forf" L-H LjCtlcX. v. 37 ) i31 - 1 MinIIi IIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIMHIUtlllMHHHMIIIIIIIIIMII C~< THE BRANDING IRMIIWOMWHIMMWMUMNIIMIIIIMimmWIII MIIIIMIIIIIHinilllll IIIIIIIIIIIMIIMII — iiiiiiiiiiiniiiMiumiMiMMiiMmiuiiHiiMiiiniiiiiiMinmuHmII1 IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING — THE COOLEST SUMMER SCHOOL IN THE U.S.A. ••••»•• ft! „ """"""" "" NUMBER 1. VOLUME XXXVII. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING, LARAMIE, WYOMING, FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1931 Big Mixer Tonight in University Gymnasium ff A. S. U. W. G et A cquainted 712 Students Register; f / Summer Session Calendar Party I s F irst Social E vent New High Record Looms Mixer and Dance, Big Gym. June 19 University Picnic, Middle Crow Creek June 20 Goeds and Cowboys from Widely Separated States Students from Wyoming and Out-of State Enrolled; to Join in Fun and Frolic at Dance and Possibility of New High Record with A Cappella Choir, Little Theatre.. J une 22 Mixer in Big Gymnasium Summer Camp. Coed Ball, for Women only. .June 26 The first A. S. U. W. function of the 1931 summer session Thursday afternoon 712 students had completed registration Steak Fry, for Men.. J uly 8 is scheduled for Friday night of this week in the big gym. As :n in the University of Wyoming summer school. There was a bare past years it will take the form of a mixer and dance and will University Dance .July 10 possibility that a new high record in registration might be set by be open to all holders of A. S. U. W. t ickets. - the time the students in the summer camp had completed regis­ University Dance July 17 This is the first social function of tration. They will register Monday. a new summer session. Good music Students were registered from all has been engaged for the affair and a COACHING SCHOOL Wyoming Athletic of the surrounding states and from good time may be had by those par­ many of the distant ones. ticipating. NICHOLS TO HEAD COED BALL TO BE The dance is scheduled to take TO OPEN JULY 6 Schedules for Next At this same time last year regis­ place at 8:30 in the big gymnasium tration was not as heavy as this year, A two-week's coaching course, July SUMMERA. S. U. W. NEXT FRIDAY on Friday evening. and with the addition of two new In past summers the first mixer 6 to 18, has been announced at the courses, one for county superintend­ Year A re Complete Dean Nichols will head the A. S. Next Friday night the coeds of the has proven to be successful. A sort- University of Wyoming this summer, ents, who will register a week from U. W. for the summer session. Orpha campus will trip the light fantastic— of "get-acquainted" atmosphere pre­ to be given in conjunction with the The schedules for seven University Monday, and the other for coaches, Wickersham is secretary. alone. Preparations are already be­ vails during this affair that has tend­ regular summer school. of Wyoming athletic teams have been who will register the 6th of July, it is ing made for the annual event, cos­ The coaching school will be under announced by the Rocky Mountain This is Nichols' seventh summer ed to remove all thoughts of formal­ expected that enrollment will surpass school at the University of Wyoming. tumes prepared and mannerisms per­ ity. From the size of the student the direction and supervision of Coach Conference schedule makers for the anything in previous years. fected. \ John R. "Choppy" Rhodes, head foot­ coming year. Twelve basketball During previous sessions he has been body and the general look of things, Classes are also being held in the The girls go in couples, one dressea ball mentor at the University. Thru games are listed for the Cowboys, editor of the Branding Iron and a it is thought that this will be the University Elementary training as a girl and the other as a boy—and his efforts an unusually large amount the same teams being played next member of the executive committee most successful summer social sea­ school, with 110 children in attend­ some of the "creations" are enough of coaching talent will be available year as last. A new feature for the of the A. S. U. W. two or three times. son experienced at Wyoming. ance. to win the heart of any simple lass. for the school. The staff .besides Cowboys and an addition to the Wyo­ At the close of the last summer ses­ The affair is for coeds only-—but those already at the University of ming schedule is the reappearance of sion he was elected president of the sometimes a "real" boy gets lucky Wyoming now, will include D. X. baseball after an absence of many WYOMING FARMERS A. S. U. W. For the past three years Nichols has been teaching in Pendle­ enough to crash the gate as a dis­ Geologists W ill Bible, head football coach at Nebra­ years."' GET $68,000.00 IN ton, Ore. guised female. Fellows nave been ska, and William H. Dietz, known as The Wyoming schedules: FEDERAL LOANS Other members of the executive known to get in and danc* most of Enroll M onday "Lone Star" Dietz, now head foot- Basketball—Western State, Lara­ the evening without detection. Bat bail coach at Haskell Institute at committee are Orpha Wickersham, Next Monday enrollment will be­ mie, Jan. 8, 9; Colo. Teachers, Greeley Federal loans totaling $68,249.54 when the blue of the eyes and the Lawrence, Kansas. A. H. Chittim, Miss Cauly and Elton gin for geologists at the University Jan. 15; C. U., Boulder, Jan. 22; D. have been made to 319 farmers of curl of the hair becomes too win­ Those already on the coaching staff Boyd. summer camp above Centennial. Pre­ U., Denver, Jan. 29; D. U., Laramie, northeastern Wyoming this spring some, then out he goes, for the girls at the University will give valuable At a meeting of this committee vious indications point to greater Feb. 5; C. C., Laramie, Feb. 12, 13; for the purchase of seed and fuel for are very jealous. aid to Mr. Rhodes in connection with Monday evening the - following com­ attendance than that of last year. C. U., Laramie, Feb. 16; Colo. Aggies, tractors, according to reports of mittees were appointed, to be active Prizes are usually awarded the this school. These include John R. Ft. Collins, Feb. 19, 20; Colo. Teach­ county agricultural agents. This best couple. So far there have been Eighteen full time students in geol­ Corbett, Raymond Frazer,, William thruout the summer session. ogy and seven full time students in ers, Laramie, Feb. 27. money was made available through a no male winners. Lee, Cedric Porter, Clarence Raisch, Athletic and Recreation—T. Elton botany are already registered. Be­ Tennis—D. U., Denver, May 11; special bill passed by Congress for and Willard Witte. Witte was bas­ Boyd, chairman; Coach Corbett, Miss sides these, there will be thirty stu­ Colo. Teachers, Greeley, May 12; C. drought relief purposes, particularly Professor Wilson O. Clough return­ ketball coach at Wyoming, and pro­ DesEnfants and Alice Hocker. dents employed at the camp. A. C., Fort Collins, May 13; C. U., in the southern and western states. ed last week from the University of duced a team, in his first year of Social — Dean Nichols, chairman; Thus far, students from all over Boulder, May 14; Conference, Greeley Loans were made only to those who Wisconsin where he has been study­ coaching experience, that won the Mrs. Dunnewald, Fay Smith, Dr. ing for the past year. Mr. Clough the ocuntry comprise those register­ on May 20, 21. had exhausted other means of credit Eastern Division title, and were nosed Butscher, Lillian Portenier, Mrs. El­ ed. Idaho, Illinois, Oklahoma, Ohio, Swimming—Colo. Teachers, Lara­ and in no way competed with the is one of the instructors in the Eng­ out by Utah in the championship ton Boyd, Mrs. Iris MacCormick, C. Connecticut, Minnesota, New Jersey, mie, Jan. 30; C. U., Laramie, Feb. 6; business of local banks. Applications lish department. series for the title by one point. H. Blanchard and A. H. Chittim. and Wyoming are states that will be Conference, Boulder, Feb. 27. had to be approved by a local board The coaching school offers a rare Publicity and Publications — Miss It is reported that Jean Nimmo, represented at the camp. Gymnastics—Colo. Teachers, Lara­ organized for the purpose and loans opportunity to Wyoming high school Cauly, Miss Gottschalk, N. C. John­ Cheyenne, well known as a former Full time courses in botany, geol­ mie, Jan. 30; C. U., Boulder, Feb. 6; secured by a mortgage on the crops coaches to learn "new tricks" for a son and Glessa Tucker. student here, is at present leading ogy and zoology, as well as combi­ C. A. C., Laramie, Feb. 20; Confer­ planted. very old trade. Football, basketball Student Loan — Dean Maxwell, the race in Cheyenne for "Miss Fron­ nations, are given at the camp. There ence, Laramie, Feb. 27. County agents have given a great and swimming will be specialized in chairman; Orpha Wickersham, Deane tier." was some hesitation as to the advisa­ Baseball—C. U., Boulder, April 5; deal of time this spring and have during these two weeks. Wyoming Hunton and Miss Kreuger. Fay Smith bility of slowing part time ocurses to Colo. Teachers, Greeley, April 22; borne a good deal of responsibility in athletes will be on hand to demon­ acts as secretary. be given this year. Colo. Teachers, Laramie, May 7; D. serving as contact men for the De­ strate points brought out by the in­ MEN WILL FRY BEEF Each year the geology students, un­ U., Laramie, May 28; D.
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