animation Charge-coupled device Charts on SO(3) chemistry chirality chromatic aberration chrominance Cinema 4D cinematography CinePaint Circle circumference ClanLib Class of the Titans clean room design Clifford algebra Clip Mapping Clipping (computer graphics) Clipping_(computer_graphics) Cocoa (API) CODE V collinear collision detection color color buffer comic book Comm. ACM Command & Conquer: Tiberian series Commutative operation Compact disc Comparison of Direct3D and OpenGL compiler Compiz complement (set theory) complex analysis complex number complex polygon Component Object Model composite pattern compositing Compression artifacts computationReverse computational Catmull-Clark fluid dynamics computational geometry subdivision Computational_geometry computed surface axial tomography Cel-shaded Computed tomography computer animation Computer Aided Design computerCg andprogramming video games Computer animation computer cluster computer display computer file computer game computer games computer generated image computer graphics Computer hardware Computer History Museum Computer keyboard Computer mouse computer program Computer programming computer science computer software computer storage Computer-aided design Computer-aided design#Capabilities computer-aided manufacturing computer-generated imagery concave cone (solid)language Cone tracing Conjugacy_class#Conjugacy_as_group_action Clipmap COLLADA consortium constraints Comparison Constructive solid geometry of continuous Direct3D function contrast ratioand conversion OpenGL between quaternions andCone Euler angles contracingvex convex hull convex set coordinate coordinate rotation Coordinate system Coordinate_rotation#Three_dimensions coordinates CorelDRAW Cornell Box Cornell University cosine Cosmo 3D Counter-Strike: Source covering map Covering_space#Elementary_properties CPU Crazyracing Kartrider Creative Labs Cross platform cross product cross-platform crowd psychology Crysis Crystal Space Crytek cube cube (geometry) cube map cube mapping cuboid Constructivecurve curvilinear coordinates cut scene solid cyclic permutation geometry cylinder cylinder (geometry) Conversion D.I.C.E. D3DX Daily Planet (TV series)between Dark Cloud 2 Darwyn quaternions Peachey Data (computing) data compressionand dataEuler structure datatype angles David S. Elbert Day of Defeat: Source decal December 24 Decimal separator degrees of freedom (engineering) Delilah and Julius Dell, Inc. Delta Force (computer game) Demo (computer programming) demo effect Demo effects demoscene density depth buffer depth of field depth perception Deus Ex: Invisible War device driver diameter diffraction diffuse inter-reflection diffuse interreflection Diffuse reflection diffusion digital digital camera digital content creation Digital Equipment Corporation digital image Digital image processing digital images digital puppetry digital signal processing Dilution of precision (computer graphics) dimension Dimensionless number direct illumination Direct3D Direct3DCornell vs. OpenGL DirectDrawBox DirectDraw Crowd Surface directly simulation proportional DirectX DirectX Cube Graphics Disney's mapping California Adventure dispersionDiffuse (optics) displacement reflection mapping Display Generator Digital distance fog Dpuppetryistance_fog distributed ray tracing Doctor of Science Doctor Who dodecahedron Doo-Sabin Doom Doom 3 Doom engine dot product Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi Dragon Booster Dragon Quest VIII DTP Duck Dodgers Duke Nukem 3d Duke Nukem Forever dust DVD dxf DXT5 dynamic link library dynamic range dynamical simulation earth science edge (graph theory) edge modeling educational film Edwin Catmull Eidos InteractiveDilution elbow Elite of(computer precision game) ellipse Elmsford, (computer New York embedded device graphics) Emergent behavior emission Direct3D spectrum emulate EnemyDisplacement Territory: Quake Wars energy mappingEngineering Engineering Distancedrawing entertainment environment map environment mapping environmental audio extensions Eovia Epic Games Epic Megagames Eric Lengyel Eric Veach Euclidean geometry Euclidean space Euler angle Euler angles Euler characteristic Evans & Sutherland execute buffer Exile (BBC computer game) Exposure (photography) extrusion eye E³ F. Kenton Musgrave F.E.A.R. Facet Facial motion capture fad Fahrenheit graphics API Fairly OddParents Family Guy Far Cry Far Cry fogInstincts: PredatorDraw Farbrausch FarCrydistance Fear Effect February 2Euler field of view file formatboolean film Film editing Finaloperation Cut Pro Final Fantasy: The SpiritsFlat Within Finalshading gathering Final-Render Forward Finding Nemo Finger protocolkinematic Finite difference finite element Finite element analysis Finite element method finite state machine Finite_element_analysis FireGL first-person shooter fisheye lens Fixed-point Fixed-point arithmetic flat shading flight dynamics Flight simulator floating point Floating point unit FLOPS FLTK fluid flow FMV game fog form factor (radiative transfer) formZ Fortran 90 forward kinematic animation FOURCC fractal Fractal landscape Fraction (mathematics) fragment Fragment (computer graphics) Frame (film) frame buffer Frame rate framebuffer frames per second Frank Crow free software Freeform surface Freeform surface modelling freeglut Frontier (computer game) frustum full motion video full screen effect Full_motion_videoanimation function (mathematics)Fragment function (programming) (computer function composition functionalgraphics) programming Funky CopsGelato Futurama FXT1 G.I.(software) Joe: Sigma 6 Game Developers Geometric Conference game physics gamemodel programmer GameCube gamma correction gamma radiation gamut Gaussian distribution Gears of War GeForce GeForce 2 GeForce 256 GeForce 6 GeForce 6 Series GeForce 7 GeForce 7 Series GeForce 8 Series GeForce FX GeForce2 GeForce3 GeForce4 Gelato (software) Genus (mathematics) Geologic modeling geometric geometric primitive geometric space geometrical optics geometry geophysics Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone ComplexGeometry gigabytes glass cockpit pipelines GLEE GLEW Glide API GlobalGeometry illumination glossy GLSL GLU Processingglucose transporter GLUI GLUT GLXGLEE GNU General Public GLEW License GNU GPL GoForceGlide Gollum Google API Earth gouraud Global shading GPGPU GPU gradient Grand Theft Auto (game) Grand Theft Auto (series) Grand Theft Auto 3 granite granularity graph theory graphic art Graphics graphics card Graphics3D cards Computer graphics hardware Graphics pipeline graphics processing unit Graphics_cards Graphics_processing_unit gravity grayscale green Greg Ward Gregory Ward group (mathematics) group action group dynamics group theory GTK+ GUI Gundam Seed Gungrave half precision Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2: illuminationEpisode One Half-Life 2: Lost Coast GLSL Halo (optical phenomenon) GLU Halo 2GLUI hardware hardware Gouraud acceleration Harvest Moon:shading Save the Homeland He-ManGraphics and the Masters of thepipeline Universe (2002) heat heatHidden transfer heightfield heightmapline hemicube Henri Gouraud (computer scientist) Henrik Wann Jensen heuristic (computer science) Hewlett-Packard Hexagon(software) hidden face removal hidden line removal Hidden surface determination Hidden_surface_determination high dynamic range imaging High dynamic range rendering High Level Shader Language high-definition highlight History of 3D Graphics HLSL homogeneous coordinates Hoops3D horoscope Hot removalWheels Highway 35 World Hidden Race Houdini (software) surface Hounsfield_scale determinationHSV color space HTML hue human eye HighHuxley MMOFPS dynamic hypotenuse I-DEAS Ian range Bell IBM icosahedron imaging Id Software IEEE TransactionsHigh on dynamicComputers IHV illusion image image compression image order image plane image processing image resolution image-based lighting Image_compression immediate-mode rendering implementationGraphics Implicit function implicit model implicit surface impulse (physics) in-joke infinitesimal Initial D injection molding Injection moulding Innocence: Ghost in the Shell input device input/output integer integral Intel Intel GMA interaction point interactive manipulation interactivity International Business Machines International Organization for Standardization interpolate Interpolation intersection (set theory) Invader Zim inverse kinematic animation Inverse kinematics Inversion invisibility IRIS iris (anatomy) Iris Inventor Iris Performerrange irradiance rendering Irregular Z-buffer Irrlicht Highisocontour isometric Level projection Shaderisotropic Ivan Sutherland Language Jade Cocoon jaggies JamesHumanoid D. Foley James H. Clark Animation Japan Jar Jar Binks Jar-Jar ImageBinks Java 3D J avabased OpenGL Java programming language JavaScript Jet Set Radio Jet Set Radio Future Jim Blinn Jim Henson Jitendra Malik JOGL Johann Heinrich Lambert John Carmack joint JSR 184 Juiced July 28 July 29 Jurassic Park (film) Kameo: Elements of Power kd-tree Ken Perlin Kermit the Frog keyframing Khronos (consortium) Khronos Group Killer 7 Kilobytes kinematic decoupling kinematics Kirby: Right Back at Ya! Klonoa 2 kluge KML knuckle Kobbelt Kurt Akeley L-System L2 lightingcache Lambert's cosine lawImage lambertian Lambertian plane diffuse lighting Inverse model Lambertian reflectancekinematic Lance Williams Larry animation Gritz laser Lathe (tool) Latin lazyInverse evaluation LED Lego kinematics Exo-Force Lenna lens flare L eonidasIrregular J. Guibas Level of detail (programming) level
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