the C o u riejuly-augustSeptember r 1998 HigherHigher JJeremyeremy RifkinRifkin educatioeducation...n... againstagainst aa brave andand after?after? new world ProwlingProwling cybersnoopercybersnooperss Contents September 1998 51st year Published monthly in 28 languages and in Braille by the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization. PEOPLE AND PLAC E S 31,rue François Bonvin,75732 Paris Cedex 15 France Fax:(33) (0) - (33) (0) e-mail:[email protected] Hopes and dreams of A l g e r i a ’s youth Dalila Ta l e b Internet:http://www.unesco.org 3 Director:René Lefort Editor in chief:Sophie Bessis Secretary, Director’s Office/Braille editions: E D I TO R I A L Annie Brachet (Tel:(33) (0) Editorial staff (Paris) English edition:Roy Malkin 9 P ro g ress for whom? Federico Mayor Spanish edition:Araceli Ortiz de Urbina Sophie Boukhari Lucia Iglesias Kuntz Amy Otchet P L A N E T Seydou Amadou Oumarou Jasmina Sopova 1 0 Mutants on the menu France Bequette Translation Miguel Labarca Glenn Naumovitz WORLD OF LEARNING Art and production unit:Georges Servat Page layout and design:Eric Frogé Illustrations:Ariane Bailey (Tel:(33) (0) Documentation:José Banaag (Tel:(33) (0) 1 4 C o l o m b i a ’s community mothers Antoine de To u r n e m i r e Liaison with non-Headquarters editions and press: Solange Belin (Tel:33 (0) Administrative Assistant: Theresa Pinck DOSSIER (Tel:(33) (0) 1 Editorial Committee René Lefort (moderator), Jérome Bindé, Milagros del Corral, 1 7 Higher education—and after? Alcino Da Costa, Babacar Fal l , Sue Wi l l i a m s Non-headquarters editions 1 8 Shaking the ivory tower Peter Scott Russian:Irina Utkina (Moscow) German:Dominique Anderes (Berne) Arabic: Fawzi Abdel Zaher (Cairo) 19 Four pillars of wisdom Guy Neave Italian:Gianluca Formichi (Rome) Hindi:Ganga Prasad Vimal (Delhi) 22 What do students want? A .M c C a t h i e / A . N. S u k a r s o n o Tamil:M.Mohammed Mustafa (Madras) Persian: Jalil Shahi (Teheran) Portuguese:Alzira Alves de Abreu (Rio de Janeiro) 2 4 Wa n t e d : a new deal for the univers i t i e s Miguel Angel Escotet Ur d u : Mirza Muhammad Mushir (Islamabad) Catalan:Joan Carreras i Martí (Barcelona) 2 6 Vision and action for the next century A.Ortiz deUrbina Malay:Sidin Ahmad Ishak (Kuala Lumpur) Swahili:Leonard J. Shuma (Dar-es-Salaam) Sl o v e n e : Aleksandra Kornhauser (Ljubljana) 2 8 Turkey:a course for the future Necla A r a t Chinese: Feng Mingxia (Beijing) Bulgarian:Dragomir Petrov (Sofia) 3 0 Bulgaria’s overdose of Russian profs Rumiana Ugarchinska Greek:Sophie Costopoulos (Athens) Sinhala:Neville Piyadigama (Colombo) Finnish:Riitta Saarinen (Helsinki) 3 1 G raduates for hire Sophie Boukhari Basque:Juxto Egaña (Donostia) Thai:Duangtip Surintatip (Bangkok) 3 3 The talent spotters Jany Lesseur Vietnamese:Ho Tien Nghi (Hanoi) Bengali:Kafil uddin Ahmad (Dhaka) Ukrainian: Volodymyr Vasiliuk (Kiev) 3 4 India’s loss,West’s gain Ethirajan A n b a s a r a n Ga l i c i a n : Xabier Senín Fernández 3 6 Morocco:full heads but empty pockets Bahia A m r a n i (Santiago de Compostela) Circulation and promotion 3 7 Tomorrow’s world elite Interview with Jacques A t t a l i Fax:(33) (0) 1 Subscriptions and customer service Michel Ravassard (Tel:(33) (0) Sales and subscription agents E T H I C S Mohamed Salal El Din (Tel:(33) (0) 1 45 68 49 19) Stock management and shipping 3 8 The We b, the spider and the fly S. A . Oumarou and R. L e f o r t Pham Van Dung (Tel:(33) (0) Individual articles and photographs not copyrighted may be reprinted providing the credit line reads “R e p r i n t e d from the UNE S C O Co u r i e r ” , plus date of issue, and three voucher copies are sent to the editor.Signed articles SIGNS OF THE T I M E S reprinted must bear author’s name. Non-copyright photos will be supplied on request. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned unless accompanied by an B i l b a o : the Guggenheim effect Lucía Iglesias international reply coupon covering postage. Si g n e d 4 1 articles express the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of UNE S C O or those of the editors of the UNE S C O Co u r i e r . Photo captions and headlines are written by the UNE S C O Courier staff.The C O N N E X I O N S boundaries on maps published in the magazine do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by UNE S C O or the United Nations. The UNE S C O Courier is produced in microform (microfilm and/or microfiche) by: (1) UNE S C O , 7 4 4 C y b e rs n o o p e rs at larg e S o p h i e B o u k h a r i Place de Fon t e n o y , 75700 Par i s ; (2) University Microfilm s (X e r o x ) , Ann Ar b o r , Michigan 48100 U.S. A . ; (3) N.C . R . Microcard Edition, Indian Head Inc., 111 West 40th Street, New Yor k , U.S. A . ; (4) Bell and Howell Co., Old Mansfiel d TALKING TO … Ro a d , Woo s t e r , Ohio 44691, U.S. A . IMPRIMÉ EN FRANCE (Printed in France) DÉPOT LÉGAL : C1 - SEPTEMBER 1998 4 7 Je remy Rifkin: f e a rs of a brave new world Interview by Amy Otchet COMMISSION PARITAIRE N° 71844 - Diffusé par les N.M.P.P. The UNE S C O Courier (USPS 016686) is published monthly in Par i s by UNE S C O . Printed in Fra n c e . Periodicals postage paid at Champlain NY and additional mailing offices. We regret that we failed to indicate the following photo credit for the cover of the July-August Photocomposition et photogravure: Le Courrier de l’UNESCO. issue of the UNESCO Courier: © Mauro Bernasconi, P r e g a s s o n a ,S w i t z e r l a n d Impression:Maulde & Renou ISSN 0041-5278 N°9-1998-OPI 98-574 A Co v e r : a student demonstration in Djakarta in May 1998 © Noel Quidu/Gamma, Par i s PEOPLE AND PLA C E S Hopes and dreams of Al g e r i a ’ s youth by Dalila Taleb* How can the new generation of Algerians afford the luxury of a carefree youth? It isn’t easy to be young in Algeria, a n Al g e r ia today, ev en the most basic as p i r a tions are no more than dreams. country where five years of violence have IWo r k i n g, t r ave l l i n g, planning for the f u t u r e , making a home–even the simple claimed nearly 100,000 lives and economic things of life are beyond the reach of upheavals are having drastic social young people whose world has been mangled by violence. And yet they consequences. In spite of everything, refuse to abandon their dreams and this impels many of them to leave the coun- today’s young Algerians refuse to abandon t ry, e ven if it means becoming illegal i m m i grants in Europe. their hopes and dreams Like eve ryone else, young people * Member of the National People’s Assembly suffer from the political violence and September 1998 -The UNESCO Courier 3 PEOPLE AND PLA C E S 4 The UNESCO Courier - September 1998 PEOPLE AND PLA C E S Because of a longstanding housing crisis, young Algerians escape from crowded apartments into the streets where they wait hopefully for a job to turn up. A knot of bystanders in rue Didouche Mourad,one of the main thoroughfares of Algiers. More and more Algerians live in the street, either to keep clear of violent areas or simply because they are too poor to afford lodging. September 1998 -The UNESCO Courier 5 PEOPLE AND PLA C E S Students leave the campus of Bab Ezzouar university, in the suburbs of Algiers. Their clothing indicates the different Dalila the militant paths they have chosen. h i r t y - t w o - y e a r-old Dalila figures among the youth in ( Front of Socialist Groups) TTaleb already has a long the poorer sections of the member of the National Pe o- career of political activism c a p i t a l . The RAJ’s members p l e ’s Assembly representing behind her. The October 1988 range from girls wearing the her home town of Bejaia. I n riots in A l g i e r s, in which more veil to pop music fans, f r o m the A s s e m b l y, where she is a than 500 young people died, Islamist supporters to moder- member of the youth, s p o r t s filled her with passion to n i z e r s.
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