A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Isis, 1950{1959 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: beebe@math.utah.edu, beebe@acm.org, beebe@computer.org (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 11 March 2017 Version 0.06 Title word cross-reference -1662 [300]. 1 [1123]. 11.-18 [925]. 1238 [389]. 1267 [791]. 12th [804]. 1362 [349]. 1439 [294]. 15 [145]. 1500 [927]. 1524 [1045]. 1553 [595]. 1576 [471]. 1577 [297]. 1584 [864]. 1605 [820]. 1610 [614]. 1650 [513]. 1655 [1116]. 1666/7 [986]. 1679 [502]. 1683 [156]. 1700 [643]. 1714 [1105]. 1745 [506]. 1750 [1042]. 1793 [1054]. 1794 [731]. 1799 [1052]. 1818 [729]. 1823 [356]. 1829 [823]. 1833 [936]. 1850 [242, 780]. 1854 [1057]. 1859 [705]. 18th [492]. 1900 [693, 440, 966, 575, 1015]. 1905 [1119]. 1910 [782]. 1911 [596]. 1914 [993, 1084]. 1919 [824]. 1926 [781]. 1939 [782]. 1940 [886, 1110]. 1944 [121]. 1946 [24]. 1947 [597]. 1950 [622, 622, 480, 932]. 1950. [411]. 1951 [403, 403]. 1953 [594]. 1954 [648]. 1955 [999, 977]. 1956 [876, 832]. 1957 [1040]. 1959 [1058, 1123]. 19de [38]. 19th [340, 267]. 200th [430]. 1 2 31st [268]. 37th [151]. 4 [442]. 6 [617]. 8512 [656]. 9 [367]. A.D [513, 305, 791, 927]. A.D. [207, 389, 214]. A.H [349]. Abbildungen [694]. Abbot [1121]. Abbott [672]. Abdu'r [859]. Abdu'r-Rahman [859]. Abel [1003]. Aberdeen [1052]. Abetti [483, 483, 170]. abgehaltenen [119]. Abich [211]. Abraham [19, 365, 344, 503]. absolus [169]. Absorption [655]. Abu [899]. Abu'l [859]. Abu'l-Husayn [859]. Abundant [1046]. Abuse [409]. ac [646]. Academies [920]. Academy [494, 181]. Acare [788]. Accademia [23]. Acceptance [888]. accidents [850]. Account [320, 649, 944, 80]. Accused [448]. Acids [267]. Ackerknecht [810, 1073, 549]. Aconcio [758]. Acosta [1090]. Acta [931]. Action [685, 749]. Activities [803, 886]. Acute [206]. ad [646, 976]. Adam [1116]. Adams [4, 1085]. Adamson [695]. Address [385]. Adelard [420]. Adiabatic [943]. Administrationibus [858]. Administrative [488, 412, 550, 680, 937, 952, 1059, 454, 798, 98]. Admirable [975]. Adolf [211]. Adriano [1000]. Advances [267]. Adventures [257, 1121]. Aesthetic [709]. Aether [781, 371]. Aetii [207]. A¨etios [207]. aevi [291]. Affective [318]. Africa [917]. against [786]. Agassiz [580]. Age [432, 912, 1046, 1108, 305, 1108]. Ages [927, 434, 435, 593]. Agnes [131, 484]. Agnus [612]. Agricola [1046, 976, 977, 976, 154, 1046]. Agricole [784]. Agricultura [725]. Aim [721]. Aimant [559]. Air [829, 884]. Al [1018, 17, 161, 818, 197, 54, 285, 1064, 899, 469, 349, 899, 285]. al- [17]. al-Biruni [899, 349]. al-Bitr^uj^ı’s [197]. Al-Bitruji [469]. al-K¯ash¯ı [285]. al-K¯ash¯ı’s [54]. Al-Kashi [1018]. al-Man¯ateq [54, 285]. Al-Qanunu' [899]. al-Sh¯atir [1064]. al-Tahafut [818]. Alan [1119, 405, 475]. Alard [145]. Albert [534, 95, 473, 930, 173]. Albertus [816, 941]. Alberuni [1093]. Albumasar [524]. Alchemical [828]. Alchemie [923]. Alchemist [104, 547]. Alchemists [83]. Alchemy [34, 602, 994]. Alchimistes [994]. Alessandro [1045]. Alex [893]. Alexander [705, 361, 650, 448, 823, 207, 364, 653, 670, 51, 1052]. Alexandre [973, 1116, 821]. Alexandrian [364, 774]. Alexis [36]. Alfred [670, 1082, 583]. Algorismus [755]. alicuius [1032]. aliorumque [291]. Alison [993]. Alkalis [267]. Allan [477]. Allen [401, 376]. Almagest [468]. Almirante [486]. along [102]. Alphabet [512]. Alsos [73]. Alten [77]. Altimetria [804]. altindischer [931]. Alum [946, 32]. Alwin [308, 476, 578]. Amateurs [96, 81]. Amber [257]. America 3 [864, 605, 676, 539, 584, 650, 630, 125, 27, 31, 1100, 1025, 1055, 258, 641, 182]. Am´ericaines [608]. American [574, 589, 991, 896, 376, 779, 80, 1026, 379, 534, 782, 514, 363, 569, 244, 340, 419, 222, 603, 102, 1090, 141, 496, 408, 782]. Americans [1113]. ami [729]. Amiable [71]. Amida [207]. Amideni [207]. Ammoniak [578]. Ammoniaksynthesc [308]. Amos [425]. Anaesthesia [671]. Analogies [6]. Analysis [315]. Analytic [1103]. Anastasia [36]. Anatomical [858]. Anatomicis [858]. anatomische [792]. Anatomy [311, 1115]. anciens [796, 813]. Ancient [160, 89, 432, 661, 34, 972, 246, 247, 865, 248, 673, 1107, 1094, 811, 185, 946, 959, 586, 642, 172]. Anderson [437]. Andre [132]. Andreae [38]. Andreas [751, 853, 152, 64, 555]. Andrew [87, 244]. Anecdotes [879]. Aneurysmatibus [506]. Aneurysms [506]. Anf¨angen [219, 822]. Angel [1074, 1111]. Angels [735]. Aniline [1024]. Anima [423, 544]. animae [816]. animalibus [816]. Animalium [1112]. Animals [640, 640]. Anlass [119]. Anneliese [154, 63, 906, 351]. Anniversary [430]. ano [297]. Anonyma [381]. Anonyme [1032]. anonymous [1032]. Answers [57, 148, 347, 948, 201, 274, 13, 988, 111, 288, 393, 452, 561, 633, 715, 606]. Antecedents [1008, 795]. Anthony [187, 256]. Anthropologist [549]. Anthropology [7, 539, 312]. Antiquary [157]. Antique [990, 59]. Antiquities [364]. Antiquity [773, 362, 342, 996, 1043, 301, 302, 856]. Antoine [1116, 906, 731, 52, 227]. Antoinette [123]. Antoni [1079, 25]. Ape [1111, 434]. Apes [735, 434]. Apocrypha [78]. Appearance [314]. Applications [783]. Applied [1055, 743]. Appraisals [1063]. Appreciation [865]. Approach [756, 983]. April [385]. arabe [930]. Arabic [420, 8, 767, 846, 998]. Arabs [30]. Arabus [291]. Aram [504]. Aratus [8]. Arbeit [122, 853]. Arbeiter [935]. Arbeitsmedizin [935]. Arber [131, 484]. Archaeologists [362]. Archaeology [1122]. Archer [381]. Archibald [404, 768]. Archimedes [283, 339, 1089, 499, 929]. Architect [143]. Architecture [408]. Archives [630]. Area [327]. Arifmetiki [1018]. Aristeas [365, 365]. Aristotelem [544, 115]. Aristoteles [377]. Aristotelis [900, 544]. Aristotle [723]. Arithmetic [1018]. Armando [676]. Armstrong [757]. Arnaldez [990]. Arnold [690]. Arranged [373]. Arrhidaei [1096]. Arrived [1046]. Art [33, 366, 964, 43, 756, 373, 535, 435, 790, 401, 92, 790]. arte [862]. Artelt [540]. Arthur [173, 896, 907, 37, 158]. artigos [486]. Arts [709, 727]. ¨arztlichen [219, 410, 822]. As-Sufi [859]. Asclepiades [997]. Ascribed [389]. ash [883]. Ashbel [320]. Ashley [186]. Ashworth [565]. Asia [304]. Asiatic [215]. Aspect [1034]. Aspects [603, 1038, 1055, 536]. Assaying [351]. Astrolab [106]. astrolabe [106]. Astrolabes [901]. Astrological [998, 593, 743, 775, 914, 1011]. Astrologorum [609]. Astrology [615, 724, 666, 724]. Astronomer [325, 1054]. Astronomers [340]. Astronomiae [21]. Astronomical [662, 803, 998, 1075, 55, 743, 775, 914, 1011, 967]. astron´omicas [19]. Astronomie. [369]. astronomische [925]. Astronomy 4 [197, 603, 713, 511, 974, 483, 992, 171, 533]. at-T¯us¯ı [200]. Athens [363]. Atmosphere [406]. Atom [255]. Atomic [255, 741]. Atoms [255]. Attainments [179]. Attempt [684]. Attitude [709, 678]. attraverso [70]. Attributed [200]. Aubrey [431]. Aubry [729]. Audience [281]. Audubon [376]. Auerbach [702]. Aufenthaltes [118]. Aufkl¨arung [410]. Aufs¨atze [1022]. Aug´e [784]. Aug´e-Larib´e [784]. August [453]. Augustin [59]. Augustine [513]. Augusto [928]. Aurele [975]. Aurelianus [206]. Aurorae [199]. Ausbau [962]. Auseinandersetzungen [962]. Ausone [271]. Austryn [969]. Auteur [1032]. author [1032]. autobiographiques [357]. Autobiography [442, 26, 301, 397, 158]. Autocrat [573, 71]. Autolycus [205]. Autopsy [108]. autour [60, 594]. aux [505]. avant [60]. Averro`es [18, 818, 818]. Averrois [900, 115, 544]. Avian [36]. Avicenne [1076]. Avstryn [115]. Awakening [690]. Award [940]. Azarquiel [208]. Azevedo [125]. B [1081, 760, 732, 510, 1018, 748, 514, 152, 486, 172, 215, 424, 690, 594, 820, 1103, 788, 253, 662]. B.C [927]. B.C.E [250]. B´a [162]. Babson [116]. Babylonian [967, 1039]. Back [46, 99, 138, 190, 220, 263, 277, 321, 333, 383, 414, 455, 489, 519, 551, 599, 626, 651, 659, 681, 707, 738, 761, 770, 800, 826, 835, 877, 909, 938, 953, 979, 1005, 1027, 1060, 1087, 1125]. Background [926, 663, 782, 805]. Bacon [67, 418]. badatel [760]. Bagdadien [462]. Bailey [87, 703]. Bailly [428, 1054]. Bainton [595, 594]. Baker [503]. Bakos [1076]. Ball [151]. Ballistics [472]. Balz [473]. Band [219, 822]. Baneth [115]. B`anh [162]. Banks [573]. Baptista [1020]. Baranowski [999]. Barber [481]. Barbour [720]. Barcelona [105]. Barcroft [597]. Barnett [1082]. Barock [1114]. Barraud [813]. Bartolom´e [354]. Bartomeu [1044]. Basis [166, 889]. Bassal [725]. Bastholm [259]. Bates [786, 217]. Bath [420]. Battles [62]. Baumer [532]. Bayard [210]. Bayley [380]. Bd [410]. Beaglehole [871]. Beall [697]. Beaujeu [990]. Beaujouan [990]. because [1046]. Beccaria [928]. Beck [699]. Becker [1053, 368, 594]. Beddoes [671]. Beeckman [645]. Beer [573, 992]. Beers [864]. before [376, 1008, 1093]. Beginn [822]. Beginning [915, 789]. Beginnings [782, 33]. Begr¨undung [410]. Behavior [318]. Beierlein [861]. Being [186]. Beitr¨age [515, 923]. Belief [780, 780]. Beliefs [250]. Bell [779]. Ben [485, 545]. Benediktinerklosters [755]. Benefactor [239]. Beneficiaries [814]. Bengt [21]. Benjamin [649, 574, 430, 26, 397, 427, 67, 50, 807, 548]. Bennett [500]. Benson [478]. Benzi [294]. Beobachtungen [145]. Bequest [815]. Bergbau [976]. Bergb¨uchlein [387, 863]. Bergh [818]. Bergson [852]. Bergwerk [154]. Bergwerk- [154]. Beringer [855]. Berkeley [399, 382]. Bermannus [976]. Bern [1046, 905]. Bernal [619, 887]. Bernard [1116, 34, 548, 796, 1100, 904, 1051, 80, 378, 400, 975, 401, 256, 481, 244]. Bernardo [125]. Bernhard [816]. Bernheimer [435]. Bernier [7]. Bernoulli [916]. Berriman [543]. Berry [691]. Bett [752]. Better [1046]. Betts [618]. Betty [483]. between [214, 1115, 267, 388, 684]. Beyer [255]. 5 Beyond [704]. B´ezout [882].
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