KANSAS GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS COMl\1ISSION RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES REPOR1 FILED OF A POLITICAL OR PARTY COMMITTEI JAN 10 2013 January 10,2013 FILE WITH SECRETARY OF STATE SE~~~\:R~~~ASCT~TE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS L-~~~"':::";;"':'~f.l A. Name of Committee: KS Credit Union Legislative Action Committee Address: 2872 N. Ridge Road, Suite 122 City and Zip Code: Wichita, KS 67205 This is a (check one): __ Party Committee L Political Committee B. Check only ifappropriate: __ Amended Filing ______ Telmination Report C. Summary (covering the period from October 26, 2012 through December 31,2012) I. Cash on hand at beginning ofperiod . 28426.33 5148.50 2. Total Contributions and Other Receipts (Use Schedule A) . ------- 3. Cash available this period (Add Lines 1 and 2) . 33574.83 4. Total Expenditures and Other Disbursements (Use Schedule C) .. 7650.00 5. Cash on hand at close ofperiod (Subtract Line 4 from 3) . 25924.83 6. In-Kind Contributi.ons (Use Schedule B) . 7. Other Transactions (Use Schedule D) . D. "I declare that this report, including any accompanying schedules and statements, has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and beliefis true, correct and complete. [ understand that the intentional failure to file this document or intentionally filing a false document is a class A misdemeanor." J0/~ ~ Signatu~ -e ofTreasurer GEe Form Rev, 2001 KS Credit Union Legislative Action Committee Schedule A: Contributions and Other Receipts Occupationl ...",ustrv if over $'. __ ---- .... _...- ...- .."-...- ...__ ._-- "".~ v'"u ...... ...~ "''''''''''111'' ...,u ........ VD", Austin Gary 78130akmount Wichita KS 67226 25.00 Payroll Deductions Becker Amy 455 N Putter Ln Wichita KS 67212 12.50 Payroll Deductions Detrick Robert 701 N Logan Belle Plaine KS 67013 12.50 Payroll Deductions Doonan Roy 46 Eastwood Drive Hutchinson KS 67502 12.50 Payroll Deductions Frantz Eric 3348 S Mount Carmel Wichtia KS 67217 25.00 Payroll Deductions Hammil Jane 13505 E Edgwood St Wichita KS 67230 50.00 Payroll Deductions HigQins Kelly 3508 23rd Street Great Bend KS 67530 12.50 Payroll Deductions Kellev Lisa 10417 W Esthner Cir Wichita KS 67209 12.50 Payroll Deductions Loper Tanya 2817 Conamore Wichita KS 67216 12.50 Payroll Deductions Meissner Paul 538 E Campus St Wichita KS 67216 25.00 Payroll Deductions Phelps Eileen 14714 W Valley Hi Rd Wichita KS 67235 12.50 Payroll Deductions Selle Donna PO Box 1700 Great Bend KS 67530 12.50 Payroll Deductions Shoffner Frank 6 N. St. James Place Wichita KS 67206 50.00 Payroll Deductions Thurman Bob 160 N Murfield Wichita KS 67212 25.00 Payroll Deductions Walden Shauna 4849 E 44th St N Bel Aire KS 67220 12.50 Pavroll Deductions Whitman Janet 721 N Valleyview Wichita KS 67212 75.00 Payroll Deductions Petersen for Senate Campaign 2608 SE Drive Wichita KS 67216 250.00 Returned Campaign Contribution Hollenbeck Lyn 16102 W 29th St N Colwich KS 67030 10.00 Check 12/4/2012 Smalley Janeen 309 N Jaax Wichita KS 67235 10.00 Check 12/5/2012 Damm Larry 12219 W. 14th St N Wichita KS 67235 100.00 Check 12/12/2012 Paton Debra 5201 S Mt Carmel Wichita KS 67217 7.00 Check 12/14/2012 Tillison Amv 251 N Old Manor Wichita KS 67208 10.00 Check 12/20/12 Kirchmer Kristina 9210 Jamesburg Wichita KS 67205 10.00 Check 12/20/12 Evans Gina 11606 W. Dora Ct Wichita KS 67209 10.00 Check 12/20/12 Borntrager Lvnette 1913 Schoolhouse Haysville KS 67060 10.00 Check 12/20/12 Alloway Alice 1377 N Morris Road Conway Sprin~ KS 67031 10.00 Check 12/20/12 Wright Jerel 9776 Jupi Court Meriden KS 66512 10.00 Check 12/20/12 DaVee Haley 3115 SW 8th Ave Topeka KS 66606 20.00 Check 12/20/12 Dyer Susan 3302 Wild Rose Wichita KS 67205 7.00 Check 12/20/12 Jackson Steven 1106 W Dallas Wichita KS 67217 10.00 Check 12/20/12 Marsh Marla 2325 W Harborlight Street Wichita KS 67204 50.00 Check 12/20/12 Redding Leah 8718 Oak Ridge Circle Wichita KS 67205 10.00 Check 12/20/12 Baker Joyce 1630 Cresthill Derby KS 67037 10.00 Cash 12/23/2012 Arnold Jerret 2319 SW Briarwood PLZ 308 C Topeka KS 66611 12.00 Check 12/31/2012 Artzer Danielle 2437 SW 24th St. Topeka KS 66611 16.00 Check 12/31/2012 Baldwin Morgan 2015 SE 55th St Topeka KS 66609 24.00 Check 12/31/2012 Barnhart Lacy 5201 SW 34th St. Topeka KS 66614 18.00 Check 12/31/2012 Subtotal This Page 1001.50 "'l. Ot Page ~ of------l­ KS Credit Union Legislative Action Committee Schedule A: Contributions and Other Receipts Occupationl I ,.v•.•_ ....... ....,..... _I""VV YU~ .....ustrv if over $ . __ --_. , .. _...- "I~ ...., ..u ..-.w;: "'!.I:! r"'•••..,u.... ..,u..". I Beaton Jamie 539 NE Monhollon Dr. Topeka KS 66617 26.00 Check 12/31/2012 Billings Andrea 460 W Hall Burlingame KS 66413 38.00 Check 12/31/2012 Bogos Shawndell 3942 SW 40th Terr Topeka KS 66610 38.00 Check 12/31/2012 Boyles Niki 3519 SE Peck Rd. Topeka KS 66605 30.00 Check 12/31/2012 Branin Cassandra 311 West 13th Hutchinson KS 67501 10.00 Check 12/31/2012 Breese Jaycee 3400 NE 39th st. Topeka KS 66617 18.00 Check 12/31/2012 Buethe Danielle 2936 SW Lydia Ave #109 Topeka KS 66614 12.00 Check 12/31/2012 Bush Mike 1743 SW Valley View Ct. Topeka KS 66615 24.00 Check 12/31/2012 Buthorne Rachel 6026 SW 23rd Terr Topeka KS 66614 10.00 Check 12/31/2012 Cannon Melissa 2743 SE Bennett Dr. Topeka KS 66605 50.00 Check 12/31/2012 Carreno Emma 15406 94th Rd. Topeka KS 66618 18.00 Check 12/31/2012 Cortez Dorcianna 172 SW 27th St. Topeka KS 66611 20.00 Check 12/31/2012 Coverdale Courtney 3609 SW Eveningside Dr. Topeka KS 66614 22.00 Check 12/31/2012 Crago Kandice 2203 SW Brandywine Ln Topeka KS 66614 12.00 Check 12/31/2012 Crosland Jennie 1901 SW 32nd St. Topeka KS 66611 48.00 Check 12/31/2012 Davis Joan 1819 SW Campbell Topeka KS 66604 371.00 Check 12/31/2012 Quality Assurance OfficerlFinancial Services Industry Dekat Eric 8690 Grouse Circle Manhattan KS 66502 20.00 Check 12/3112012 Dreiling Erin 205 East 15th Ave Hutchinson KS 67501 24.00 Check 12/31/2012 Eakes Ali 830 SW Cambridge Topeka KS 66606 16.00 Check 12/31/2012 Elskamp Anna 7431 SE 37th Tecumseh KS 66542 26.00 Check 12/31/2012 Esquibel Ashley 4430 SE Gemstone Ln. Topeka KS 66609 48.00 Check 12/31/2012 Essman Jarae 2119 Wilson Rd Grantville KS 66429 42.00 Check 12/31/2012 Evenson Calley 4009 East Eales Rd. Hutchinson KS 67501 10.00 Check 12/31/2012 Fairchild Eva Marie 305 NE Aspen Ln Topeka KS 66617 10.00 Check 12/31/2012 Fincham Laurie 5307 SW 27th Terr Topeka KS 66614 109.00 Check 12/31/2012 Flanders Katrina 212 NW Redbud Circle #8 Topeka KS 66617 32.00 Check 12/31/2012 Fobes Angie 5839 NE Marple Dr. Topeka KS 66617 26.00 Check 12/31/2012 Fry Sarah 5842 SW 28th Terr Topeka KS 66614 40.00 Check 12/31/2012 Funk Jessica 2608 SW Bingham Ct. Topeka KS 66614 33.00 Check 12/31/2012 Gatton Samantha 835 SW Hedgewood Ave Topeka KS 66606 20.00 Check 12/31/2012 Gordon Dakota 4312 NW Gibson Topeka KS 66618 20.00 Check 12/31/2012 Guzman Annette 11 04 E 11th St. Hutchinson KS 67501 16.00 Check 12/31/2012 Hansen Sydney 1411 SW 13th G201 Topeka KS 66604 32.00 Check 12/31/2012 Harding Sue 335 NW 39TH ST Topeka KS 66617 115.00 Check 12/31/2012 Haskell Ashley 3558 SW Randolph Ave. Topeka KS 66611 26.00 Check 12/31/2012 Subtotal This Page 1412.00 '1 C1 Page ~ of----\.­ KS Credit Union Legislative Action Committee Schedule A: Contributions and Other Receipts Occupationl , ~ __ I __­ ~I.I __II. ---- ... _...- ..._•.,._".1- _.~ " ..w ...... _~ ...u ......, IV...,"'" ..._ustrv if over 9i •__ Henderson Jordan 2015 NE Monroe Topeka KS 66608 26.00 Check 12/31/2012 Hoffman Katie 2869 SW College Ct. Topeka KS 66611 18.00 Check 12/31/2012 Jones Ronnie 1306 SW 30th Topeka KS 66611 34.00 Check 12/31/2012 Juedes Addie 3710 NE Miller Ct. Topeka KS 66617 14.00 Check 12/31/2012 Kaberline Andrea 315 SW Hillside Dr. Topeka KS 66611 62.00 Check 12/31/2012 Kaberline Emily 934 SW Warren Ave Topeka KS 66606 10.00 Check 12/31/2012 Kendrick Molly 3 112 E. 28th Ave. Hutchinson KS 67502 20.00 Check 12/31/2012 Kloepper Victoria 2800 SW Westport Plaza Dr. Topeka KS 66614 56.00 Check 12/31/2012 Kongs Steven 7261 SW Fountaindale Rd. Topeka KS 66614 14.00 Check 12/31/2012 Larson Jamie 1123 SW Osborne Topeka KS 66604 26.00 Check 12/31/2012 Lehman Ashlee 3121 SW Macvicar #203B Topeka KS 66611 44.00 Check 12/31/2012 Lopez Erika 508 1/2 E Park Hutchinson KS 67501 16.00 Check 12/31/2012 Lyne Danielle 2020 N Brady Abilene KS 67410 20.00 Check 12/31/2012 McCann Stephanie 5861 SW 22nd Terr. #4 Topeka KS 66614 12.00 Check 12/31/2012 Membrino Sarena 3613 NE Applewood Dr. Topeka KS 66617 48.00 Check 12/31/2012 Moege Delaney 4312 NW Gibson Topeka KS 66618 18.00 Check 12/31/2012 Montero Ana 3501 SW Chelsea Dr #204 Topeka KS 66614 28.00 Check 12/31/2012 Moore Kayla 2624 SE Michigan Ave Topeka KS 66605 38.00 Check 12/31/2012 Moore Stefani 1004 SE Shawnee Heights Rd.
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