www .thenewsenterprise.com Hardwood heroes Spry All-Area Basketballlllams announced Spom, 81 Magazine IIiSIDE TODAY 1. llm APRil 10, 2»12 • SERYIHG HARDI N COUNTY SINCE 1914 REA CH SU BSCRIBER SE RV ICES AT (210 ) 50H71O Babysitter i in toddler's death was in a state of extremis and dy­ ed to be picked up early. Indictment reveals Chapman was on probation at time of beating ing, all of which caused the The child 's maternal grand­ death." mother made the trip to By SARAH BENNETT babysitter's resi­ days later whell the child suc· Actoniing 10 an arrest war­ Chapman's residence to retrieve oben ...n@:'h.n ......n •• rpri ...'_ dence Cedar cumbed to her injuries at Kosair Tant, the 2-year·old's injuries in­ Layla According to police, the Oak Drive in Children's Hospital in Louisville. cluded "loss of consciousness, grandmother sought medical at­ The Vine Grove babysitter Vine Grove. The indictment rerumed by extensive bruising, bleeding in tention for the child. !U;cused of "striking" and ~se­ Chapman, a thc March grand jury alleges thai the brain and a bile mark." ...cre ly shaking" a 2.year.old The grand jury also rerumed private sitter, ChapmiUl ~wa.nto nly" and with NOnllan Chaffins, public af­ a new charge of sewnd-degree child in her care has been indict· has been in cus­ ~extreme indifference" innicted fairs officer with Kentucky State persistent felony offender. I'd for murder by a H ardin tod y since her serious physical injuries to the Police Post 4 in Elizabethtown, According to court rcconis, County grand jury. J an. 26 arrest child "creating a grave risk of said a conversation Jan. 25 be­ Chapman was convicted in June Ashley N. Chapman, 28, is when she originally was charged death to said child, and further tween Layla's mother, jessica 2011 of second-degree criminal accused of inflicting fatal abuse with fin>t-dcgrt~ criminal abuse. failed to seek medical attention Skaggs, and Chapman led the possession of a forged instru- upon Layla M. J ohnson at the The murder charge came four for Layla Marie J ohnson, who mother 10 believe her child need- Tum \0 CHAPMAN, A5 Heartland Festival • returning thisyear Event moving back to late August; two-day format remains By MARTY FINLEY mfift"yCthenew1<nt'"'"J'ri~.com Shawn Abert III, . lIown with hi. ,u"eon, 0, Shawn Standard, at a follow up appointment the day before the Save-A-Umb bIke ride In Maryland. -­ The Heartland Festival won't be taking a year off after all. Elizabethtown officials announced plans Monday to resume the festival during the lasl week of Augusl after a one-year experiment witJl a J une E'town third-grader to be event. Mayor Tim Walker said the festival also will re­ sume its nonnal two·day fonnat, kicking off Friday night with events and activities running all day Saturday. honored for selflessness The festival is expected to fealllre new attrac­ tions as well as some of the staples of the past, such his volunteer work and optimistic at­ when they can be saved. as hot air balloons. Shawn Aberl ll recognized titude in the face of his own chal­ The hospital helped the Aberl "The community involvement continues to gain lenges. family after Shawn was diagnosed. momentum,~ Walker said in a statemenL ~We plan for voltmteerism in wake Shawn Aberl ll has been selected with popliteal pterygiWll syndrome to move forward with the event making minor of his own challenges to receive the Kennlcky Governor's after birth. The condition typically changes in activities and hoping to plan bigger and Ambassador Award for Volunteer results in death before birth and for better things for the 2013 event." Service for his work with the Save-A­ Shawn has resulted in a cleft lip and Walker said details reg-Mding activities were not By AMBER COULTER a defonned leg Ihat have taken more a<:aUI 'c~ ""wsen'orp""" , com Limb Bike Ride in Maryland. available. Offidals, including Sarah Vaughn, the The ride helps support the efforts than 60 surgeries to give him the city's new event coordinator, still were hashing OUI An Elizabethtown third-grader is of Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, to pre­ ability to run and jump. Twn \0 FESTIVAL AS being honored by state officials for vent limbs from being amputated l\,m 10 HONOR, A7 Former Vine Grove coach, mayor to be buried today School's lone trip to the pinnacle Bowling Green. education and served as an assis­ 127 losses. The highlight was the Chet Redmon led of Kentucky basketball, the He's remembered around tant principal. 1952 team that WOIl the region ti­ team's coach and a community Vine Grove as a leader and per­ ~ He was more than a teacher tle and advanced to the State 1952 Blue Devils leader has died. son of good humor who knew and coach. He was a mentor," 'Ioumament, the only time in the Chet Redmon, who later when to be direct and when to said Donovan Smith of Vine school's histol)'. to Sweet 16 taught, coached and served as a allow kids to be kids. Grove. ~ H e helped guide a lot of Charlie Deaton, who played principal in Hopkinsville and He and his new bride, Anne, young boys and made them on four consecutive 20-win teruus under Redmon, said the By BEN SHEROAN Bowling Green, died Friday at arrived in Vine Grove in 1948 aware of life and success.~ 0\11 coach's demeanor made him a bsh."""'@jh. n...... nlerpn.. ....m his home in Warren County. He right of Western State Redmon coached the Vine was 00. Teachen College. He coached Grove Blue Devils basketball role model. Only weeks after the 60th an­ His funeral is at 10 a.m. CDT basketball and baseball while team from 1948 to 1958 record­ ~As I look back on it, he was niversary of Vine Grove High today at Fint Baptist Church in teaching English and phYSical ing a record of 159 wins against lj'm 10 R,F.DMON, A7 INSIDE WEATHER • TODAY'S OBITUARIES SINCE YOU ASKED lillie Beth Cottrell, 7'l: ABBy ............... AS NEIGHBORS ..... AS Evelyn l:IclI Damall, 88 Resullll of Monday's The Nrrm-Enla­ CALENOAR ....... A4 OBITUARIES .•.•. A4 Janc Ellen Davis, 50 prluonline poll, as of 7 p.m.: CLASSIFlEOS ... SS OPINION •.• .•.• .•.A8 Dorothy Crump Bale Duffy, 91 COMICS .......813 PUZZLES ....... 81.2 Nora Agnes touch, 90 QUESTION: Have you ever attended LOTIERIES ...... B2 SPORTS .......... Bl Virginia RoseJenkins, 75 classes as a nontraditional student? MONEY .......•.... A9 TASTE .......•... A.10 Willie Manco, 67 MOVIES ......... B12 TELEVISION .•. B12 Yes: 38 percent No: 62 percent • COMPlF:l"E O6IT\lAAlES. it MOSTLY SUNNY TODAY'S QUESTION: Have you gone fishing this season? Follow us 56/34 TwItter'" @NEheadlines fni Ifle poll QI,lCStion ~ Ifle 0opi\iotl0 meru at • OOMPLEl"E REPORT. A2 ..-.tl"lenewHnte.prl&e.com A2 1lIE NEWS-ENTERPRISE TUE SDAY , APR IL lD, lD12 LOCAL NEW S AND NOTES FROM AROUN D KENTUGKIANA LOOKING BACK looking for leads on rash DAILY BRIEFING ON ntIS DATE IN 1912, the FORT CAMPB ELL RM S Titanic:: set sail from Southampton, England, on Fort Campbell unit its ill-fated maiden voyage, of trash can, fires stopping first in Cherbourg, returns for Easter France, and then Queens­ A small group of Fort town (Cohll), Ireland, the One blaze resulted in thousands of dollars of property damage Campbell soldiers who next day to pick up addi­ have been helping in the tiona] passengers before By MARTY FINLEY dumpster behind the business and from buildings and none have reo drawdown of troops from heading out to sea. mr"' .. ySth ..... w.en''"'f''H< .• om spread 10 the back of the bUilding, suited in injuries, Todd said. Iraq returned home in time burning through a doorway to the The fires are occurring late at Elizabethtown police and fire for Easter. IN HARDIN COUHTY interior wall. night or early in the morning and The 31 soldiers from the 30 YEARS AGO, Radcliff re­ officials are investigating a rash of ~The fi re was extinguished and are dangerous because of their IOlsl Human Resources ceived $15,500 to ~ST E P" trash can and dumpster fi res down­ confi ned to a small area of the inte­ propensity to grow larger and up traffic patrols. On an av­ town. Company, based at the rior, but the building suffered a 10$$ spread to buildings, Todd added. Army installation on the erage day, Radcliff would Rusty Todd, fire investigator for of electrical power and some phys­ Anyone with information re­ Tennessee-Kentucky state have two traffic crashes, the Elizabethtown f'ire Depart­ ical damage,n Todd said. garding the fires is urged to call which was deemed to be melli, said five fires have been set line, arrived home Sunday The amount of damage, he Elizabethtown Police Department after nine months in two too many. The federal­ si nce March 25 involving trash at 765-,1125, Hardin County added, is hard to b'auge, but he es· Kuwait. ly-fWlded Scledive Tnillic cans or dumpsters, incl uding one Crimestoppers at 1-800-597-8123, timaled it between S20,000 and The UafChronide report­ I:: nforcemcnt Prob'Tam Sunday morning lhat damaged or the Kentucky Arson Hotline at $30,000. ed that IOlst Sustainment known as STEI' offered as­ 1-800-27-ARSON. Halls Supply and Tool Repair on Another fi re WlU large enough Brigade commander Col. sistance to communities South Main Street.
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