ATEBAOB DAILT OERCOLATION ' for tho Month of Febcunry, t$$$ 6,101 Mowboe of thn Audit 8l|oww wftt slowly Hsli|^ ti Beieea of Ohealelleao p m t a n tonlrht and U n u ^ y . MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVn., NO. 153 - I A d w t U l a g M F n $ « U ) MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, MARCH SO, l9S8 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CBI FRANCO MOVES FOUR MtNORIlY Huge Girders Twisted in Barcelona Air Raida TO M T LERIDA GROUPS PLAGUE WAR MAKING ABIUTY AT Tiro POINTS CZECffi’ STATE COUNTS MOST, IL DUCE avergiog Forces To Strike GennanSy Slovaks, Poles, Both Soathem Comers Magyars Demaod Anton- INFORMS THE WORLD Of Beleaguered CHy; Reb- omy; Berlin Hints At Re- els Renort htemal Fight voh Of Oemaiis In Army. "We Reject Utopjae” And! Cristea Cabinet Quits Hemtaye. Franco, (at the Bpanlsh Berlin. March 80__ (A P )— The For That Reason Left Tke'^ border), March 80.— (A P )— Q«n- cry for autonomy from four minor- As King Carol Calls eraUMlmo Franctseo Franco today ity groups echoed through Oecho- . League, He Declares; Rt> - aasumed peroonal command of hia alovakia with Increasing vigor to- . Inaurgent armtea cloeliig In, on day and the continuing assurances Lerlda, key to the government uph calls That Napoleon Sail . of protection for Germans beyond For Reorganization tal, Barcelona, 80 miles to the east. 4 With hla main body reported at the the borders from Nad MgulgB. outskirts of the city on the highway Germans, Slovaks, Hungarians and Italians Wonld Become! Poles put tkelr cards plainly on the ^uch&reat. M^cb- 30^(AP)**-The^Manlu’« now Innctive Peazant nartv from Fraga, the Insurgent chioftatn government headed by the Patrl threw other units forward In swsep- government table duri^ yestenlajr’s would receive poftfoUos, tumultuous Partlamsnt ssadon. At arch Mfron CrlStea resigned at noon It emphasised, however, World’s Best Soldieraf! Ing roovsraenta designed to encircle today for reorgaalcatlon. The Crla- Lerlda, all but deserted by Its the same time great Germany moved that Rumania U no longer ruled on toward the April jO plebisdte on tea Cabinet waa formed Feb. 11 fol- a party baaU and that parties whUe dvlltan population. Insurgent re- lowing dismissal of the ministry of “That’s What We Want" TCrts said huge smoke clouds annexation of Czechoslovakia’s for- exUtent were dormant. mer Independent neighbor, Austria. Oetavlan Goga by King CMrol. The King had members of the re- darkensd the environs of the be- Slxty-nlne-year-old (>lstea Patrl- siegod dty. German newspapers, reporting signing Cabinet to the palace for extensively on the aggravating ten- areh of the Rumanian Orthodox lunch where be expressed thanks Rome, March 80,— (A P )— j Part of General Juan Tagus's col- church, waa commissioned King umn of Moors, which had led the sion between the four minority for Its emergency serviee In bring- Premier Mussolini today groupe on one side and the Czech parol to form a now government ing order to Rumanian affairs af- advance from Fraga on the south' snd It vrss expected tha fommUtiea on the Italian pepple to west, branched oil to the eouthoast Btate government on the other, ter the shortlived antl-Seroitle gov- made Plain that only drastic reor- would be completed before evening- ernment of Goga. the menace of aerial Into u e valley of the .Segre river It waa statto at the palace that to join eUpportIng columns advanc- ganisation could ^pease Ute emo- . Crlatea’a first government gave by movlnsr from big citjefi tions of the various natioaaUtiss. Rumania's Csblnet of "old man’’ the country a new consUtuUon cen- ing up the rtver bed. had served Its purpose and t h ^ at small towns. Tillages and Seise Electric Plant ‘’Fundaimatsl Chaage,” tnllsliig authority In the Crown, Influentla] Nazis warned that the request pt many memhera of tha adopted a budget and enacted sev- tryside. ^ . These columns had struck a dam- IBAnu commiis ministry, the King waa gathering aging blow by seizing the village of Clzechoslovakta must make a fund- eral pieces ot emergency l^elation. Before a crowded, Iw amental change In her political COURT RESTRAINS new leaders about him. Maniu, the Peasant leadw. In hU Aytona and a hydroelectric plant structure If she would save her ta- In Informed quarters It was said Senate, II Duce told of Ii there which serves more than 60 career waa a leader in K l ^ Carol’s depmidence. ATCMNDCANM. George Tatareseu, tbe foreign min- restoration to the throne, and op- readiness for war in a apeoeh Catalan villages, aitb supplemen- uter, and other members of the Jfemler Milan Hodza of Clzecbo- posed G ^ ’a snU-SemiUc reglms broadcast to all Italy and many: tary lines Into Linlda. alovakla had Indicated greater po- Uberal party would ha excluded Franco's plan apparently was to STOCK VOTING BY and the Fascist-Uke Iron GuardUta. countries abroad. • i ' litical and cultural privilegea would from the new government. He quarreled with the King, how- strike Lerlda from Its two sputba.fh bo granted the minorities, but with- The same sources said it waa He told his people . thiafi^ oomers, bis main body drivihg''ara^ ever, because of the latter’s favor- in the countar's constitution. likely that several members of Jullu itism of Hme. Lupescu. should quit the cities before It the Fraga highway from the ^utb- (A federal system such as Swit- wost, and part of Vague’s oommand was too late to escape the «oii> zerland’s for treatment of mlnori- GUARANTY TRUST Front In Terrilict Conflict sequences of war in t ^ air. striking for the aoutheastern comer, tlto would involve changes in the where the Segre enters the city. Csecboslovakia consUtuUm.) He lauded Italy’s Before taking command before Official clrelcs, however, failed to Front In Terrific ConYicL ing power, asserting the naU Lerlda, Franco Inspected the Bar- offer a clue as to what Fuehrer Hit- Qe?ebod Financier Brings CALLiS MEXICAN CONGRESS could "completely mc^lUae in bastro sector, some 35 miles to the ler might have In mind to safe- northwest,'where bis northern wing short time a num^r of qn|i guard the rigbU of the ajM)0,000 Sbsnghsl, March SO.— (A PI __ was moving slowly southeastward Sudeten Germans following the dec- . Action Chiming Morgan L A T E N E W S greater than that engaged* along both banka of the C8nca river.- laration of the Slovak deputy Tlso Chinese and Japanese high com- FOR DISCUSSION ON OIL the battle ot Vittmio Vei,.. The Insurgent southern wing es- la the Czech parliament yestwlay: mands rushed heavy relnforesmenta tablished strong positions in the Interests Menaced His —^Italy’s World War Tleterj "It is not the army alone that de- FLASHES! of all available planea, tanka and 8sn Marcos mountains before Mor- fends the state." which 67 divisions fought. artUlery Into the lOO-mUe triangle elia, only 88 mites from the Mediter- But drastic comment can be heard President Cardenas Scans Most Net Fan Asleep m ranean. Rnie Of Sweringen Roads TOBACCO BUYERS in Nazi clrclea In Berlin that, those M ANY HURT IN STOBM bounded by Yenebow, Suchuw and Ha waiTisd hia Faadat fo lL ... Oecopy Bead Jnnetion Gen^-blooded aokUen In the Oelombna, Kaa„ March 80— (A P ) Llnl today In a despeiate effort to however, thia must not lull tbim Berne 40 miles southwest of Czech army can also Plans To Pay For Proper- sleep. turn their Next fork, March 80 — (A P ) — rreatern tMe tut decisively the seeeawing eoalee . Lertde, roogUy half way between rifles the other way." a t this town of 8JM0 shortly before of battle north o< the Grand Canal. r "PreciaMy becanaa amok that d ty and Morelia. Franco's REACH HA M 'Hardly SafMiBBlofy. Guarnnty Trust Company, third •evorety damaging a Offsetting Chinese vi< tortes In the tws As H. 8. Files Protest; done, it la naeeasary ta tell Central Aragon forces occupied the Diplomattacbe PoIlUaehe Korrea- largest bank In the Uolted States, school hnlMkig and hUnriag eoerea that atUi more remains to •treteglc highway Junctions of past ten dayre, Japanese fecapturad poodens, German foreign office today was ijestrSined by Federal •fmrsona. Talnlng and Lincbeng, keypolnta on and that we shaU do it, Madia and Fabeue. mouthpiece, cdofly daecribed as The west side school building waa Mexican Laiior Restless. the cost," he declared. Capture of MiuUa, 88 miles from Ckiurt Injunction from exercising the Tlentsln-Pukow railway system SerersI Milfion Dollars "h s T ^ satisfactory,” the promisee filled with children who were pre- down which Japsnete have been en- (foiling for emigratioa from tka the coast, brought tbs Insurgents of Premier Hodsa regarding mlnor- stock voting rights which would paring to leave for hmeh when the Mtles, n Duce said: doss to the border of the (Satalotilan lUea give it virtual control of the vast storm strock. deavoring for three iconthe to march to Suebow, junction point with the Mexico Qty, Marcb *8— (A P ) Wortb Of ffighest Priced “From thia moment I say tfiat MI province of Tarragons and almost Meanwhile Vienna prepared for Van Sweringen rail empire. of those who can organlae tliatr ei^ half way along the highway from Its blggeit day since Fuehrer HU The temporary Injunction, return- SIX KILLED BY' "CURE". oaat-west Lungbai line. President Cardenas, snmrocnlog an Caspe to Oandeaa. able Friday, was Issued by Federal However, fresh Kwangsl province Istences In amall toinia. In riUagw ler's triumphant entry March 14. <>rlando, Fla., March 89—(AP)-— “urgent" session of Obiigress to help Prodnet To Go On Sal& and the countryside would d o i5 5 Fabam Is a junction point for Thirty thousand Austrian Legion- District Judge Albert Cose on alle- Dr.
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