![Arxiv:1710.09941V2 [Hep-Ph]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
EPJ manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) March 8, 2018 MS-TP-17-14 Realistic simplified gaugino-higgsino models in the MSSM Benjamin Fuks1;2;3a, Michael Klasen4b, Saskia Schmiemann4c and Marthijn Sunder4d 1 Sorbonne Universit´es,Universit´ePierre et Marie Curie (Paris 06), UMR 7589, LPTHE, F-75005 Paris, France 2 CNRS, UMR 7589, LPTHE, F-75005, Paris, France 3 Institut Universitaire de France, 103 boulevard Saint-Michel, F-75005 Paris, France 4 Institut f¨urTheoretische Physik, Westf¨alische Wilhelms-Universit¨atM¨unster, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 9, D-48149 M¨unster,Germany Abstract. We present simplified MSSM models for light neutralinos and charginos with realistic mass spectra and realistic gaugino-higgsino mixing, that can be used in experimental searches at the LHC. The formerly used naive approach of defining mass spectra and mixing matrix elements manually and independently of each other does not yield genuine MSSM benchmarks. We suggest the use of less simplified, but realistic MSSM models, whose mass spectra and mixing matrix elements are the result of a proper matrix diagonalisation. We propose a novel strategy targeting the design of such benchmark scenarios, accounting for user-defined constraints in terms of masses and particle mixing. We apply it to the higgsino case and implement a scan in the four relevant underlying parameters fµ, tan β; M1;M2g for a given set of light neutralino and chargino masses. We define a measure for the quality of the obtained benchmarks, that also includes criteria to assess the higgsino content of the resulting charginos and neutralinos. We finally discuss the distribution of the resulting models in the MSSM parameter space as well as their implications for supersymmetric dark matter phenomenology. the characterisation of new phenomena, allowing for the rein- 1 Introduction terpretation of the results in a straightforward manner thanks to a reduced set of degrees of freedom. In the context of MSSM- inspired simplified models, the experimental attention was ini- Supersymmetry (SUSY) is one of the most popular theories tially mainly focused on the analysis of signatures that could beyond the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. Extend- originate from the strong production of squarks and gluinos, ing the Poincar´ealgebra by relating the fermionic and bosonic the corresponding cross sections being expected to be larger degrees of freedom of the theory, supersymmetry provides a by virtue of the properties of the strong interaction. LHC null solution to many of the shortcomings and limitations of the results have implied that severe constraints are now imposed Standard Model. In particular, supersymmetric theories solve on the masses of these strongly interacting superpartners. In the infamous hierarchy problem plaguing the Standard Model, particular, the analysis of about 36 fb−1 of LHC collision data feature gauge coupling unification at high energy and generally at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV pushes the lower bounds include a natural explanation for the presence of dark matter on these masses far into the multi-TeV regime [7{23]. Pro- in the universe. Consequently, supersymmetry searches consti- cesses involving the production of a pair of electroweak super- tute a significant part of the LHC physics program. partners (neutralinos, charginos and sleptons) have also been Up to now, no evidence for supersymmetry has been found. considered for some time. The electroweak nature of these arXiv:1710.09941v2 [hep-ph] 7 Mar 2018 Limits on the masses of the supersymmetric partners of the processes yields, however, smaller production rates and sub- Standard Model particles are consequently pushed to higher sequently softer bounds on the corresponding masses [23{26]. and higher energy scales. Most of these results have, however, Neutralinos, charginos and sleptons of a few hundreds of GeV been derived either in the framework of the minimal super- are indeed still allowed by current data. symmetric realisation, known as the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) [1,2], or within MSSM-inspired sim- We focus in this work on simplified models describing elec- plified models for new physics [3{6]. troweak gauginos and higgsinos and their dynamics. Recent Simplified models are effective Lagrangian descriptions min- searches of both ATLAS and CMS are in general interpreted imally extending the Standard Model in terms of new particles within the framework of two sets of simplified models. In the and interactions. They have been designed as useful tools for first case, the Standard Model is extended by a set of mass- degenerate pure wino states, and the lightest superpartner is a [email protected] a pure bino state. The winos are then assumed to decay either b [email protected] into a system made of a bino and a weak gauge or Higgs boson, c [email protected] regardless of the fact that these decays are strictly speaking not d [email protected] allowed by supersymmetric gauge invariance, or into a bino and 2 B. Fuks et al.: Realistic simplified gaugino-higgsino models in the MSSM jets or leptons via intermediate off-shell sfermions. When the the sneutrinos. The gaugino-higgsino sector is thus described, gaugino-higgsino mixing is not negligible and the mass split- at tree-level, by four parameters that are the bino and wino ting between the lightest states is sufficiently large, the decays mass parameters M1 and M2, the supersymmetric higgs(ino) to weak gauge and Higgs bosons become allowed and provide off-diagonal mass parameter µ, and the ratio of the vacuum opportunities to obtain bounds on the MSSM parameter space. expectation values of the neutral components of the two Higgs The strength of the constraints then depends on the mixing and doublets tan β. We then define a strategy to efficiently scan the mass splitting [27]. On the other hand, heavier higgsino- this four-dimenensional parameter space for given sets of light like electroweakinos decay dominantly into lightest neutrali- neutralino and chargino masses, that also allows to maximise nos and weak gauge bosons, thanks to their mixing with the the gaugino or higgsino content, couplings to certain sparticles gauginos, but only if the channels are kinematically accessible. etc. This procedure therefore allows to find approximate so- In compressed mass scenarios, the corresponding experimen- lutions for simplified MSSM models that have a realistic and tal searches rely on the detection of the soft decay products properly defined gaugino-higgsino sector in contrast to many of the gauge bosons, e.g. low transverse-momentum opposite- of the overly simplified models studied so far. charge leptons of the same flavour (electrons or muons) [28,29]. The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. We first The second set of models under consideration is inspired by review in Sec.2 the MSSM chargino-neutralino sector, discuss gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking scenarios [30{36], in its analytic symmetries, and study the spectra and decompo- which the lightest superpartner is the gravitino. This simpli- sitions of the physical states after numerical diagonalisation fied model additionally contains two neutral and one charged of the neutralino and chargino mass matrices. In Sec.3, we higgsino state, which are quasi mass-degenerate. They hence describe our strategy to scan the four-dimensional MSSM pa- decay into a gravitino and a neutral gauge or Higgs boson, rameter space, define a quality measure for the goodness of our together with possibly accompanying undetected soft objects. fit to the desired simplified model, and indicate how our scan In all of the above approaches to MSSM-inspired simplified strategy can be generalised. In Sec.4, we present a case study models for the gaugino-higgsino sector, one naively ignores all for higgsino-like light neutralinos and charginos, analyse their interrelationships between the masses of the neutralinos and representation in the MSSM parameter space, and investigate the charginos and the features of the associated mixing matri- the implications for the Higgs-stop sector as well as the phe- ces through their respective dependence on the free parameters nomenology of supersymmetric dark matter. Our conclusions in the MSSM Lagrangian. Starting from the MSSM, the neu- are given in Sec.5. tralinos and charginos that are not of interest are decoupled by imposing the corresponding mixing matrix elements to be van- ishing and their masses to be very large. On the other hand, the 2 Theoretical definitions masses of the relevant neutralinos and charginos are fixed by hand to the desired values, independently of the correspondingp The simplified model that we investigate in this work takes the elements in the mixing matrices that are set to 0, 1, or ±1= 2 gaugino-higgsino sector from the MSSM in all its complexity, as (in the higgsino case). This approach is justified by the assump- it is defined by supersymmetry and gauge invariance. In other tion that the MSSM has sufficiently many free parameters to words, we compute all elements of the neutralino and chargino reproduce such a pattern closely enough, which is particularly mixing matrices and the physical mass spectrum through a true when one considers the extra freedoms originating from proper diagonalisation of the relevant mass matrices at tree the loop corrections. level. In our procedure, the mass spectrum of the neutrali- In certain configurations, e.g. when the lightest states are nos and charginos is thus not treated independently from their nearly degenerate pure higgsinos and the gauginos are decou- couplings, as it has been done previously in (overly) simpli- pled, this simple method works quite well. However, when one fied models. By decoupling other supersymmetric particles, the targets next-to-minimal simplified models where a mass split- model does, however, still not become overly complex, and this ting between the second-lightest state and its neighbours is partly justifies that we neglect higher-order effects.
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