Joys and its Requirements.. 154 OlII' il'linol'-Paragraphs ........... ................... 154 Our backslidings are many; 'we have sinned against thee. Silent Evangelism ........_ ........................... 154, 155 I will heal their backsliding', T will love then1 freely. How to Help a Meeting........................... 155 " Elevators and Creameries." .................... ......... 155 Oh, satisfy us early with thy mercy: that we may rejoice ()ne-Cent Association... ............... ........... ............. 155 and be glad all oUl'days. How to I..Iove ...................................... :............... 155 CHILDREN'S PAGE. ,- ::\Iy people shall be satisfied ~vith illy goodness. Madeline and I-Poetry................................ 156 The Keeper of the Door.!................................ ] 56 Blessed be the Lord, because he hath heard the voice of .A.. few Dogs. ....... ........... .............. ..... ....... ....... 156 Iny supplications. ~ SABBATH-SCHOOL. Lesson for March 14, 1896, -Teaching' Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling', and About Prayer.......... ~................................ 157 to present you faultless before the pl'esence' of his glory with Mrs. Philip S. Greene................. ........................ ] 57 Mizpah Mission ..................... ............................... 157 exceeding joy, ~. : POPULAR SCIENCl£. Ma.king Fire ...... ~............................................ 1.58 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty. , Gold in the Transvaal. ......................... ;........ 158 donli~ion and power, both now and ever. Amen. Divine Healing.................................................... 158 .... SPECIAL NOTICES.................................................. 158 MARRIAGES ••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••.••..••.••.•••••••••• 159 DEATHS................................................................ 159 LITERARY NOTES ••••••••••••.••••••••••.••••••••••• ~............. In9 Do BirdB Reason? ......... ................ ....................... 159 Character in Life................................................. 15n LOCAL AGENTS .....................:oo ....................... oo..... ·160 BUSINESS DIRECTORy............................................ 160 CATALOGUE 01" PUBLlC}ATIONS.............................. 160 ",,·$2.00 1\ YEAR BABCOCK BUILDING· PLAINFIELD N J , .~, -: . 1461 THE SABBATH RECOR:DER. , , being circulated in, the st'ate.. Notwithstand- Mississippi,.Alabama, Misso.uri~ I{entucky I Sabbath Recorder. ing all this~-6ur two cDrreEpDndents"frDm and Tennessee, has been won chiefly by the J New Enp;land, declai'e, with great cDilfidenc~ cDunty metho.d," [of local Dptio.n]. Every fODt REV. 1~. E. LIVERMORE, Editor. in their opinions, that the go.vernment do.es Df territorytha,t can be wrested frDm the grasp . REV. L. C. HANDOLPH,Chicago, Ill., Contributing ~d. no.t issue any permits! What is the matte.r Df this mDnster hydra is so luuch gaiI~ed fDr CORRESPONDING EDI'l'OU8. with the Go.yernDr of I{ansas, the Christian the cal~se Df peace and sDbriet.y. It -has been HEY. O.,D. \VHI'l'l!'ORD, D. D., Westerly, R. I., Missions. ,', , ; .. \ lawyers, the clergymen? Ho.W do.es oUr well- objected th~t local o.ptio.n· is allied -to. license. HEV. W. C. WHl'l'l!'ORD,.D. Dr; Milton, \Vis., Historical. 1 d tid d bl f' d PROl<'. EDW~N SHAW, Milton, 'Wis" Young People's Work. {no.wn an mDS ' earne an a e l'len , It leaves it fDr the peo.ple to. say, and if they MRS. R.T. ROGEUS, Waterville, Maine, Woman's Work. BishDp Vincent, CDme to. fall so. s~ddenly be­ vo.te for the' saldo'n : the peDple -must submit. hind the t.imes and make such egregio.us blun­ Verytl'ue, but ",;hy is nDt pro.hibitio.n, as a ders as to. petitio.n Co.ngress to. pS,ss such a part,y measure, lia.ble to. the same charge ?' If J. P. MOSHER, Plainfield, N. J., Business Manager. , , --------------- _. _._-. - ---------_ .. --_._----_._-----.-~-- -" ---.-.. ------'-.---- bill when no. such permits are granted? , saloo.nistso.ut-vDte', thepro.hibitiDnits and so. Entered U8 Second·CluBS mail matter at the Plaiilfield,(N. J. )Post- Office, March 12, 1895. ' secure the sale, theprohibitio.n theory wo.uld ,\VE clip the fo.llo.wing- stroilg lanp;uage in be just us much allied to the traffic in that IMMORTALITY. favo.r Df the Bible, and the Bible only, as a case as the Io.cal DptiDn theDry wDuld in their It must be so-Plato thou reasone~t well ! Else whence this pleasing hope, this fond desir-e, rule o.f faith and practiee, frDm the Biblical, issue. 'Give the peDple a chance at thesalo.Dns } '1'bis longing after immortality'? Recorder, Df Raleigh, N. C., Feb. 26. Now, alDne and they will vo.te' them DU t in large Or whence thiR secret dread or inwa.rd horror Of falling into naught·? Why shrinks the soul ,"viII the editDr Df the Biblical Recorder permit areas where now t.he curse is upon them. nack on herself, and startles at destruction? us to. inquire if he will stand by his o.wn po.si­ '1'is the divinity that stirs within us; "ris heaven itself that points out an hereafter tio.n in its applicatio.n to. t,he FDurth CDm­ WHILE many, and perhaps we may say the And intimates Eternity to ma.n. mandment? If he will, there need be no. cou­ -AddisOIl. masses, o.f Christian peo.ple, had co.me to. lo.o.k trO-Y~rsy between hhu and Seventh-day Bap­ with interest and sympathy uPo.n the mo.ve­ tists. If he will no.t, then in what essential " A l\Iowl' ridiculDus farce is being perpetrated ments o.f the Salvation Arlny, and to. reco.g­ I ' do.es he differ frDIn the "president Df a great I' .' every ,,-eek in enfDrcing the Sunday law in nize it as a pDwer fo.r gDo.d in, certain circles university, (which was o.nce called Baptist) " SDlne Df our cities. In New Yo.rk, Sunday, not usually reached to. any gTeat, extent by Dr "a few ardent, half-infidel woulan-suffrag­ the churches, still the recent develo.pments Df ':> " Feb. 16, the prDprietDr Df a barber ShDP CDll­ ists?" . If the Fo.urth Co.mmandment nlay be cluaed to. shave himself, the ShDP having been its dangerDusly auto.cratic nature h~ve H changed by hllluall 8,utho.rity, and so main­ , , closed to. custo.mers, accDrding to. the provis­ o.pened the eyes Df many peDple to. Ao.me o.f its tained by the Christian church, why nDt any ,.i iDIl o.f the recent law. He called the bDY to. essential weaknesses. In the first place, it o.ther cDrnInandment Dr passage in the Bible? lather his face. A keen-eyed pDliceman dis­ seems to. be ,vauting in the necessary elements I(indly enlighten us, Bro. Bailey: covered this wicked act, and demanding ad­ o.f stability to. g'ive such an o.rganizatiDn the mission, pro.ceeded at o.nce to. arrest the bDY. rrhe rebellion ag'ainst the Almighty is more wide- highest success. It is not o.rganized upo.n the After keepinp; him all night lo.cked up as a spread than one would think; and it. is strongest. in the Scriptural
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